He quickly confronted the enemy, descended in an endless stream, and hit Ying Changge's chest with a furious blow.

Ying Changge had long felt the sharpness of the sword's edge. This was a very violent blow, and the movement was not small.

The two were close at hand, and it seemed that this sword was not easy to guard against, so he dodged immediately.

At this moment, it was too late to raise the sword edge to resist, he could only take three steps back to avoid it.

The swords kept coming down, and with a swoosh, Gai Nie's sword slashed to the ground, and the dust flew up.

After avoiding the fierce sword of Gai Nie, Ying Changge stood firmly not far away.

He raised his arm and formed a shield with the blade of his sword, protecting it in front of his body.

He didn't change his face, so indifferent, "How is it! Genie, you have nowhere to go!"

"It's not too late to capture it now and put down the butcher's knife! What do you think!"

Facing Ying Changge, Gai Nie's eyes were so hideous, "I can't agree! You give up!"

"Not only that, I want to kill you! In this way, I can also become famous~"!" He laughed.

Genie is simply delusional.

Seeing that Gai Nie was so obsessed, Ying Changge gave up persuasion and put the rites before the soldiers.

Now in front of Ying Changge, Gai Nie chose his own path, and that was a dead end.

His eyes were so indifferent, Gai Nie fought to the death, and he was very calm in the last battle.

Anyway, they have already given up! So he won't have any fear and panic, and he will fight to the end!

Holding his sword tightly, he took a step by step and came to Ying Changge step by step.

With a look not to be outdone, Genie gritted his teeth, "I want to fight with you to become famous and conquer the world."

After hearing about Genie's ambition, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, "Really! Then you are really amazing!"

With the people in mind, with the world in mind, Ying Changge is a wise man, a talent who has gone through the sky and the earth, and has made great achievements in the world.

Such a person naturally takes everything seriously. On the contrary, Genie is not such a person.

For the sake of fame and fortune, for his own sake, he fought hard and tried his best to kill everything, selfishly.

It is precisely because such an opponent is so arrogant that it is impossible for Ying Changge to let Genie stay here.

He made a quick shot, strode forward, and Ying Changge chose to strike first.

The sharp sword stabbed fiercely on his body, making Gai Nie feel the whistling sound of breaking through the air.

Such a whistling sound represents the strength of Jianfeng, and it is really not something that ordinary people can guard against.

You can even hear the low voice of the sword, coming from far and near, almost breaking his body.

Gai Nie raised his sword quickly, he wanted to directly guard against this sword edge, fight with Ying Changge, and turn defeat into victory.

But when Gai Nie saw Ying Changge's sword coming, he was a little flustered unknowingly.

He felt that this sword was too strong, even unstoppable, and could easily hurt himself.

So, he hurriedly turned around and immediately walked to the side, lest he could avoid Ying Changge's sword.

Whoosh! The sword edge immediately fell to the side, brushed past Genie, and nailed it to the wall.

This sword is really powerful, making his face ashen, thankful that he didn't hit him head on.

With a ping-pong sound, along with the powerful suppression, the sword broke directly under the eaves.

The whole house was swaying, as if it was teetering, and it could collapse and be leveled at any moment.

Gai Nie was forced into the corner by Ying Changge's sword, and he did not dare to fight with him or fight back.

If we continue to fight, I am afraid that Genie will easily die under his sword!

It doesn't matter if he is injured, but if he just died like this, Genie would be very unwilling, and he immediately shook his head.

never mind! The person who knows the times is Junjie, and he immediately stood in front of Ying Changge, "`〃 I have served! I have served Yu!"

(Wang Zhaozhao) With his hands clasped together, Gai Nie's eyes are so sincere and full of admiration, "I surrender!"

"I don't want to fight again, I'm afraid that if I continue to fight, I will be left with no bones and blood in a river!"

On the other side, facing Gai Nie's guards, Xiao Li also fought hard, killing them all one by one.

In the end, only they fell to the ground staggeringly, and he himself was very safe.

Standing on the ground, he immediately discarded the sword in his hand and threw it in front of Ying Changge, as if it was a fake.

It seems that Genie is indeed about to surrender.

After seeing this scene, Ying Changge also nodded very satisfied, "Goodness is good.".

Chapter 580 A good chance to escape!

He finally surrendered, which made Ying Changge's task easier, and only needed to **** him.

Sending Gai Nie back to Ying Zheng, then Ying Changge's mission will be successfully completed.

He stepped on the sword that Gai Nie had thrown on the ground, and then Ying Changge turned around quickly, trying to capture Gai Nie.

At this moment, Xiao Li in the distance also walked up quickly, "Be careful! Ying Changge!"

After hearing Xiao Li's shout, Ying Changge didn't know why, but he still sensed the danger, and he was on guard.

Stopping his own footsteps, Ying Changge immediately stopped in place to avoid the fear of his life when he approached Genie.

At this time, Genie immediately raised his head, and his face was filled with a sinister and cunning smile.

He walked up quickly, the meteor came in stride, and Gai Nie grabbed Ying Changge's arms at once.

Immediately, he fought back at 677 minutes, grabbed Ying Changge, and pulled out the dagger from his waist.

To assassinate Ying Changge's chest forcefully, the dagger was dexterous and stabbed continuously on Ying Changge's body.

