This person's name is Niu Er, who farms at home and is extremely powerful. Niu Er also acquired a martial arts skill.

Such a strong person, for the orders of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​is also chattering incessantly.

He chose the right thing, Niu Er went to Zhao Xingzhi's side, continued to go, to disguise.

After Zhao Xingzhi heard about these many things, he would be very angry and couldn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, Ying Changge and Meng Tian's skills are so superb, yet so heroic.

The assassin quietly left, but died before he got close to Ying Changge's side.

After a crushing defeat, the corpse was separated. From the beginning, the assassins sent by Zhao Xingzhi could not have the opportunity to be hostile.

Especially Zhao Xingzhi hated Ying Changge so much that he could not wait to give him directly to Sass without leaving a single one.

This is the best plan. In this way, there will be no flaws, and there will be no chance for the enemy.

It is the best result for Zhao Xingzhi to stay in his own Anyang County. He does not want other people to fight against him.

In particular, Ying Changge had already come here on a galloping horse, and his skills were so sharp that he was invincible.

Hearing the whereabouts of his assassin, Zhao Xingzhi was very angry and could not wait to ride his horse.

Especially Zhao Xingzhi didn't plan to take care of himself at all, he was already a **** debt.

Since the assassination of Ying Changge failed, Zhao Xingzhi had to prepare everything seriously, which was very important.

While Zhao Xingzhi was still worried about Ying Changge, he didn't know that someone was approaching.

One by one, the guys were in a hurry, and they were mobilized under Zhao Xingzhi's orders.

Especially his attitude is very arrogant, Zhao Xingzhi is impossible to face disaster, he is arrogant and domineering.

Who can save Zhao Xingzhi! It can only be himself, and no one can interfere with him.

The county governor of Anyang County is already at such a level that if he staggers to escape, he will lose his city.

Ying Changge was already here, and Meng Tian was also protecting him, otherwise he would have any mistakes.

Ying Changge, on the other hand, had a heart attack, he had already arranged all his An Anwei guards to Zhao Xingzhi's side.

Zhao Xingzhi didn't know that he would die, he just had an unusual posture, even so arrogant.

The dark guard Niu Er sent by Meng Tian had already arrived in front of Zhao Xingzhi smoothly.

In this wilderness, all the guys were so rambunctious, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he was not in danger.

But Niu Er quietly came to Zhao Xingzhi's surroundings, and he sneaked in.

He had just gone through a big battle, but he was not killed, and he even looked majestic.

Domineering everywhere, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to recruit his own people, and they were numerous.

Still unwilling, Zhao Xingzhi was going to continue to attack Ying Changge, and he had to kill him.

The real sinner is Zhao Xingzhi, and Ying Changge is the one who walks the path for heaven, and he insists.

The only thing Ying Changge has to do is to continue the pursuit and let the Anyang County Governor fall.

Raising his weapon, Niu Er remained calm and came behind Zhao Xingzhi, tiptoeing.

Zhao Xingzhi was eating, and he was also enjoying a bowl of noodles, which seemed to be something from the mountains and the sea.

Knowing the strength of the other party for a long time, Zhao Xingzhi will be so embarrassed, and he can't wait to catch it all.


However, with the persecution of Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi suffered a defeat, and the whole person was confused.

Confused, he just wants to live, and he has no other plans at all. He is very serious.

The appearance of Niu Er was completely unexpected to Zhao Xingzhi. He did not expect that Ying Changge would take revenge on him.

Both Ying Changge and Meng Tian acted very quietly, keeping their soldiers still, staying in the distance and not chasing them.

In this way, Zhao Xingzhi was relieved, he felt that he would not be killed, and the enemy troops stayed in place.


Zhao Xingzhi wants to make a comeback, especially Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​he must kill them.

Only in this way can Zhao Xingzhi be able to vent his hatred, this is a certain thing.

In order to obtain his freedom, in order to completely clear his name, Zhao Xingzhi wanted to kill and silence him.

Ying Changge and Meng Tian were his targets, so he had to kill each other abruptly.

Otherwise, if the evidence of the crime becomes more real, Zhao Xingzhi will be at a loss.

Everything is very intense, especially the repression of the crime will make Zhao Xingzhi directly breathless.

He hated Ying Changge to the bone, and was aggressive towards Meng Tian. Zhao Xingzhi was still gathering his army.

Such a large army had no advantage here, and the rest of the soldiers were beheaded by Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army.

Zhao Xing fought against Meng Tian and Ying Changge before and after, and showed the momentum of all his army without turning back.

But Zhao Xingzhi suffered a loss, especially in the hands of Meng Tian and Ying Changge.

With repeated attacks and collisions, he lost his chance, and Zhao Xingzhi's army suffered heavy losses.

Chapter 657 Shoulder the mission and shoulder the heavy responsibility!

There were many people who died, but the soldiers were all beheaded, blood flowed in rivers, and corpses piled up like mountains.

Since it was a series of failures, Zhao Xingzhi did not dare to continue his reckless and hasty confrontation with the enemy.

He can only make the soldiers in his hands more numerous, the more the better, the battle is to use the more to bully the less.

Otherwise, it is impossible to win from the army of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and Zhao Xingzhi will be completely defeated.

