He just came to join Meng Tian, ​​not to fight, so naturally he didn't lead many enough people.

On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi, because he wanted to ambush Ying Changge, let Zhu Gang bring a lot of troops.

With so many sufficient troops ambushing Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi didn't believe that he could still survive.

In Zhu Gang's ambush, Ying Changge's soldiers all bravely moved forward and showed their momentum to confront the enemy.

In the face of obstacles and the enemy, the soldiers are one to ten, doing their best to deal with the enemy.

Seeing the bravery of Ying Changge's soldiers, Zhu Gang was somewhat apprehensive, but he did not panic.

Because Zhu Gang has a lot of troops in his hands, so many soldiers seem to be turbulent and continuous.

Even one mouthful of spit can drown Ying Changge's army! Therefore, Zhu Gang was in no hurry.

He sat here indifferently, expressionless, and even stood by to watch Ying Changge's movements.

Afraid of being an enemy with Ying Changge, Zhu Gang would sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and would not join it at all.

It is enough to have the charge and attack of the soldiers, he is very safe when he is a hands-off shopkeeper.

Falling into the middle of the battle, he continued to slash the sword in his hand, Ying Changge's figure was agile.

With a dexterous manoeuvre, he fell into the siege of the enemy, and he still looked unhurried.

He quickly stabbed the sword edge in his hand, and wherever the sword edge went, there was a lot of blood.

Slashing the enemy troops one by one at his feet, Ying Changge's movements were fast, and his sword was sharp and domineering.

Ordinary soldiers can't stop Ying Changge's attack, they can only be blindly damaged.

Swords are rampant, killing people with one sword, Ying Changge only needs one sword of his own to deal with these soldiers.

Any soldier is just a marionette in front of Ying Changge, and his target is Zhu Gang.

In other words, it was Ying Changge behind Zhu Gang, who was the most important target and had to be killed.

The county governor of Anyang County has been struggling until now, which has already made Ying Changge very angry.

In order to kill him, the sword in his hand was also stabbed quickly, trying to kill the enemy Saul.

The daring enemy army came up to Ying Changge and wanted to ambush him. This is 820's stupid thing.

In order to kill him, the sword in his hand ran rampant, stabbed it quickly, and showed his momentum.

Vigorous and fast as the wind, Jian Feng will soon annihilate the entire enemy army and separate the corpses.

Seeing his soldier's posture like this, Zhu Gang's eyes were very surprised.

Obviously his own strength has the advantage, how could he almost be attacked and defeated by Ying Changge's army!

impossible! Knowing that there is no way out at this moment, Zhu Gang can only grit his teeth and rush out quickly.

"What are you doing? Kill me!" Zhu Gang, who led the team in person, took the lead.

With so many people, Zhu Gang killed several Ying Changge soldiers.

The war is still going on, and the stalemate can't be stopped, and it is not easy to suppress the end!

With Zhao Xingzhi's order, Zhu Gang led many elite soldiers to fight in front of him.

Chapter 709 Come quickly, striding meteor!

If it weren't for the persistence of these people, Ying Changge would have already come to Zhu Gang's side.

Because of the resistance of Zhu Gang's soldiers, they all blocked around Ying Changge and fought back hard.

They came in a hurry and attacked in an endless stream. They scrambled to kill Ying Changge first.

It's just that Ying Changge was killed so easily! His ability is the limit of martial arts.

Above the peak, the master is lonely, and it is difficult for Ying Changge to meet an opponent who can fight with him.

Even Zhu Gang's group of soldiers, in his eyes, are just mice crossing the street.

So, Ying Changge swayed his sword, and it came with a crackle, and the sword severely injured him.

Everyone staggered, unable to stop Ying Changge's righteous sword, they fought back.

The soldiers fell to the ground, bleeding to death, and in front of Ying Changge, they didn't even have a chance to struggle.

Even if Ying Changge fought like this, it has to be said that Zhu Gang's troops are still very sufficient.

So many guys came quickly and forcibly surrounded Ying Changge's soldiers.

Under such a heavy siege, it was very difficult for Ying Changge to kill them. He was the enemy alone.

However, the other soldiers around him also suffered heavy casualties under the heavy losses of Zhu Gang's army.

After all, this was Zhao Xingzhi's ambush. With such a pursuit, Ying Changge's soldiers were caught off guard.

The disparity in strength was too great, and Zhu Gang's soldiers continued to attack.

Ying Changge was on his own, fighting unscrupulously, volatilizing the sword edge in his hand to the limit.

Between lightning and flint, he killed all the soldiers one by one, beheading them without a trace.

However, Zhu Gang's soldiers will not stop, they will continue to come to surround Ying Changge.

Not only Ying Changge, but also the soldiers behind him were trapped here, and it was difficult to set off and retreat.

Zhu Gang saw it in his eyes and smiled triumphantly, Ying Changge will die in this battle, and no one can save him.

Rushing up happily, Zhu Gang looked at Ying Changge and asked without blinking, "How is it~"!"

"Go ahead and capture it! Otherwise, I'll make you suffer from the rush!" Zhu Gang was unscrupulous.

Threatening Ying Changge outright, this kind of thing just makes Ying Changge laugh.

"Really! You are so brave, how could I not know! I will kill you all one by one."

Ying Changge swung the blade of his sword and poured the bright blood on the ground.

Responding calmly, with an upright body, Ying Changge was masculine and unyielding.

