Ying Changge shook his head contemptuously, then turned his head to kick, and his foot hit Gai Nie hard.

He was kicked all of a sudden, Genie swayed, and fell into the hall.

He is only one person, but outside the main hall, there are many guards! It's all human.

Therefore, in any case, Gai Nie couldn't escape Ying Changge's pursuit, and he was in a dead end.

Standing on the ground, he looked down at the back of his hand, and there were marks on it.

The marks of each fist are so clear that Gai Nie's face is very unsightly.

Anger turned into anger, with a look of anger, Genie couldn't wait to catch up, just to continue killing Ying Changge.

Otherwise, in the hall, how could he leave, how could he leave Xianyang and escape!

He concentrated his attention and fought back in a serious manner, just to kill everyone one by one.

It's a pity that he will not stay 677. It seems that Gai Nie will not shed tears without seeing the coffin, and will go his own way.

Coming with vigor and vigor, Gai Nie was like a wolf like a tiger, like a tiger approaching down the mountain, fighting fiercely.

His fist is very brave, but he can't kill Ying Changge, because Ying Changge is so superb.

Ying Changge is an invincible player in the world, and in front of him, there are few opponents, and no one can suppress him.

Even Gai Nie looked so embarrassed in front of Ying Changge, he was panting.

Sweaty and helpless, Genie straightened his spine and walked straight up.

When he saw that Genie wanted to fight back, Ying Changge was very tireless, he had had enough.

A mere Gai Nie continued to counterattack in front of him, showing his teeth and claws, occupying the magpie's nest.

So, Ying Changge came quickly, approaching one step at a time, his elbows galloped hard, hitting Ga Nie's chest.

Never thought that there would be such a blow, and Gai Nie was so unstoppable that he could not block it at all.

No parry, no dodge.

Chapter 584 In the mansion, prepare for it!

Gai Nie's chest was dull, and then he was knocked into the distance.

Taking a leap into the air, Genie coughed, and then staggered to the ground, unable to move.

Because he was already scarred, especially in the face of Ying Changge, Genie couldn't continue to fight.

He could only get up with difficulty, then raised his fist, and wanted to fight to the end.

At this moment, it is very critical, and it is about Gai Nie's life, but he can't continue to fight.

Death is painful, everything will be in vain, so Genie will not die willingly.

He stood up and continued to fight back, just to eradicate and kill Ying Changge.

What a stubborn guy! Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, not showing mercy at all.

He walked up quickly, intercepted Genie in front of him, and then punched his fist.

boom! The fist was blocked, unable to continue the fight, and Gai Nie once again fell in front of him in embarrassment.

Ying Changge relaxed and **** Genie to Wu Huada again and tied him directly.

Ying Zheng ordered the many guards to surround Genie, trying to kill him at once.

However, Ying Changge was still very patient, he refused directly, it would be better to leave Gai Nie alive.

Ying Zheng was still very satisfied with his son, so he immediately agreed.

"Okay! Put Genie in jail first and see what he has to say~"!"

Because it was an order from Ying Zheng, the guards around him also obeyed and took Gai Nie away.

Ying Changge nodded very satisfied, "Genie, I hope you can tell the truth in prison!"

However, after hearing Ying Changge's words, Genie's eyes were so indifferent, "I'm not afraid!"

"In the prison, I don't have anything to say, you just give up completely!"

Immediately, Genie was escorted by the many guards and left the hall and Ying Changge.

After seeing him being taken down, Ying Changge followed Ying Zheng to say goodbye, and then immediately turned to leave.

Gai Nie is a guy who is worth choosing carefully. He has powerful skills.

As long as there is an endless stream of fights, Gai Nie can kill all the guys, leaving no one behind.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge. After his suppression, Gai Nie couldn't exert his abilities.

After being escorted by the guards, he was taken down, and he was already imprisoned in the prison.

He is very interested in Genie, so Ying Changge must study his every move carefully.

His background is very powerful, especially in Genie's heart, there are hidden secrets that no one knows.

In order to defeat the opponent and understand his actions, Ying Changge must understand Gai Nie.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy and win a hundred battles. Ying Changge takes all enemies seriously.

Therefore, when Ying Zheng sent Genie Du to prison, Ying Changge was very satisfied.

He returned to his mansion and made preparations to understand each other's every move.

Anyway, Gai Nie was already imprisoned in the prison, and he was unable to escape smoothly.

The previous crimes were all very serious, and Ying Changge must give Genie's crimes a good trial.

Otherwise, it would be a very stupid thing to really let Genie go unpunished and run away.

After Ying Changge had enough to eat and drink, he left his mansion and prepared to go to the prison.

It was very difficult to capture Gai Nie back, especially after meeting Ying Zheng, Gai Nie still didn't die.

Just above the main hall, he actually wanted to resist, and even went to kill Ying Changge or Ying Zheng.

This is an outrageous thing, but Ying Changge understands that it is not so simple.

