If it wasn't for Meng Tian's appearance, then he would have already killed the other party and caught him.

If he can't kill this Great General Meng Tian, ​​how can he arrest Ying Changge?

Chapter 629 Anxious breath!

All of this is difficult, but Wang Qi will not back down, he will continue to charge and kill.

The fierce Wang Qi was murderous, and bloodthirsty colors and rays of light appeared in his eyes.

The sword in his hand is very unusual, it is getting faster and faster, and it is getting more and more fierce, in order to kill Meng Tian.

As long as Meng Tian died in Wang Qi's hands, he would continue to capture Ying Changge with great fanfare.

This was the order of the county governor of Anyang County, otherwise, he couldn't kill Ying Changge, and only Wang Qi died.

Anyone who disobeys Zhao Xingzhi's orders will die, no matter how loyal they are to Zhao Xingzhi.

Because of fear, because of panic, Wang Qi was forced to obey Zhao Xingzhi's orders.

This is why he is wise to protect himself, so in front of Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qicai will always continue to resist.

He raised his sword, came chatteringly, and slashed at them aggressively.

Such a sword is very brave. At the very least, Wang Qi would not back down in front of Meng Tian, ​​he showed his aura.

In his own barracks, Wang Qi will not let himself be in trouble, he is the main general here!

Wang Qi took out his aura, he kept coming, and the sword edge hit down hard!

The sword edge will pierce Meng Tian's body, but the most important thing is that it must be pierced.

Although the battle between Wang Qi and Meng Tian was so fierce, Wang Qi hadn't killed Meng Tian, ​​and he had no choice.

Looking down at the sword in his hand, Wang Qi walked up slowly, panting.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, staring at Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi asked, "What else do you want to do~"!"

"You're just a **** by Ying Changge's side, you don't have enough skills to fight with me!"

Occupying the barracks in Anyang County, he is very imposing here, and Wang Qi has shown his authority.

He just needs to wave his arm, and many soldiers will come to him and surround Meng Tian.

But Wang Qi didn't do that. He wanted to deal with Meng Tian, ​​the general, by himself.

Otherwise, he can't be hostile to Meng Tian, ​​how can Wang Qi still have the capital to continue to lead the battle!

This is about Wang Qi's own glory, even his face, he can't let Meng Tian win!

Continue to shoot, continue to deal with Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi's every sword stabbed at Meng Tian's vital points.

But the sword in Meng Tian's hand was so alert, it always blocked Wang Qi's every blow with precision and accuracy.

This is Wang Qi's all-out gesture, and the sword in his hand is still coming in an endless stream, chattering endlessly.

He came in a hurry, and the sword family in his hand came in a hurry, slashing at Meng Tian's neck.

No one helped Wang Qi because he felt that he could suppress Meng Tian easily and easily.

The sword in his hand continued to rush forward. In order to kill Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi had been deadlocked for many rounds.

You come and go, fight, the power of this battle is full of unusual outbreaks, dragons and tigers roar.

With a quick blow, a quick attack, the sword in his hand was already stabbing Meng Tian's throat.

As a general who fought on the battlefield, Meng Tian was more than enough to deal with such a guy, and there was no danger.

The sword in his hand slammed up and collided with Wang Qi's sword edge, making a crackling sound.

It is precisely because of the sharpness of the sword that Meng Tian and Wang Qi's offensive is very dangerous.

Murderous, at the moment of life and death, Meng Tian and Wang Qi's desperate fight was also full of anxiety.

Wang Qi wanted to kill Meng Tian because he knew that after killing Meng Tian, ​​he would be rewarded heavily.

This is Zhao Xingzhi's reward, and also because Ying Changge and Meng Tian are both on the most wanted list.

He didn't know the reason for all this, but he was willing to offer both Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Fighting is meaningless, and only getting yourself promoted and rich is the most important thing.

Whether it was framed up or against the enemy, Ying Changge would always be on Zhao Xingzhi's most wanted list.

It is also very ridiculous to say that Ying Changge will be chased and killed by soldiers sent by the Anyang County Governor.

This is also something that Ying Changge cannot tolerate, so he will take the first step to subdue the army of Anyang County.

It is a pity that Wang Qi, as the main general of the Anyang County Barracks, is to obey Zhao Xingzhi's orders.

This is very important. This move determines Wang Qi's career. He has to work hard for Zhao's actions.

A very simple choice, the purest way, Wang Qi has to go all the way to the dark with his eyes closed.

No matter Ying Changge or Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi must accept it without error!

As the chief general of Anyang County, Wang Qi has such a posture, but it is difficult for him to be hostile to Meng Tian.

Meng Tian picked up the knife and dropped it, and the weapon immediately chopped off his head in a steady way.

After making them fall apart, Meng Tian also showed an indifferent smile, "`〃It's just that."

After killing the main general of Anyang County, Meng Tian stood here very seriously.

"Who else! You are here to obey the Lord's orders, Zhao Xingzhi's words are nothing but bullshit!".

Chapter 630 It takes a certain time!

Without blinking, with a serious look, Meng Tian asked, "Anyone who resists will surely die!"

After hearing Meng Tian's words, the other soldiers also had serious expressions on their faces, and they surrendered.

After beheading Wang Qi, Meng Tian more or less contained the riots of many soldiers, successfully delaying the time.

He was very satisfied and nodded, Meng Tian immediately changed the commander and asked them to guard the place.

