Ying Changge had already expected today's result, and he felt Zhao Xingzhi's confident face.

It's really funny that a mere Anyang county governor is able to resist to such a degree.

Unable to attack for a long time, Zhao Xingzhi's fire remained motionless and unharmed, so he could only retreat.

As a result, a group of people retreated in a hurry and fled directly under the leadership of Meng Tian.

The distance from Zhao Xingzhi's city was getting farther and farther, and Meng Tian's army retreated, and then disappeared.

With a contemptuous smile, standing on the city wall, Zhao Xingzhi looked like a villain, "Good! It's really good!"


"It's just a bunch of rabble, in front of me, Zhao Xingzhi, they are all vulnerable!"

Zhao Xingzhi completely forgot how he had been beaten by Ying Changge and Meng Tian before, and he looked proud.

After watching Meng Tian's army leave, he was very satisfied, everything was under control.

There is no need to open the city gate to intercept Meng Tian in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi is still guarding the city gate and will not change.

The success of defending the city, Zhao Xingzhi's army all cheered, the whole city celebrated, and the soldiers were all enthusiastic.


After such a battle, Zhao Xingzhi saw that his morale was rising rapidly, and he was very satisfied.

That being the case, let's fight well, guard the city, and let all enemy troops be wiped out.

Zhao Xingzhi, who was about to move, immediately celebrated, and let the soldiers drink and eat meat, so happy and happy.

If the defense was successful in the first battle, Zhao Xingzhi knew that there must be someone behind him, and Ying Changge and Meng Tian would not give up.

He continued to distribute the soldiers in his hands, and a group of soldiers guarded the city wall day and night.

It is to beware that the Ying Changge army will make a comeback and once again severely damage Zhao Xingzhi's city.

However, with strong soldiers and strong horses, Zhao Xingzhi could not retreat here, and it was almost impossible to lose Beitan City.

Such a wretched fighting method is also more suitable for Zhao Xingzhi, he showed a very happy smile.

At the beginning of the battle, he was triumphant, but Zhao Xingzhi also warned the soldiers around him that it was impossible to relax.

The arrogant soldiers will be defeated, and after finally turning around, Zhao Xingzhi will continue to work hard and persevere.

If there is no flaw in guarding this place, and when the time comes to attack together, it will naturally be able to kill the opponent.

Chapter 702 Arrogant and domineering, unscrupulous!

The entire army was annihilated, not a single one was left behind. Such an attack was aggressive and possessed an unparalleled attitude and advantage.

Occupied at the peak, Zhao Xingzhi was arrogant, turned his head very comfortably, and left without seeing him.

Meng Tian, ​​who had left, brought back all the troops in his hands and joined Ying Changge.

Seeing that his troops were damaged to such an extent, he was very impatient.

Turning over and dismounting, Meng Tian looked angry, "There's no reason for this, it's really damn, he must be killed!"

"Otherwise, I can't let this guy sway under my eyes, I can't sleep or eat!"

It was Ying Changge's regret that Zhao "820" was not wiped out, which also made Meng Tian angry.

Today's siege failed, and everyone in his hands died one by one, without any chance to fight the enemy.

Under the helpless confrontation, he took out his own momentum and was full of anger!

Meng Tian wanted to fight again, so he wanted to cut off Zhao Xingzhi's head and use it as a kick.

Ying Changge had a calm look, he didn't look afraid, and he didn't cry.

Victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs, and there is no need to pay attention to them. Ying Changge is also used to it, and he is very indifferent.

Showing an indifferent smile, he got up quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, completely gone.

Without a trace, without the presence of the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi stood proudly on the city wall and watched.

It was very safe in all directions, Zhao Xingzhi was relieved, and then he returned to the city gate.

What about Ying Changge! It's just a person with a fake name! Not as famous as meeting, but that's it.

Continue to guard the city, Zhao Xingzhi and his army are ready for the next battle.

And Zhao Xingzhi had long known that Ying Changge would make a comeback, and the soldiers in his hands continued to be on alert.

Because Zhao Xingzhi's city was not captured, Ying Changge continued to adjust his strength.

So many barracks are useless, the most important thing is to break the city, otherwise it will be useless.

How does Ying Changge continue to deal with and! The troops in their hands were injured, and they sacrificed a lot during the siege.

He loves the people like sons, how could so many soldiers sacrifice and die innocently!

Under such a confrontation, he still gathered his army together in an orderly manner.

It's just a battle, Ying Changge is not discouraged, he has a posture like a rainbow.

He ordered Meng Tian to take a good rest, taking this opportunity to let Zhao Xingzhi make some adjustments.

Ying Changge is not biased towards Zhao Xingzhi, just because the other party is really a proud guy.

Arrogant, domineering and unscrupulous, after Zhao Xingyi successfully resisted him in battle, he was only afraid of becoming arrogant.

Also waiting for this opportunity, Ying Changge wanted to make Zhao Xingzhi's army deliberately arrogant and defeated.

As long as the soldiers in the city are all anxious, it will be very simple to kill them at that time.

Without rushing, Ying Changge rested his remaining soldiers so that they could continue fighting the next day.

As dusk approached, the soldiers who attacked the city were already tired, and Ying Changge didn't need to let them continue to work.

Siege is very difficult, especially Zhao Xingzhi, such a despicable and shameless guy, is even more difficult to deal with.

If all the troops in the Ying Chang singers are allowed to come out of their nests, they may not be able to capture Zhao Xingzhi.

