The other soldiers continued to rush up, and they came chatteringly to attack Ying Changge.

Ying Changge remained motionless, without any expression of fear, he raised his sword.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were all fierce, and they continued to come as ordered to attack Ying Changge.

He raised the sword in his hand, and then immediately entangled with Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, fighting fiercely.

Ping ping pong pong, the sword edge ran rampant, the sword immediately hit the soldiers, killing them all.

Ying Changge's sword is very fast, and the soldiers who are approaching Zhao Xingzhi have no defensive posture. It's too fast.

hum! The sword's edge ran rampant, hitting the surroundings, and Ying Changge used a sword to protect his whereabouts.

The attack of striding meteors, the chattering shots, and Ying Changge swept thousands of troops in an instant.

The soldiers approaching Ying Changge all staggered back, and they fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

Ying Changge was very indifferent when facing Zhao Xingzhi's army of thousands of horses, and his face was so calm.

"Kill me in one breath!" Ying Changge did not change his face, "Otherwise, you will be the ones who will die!"

Even if it was only Ying Changge alone, Zhao Xingzhi had to concentrate and deal with the enemy cautiously.

Zhao Xingzhi understood the horror of Ying Changge, so it was impossible to relax his vigilance casually.

He continued to catch up and swung the sword in his hand vigorously to boost his morale.

Under Zhao Xingzhi's instigation, the soldiers were also very brave, and they attacked quickly.

In groups, fighting one after another, the soldiers surrounded Ying Changge in an airtight manner.

Soldiers one after another seemed to be in a hurry, but in fact they were not worth mentioning, a mob.

He came with a quick step of 740, and the sword edge swiftly struck, already hitting the soldier's armor with force.

These soldiers are all seeking their own death, in order to let Ying Changge die, they even obey orders at all costs.

Ying Changge does not need such soldiers, what is the difference between such soldiers and wood!

In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi had long been hated by Ying Changge for spreading wildness on Zhao Xingzhi's territory.

Coming to bully others, Zhao Xingzhi let his army continue to gallop to entangle Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge is trapped, Zhao Xingzhi will be able to kill this hateful guy with ease.

Otherwise, if Ying Changge continues to survive, Zhao Xingzhi will lose his life.

When Ying Zheng was furious, he would annihilate the nine clans of Zhao Xingzhi.

Now that he finally saw Ying Changge's figure, it was naturally impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to stop, and he wanted to hunt him down.

He came in a rush, aggressively attacked, and the army in his hand went to surround Ying Changge.

Chapter 634 Abandoning his own practice!

Now that there are people in front of him, Zhao Xingzhi must kill him, kill him, and let him die.

With a quick shot, the sword in his hand drew the sword out of its sheath, Zhao Xingzhi was majestic, "Kill me!"

So a group of soldiers came scrambling to attack Ying Changge, who was hundreds of steps away.

Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he smiled slightly, and then he also waved his sword and reprimanded, "Give it to me!"

"Those who win Zhao Xingzhi will be rewarded heavily, don't let them leave from here!" Ying Changge is very serious!

But in Zhao Xingzhi's view, this is really a bluff, because Ying Changge is only one person!

In such a situation, it seems that Ying Changge has a mighty army, which is really stupid.

Zhao Xingzhi smiled contemptuously, didn't take it seriously, it didn't matter at all, but the mutation happened.

Because he saw many figures coming over the mountains from the other side of the hills.

There is an ambush! The sound of horses' hooves was frantic, people were moving, and a piece of Wu Yangyang appeared from the other side of the horizon.

Who is that! Zhao Xingzhi was in a panic, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was the army led by Meng Tian.

Never thought that Meng Tian's speed was so fast, and it was too much to mobilize so many people!

Even in the face of so many soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi had to pretend to be calm, this was the only chance.

Because if Ying Changge cannot be killed, Zhao Xingzhi is only waiting for a dead end, and he will fight to the death.

No matter what, he must fight hard here, capture Ying Changge, and Zhao Xingzhi must leave a way for himself.

So, they walked up quickly and charged continuously, Zhao Xingzhi's army attacked first.

However, Meng Tian is not idle either, isn't he just to protect Ying Changge! There are many soldiers around.

So many soldiers came in awe and majesty, and they all fought together.

With Meng Tian charging, he naturally didn't need Ying Changge to join the fierce battle, he personally led the troops.

Let Ying Changge take it in the safest place, so they continued to attack incessantly.

The army whispered, and they fought together, chattering punches, and fighting vigorously.

Ying Changge did not join the battle for the time being. He was not far away, pointing the country and dispatching troops.

While Meng Tian charged down bravely and fearlessly, Zhao Xingzhi, not to be outdone, also led the army in person.

The two armies are entangled together, swords and swords, and there is a fierce fight everywhere.

In order to make sure that they will step back, Meng Tian is also in a hurry, capturing the thief first and capturing the king!

Shooting a man first shoots a horse. This is the simplest principle in the battlefield, and it is even easier to understand.

Aggressive, open and closed, Meng Tian carried his weapon and came to him non-stop.

After seeing Meng Tian's every move, Zhao Xingzhi was naturally very angry and dared to look down on himself.

He quickly counterattacked and attacked incessantly, and the weapon in his hand had already smashed on Meng Tian's body.

The surrounding soldiers also heard the sound of their fighting, so their morale was particularly high.

There was an endless stream of attacks, vigorous attacks, and the army raised dust and fought in this wide area.