Ying Changge wouldn't stand stupidly on the ground, he immediately took precautions and used his sword to block Genie.

Gai Nie's dagger was very dexterous, and he was about to kill Ying Changge heavily, leaving him dead on the spot.

But Ying Changge's ability was more than that. He continued to hunt down, wanting to punish Genie severely.

In order to kill Ying Changge, the cunning and sinister Gai Nie came by any means and was very violent.

But to Ying Changge, all this is useless, he has experienced a hundred battles and has seen any scene.

He raised his sword edge, and then accurately blocked the dagger that came from Gai Nie.

The dexterous dagger is very destructive, and it can directly kill Ying Changge's stomach into a **** mess.

But to Ying Changge, this sword is really unremarkable, and it is impossible to stab him at all.

His ability was so superb, so he raised the blade of his sword and struck it on Genie's dagger.

The dagger in Gai Nie's hand fell to the ground, and then he became empty-handed and defenseless.

With a helpless look on his face, Genie's plan failed, so he could only turn his head and flee immediately.

Not to be outdone, Ying Changge continued to chase and kill him. He was teased by Genie, and he was naturally angry in his heart.

With a cold snort, from far to near, Ying Changge killed him from behind, and immediately sent out his sword.

Whoosh! The sword's edge swiftly struck Genie's back, leaving him covered in bruises and scars.

But even so, Genie's figure continued to sprint, just to avoid Ying Changge.

He entered the room at once, avoiding the figure of Ying Changge who was chasing after him with a sword.

On the contrary, Ying Changge continued to charge forward unhurriedly, and he followed closely into the house.

Xiao Li saw that the two figures were so anxious, she quickly chased after them and crossed the threshold.

The inside of the house is very wide (afej), and the rooms are even connected one after another, with various secret passages.

Gai Nie ran in front, he fled in a panic, left the ground, and fled in the room.

Ying Changge's figure was not slow either, he followed in Genie's footsteps, holding his sword and refusing to relax.

It was very quiet here, with the sound of needles falling. There were only a few of them in the room. Ying Changge was not afraid of any ambush.

So, catching up quickly, the sword in the Ying Chang singer also continued to fight without leaving any room.

Ping ping pong pong, swords are coming in an endless stream, directly in the room, hacking and smashing the wooden door of the table.

Coming quickly, Ying Changge's figure kept coming, and the distance with Genie was getting closer and closer, and he refused to give up.

Gai Nie didn't give up his plan to escape either. He felt that this was a good opportunity to escape.

So he raised the table next to him and smashed it **** Ying Changge's head. He was very embarrassed.

So in such a slaughter, Gai Nie did his best, and even attacked by unscrupulous means.

The table cases came bravely, just to completely stop Ying Changge's offensive.

Ying Changge's pace did not stop, he continued to attack, handing out his sword in an endless stream.

Such a mighty and domineering sword was very sharp, and it chopped off the table that Gai Nie had thrown at it in one fell swoop.

With a sword, it was divided into two parts, and then the table was immediately scattered around, and it was torn apart.

But Gai Nie didn't stop, he continued to escape, quickly avoiding Ying Changge's counterattack.

The figure of Ying Changge who came from behind is very fast, and his sword is also majestic and full of power.

In the continuous movement in the room, Gai Nie is naturally very familiar with this place and is very smooth.

Unobstructed dodging, Genie will soon escape from here, he is very happy.

It's a pity that Ying Changge from the back is still chattering, and he won't stop at all, but continues to use his sword.

He had to get rid of Ying Changge and couldn't let this guy continue chasing him, Gai Nie gritted his teeth.

With a stern look and a grim face, Genie thought of a good way, and he immediately stepped aside.

Chapter 581 Completely Lost Freedom!

Entering another room, Genie hid here, and then disappeared.

Ying Changge continued to come at a brisk pace, but he could not find the whereabouts of Genie, he suspected fraud.

So, calmly slowing down his steps, Ying Changge stood here calmly.

Hearing the surrounding movement, the needle fell with a sound, but there was no sound, and there was no movement for a while ~ Gai Nie.

Continuing to move forward, attacking slowly, the sword in the Ying Chang singer also made a test-probing, beating and beating.

Gai Nie really hid in the dark, just to kill Ying Changge, so that he could guarantee his future.

He didn't want to be hunted down, and he didn't want Ying Changge to kill himself incessantly.

So, he came to his room, where many hidden weapons were arranged.

These hidden weapons are enough to kill Ying Changge, this is what Genie is bound to get, and he waits patiently.

His eyes are very indifferent, with ulterior secrets and conspiracies. He is like waiting for a rabbit.

Just hiding to the side, everything in the room was safe, and Genie patiently waited for Genie.

When Ying Changge continued to walk up, Genie heard his footsteps, getting closer and closer.

With a happy look on his face, he touched the mechanism on the wall next to him with one hand.

Unbeknownst to him, Ying Changge continued to walk up. He didn't even know where Genie was.

But as long as he can catch Genie, Ying Changge will not give up this opportunity, he will fight.

Gai Nie is already a hare in prison, and he will be taken away by Ying Changge, so he can meet Ying Zheng face to face.

Because of Ying Zheng's orders, Ying Changge had to complete it perfectly.

Ying Changge was just showing off his meager power, and others were not to be afraid of.

Especially for Ying Changge, Gai Nie's skill was already a dead end.

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