The cunning Zhao Xingzhi is very smart, he put all his bets in Beitan City 0.....

As long as there are obstacles in the city, then there are no other problems, and it is easy to fight the enemy.

It would be very simple to make them all arrogant, Ying Changge knew Zhao Xingzhi well.

Selfish and self-serving, great success, the army led by Zhao Xingzhi must be the same, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked.

Ying Changge can make the opponent proud as long as he wins in several successive battles.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge guessed that Zhao Xingzhi must have put his **** up to the sky and was complacent.

Therefore, Ying Changge sent the soldiers in his hands to search immediately to find out how the enemy was.

Soon, he knew that Zhao Xingzhi was revelling in the city, and the cheers seemed to be continuous.

The spy informed Ying Changge of the information they had discovered, and as expected, he smiled slightly.

Everything was within his expectations, Zhao Xingzhi was a guy who liked to be arrogant and arrogant.

Now in the first battle, Zhao Xingzhi even defeated Meng Tian, ​​and he was complacent on 4.9.

Ying Changge just wanted to take this opportunity to kill his spirit and make the enemy army chaotic.

Therefore, Ying Changge let Meng Tian and the army in his hands continue to rest and recover for a good night.

At the end of the night and the dawn of the morning, Meng Tian regained his strength. He received an order from Ying Changge and continued to go.

The troops were condensed and swift as the wind, Meng Tian led the army to the front of Zhao Xingzhi's city again.

Meng Tian was ready to go, and the soldiers around him were eager to move.

In the battle yesterday, Meng Tian led a large army to attack the city, but Zhao Xingzhi stayed behind closed doors, completely guarded and had no flaws.

Chapter 703 The morale is high and vigorous!

Under such an attack, they all disappeared without a trace.

Meng Tian couldn't attack for a long time, so he could only retreat, but today is different, he has made a comeback.

Unable to live up to Ying Changge's expectations, in the face of Zhao Xing's relatives, Meng Tian must kill himself, leaving nothing behind.

Gather the personnel in his hands in front of Zhao Xingzhi's city gate, and immediately charge, Zhao Xingzhi does his part.

A group of soldiers came bravely, aggressively attacking the city gate, hitting the heavy defense.

Not only because of the city gate, but also because of Zhao Xingzhi's indecent defense, Meng Tian was annoyed.

How could Zhao Xingzhi stay so happy in the city! impossible! It must be killed.

With a quick attack, the momentum in his hand was also clearly attacked, and he took out all his posture and strength.

The ferocity of the attack continued to fall on the city gate, but Zhao Xingzhi would not let it go.

It's just a bunch of rabble, Zhao Xingzhi won the victory 05, and the whole person was erratic.

Each and every one of them is so over-the-top and humble as an ant in front of Zhao Xingzhi.

With a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi continued to take precautions, he would never open the city gate as an enemy.

As long as so many guys come here to their heart's content, killing them is a piece of cake.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi wanted to wipe out Ying Changge and Meng Tian in one go, annihilating their soldiers.

The city gate is the top priority, and everyone is running hard, trying to break in here.

The gates of the city were closed, and the city walls were full of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, who took precautions one by one to block the enemy's invasion.

So many people rushed up, trying to get on the long spear from the ladder, kill and kill, and break the city.

But Zhao Xingzhi would not compromise, the soldiers in his hands all rushed away, surrounding this place.

Even if Meng Tian personally led the army, Zhao Xingzhi was not in a hurry, he was calm and confident.

Even if he was chased and killed like this, didn't Zhao Xingzhi survived unharmed from Wanjun?

Seeing that Meng Tian led the Wu Yangyang army to come to him, he showed a contemptuous smile.

So many soldiers are also here to die, he does not have any panic and sentimentality.

He couldn't take his eyes off, staring at Meng Tian's army coming under his gate, but he continued to defend.

Only defense but not attack, so that the army in his hands is stable enough, without any risks and worries.

One by one, the guys came aggressively, climbed the city wall, and even scrambled for the first place.

Zhao Xingzhi shouted, standing on the city wall with a majestic appearance, "Give me to defend it!"

"There is no need for any hesitation, intercept them all in one go, and let them all die like this!"

Raising his sword, Zhao Xingzhi showed off his might, "Kill all the enemies and we will win!"

With Zhao Xingzhi's encouragement, his soldiers were safe enough without any hesitation.

The morale was high and vigorous, and a group of soldiers came quickly and covered the city wall.

Meng Tian's soldiers climbed the city wall and fought like this, but they were blocked again and again and stopped.

The sword in his hand was so fast, swaying around, Meng Tian killed the enemy again and again, in a rush.

The sword edge was fast and fell with force, and the cold light pierced by the sword edge seriously injured one by one enemy soldiers.

But even so, the city gate is strong and indestructible, and it is not so easy to block it.

Meng Tian, ​​who was in a hurry, led his own people to continue flying, and took out the momentum to continue to climb the city wall.

They are like a wave, coming in a hurry, continue to climb the city wall, and go up quickly.

This is a very violent turmoil, and the city is crumbling due to fierce battles, with a black posture.

With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi put his hands on his hips confidently, "It's just a bunch of rabble."

After fighting for so long, Meng Tian's soldiers still did not break through the city, which Zhao Xingzhi expected.

Because even if Meng Tian personally led the army, his strength was not more than three times that of Zhao Xingzhi. How could he attack?

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