Otherwise, if you continue to obey Zhao Xingzhi's words and go against Ying Changge, you will only be caught in one sweep! Not one left!

Meng Tian left and returned to Ying Changge's side to report what happened around him, which was very important.

Each of them is so mediocre, as long as it is Zhao Xingzhi's orders, they will definitely obey.

This is a very stupid thing, but Ying Changge and Meng Tian are helpless, soldiers are soldiers.

Everyone just obeys the orders of their superiors. There is nothing wrong with 740, it is very correct.

It is a pity that even if they are so entangled, for several people, they are indifferent.

The most important thing is the safety of Ying Changge. Meng Tian doesn't care about other Zhao Xing and his like.

Now he has to mobilize the people in his hands, so that he can come to protect Ying Changge in one go.

The matter of Ying Changge had already been exposed, and Zhao Xingzhi could not wait to shred his body into ten thousand pieces without leaving a single one behind.

When Zhao Xingzhi went to mobilize his army, he found that his main general had been beheaded.

He was furious. Originally, he just wanted the general to arrest Ying Changge, but now it seems that Zhao Xingzhi has no one available.

There was no other way, Zhao Xingzhi personally went to the barracks to dispatch people, and they were in a hurry.

Smelling the dangerous breath, Ying Changge and Meng Tian would not sit idly by, they also set off.

He knew that Zhao Xingzhi had murderous intentions, but Ying Changge wouldn't just run away, he wasn't afraid!

He wanted to attack aggressively, slaughter Zhao Xingzhi and the rest, and wipe out their entire army.

Otherwise, just a few stinky fish and rotten shrimp can stop Ying Changge! impossible!

Came quickly, walked with Meng Tian to a remote place, and then Ying Changge immediately told Meng Tian.

"Move the manpower immediately, let the army come, suppress Zhao Xingzhi, and arrest this sinful person!"

"Yes!" Meng Tian nodded seriously, turned his head and left, mobilizing the army non-stop.

The war is about to break out, and there will be a fierce battle between Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi, and no one will stop.

Ying Changge came here to capture Zhao Xingzhi's evidence and investigate the many crimes he committed.

It's a pity that Zhao Xingzhi didn't cry without seeing the coffin, so Ying Changge had to kill him.

Clenching his fists tightly, Ying Changge quietly hid in the streets and disappeared.

Even if Zhao Xingzhi continued to mobilize people to hunt him down, it would take a certain amount of time.

I won't be foolish to stay here as bait, but afej's long song has to lead the snake out of the hole.

Let Meng Tian take a step first, Ying Changge left slowly, leaving clues to Zhao Xingzhi.

So that this menacing guy will lead the army to hunt him down and fall into the trap of Ying Changge.

Soon they came to the city gate, and the soldiers of Anyang County began to dispatch one by one, and they were rushing.

Ying Changge walked up alone, and several soldiers guarding the city gate immediately stopped him, "Stop!"

Will you stop! Of course Ying Changge wouldn't stand still, he raised his sword and rushed up immediately.

Whoosh! The swords were rampant, and a few soldiers could not stop Ying Changge's flowing attacks and outbreaks.

In a blink of an eye, a soldier had fallen to the ground, and he was so seriously injured that it was difficult to get up. He was full of embarrassment.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, the fight broke out in an instant, and the stormy attack was full of sharp colors.

Where are the defenders who are Ying Changge's opponents, they shouted and came quickly, trying to catch Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge didn't give them a chance at all, the sword in his hand was stained with blood, and it came in a hurry.

The guards who are responsible for guarding Anyang County are all lazy and lazy. When will they encounter such a situation.

Ping ping pong pong, sword strikes, and defenders are all in groups, rushing up in an endless stream.

The unhurried Ying Changge immediately counterattacked, and the sword in his own hand threw a trace, full of afterimages.

Wherever Ying Changge went, there were sword marks one after another, full of fierceness and fierceness.

If it weren't for the fact that he was in a hurry, regardless of the number of soldiers defending the city, Ying Changge would not have come alone.

The reason why the defenders have mobilized a lot of manpower is that the number of soldiers will be weakened.

A lot of guys didn't know where to go, and there were not enough people to guard the gate of Anyang County for a while.

This also made Ying Changge more or less convenient. He came quickly and attacked with all his strength.

Punching and kicking, fighting swiftly, such a fierce attack hits hard, as fast as lightning.

Such a gust of wind came with all its strength, and a sword showed a majestic posture.

Chapter 631 No chance to resist!

A few defenders are difficult to be hostile to, they are in this sword front, they are incapable of being cloned, and it is difficult to be hostile.

It didn't take long for a few defenders to lose the battle, and they fled in the desert. They were really scared.

Ying Changge continued to catch up, and the sword in his hand also struck down sharply, breaking open the city gate.

More than a dozen defending soldiers could hardly hold Ying Changge, his skills were so superb that he was close to the outside of Anyang County.

Pushing open the heavy city gate, Ying Changge swiftly headed outside the city gate.

For fear of disobeying the order, a few defenders were also in a hurry, striding to catch up from behind.

Ying Changge took the lead, ignoring the guards behind him, he just kept going forward.

However, the loyal defenders continued to chase after them, regardless of the distance and the distance.

The attack of the trot came, and the shot was reckless, this sword has an unusual posture.

Whoosh! The sword edge swiftly descended, and several defenders surrounded Ying Changge and wanted to kill him.

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