There is another problem, the mystery of which, he has to dig down bit by bit to find the truth.

Gai Nie is now a prisoner. He is imprisoned by Ying Zheng's people. He is in the prison and has nowhere to go.

He is like a hare in a prison, easy to die and easy to be controlled by life and death.

With self-knowledge, Genie An sits here safely, he is just trying to fight for a breath!

In the prison, sitting on this haystack, Gai Nie was stable, closed his eyes and rested, not in a hurry at all.

He is a battle-hardened guy, and when Genie's death is imminent (Wang Zhaozhao), he won't cry like a child.

Therefore, he sat in the prison, waiting impatiently, just to find an opportunity to leave.

What if you become a prisoner! Gai Nie is an excellent guy with great skills.

Even if he is trapped in this prison, as long as he continues to attack, he can break the shackles of the prison.

He waited patiently, waiting for a good opportunity, just to catch them all and kill them completely.

Ying Changge didn't know what Genie did, he was just looking for and interrogating Genie!

Because in the bottom of Genie's heart, there must be many secrets hidden, Ying Changge wants to unearth.

Chapter 585 In the prison, motionless!

Otherwise, even if Ying Changge had Gai Nie beheaded directly, he would still be dead, and it would be easy to make mistakes.

Life is long, and every move and action of Gai Nie has a very profound retribution.

He doesn't like killing innocent people indiscriminately, but he also won't take his own life and life casually.

Sitting in this cramped and damp prison, Genie was thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds.

This is inevitable, otherwise in this prison of Ying Zheng, he may be beheaded at any time.

When the head falls to the ground and the corpse is separated, Genie will be completely dead, and it will be difficult for him to be reborn.

He had to keep all of this in mind so that he would not be swayed by Ying Zheng.

After such an earth-shattering catastrophe, Genie would not feel a pity at all.

He knew that even if Ying Zheng didn't come after him, Ying Changge would definitely fight him.

In the prison, Genie still remained motionless, he just lay here, quietly.

Lying on this dry grass, closing his eyes and resting, he began to mutter silently in his heart, thinking calmly.

In this bondage, there is nowhere to escape. After Gai Nie became a prisoner, it was even more miserable.

Ended alone and alone, Genie is helpless, how can he leave, he can only rely on himself.

He is very cracked, and his current situation is already burning his eyebrows, and he is bound to win.

Otherwise, if there is no way to escape here, Gai Nie will be beheaded by the busy city sooner or later.

He saw the prison, saw this solid stake, imprisoning his own way.

No matter what happens to Ying Changge, Gai Nie will not give up anyway.

He and Ying Changge (afej) have been sparring for several rounds, and Genie deeply understands Ying Changge's ability.

He is like a frog on fire.

Gai Nie has been thrown into the prison, and Ying Changge is on his way to the prison, and he wants to be tortured.

From Genie's mouth, Ying Changge believed that he would know many different secrets, which were all very precious.

Going by myself, soon, entering the prison, Ying Changge came to the front of Genie, the other party was very quiet.

Sitting cross-legged in the prison, motionless, his appearance was very indifferent, without any panic.

Seeing Ying Changge coming, Gai Nie was also unmoved, lowered his head and looked thoughtful.

Ying Changge smiled slightly and asked slowly, "What! He has already become a prisoner, so don't tell me!"

"There are not many opportunities left for you. Say what you want to say!" Ying Changge asked.

However, after hearing Ying Changge's words, Genie's expression was so calm, "Impossible."

"You're a mere boy, standing in front of me, you are only strong from the outside, and you are not enough."

Gai Nie closed his eyes and rested, looking very comfortable, "Also, I'm in the prison, very safe."

Safety? Hearing what Gai Nie said, Ying Changge was very curious, why is this happening!

In a prison, it has something to do with safety, but no one will hope to squat in a prison.

After hearing what Genie said, Ying Changge fell into a deep thought, even very serious.

At this moment, Genie turned his head and glanced at Ying Changge, "You are a smart person, but you don't know!"

"Even, there are many things that you don't know, which makes you very passive!"

"There are many secrets hidden under the sun." Gai Nie looked confident.

Staring at Ying Changge, Genie said, "You will be blinded by your own eyes, which is very dangerous."

"A little bit of carelessness, and you'll fall into your own self-righteousness and die in it."

"Really!" Ying Changge felt that Genie was not provoking and threatening himself, but that he meant something else.

Just when he wanted to continue his inquiries, he found that there was a mopping up outside the prison.

Blades met, swords collided, and someone broke into the prison, causing a **** storm!

Ying Changge was shocked, and immediately walked out with his sword in hand, wanting to see what happened.

In order to guard Gai Nie, Ying Zheng specially ordered that he tightened the defenses of this place, loosening the outside and tightening the inside.

Don't look at the mediocre guards outside the prison, but there are many jailers in the prison.

When Ying Changge walked to the gate, he saw a group of people in black.

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