Zhao Xingzhi had suffered a lot of defeats before, which made his troops so weak that he couldn't speak the same thing at all.

Wisdom emerges from urgency, and the wisdom is extraordinary, Zhao Xingzhi invited Zhao Yiming out, and the two attacked Ying Changge from left and right.

Zhao Xingzhi was very happy and satisfied when he heard the news that Zhao Yiming was leading the troops.

A mere Ying Changge, under the collision of so many troops, will naturally be very dangerous.

As long as this force is charged and tested, the avoidance will make Ying Changge's forces sacrifice more.

This is a good opportunity. With the support of Zhao Yiming's army, Zhao Xingzhi is even more powerful, like a duck in water.

Waiting for the good news, Zhao Xingzhi sat in the back and let Zhao Yiming's army go to attack Ying Changge first.

Not in a hurry, the calm and calm Ying Changge has already asked many soldiers to ambush Zhao Yiming.

But for all this, Zhao Yiming didn't know it, he felt that he was bound to win, and the victory was in his hands.

Regarding the road in front of him, Zhao Yiming dispatched cavalry to charge, so that he could probe the other side carefully.

This is also a very important thing, at least, it will not let them get information because of this.

He didn't want to leak his news, so Zhao Yiming made a quick decision and always came quickly.

A few cavalrymen were sent to explore the news, but Zhao Yiming didn't see the cavalry returning home full of rewards.

The army waited here for a while, but none of the cavalry came back. It was really suspicious.

Not to be outdone and unwilling to wait for a long time, Zhao Yiming quickly called up his own people.

"The whole army obeys the order and continues to march!" Zhao Yiming refused to wait long, so the whole army continued to leave.

A large group of people in Wuwuyangyang continued to move forward on this broad road, which caught Ying Changge by surprise.

Otherwise, when Ying Changge's army reacts, it will be difficult for Zhao Yiming to raid it.

This is a very important matter, so Zhao Yiming tried to let himself take the lead and leave quickly.

When the army moved, a group of people rushed away aggressively, unimpeded on the avenue, invincible.

Many people are moving quickly, so many guys, with unstoppable power.

Zhao Yiming, who is confident, and the army with high morale, look the same.

After walking a mile or so again, Zhao Yiming saw that there was still such a wide road ahead.

Why is this! What a suspicious thing, he came briskly, the 850 wanted to see what was wrong.

Obviously, Zhao Yiming had sent a small team of cavalry to investigate, but there was no good result.

Now, the cavalry is nowhere to be seen, which is bad news for Zhao Yiming.

Why it is like this! Zhao Yiming immediately ordered the entire army to be on alert, and then proceeded cautiously.

Otherwise, if there is an ambush, then there will be no chance to seriously injure Ying Changge.

According to Zhao Xingzhi's intelligence, Zhao Yiming knew where Ying Changge's camp was, which was very important.

Therefore, according to his own efforts, Zhao Yiming made so many troops come to his side immediately.

These many large armies continue to continue Ying Changge's army from the back, and the wind is full of fire.

Continuing to approach quietly, the army in his hand was twisted into a rope, and it seemed that he was bound to win.

When Zhao Yiming's army walked another mile, they suddenly found a lot of black shadows ahead.

Chapter 734 Fighting with strength, go all out!

what is that! Zhao Yiming was attentive, and he recognized it all at once.

That's a corpse! It was the corpse of the cavalry he sent! It's appalling! They were all killed.

So many cavalrymen went to inquire about the news, but the whole army was wiped out. What does this mean!

All of a sudden he came back to his senses, Zhao Yiming suddenly realized that there was actually an ambush by the army of Ying Changge!

So, he got up immediately, rode on the horse, and waved his arms vigorously, "Everyone be on guard!"

"There is an ambush around, everyone must be careful!" Zhao Yiming yelled loudly, his voice loud and clear.

After hearing Zhao Yiming's order, the other soldiers followed quickly and formed a large formation.

Just after setting up a large array of alertness, I saw a large group of people come to me.

Who is that! Zhao Yiming took a closer look, it turned out to be the general Meng Tian next to Ying Changge!

Meng Tian had long known that Zhao Yiming would come here, because Ying Changge had predicted them one by one.

The movements of so many guys were all in Ying Changge's expectation, and he was in control of the overall situation steadily.

Therefore, when Zhao Yiming tried to attack quickly, Ying Changge had already made Meng Tian ambushed in the middle of the road.

Before, Meng Tian killed a small team of cavalry dispatched by Zhao Yiming, and he was very proud.

Staring intently at Zhao Yiming, Meng Tian scolded and asked, "If you don't hold back, you will be captured!"

"If you surrender now, disarm and don't kill, or even let you be punished lightly, how about~"!"

The murderous Zhao Yiming was very strong, "Impossible! I must kill you all!"

"Come and kill one! Come and kill ten thousand!" Zhao Yiming's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, he is very brave.

Meeting with Meng Tian, ​​not to be outdone, he continued to attack, and he attacked all the soldiers in his hands.

A series of troops marched aggressively, Zhao Yiming preemptively attacked and grabbed the first opportunity.

And Meng Tian naturally couldn't sit idly by, he already knew Zhao Yiming's insidious cunning.

It's really stupid for such a kid to lead an army to kill himself! Meng Tian smiled lightly.

Shaking his head contemptuously, he immediately attacked aggressively, and the people in his hands were all walking in an endless stream.

Many guys were fighting fast, surrounded by Meng Tian's army, with sharp methods.

And Meng Tian was ordered to come, he was fighting for Ying Changge, so he had to destroy the enemy.

