At the same time, he instantly cut down a soldier to the ground and continued to approach Zhao Xingzhi.

I don't want to fight Zhao Xingyi, because Ying Changge doesn't want to fight with him, it's too cheap.

Chapter 713 Sword, light, sword and shadow, weapon collision!

With a calm expression on his face, Ying Changge listened attentively, wanting to hear some movements he wanted.

He seemed to be waiting for something, but until now, Ying Changge hadn't waited for the expected movement.

With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi shouted, and the figure in the distance approached Ying Changge.

"What are you waiting for! Hurry up! I want to fight you to the death!" Zhao Xingzhi was furious.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, his face did not change, he was calm and calm, still waiting patiently, not afraid of anything.

At this moment, Ying Changge raised his sword and strode toward Zhao Xingzhi.

If he wants to fight the opponent, he naturally has to go all out, but he is not worthy of such a fight.

The soldiers around him continued to charge, and one 05 came without leaving, suppressing Zhao Xingzhi in one go.

Suddenly, it was blocked by many soldiers! Zhao Xingzhi was unable to move an inch and stayed here.

With a cold snort, he quickly stabbed a sword and swept away thousands of troops, wanting to wipe them all out.

However, Zhao Xingzhi is not a mediocre guy. He has martial arts skills and can calmly deal with the encirclement of the enemy.

So many guys came quickly, but they still rushed forward, showing their killing intent with a sword.

Murderous, he quickly attacked, and the sword swept across, suppressing several soldiers.

The defiant he wants to fight alone, isn't that hitting a stone with an egg and using a man's arm as a chariot!

Zhao Xingzhi was always fighting against the enemy continuously, and the sword in his hand was always unable to meet so many soldiers.

When Ying Changge's soldiers came chattering, Zhao Xingzhi was beaten and retreated, unable to stand.

But Zhao Xingzhi was not fighting alone, he was also leading the army, followed by so many soldiers.

Supporting Zhao Xingzhi, he made a big fight, and the sword was rampant, violently and quickly facing the enemy Ying Changge's soldiers.

The army was entangled with each other, fighting fiercely, showing his own momentum, murderous and aura like a rainbow.

The pace of the attack will not stop, Zhao Xingzhi will continue to chase and kill Ying Changge.

Otherwise, Ying Changge will have a chance to survive, and I am afraid that the one who will die will be Zhao Xingzhi himself!

The army changed and came quickly. With such a fierce offensive, Ying Changge's soldiers were finally caught off guard.

The army's slashing like this is always rippling between you and me, and the battlefield is filled with murderous intent and blood.

In order to fight against him, Zhao Xingzhi had to live to witness Ying Changge's death with his own eyes.

A mere Ying Changge, always attacking Zhao Xingzhi over and over again, making him tireless.

Ambitious and ambitious, in order to kill Ying Changge, he also persevered and persevered.

Let the soldiers around you continue to fight against the enemy and attack quickly, so as to surround and kill Ying Changge.

The indifferent Ying Changge stood here, and he let his soldiers go to the enemy Zhao Xingzhi's army.

For the safety of the people and the peace of the country, Ying Changge must let Zhao Xingzhi die.

Otherwise, let this criminal minister continue to show off his might in front of Ying Changge, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face.

The rapid attack, the army rampaged, and so many people came to him in a blink of an eye.

It seems that Zhao Xingzhi's morale is still high, and he has an aggressive and invincible attitude.

Ping pong! There are swords, lights, swords and shadows everywhere, weapons colliding, and the crisp sound is endless.

Still standing in the same place, his expression was calm, and he kept all the changes around him under his nose.

Any fighting is fierce, so there must be some movement, and it is difficult to quell the battle.

Ying Changge listened to the battle closest to him, but it was only ten steps away, and it was mighty.

With the majestic attack, Zhao Xingzhi's army approached in an orderly manner from far to near.

Zhao Xingzhi didn't want to die, and Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers naturally couldn't die, they still attacked quickly.

Launched an extraordinary momentum, the army that came out was already surrounded by Ying Changge.

Allowing so many armies to fall in front of him, Ying Changge still looks calm.

833 Even if the enemy is outnumbered, Ying Changge can take Zhao Xingzhi's head from Wanjun.

He waited indifferently, listening intently without changing his face, still waiting for something to happen.

During the chaos, Zhao Xingzhi and Ying Changge were far apart, and many soldiers were isolated.

With so many troops standing in front of him, it was very unsightly for Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingyi couldn't continue to hunt down for a while, and it was even more impossible to start a fierce battle with Ying Changge.

In such a situation, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't be patient and quiet, he couldn't wait and wanted a quick solution.

In order to kill Ying Changge and lead the soldiers to approach, Zhao Xingzhi kept attacking.

Against Ying Changge's soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi looked so arrogant and domineering that he could not wait to kill.

In the peninsula supremacy, Zhao Xingzhi directly beheaded Ying Changge's soldiers, killing a **** path.

At this time, he continued to approach, and there was only one person in Zhao Xingzhi's eyes.

Chapter 714 There is an endless stream, in groups!

It was Zhao Xingzhi's duty to kill Ying Changge and destroy his army, even more so.

Especially in the face of Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was very angry when he looked at his calm appearance.

He fought quickly and swiped out all the soldiers in his hands with all his strength.

With the protection of so many soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi approached Ying Changge unimpeded.

Seeing that Ying Changge remained motionless, Zhao Xingzhi showed a look of impatient waiting.