Death is only temporary, but Zhao Xingzhi cannot continue his defeat, and he will make a comeback.

The return of the king, the big kill, the face of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi will continue to charge.

He is ready to launch "Seven Seven Zeros", and he has accumulated a lot of strength, so that many troops are drawn into his hands.

Killing is a very normal thing, but it is not so easy to kill the enemy on the battlefield, but to do everything possible.

Otherwise, it is impossible to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​he will just make his army into difficulties.

If the mighty army continued to attack, they could easily kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

However, Zhao Xingzhi understood that at this moment, he was understaffed, and it was impossible.

The more unable to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​the more Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, and his stomach was full of anger.

He will regain control of the army and make all the guys die at the edge of his sword.

Just when he was in high spirits, he saw a kid appear in front of him.

The arrogant and domineering Zhao Xingzhi snorted coldly, "Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

At this moment, his hostility is very heavy, and it is not pleasing to the eye to treat anything.

Who is coming! Naturally, it was the dark guard Niu Er who was sent by Meng Tian. He tiptoed and came to the front.

He wants to leave his whereabouts, so that Niu Er will completely complete his feat.

Killing Zhao Xingzhi was a matter of no hesitation, and Niu Er obeyed Meng Tian's orders for the sake of Ying Changge.

After all, the name of Ying Changge has spread far and wide, and everyone in the world knows that Ying Changge is righteous, and it is easy to die.

Thinking of Zhao Xingzhi's crime, Niu Er was the one who continued to attack, he was serious.

With a loud shout, Niu Er raised his hidden sword, "For the people!"

The sword edge went up quickly, and it was already slashing on Zhao Xingzhi's neck, trying to kill him.

But will he die! Of course it is impossible! He has his own skills, and Zhao Xingzhi is invincible.

Dodging as soon as possible, Zhao Xingzhi turned around in a panic, already avoiding Niu Er's sword.

The sword edge went down quickly, and then slashed on the table, directly splitting the table into two halves.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Xingzhi's eyes were even more gloomy, even so vicious.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhao Xingzhi, who was so embarrassed, immediately started, and he raised his weapon.

Never thought that he would encounter an assassination, and Zhao Xingzhi panicked beyond words for a while.

Niu Er was not in a hurry, the weapon in his hand was still hitting hard, just to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

Weapons are rampant, flashing swordsmanship, such a fight is also trying his best, Niu Er shows his skills.

He shouldered the mission and shouldered the heavy responsibility, so he was able to continue to fight against Zhao Xingzhi and make quick moves.

Jian Feng and Zhao Xingzhi passed by, but Niu Er did not kill him accurately.  …

Zhao Xingzhi's movements were still very fast, so he left, avoiding Niu Er's blow.

hum! The sword's edge rubbed against Zhao Xingzhi's skin, causing his wounds to bleed and blurred.

Is it such a death! Naturally impossible! He was going to take down the assassin himself.

All of a sudden, Zhao Xingzhi understood that Ying Changge was deliberately taking revenge on himself! Damn!

Zhao Xingzhi sent an assassin to kill Ying Changge, but was easily resolved by Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Now, Ying Changge and Meng Tian have no room to spare, and directly dispatched dark guards to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

He didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed.

He snorted coldly and stared at Niu Er, "You're such a **** fellow!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhao Xingzhi would not let himself be threatened, he would not be killed by an assassin.

After a big fight, he quickly took out his posture, and Zhao Xingzhi's sword came to Niu Er's body.

This is a good opportunity to fight back, Zhao Xingzhi can't believe 4.9, he only believes in his own sword.

A hurricane blow. Zhao Xingzhi's sword smashed on the back of Niu Er's hand, almost killing him.

Niu Er is unparalleled, his offensive is very fast, and he chases Zhao Xingzhi quickly and sensitively.

This was a one-on-one attack, because there was no one around Zhao Xingzhi, and he did not lead the **** here.

He came alone, just to eat something delicious, he didn't want to hope that he had to take care of the meal.

Because he has many guards by his side, Zhao Xingzhi still needs to buy it.

Chapter 658 Jian Feng is here, can't step back!

He is a very stingy person, Zhao Xingzhi doesn't like to waste his money, he keeps his talents as his life.

While being attacked by Niu Er, he was also chattering and showing his momentum, very brave.

Continuing the attack, the sword swept across, and it was already stabbed on Niu Er's body quickly.

A sword is very fast, but it is only the power of a sword, how can it kill Niu Er!

His murderous aura did not come from his face, but from his own sword, and he relied on his own skills.

The continuous attack went up to kill and kill, Zhao Xingzhi aimed at Niu Er and also rampaged.

His own sword edge was stabbed swiftly, just to kill him easily, leaving no one behind.

This offensive is very brave, after all, Zhao Xingzhi is an Anyang County governor here 05! Extraordinary strength.

He bravely attacked, and Niu Er was a rivalry attack, wielding weapons to his heart's content.

This weapon is very brave, and it comes in an endless stream, showing its galloping attitude.

There is no way, Zhao Xingzhi can only come straight and kill Niu Er quickly.

Otherwise, if Ying Changge's security committee kills him, wouldn't he be laughing out loud!

Not to be outdone, Zhao Xingzhi came quickly. This attack was fast and merciless.

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