The ruthless Zhao Xingzhi also continued to attack, and the sword edge stabbed directly at Meng Tian's vital spot.

As long as he can kill Meng Tian and capture Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi will continue to attack by unscrupulous means.

As the meteor approached with great strides, the sword in Zhao Xingzhi's hand stabbed **** him, and it was a breeze.

Disorganized attacks are useless, at the very least, Meng Tian will not be injured at all, he responds calmly.

The swords in their hands continued to fight vigorously, and Meng Tian and Zhao Xingzhi's swords collided immediately.

Ping ping pong pong, the sword's edge was fierce, Zhao Xingyi was difficult to be hostile for a while, and he fell directly and dismounted.

He got up in a hurry, Zhao Xingyi's face was sweaty, he quickly stood up from the ground, and tried to fight back.

But this was the best opportunity for Meng Tian, ​​and he continued to attack quickly.

The sword in his hand was very fast, as fast as a gust of wind and like lightning, and it came directly to Zhao Xingzhi's neck.

Seeing the sword coming, Zhao Xingzhi quickly raised his sword and placed it in front of him.

With a ping pong, he was directly knocked out, staggering, Zhao Xingzhi looked terrified.

He was a little surprised by Meng Tian's strength. As the governor of An (Zhao's) Yang County, he was a little bit of a waste of his own practice.

He was eating and drinking every day, and Zhao Xingzhi was no longer as sharp as he used to be.

The sword in his hand continued to attack, Meng Tian's every step was full of fire and fire, opening and closing.

Snapped! He slammed Zhao Xingzhi into the air abruptly, and Meng Tian took this opportunity to stab him in the chest with a sword.

For Zhao Xingzhi's criminal evidence, there is no need to search carefully, it is useless.

Because, now Zhao Xingzhi is simply delivered to the door! He made public the evidence of his crime.

Killing people, chasing and killing Ying Changge is enough for Zhao Xingzhi to go to prison and be executed.

Chapter 635 I'm not injured, I'm really lucky!

Leading his own army to continue the attack, Meng Tian took the lead and rushed to Ying Changge again.

He attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand was also stabbed majestically, and he won the first place.

It is a pity that such an attack is useless. Although Zhao Xingzhi is unbearable, he can barely block it.

Raising his arm, the sword edge hit Zhao Xingzhi's weapon abruptly, making a ping-pong sound.

Although Meng Tian was extremely powerful, Zhao Xingzhi was barely able to block this attack.

He quickly stood up, then raised his sword, and continued to charge up to confront Meng Tian.

Meng Tian was not in a hurry, he led the army to Ying Changge's side, and that was enough.

Protect Ying Changge well, and then Meng Tian charged forward to take down the rebellious Zhao Xingzhi.

As the ruler of Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi neglected his duties, sold his rank, and even committed 740 murders.

To assist Ying Changge, Meng Tian wanted to arrest Zhao Xingzhi, so that he could no longer be arrogant and domineering here.

In the chaos of the army, the soldiers on both sides were charging aggressively, fighting recklessly.

Continuing to kill the enemy, you come and go, this kind of fighting is also very violent and can be called ordinary.

Naturally, Meng Tian's soldiers and Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers could not speak the same thing, and the army was different.

The soldiers under Meng Tian's hands all study hard and practice day and night, and they have a high-intensity physique.

But Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, like the governor of Anyang County, are lazy and have nothing to do.

Like a rice bucket.

Such soldiers are on the battlefield, how can they fight against Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers! Can't compare at all.

All the guys rushed up aggressively, Meng Tian's soldiers (afej) were extraordinarily heroic and powerful.

On the contrary, several other people continued to fight, and it was difficult to block the charge of Meng Tian's soldiers.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers charged forward on this battlefield, but they were still blocked.

They attacked quickly, fought in an endless stream, and possessed extraordinary courage and murderous aura.

But even so, Zhao Xingzhi still couldn't let his army win Meng Tian's soldiers.

Meng Tian's figure was like a wolf and a tiger, rushing up so quickly, approaching Zhao Xingzhi.

With a cold snort, he attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand also came out mightily, trying his best to charge.

boom! The sword slammed together again, making it impossible for him to be so bravely entangled with him.

Snapped! The sword's edge was shaky, making it difficult for him to hold his sword's edge for a while.

Zhao Xingzhi quickly grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands, which barely allowed the sword edge to fall to the ground.

With a slight smile, Zhao Xingzhi continued to walk up, just to cut him off completely.

What if it was Meng Tian! In Zhao Xingzhi's eyes, he treated him equally, but he was just a mob.

Whether it is Ying Changge or Meng Tian, ​​as long as Zhao Xingzhi is blocked, there is only one dead end.

Zhao Xingzhi's path is very long. After all, it is the path of promotion and wealth, which is unimaginable.

Quick attack, quick attack, Zhao Xingzhi and Meng Tian's figures are entangled together, and the wind is hot.

boom! The fists moved hard, and in the fight, no one could break through Meng Tian's defenses.

Fighting and kicking, Meng Tian not only used his sword, but also used his time, and the tiger came down the mountain.

He kicked Zhao Xingzhi's calf, he grinned in pain, and immediately avoided and retreated.

At the same time, the sword in Meng Tian's hand stabbed straight in, striking him majestically.

This sword is very fast, so fast that most people can't react. It is very violent and dazzling.

Whoosh! The sword was broken on Zhao Xingzhi's body, thanks to the armor he wore when he led the army.

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