In order to kill him, Ying Changge did everything he could, and naturally he had to attack aggressively.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to let such an ambush soldier beat him to nothing!

When he mentioned his sword, he came quickly, striding a meteor, and Ying Changge was left with an afterimage.

The speed of this afterimage was unexpected, and everyone around saw a cold light coming first, killing intent.

Ying Changge's figure is unpredictable, especially when the sword is swept across, only a light can be seen.

When Zhu Gang's ambush soldiers raised their hands to resist, they were killed by a sword. What a fast sword!

Finally getting serious, Ying Changge came quickly, the sword in his hand took out all the momentum to attack.

The mighty sword came out quickly, and the sword's edge turned the sword flower, which made Zhu Gang's soldiers convinced.

They dodged quickly and had no choice but to dodge, but they still couldn't escape Ying Changge's sword.

Going straight, the sword's edge exploded instantly, Ying Changge took the lives of several soldiers as soon as he raised his hand.

They fell one by one, fell to the ground in front of Ying Changge, and had no chance to struggle when they saw blood seal their throats.

Zhu Gang watched Ying Changge finally exert his strength, and he also became extraordinarily serious, his eyes fixed.

With apprehension and unease, Zhu Gang hurriedly urged, "`〃Go! Charge all of them up and kill them."

The order is urgent, and the soldiers will be cautious and wary.

So many guys are fighting quickly, surrounded by wind and fire, trying to kill Ying Changge.

From Ying Changge's point of view, they were so arrogant and over-thinking that it was impossible for them to kill themselves.

He quickly stabbed with a sword, came fiercely, and hit several people in an endless stream (with money).

With such a mighty and quick attack, Ying Changge's murderous intention spread and penetrated into the hearts of the enemy.

Zhu Gang's soldiers rushed to come, but it was still very difficult to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge personally confronted the enemy, intercepting so many soldiers in front of him, taking one to ten.

However, there are still a lot of soldiers ambushing here, and they can be called an invincible charge.

A large group of people came quickly, intercepted around him, and beheaded Ying Changge's soldiers.

It's a pity that Ying Changge is not a man with three heads and six arms, otherwise he would definitely be able to carry a lot of weapons as the enemy's trash.

Chapter 710 The situation is wrong, retreat immediately!

However, he only has a pair of arms, and he only has a knife in his hand, so he really can't fight them.

Especially seeing the soldiers coming in groups one by one, looking menacing.

Although the soldiers behind Ying Changge were united, they were unable to intercept Zhu Gang's army.

This series of soldiers were dispatched by Zhu Gang, and they quickly attacked and released quickly.

It is impossible to block such an offensive posture, because there are not many soldiers brought by Ying Changge.

The dust is flying, the chaos is chaotic, the battlefield is ruthless, and the color of this killing is everywhere, murderous.

Seeing such a situation, Zhu Gang was very satisfied, and felt that he was winning and would kill Ying Changge.

Here today, with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders and Zhao Xingzhi's order, Zhu Gang will do his best and concentrate on it.

Concentrating on 833, the gods dispatched troops, and each of the soldiers went to hit the soldiers of Ying Changge and repelled them.

Ying Changge's figure was still traveling through the enemy's siege, attacking with all his might, and fighting quickly.

Can kill one is one, this is his ability, can be said to be invincible, no one can resist.

Quickly collided, a horizontal, sharp sword was unmatched, and Ying Changge swept thousands of troops.

But even so, Zhu Gang's army was still inexhaustible, and they had too many advantages in numbers.

The troops were strong, and the ambush was insidious. Ying Changge could only chatter and retreat under such a siege.

Zhu Gang felt that the time was ripe, and now was a great opportunity to kill Ying Changge.

So he raised his hand, and then attacked aggressively, coming with weapons in hand.

Just about to move, his momentum was unstoppable, and then his figure collided in front of Ying Changge.

Ying Changge quickly raised his sword to resist, but even so, he was knocked back two steps.

The figure staggered, then stabilized, and immediately stood here, so that he could not continue to fall.

Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, Zhu Gang asked, "Are you still struggling to the death!"

"It's funny!" Ying Changge shook his head, "I can win, I can defeat you and Zhao Xingzhi, why should I attack!"

"Delusional!" Zhu Gang laughed, "There are not many soldiers behind you, how to fight!"

"You alone want to wipe out my entire army! That's really funny!" Zhu Gang didn't believe it.

However, after hearing Zhu Gang's words, Ying Changge was silent for a while, and he didn't know how to respond.

On the battlefield, victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs, and it is impossible for Ying Changge to be defeated like this.

Since the situation is not right, retreat immediately! Ying Changge won't take her own face into consideration and continue to hold on.

The troops in their hands are insufficient, and if they continue to fight against the enemy, it will only cause them to die one by one.

After seeing Ying Changge being so stubborn, Zhu Gang no longer hesitated, "Charge! Not a single one!"


He raised his sword and struck quickly, Ying Changge rushed forward and blocked several people.

After killing several enemy troops, he immediately got up and retreated not far away, "All troops obey the order, retreat!"

Zhu Gang's troops are very abundant, dazzling, many, and it is not easy to be beheaded.

With such a strong attack, once it came quickly, it would kill the Ying Changge army one by one.

This was unpredictable, so they approached quickly, trying to hunt down Ying Changge.

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