Behind Ying Changge are the common people and the country. He has a heavy responsibility and is already continuing to fight against the **** of war.

In the fierce struggle, in such a confrontation, everything is very fierce and full of explosions.

Violently, beating to the fullest, Ying Changge's sword edge continuously slashed at the Bing Demon God.

The burly body continued to stalemate, and the fist of the soldier demon slammed violently around Ying Changge.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge's swift action to evade, he would have been smashed to death all at once.

Fortunately, he avoided in time, the figure always dodged quickly, and then left the fist of the God of War.

The opponent's fist is very explosive, especially the attacking down again and again, full of destructive power.

The more powerful it is, the more difficult it is to be hostile, the more concentrated Ying Changge is, and will not relax his vigilance at all.

Coming in a row, attacking with all their strength, the fists of the soldiers and demons became more and more violent, full of offensive.

Chapter 561 A sword thrust out, cooperate with each other!

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and everything around became even weaker, which was very embarrassing.

It was precisely because he saw the attack of the God of War that Ying Changge should not be underestimated, he would not let such an attack go unnoticed.

Continue to move forward and attack quickly, the sword in his hand is getting faster and faster, and it is very sharp.

Whoosh! A sword edge stabbed directly on the body of the God of War, but the opponent was unmoved, and continued to swipe.

The fists attacked hard, and smashed continuously around, the ground was damaged-, a mess.

Seeing the aggressive approach of the Demon God of War, such an attack was very ferocious and full of crises.

If Ying Changge is a little careless, it is very likely that he will die in his hands, which is the most unfortunate thing.

Therefore, he turned around and flew out with a force, and the foot kicked on the Demon God of War.

Ying Changge's size was nothing compared to the Demon God of War, and this kick was not very powerful.

The Soldier Demon God didn't move at all, and still stood here very arrogantly, trying to continue the attack.

However, facing the Demon God of War, Ying Changge was not as simple as just kicking him away.

He knew that the opponent's body was so burly that it was not easy to shake.

Stepping on the Demon God of War with one foot, Ying Changge walked as fast as he could, and continued to move up along his body.

Approaching quickly, turning around quickly, he soon came to Gao Chao, approaching the chest of the God of War.

It was impossible for the Demon God of War to let him approach like this, and his fists slammed down.

boom! The fist and Ying Changge passed by, and then the heavy fist of the soldier demon slammed on the ground.

The damaged ground was full of potholes, and for a while, dust was flying, and sand and stones were flying around.

Ying Changge almost died, but his figure was not in a hurry, so leisurely, he avoided the blow.

Standing firmly on the side, he counterattacked vigorously, swinging his sword with all his might.

It's just a sword, and Ying Changge will use it to fight against the entire body of the Bing Demon God, which is a little difficult.

But Ying Changge is not fighting alone, and there is Xiaoli's support behind him!

When Ying Changge pulled out his sword, Xiao Li next to him also approached from the other side and shot quickly!

The sword in his hand was very fast, with a quick blow, full of great power, deterring the demon **** of soldiers.

Xiao Li, who was chasing from the side, was also very fast, and her sword was also stabbed behind the broad body of the God of War.

Blades meet, front and rear pinch attack, Ying Changge and Xiao Li's cooperation is simply flawless.

After the Bing Demon God was hit by Ying Changge and Xiao Li, the whole person became even more hideous.

With a roar, he quickly counterattacked. His fist was very fierce, and he hit Ying Changge and Xiao Li again and again.

One punch forward, one punch backward, such a surprise attack showed the majestic side of the God of War.

Seeing this high-profile offensive, Ying Changge jumped in the air without rushing.

The fist fell, and the dust splashed onto Ying Changge's body, other than that, there was no injury.

And Xiao Li also swiftly avoided the fist of the God of War and continued to stab out with a sword, cooperating with each other.

Relentless, sharp-edged sword, Ying Changge and Xiao Li are paired with each other, showing their charm.

hum! The sword that flickered out was already swiftly out, and it was full of scars that cut the **** of soldiers and demons.

The battered demon **** who was covered in bruises let out an unstable roar, and his face became even more hideous and full of pain.


In the face of Ying Changge and the Bing Demon God's attack, for a while, the Bing Demon God would have to stand unsteadily.

He was helpless and reflexive, spinning and jumping, showing his crazy side violently.

Even so, this fight was useless, full of power, but it couldn't hit Ying Changge.

In such a choice and negotiation, the Bing Demon God did not seriously hurt Ying Changge and Xiao Li.

The more violent the attack, the stronger the momentum, Xiao Li and Ying Changge just need to avoid it.

The swords continued to flow, and the figures were constantly circling. Ying Changge was in front and Xiao Li was behind, and their attack continued.


The densely packed swords were swept out, leaving traces on the soldier and demon **** in one go.

One after another, the sword marks are densely covered, and the burly body of the Soldier Demon God has left many sword marks.

Such an injury was very serious, and with a bang, the Demon God of Soldier fell to the ground, and there was no more movement.

Ying Changge successfully defeated the Bing Demon God, and at the same time, he and Xiao Li both breathed a sigh of relief.

