Since it is impossible to grasp Zhao Xingzhi's other handles, Ying Changge has to prepare for a head-to-head contest and hit his key points.

Therefore, Ying Changge planned to move forward with his own people so that he could interrogate Zhao Xingzhi.

As long as the county governor of Anyang County has any problems, he must be killed, and Ying Changge avoids returning the tiger to the mountain.

Continuing to walk here, Ying Changge walked in the streets, so that he could go back and turn with those soldiers first.

Many soldiers have become bandits because they are forced to make a living. This is a serious problem.

Ying Changge doesn't care about anything, this is the garrison of Anyang County! He must take responsibility.

In particular, the Anyang County Sheriff's disregard for these soldiers is not a cowardly heart and a dereliction of duty!

He had to meet up with those soldiers first, and then go to question Zhao Xingzhi together and act as a witness.

At dusk, it is already rare, and the surrounding people have all gone home one by one.

Bang bang bang! There was a knock on the door where the soldiers lived, and they immediately got up to meet them.

Before, they were not enough to eat and clothe, but after meeting Ying Changge, they had to rely on to survive.

These soldiers are still very grateful to Ying Changge, and they are even more grateful to this great benefactor Dade.

Chapter 611 The Incompetent Assassin!

Originally thought it was Ying Changge, but when the soldiers opened the door, they found a group of people standing.

These people are menacing and their eyes are cold, especially with all kinds of weapons in their hands.

Such a posture, who is it! The soldiers stood up immediately, all very vigilant.

At the same time, they rushed up quickly, and these uninvited guys immediately blocked the door.

After closing the door, in the courtyard, there was a sound of fighting and killing, swords, lights, swords and shadows-.

Under such a slaughter, everything is bloody, and it is very dangerous and dangerous.

Ying Changge came late, he wanted to visit these soldiers, and even brought some cakes, which was enough to shock.

It was a pity that blood was scattered in the courtyard, and even the smell of blood came to Ying Changge.

His eyes were so alert that Ying Changge knew that something had changed in this courtyard.

The crisis of life and death was a desperate battle, so he immediately grabbed the sword in his hand and broke the door.

Breaking in quickly from the door, he saw the corpses on the ground, piled up like mountains, with blood flowing into rivers.

Filled with the smell of blood, these many soldiers turned out to be dead men.

From Ying Changge's point of view, this is a very cruel thing, and he suddenly became furious and angry!

who is it! Who was so cruel to kill them all! Horrible!

So, he got up angrily, and with his sword in hand, he carefully searched here and there.

That's right, no one is left, all are dead! It's just too much! So ruthless!

Ying Changge was trembling all over, and at this moment, he saw a figure emerge from the corner of the wall.

"I didn't expect that there was another fish that slipped through the net." The guy standing in front of Ying Changge was dressed in a strong suit and looked majestic.

The sword in his hand was still dripping with blood, and his eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, as if a wolf saw its prey.

Very angry, he raised the sword in his hand, walked up a few steps, Ying Changge asked, "Is it you?"

"Did you do it! Kill so many people, if you don't leave one, the whole army will be wiped out!"

After hearing Ying Changge's questioning voice, the guy nodded, "That's right!"

"But there's one thing you're wrong about, it's not me alone, but many of us!"

"With so many people standing in front of you, wouldn't it be easy to kill this guy!"

Showing a smug smile, the guy continued to chase Ying Changge with his sword in hand.

"Are you one of these soldiers too! My mission is to kill you so that you can be silenced."

Listening to this guy's words, Ying Changge's expression also became serious, "Are you an assassin?"

"Who ordered you to come!" Pointing to the corpse on the ground, he was so resentful, "It's really inhumane!"

"I'm not an assassin! But I'm also under orders. I can be regarded as an assassin!"

He smiled slightly and stared at Ying Changge, still not knowing the seriousness of the matter, "I killed countless people!"

"Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others, this is what I need to do every day, and so are you!"

"Kill you, I can leave at ease, and then go back to collect the reward, so don't delay!"

The unknown assassin raised his sword and pointed at Ying Changge's head, "Don't resist."


"You just die! My sword is fast, and it won't make you feel any pain at all!"

"Really!" Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, "I don't think so, it's really funny."

"Once the sword in my hand pierces mightily, it can kill you! Don't you think so!"

This assassin stood in front of Ying Changge, majestic, even more confident, and he was bound to win.

"Who ordered you! Say it quickly, so that you can be saved from death!"


Ying Changge is not in a hurry, he must find out the truth of the matter before he can kill the assassin.

Letting the blood on the sword's edge flow onto the ground, his face was calm and unhurried.

"I'm not afraid of anything! You're just going to die in my hands like these corpses on the ground."

He walked up quickly, and the sword in his hand stabbed up quickly, "Go and die for me!"

The sword edge struck quickly, and smashed into Ying Changge's head with a bang.

Such an attack is brave, so strong that most people can't resist it, and it is worthy of being an assassin.

The assassin claimed to be not an assassin, but his every move was like an assassin, so ruthless.