This is an order, and it is also a cruel war. It is impossible for Meng Tian to show mercy to his men.

Even if Zhao Yiming made a preemptive strike, Meng Tian still mustered up his strength to fight and went all out.

Rapid hostility, rapid impact, for a while, this place is already a shadow of swords and swords, and swords are drawn.

Meng Tian took the lead in charging forward, just to be able to kill Zhao Yiming easily.

Just like Zhao Xingzhi, this Zhao Yiming is despicable and shameless, sinister and vicious, and has wolf ambitions.

Now that Zhao Yiming's army is around, he tries to attack Ying Changge, but Ying Changge preemptively anticipates it.

Under such hard fighting, the only thing he can do is to eradicate the opponent and be defeated.

With a quick confrontation, the vigor in his hands fell down bravely, Meng Tian went straight to Zhao Yiming and stabbed with a sword.

Zhao Yiming didn't want to fight Meng Tian. He had many soldiers of his own, and it was his life.

In Zhao Yiming's eyes, soldiers are like scapegoats who can die, and they can squander freely.

Since they were resisting them with soldiers, Zhao Yiming didn't need to fight Meng Tian himself.

He quickly retreated, Zhao Yiming hid in his army, avoiding Meng Tian's sword.

Not to be outdone, Meng Tian, ​​who came with aggression, quickly joined the battle, and his figure disappeared around him.

Submerged by Zhao Yiming's soldiers, Meng Tian's tall and mighty body almost disappeared, making it difficult to move.

The crowd was crowded, swords and swords shadowed, and under such confrontation, Zhao Yiming continued unremittingly.

Taking out his own momentum and aggressively attacking, Meng Tian beheaded several soldiers.

Facing Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming was just running away, not planning to meet the enemy at all, he was too cowardly.

Just fleeing like this, Zhao Yiming avoided Meng Tian for hundreds of steps, and he had long since disappeared.

On the contrary, Meng Tian was brave and fearless.

Quickly attacking, with one sword down, Meng Tian killed all the enemies in front of him one by one, fighting with blood.

The sword's edge was stained with blood, but Zhao Yiming's soldiers continued to come one after another.

With a quick blow, the sword's edge broke open, directly beheading several people around, and it was a complete defeat.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers died and sacrificed a lot, but they continued to attack, causing heavy damage to Meng Tian's army.

Walking back and forth, charging unscrupulously, this sword is as fast as a gust of wind and like lightning.

hum! Wherever Meng Tian went, no one could match him, and he beheaded everyone.

Chapter 735 A cold snort with a cold face!

Leading the soldiers around him to continue charging, Meng Tian continued to chase and kill Zhao Yiming, and wanted to kill him.

A mere Zhao Yiming, still trying to challenge Ying Changge's army, isn't this self-defeating!

So Meng Tian took Ying Changge's place, and he must behead them all. If one is left alone, the enemies are all evil.

A famous teacher, Meng Tian was righteous, and quickly attacked a group of people, showing his own attitude.

Zhao Yiming saw the strength of the opponent, and the army around him was surrounded by Meng Tian.

So many soldiers came one after another, surrounded Zhao Yiming's left and right.

The reckless Zhao Yiming thought he could kill Meng Tian, ​​but he did not expect that he was severely injured.

So many guys are always moving quickly, coming in groups, charging with great speed.

Under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​the army came with majesty, and it seemed that there was no flaw in 867.

The morale was high, Meng Tian took the lead, they punished evil and promoted good, and attacked bravely without fear.

In the chaos of the army, Zhao Yiming kept retreating, always quickly avoiding the traces of these people.

Even the army is approaching bravely, but what Zhao Yiming does is very simple, the enemy advances and we retreat.

It was only natural that the number of steps Meng Tian led the army forward, Zhao Yiming would retreat.

For fear of losing his life, Zhao Yiming had to avoid Meng Tian's frontal pursuit.

So many guys came swiftly, and under the command of Meng Tian, ​​it was even faster.

A large army of Wuyangyang came to him, and it was unexpectedly powerful.

Fighting against Meng Tian was beyond Zhao Yiming's expectations, because he was just going to attack Ying Changge.

Attacked the army of Ying (afej) Changge and killed him. At that time, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi would combine the two swords.

Otherwise, Zhao Yiming would not be able to break through Ying Changge's army, and he would be unable to move even an inch.

This is not a good thing. Once Zhao Yiming's offensive is blocked, he has no chance to continue his offensive.

Killing Ying Changge was something he was bound to achieve, but it was a pity that Meng Tian's appearance ruined his good deeds.

Under the charge of Meng Tian's army, Zhao Yiming took out his mighty stance and commanded the entire army.

"Don't retreat, only attack! Charge me up!"

Zhao Yiming led the army to come, originally planning to attack Ying Changge, but he never expected to be ambushed by Ying Changge.

I haven't waited to see Ying Changge, but Zhao Yiming was already surrounded by Meng Tian, ​​which is a pity.

With a cold snort, his face was cold and stern, his eyes were full of murderous intent, **** it!

In such a state, as long as he could kill them, Zhao Yiming had to take the lead in charging.

Approaching fast, aggressively attacking, the sword in his hand is also swiftly slashed down.

Majestic and majestic, breaking through the siege, Zhao Yiming wanted to fight Meng Tian for life and death, a quick battle.

But Meng Tian is not an ordinary person, he is attacking quickly, coming towards Zhao Yiming.

Catch the thief first and catch the king, as long as Zhao Yiming can be killed, then Meng Tian doesn't need to worry about the rest.

In the chaotic army, among the people in Wuyangyang, Meng Tian took the lead, taking the lead and boosting morale.

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