"Go to hell!" He brought his sword and slashed quickly, Zhao Xingzhi's sword was particularly sharp.

Never bewildered, his eyes fixed, Zhao Xingzhi has only one purpose, and that is to kill Ying Changge.

With the existence of Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi's great cause will be hindered, and danger will easily arise.

In order to ensure that his plans and conspiracies will not fail, Zhao Xingzhi must eradicate Ying Changge.

After recovering a small life, Zhao Xingzhi has only one thing in his mind for the rest of his life, and that is to kill the enemy!

Kill Ying Changge and defeat his army, then Zhao Xingzhi will be invincible and do whatever he wants.

Leading the army, Zhao Xingzhi's offensive immediately came before him, but Ying Changge was still indifferent.

With one hand on the hilt of the sword, he was ready to draw the sword at any time, so that he could kill.

On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi was even more angry when he looked at his calm appearance, "Damn!"

"Looking at your arrogant appearance, I'm going to get angry! I'm going to kill you~"!" Zhao Xingzhi shouted.

With a quick step, Zhao Xingzhi finally attacked Ying Changge from far to near.

The sharp sword edge was going up, and it was about to stab Ying Changge's throat, seriously injuring him.

Ying Changge is the root cause of the trouble. In order to kill him, Zhao Xingzhi came with thousands of troops.

But in the battle with Ying Changge's army, Zhao Xingzhi also injured many people more or less.

So many troops were not able to kill Ying Changge, but it would only make Zhao Xingzhi even more defeated.

Therefore, to fight quickly, in order to avoid Ying Changge's escape, the sword in his hand is also brave.

The sword's edge is swift, and it has quick-changing and frictional tricks, which can easily pierce Ying Changge's throat.

This is the danger of closing the throat with a sword. If Ying Changge can't resist, he will definitely be cut off.

But Ying Changge's martial arts skills are strong, so he won't let it go! He immediately turned to the enemy.

The sword edge in his hand swept hard, and he easily blocked Zhao Xingzhi's sword edge in front of him.

With a quick attack, the sword swept across, Ying Changge was not afraid, and immediately counterattacked the enemy.

This sword had an unusually fierce force, and it returned to Zhao Xingzhi in the blink of an eye.

As expected of Ying Changge, Jian Feng's direction was so fast that it was difficult to continue chasing and killing him when he intercepted it here.

Seeing that his sword edge returned to his side, Zhao Xingzhi continued to fight the enemy.

Zhao Xingzhi was in a hurry, walking with the sword edge in his hand, hitting Ying Changge's sword edge with a bang.

Jian Feng was very brave, Ying Changge approached bravely with energy, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

Since the other party is dead, Ying Changge is naturally merciless, this is the battlefield! Murderous.

The sword edge came so valiantly, continuously, and always stabbed Zhao Xingzhi's throat quickly.

An eye for an eye for a tooth for a tooth, Zhao Xingzhi's previous blow was easily blocked by him.

Now Ying Changge is about to fight back, so that he can eradicate Zhao Xingzhi and make his path more smooth.

Persevering and unwilling to give up, Zhao Xingzhi still strode closer to Ying Changge.

hum! The sword edge stabbed straight, and stabbed Ying Changge's arm in a blink of an eye, as if to cut off his arm.

If a martial artist has no arms, how can they fight! Ying Changge immediately avoided.

Taking two steps back, Ying Changge brushed past Zhao Xingzhi's sword, and his face remained unchanged.

In such a quick battle, he had a different kind of offensive, and he came in a fierce manner to suppress Ying Changge.

The sword edge roamed away, but couldn't easily slash on Ying Changge's arm, and the blow was missed.

As soon as he missed a hit, he continued to attack, in order to kill Ying Changge with a sword and separate the corpse.

The soldiers around them were also caught in the chaos, and they attacked non-stop, encircling them.

Ying Changge's soldiers also tried their best to counterattack (Qian Haohao), and they took out their most mighty stance against the enemy.

Especially when there were so many soldiers in an endless stream, posing in groups, so that they could block Zhao Xingzhi.

At this moment, today, Zhao Xingzhi is bound to win, and he must kill Ying Changge before he can let it go.

His face was cold and stern, and the murderous Zhao Xingzhi ordered all his soldiers to charge out.

Only by killing Ying Changge can Zhao Xingzhi be able to complete his great cause without any obstacles.

Valuing his own strategy, Zhao Xingzhi has great ambitions and does not allow anyone to appear to hinder his suffering.

The soldiers were fighting fiercely, walking unscrupulously, and blood was sprayed in the shadows of swords, lights, swords and shadows.

Chapter 715 Slashing down, a quick blow!

Five steps of blood spattered, the corpse fell down, and each corpse became even more hideous and ruined.

Holding his sword, Ying Changge remained motionless in the face of Zhao Xingzhi's approaching many soldiers.

Jian Feng resisted Zhao Xingzhi, but he could not stop the galloping charge of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Just relying on her own strength, Ying Changge fighting with so many enemy troops is also lacking in skills.

If Ying Changge is a man with three heads and six arms, then he can also behead a lot of people.

But Ying Changge only needed a pair of hands and a sword, and he was surrounded by numerous enemy troops and was helpless.

Even though he was surrounded by heavy siege, his face was full of calmness, and Ying Changge was unmoved.

Undaunted, he slammed the sword in his hand one after another, Ying Changge blocked many soldiers.

But Zhao Xingzhi will not stop there, there are soldiers behind him to attack Ying Changge together.

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