The fast sword stabbed up, just to kill the opponent, so that it could cause serious injuries, and the assassin was in a hurry.

However, Ying Changge was not afraid of his sword, his face was so calm, and he quickly counterattacked.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, the figures of the two people are intertwined, and the battle is already very fierce, without any delay.

Approaching and stabbing a sword, the sword's edge was very fast, almost stabbing Ying Changge's chest, causing his chest to break.

Chapter 612 The Assassin's Skills!

Ying Changge dodged quickly, the sword in his hand was very fast, buzzing, and then struck quickly.

With a bang, the swords were entangled together, vigorously, and hit the ground in an endless stream.

Stepping on the assassin's sword, he walked up quickly, in order to kill the opponent.

The sword was merciless and struck out quickly, piercing the assassin's arm, leaving a wound.

With fresh blood flowing, he snorted coldly, and he got up angrily, and continued to counterattack incessantly, attacking the opponent.

boom! Swinging his sword again, the assassin was obviously provoked by Ying Changge, with a look of anger on his face.

In order to kill the "710" side, the sword in the assassin's hand did not stop, and continued to beat him.

Ying Changge and his continued battle, not to be outdone, not to be merciless, but to fight quickly.

The sword's edge overflowed with an unusual posture, and it came crackling, producing a powerful explosion.

Vigorously confronting the enemy, he came unscrupulously, and the sword edge was full of elegant sword marks.

Wherever Jian Feng went, the face of the assassin was meticulous, even focused, not daring to be careless.

When Ying Changge made his move, he felt unusual, especially the direction of the sword's edge.

There is an endless stream of attacks, and this kind of fighting is very fierce and full of outbreaks.

As soon as an expert takes a shot, he will know if there is any. Such a sword edge is very fierce and easily hurts.

Especially when Ying Changge stabbed himself with the sword edge, it was even more difficult to guard against.

The sword's edge is so fast, as fast as lightning, like a gust of wind, hitting him again and again.

This kill who came back to clean up the mess, but didn't expect to meet such a superb guy.

Ying Changge is excellent in swordsmanship.

Continuing to walk quickly, the figures of Ying Changge and the assassin were entangled together, and they started to kill.

Not only because of Ying Changge's sword, but also because the assassin was flustered and danced.

He just came to take care of the corpse, but anyone who is still alive will be assassinated by him.

In this open and remote Difan, he just didn't expect to be stopped by such a sword as Ying Changge.

Ying Changge just swung a sword, but in his opinion, the assassin encountered many heavy blows.

Such a dazzling sword edge blocked the assassin's path, making it difficult for him to approach.

As a result, the vigorous attack continued, and the assassin was in full swing, and even tried his best.

Otherwise, Ying Changge could not be killed, and the assassin would not be able to escape completely, which was very dangerous.

With his chattering attacks, he released his own sword moves in an endless stream, and the sword edge ran rampant.

You come and go, the sword is fierce, and the discussions are also fierce, and it is difficult to part for a while.

The more powerful the attack, the more intense the burst, and it is easy to shake him in all directions.

A sword rushed forward, the assassin's offensive was very brave, and he was already standing in front of Ying Changge, one step away.

In a short distance, the two also fought a big fight, they fought quickly, and quickly used their swords to confront the enemy.

Bang bang bang, the crisp sword edge was anxious, causing the two of them to be called back and forth.

The places where the sword edge stabs are the key points, Ying Changge is more vigorous and agile than the assassin's skills.

Especially a mere Assassin is still so over-the-top, he even shouted Ying Changge and competed 0......

The sword in his hand was getting faster and faster, and it was already hitting him fiercely, full of sword marks.

The assassin was originally in a strong suit, but the slashes by Ying Changge were full of tattered marks.

With an angry scolding, he quickly caught up, and the sword in his hand also counterattacked and fought.

If it weren't for breaking Ying Changge's defenses, the assassins wouldn't be able to approach him so smoothly.

Otherwise, with such a kid, how could it be possible to kill so many soldiers who are rogues!

Assassins are from far to near, his sword is there to kill Ying Changge, he killed many people.

Especially the figure of the assassin kept coming, he came quickly, forcing Ying Changge into the corner.

There were this corpse everywhere, and if Ying Changge was a little careless, he could easily stumble directly to the ground.

He walked as fast as he could, and his figure followed up quickly, already blocking the sword's edge from the assassin.

Such a sword edge looks so sharp, but it is nothing more than that, and it has no power.

Ying Changge was always so cautious, guarding his sword again and again, he was unscathed.

Continue to stand firmly here, and then the sword in his hand stabbed out with force, causing a fight.

Snapped! The sword edge is very brave, and it is really embarrassing to directly knock out the shadow of the assassin.

Not knowing what happened, the assassin didn't even think he would be repelled, so cramped.

He really should really think about it now, and see how he can fight against Ying Changge.

The assassin with the weapon didn't know who Ying Changge was, but he was willing to continue to be his enemy.

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