Staying on the ground, the two walked together, standing together, staring intently at the giant.

The body exudes light, and then a figure slowly floats down, who is that!

Naturally, Gong lost his hatred, because he was defeated, so his reason was awakened and appeared in front of him.

Ying Changge and Xiao Li both stared at him without blinking, Gong Shuoqiu looked down at his body.

Continuing to shoot is useless, and the hostility in Gong Zuoqiu's heart is no longer left.

He sighed, and then saluted Ying Changge, so solemnly, "I'm done!"

It is already a defeat, this is an unchangeable fact, and the public loses hatred and accepts it with joy.

Chapter 562 Clues, Avoid Danger!

"Give up the meaningless struggle!" Ying Changge looked at this guy and spoke seriously.

Gong Shuqiu nodded helplessly, his expression was so bleak, full of decadence.

"I have nowhere to go, I don't know what to do, why don't I accept you as the master!" Gong Zuoqiu said.

Hearing Gong Xuqiu say this, Ying Changge also readily accepted it, which is naturally good.

Happy to hear it.

Ying Changge was very satisfied, "Okay! From today onwards, we will be on the road side by side, and we will slay demons and demons together!"

Gong Shuqiu saluted Ying Changge, therefore, this disaster was completely subsided, and the war was turned into jade and silk.

"660" Xiaoli admired Ying Changge very much, but she still felt a little uneasy, so she waited and watched.

Therefore, Xiao Li hopes to follow Ying Changge's side and observe more carefully, which is enough.

He opened his mouth and said this to Ying Changge, and Ying Changge readily accepted, "This is naturally good."

"I totally agree with what you said! You and Pi Yao follow me, and you can be considered a companion."

This is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is a very rare opportunity.

So Ying Changge and his group immediately set off on the road, with Xiao Li and Pi Yao also beside them in a friendly way.

After conquering the God of War and solving this series of crises, Ying Changge is about to return to the country.

Along the way, there was a lot of trouble, and they didn't stop, so they immediately returned to Ying Zheng.

Asking to see Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng smiled reassuringly, "Okay! It's really good! You guys are considered great!"

Once the Soldier Demon God has been resolved, there will be no danger. In this way, Ying Zheng can also sit back and relax.

Looking at Ying Changge, Ying Zheng's eyes were so soft, "There is one more thing, you hurry to prepare."

That is the traitor Genie, Ying Zheng asked Ying Changge to bring Genie back, so that he could go out for harm.

Hearing Ying Zheng's exhortation, Ying Changge immediately took the order, "Yes!" So he set off immediately.

Xiao Li also followed Ying Changge's side, so they set off to track down the whereabouts of Genie.

After escaping, Genie disappeared very quickly and disappeared completely for a while.

Since it was Ying Zheng's order, Ying Changge naturally had to complete it satisfactorily.

So he was careful and focused on investigating any clues about Genie and avoiding danger.

Gai Nie is also a person. As long as there are signs of activity, it is easy to expose. This is a flaw.

After all, Ying Changge is as meticulous as a hair, and he has set up a lot of eyes and ears around him for tracking.

Any clues and information will enter Ying Changge's ears, making him control everything.

While on the road, Ying Changge went to track the whereabouts of Genie, and would not avoid any legacy.

Information from all directions entered Ying Changge's ears, and he continued to pay attention to Genie.

Hearing the signs of Genie's walking and knowing where he was passing, Ying Changge also chased after him.

Continue to come, chattering to track down Genie, Ying Changge has also gone through a lot of releases.

Today, they came to an inn, because this is where Gai Nie once lived.

After asking for two rooms, Ying Changge was not in a hurry to check in, but invited the shopkeeper to ask about Genie.

"You know Gai Nie? Do you remember when he moved in!" Ying Changge had to pay attention to the details.

But the shop assistant didn't know anything, he just said indifferently, "Gai Nie? Never heard of it!"

"Why don't you ask our shopkeeper, he may know!" The second shopkeeper left like this...

Therefore, Ying Changge continued to question the shopkeeper, who was not an honest person at first glance.

This thief-eyed guy stared at Ying Changge, then smiled and shook his head, "I don't know."

He doesn't know anything.

"There are many customers going back and forth in our store, and there are so many names that I can't remember them at all."

"Really!" Ying Changge stared at him intently, then nodded, "Okay, I see."

Leaving, going upstairs, Ying Changge saw Xiao Li, she waited patiently, "How is it!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge sighed, "It's really worthless!"

"In this place, it is not so easy to inquire about Genie's whereabouts!" He was used to it.

But Xiao Li didn't think so, she whispered, "But I don't want to see the look of the shopkeeper."

4.9 Ying Changge smiled slightly, "I think so too, that shopkeeper not only remembers Genie."

"And if I'm not mistaken, maybe he and Genie are even more familiar with him! His demeanor is not exquisite enough."

Xiaoli agreed very much with what Ying Changge said, "Yes, we must be careful."

"Since you asked the shopkeeper about Genie, then you're already shocked."

After negotiating with Xiao Li for a while, Ying Changge returned to his room, ready to rest.

Because of the long journey, the two of them were very tired, and it was hard work to eat and sleep in the open air.

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