Otherwise, allowing Zhao Yiming to always attack, it will only make them more difficult and invincible.

With a rush of energy and a cold expression, Meng Tian shouted, "Continue chasing the enemy, kill Zhao Yiming first!"

This foolish and arrogant Zhao Yiming, who rebelled and plotted power and seized the army, has already committed a capital crime.

Especially when Zhao Yiming had to join Zhao Xingzhi and attack Ying Changge from left and right, it was beyond his own power.

Facing the wishful thinking of the enemy, Meng Tian will obliterate them and smash Zhao Yiming's conspiracy.

Chapter 738 Killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone!

The army was marching fast behind him, and they came in swarms. Zhao Yiming, who was fighting, was not prepared for anything.

Unprepared, with heavy casualties, Zhao Yiming's army was completely chased and beaten by Ying Changge.

Quickly charged into the formation and continued to attack, under a series of offensives, Zhao Yiming was extremely embarrassed.

Shaking and exhausted, Zhao Yiming's figure on the horse gradually weakened.

In a state of helplessness, almost no one could stop the offensive of Meng Tian's army.

They are all swiftly attacking, coming one after another, showing their mighty aura.

Quickly facing the enemy, going down unscrupulously, this galloping offensive has a powerful posture.

Meng Tian seems to be invincible, even in the wind and fire, with a strong and heavy power.

Brave impact, Meng Tian's army's offensive never stopped.

Meng Tian persevered, and the morale of the army he led was also high, which was unexpectedly powerful.

Quickly charged out, chatteringly took out his own posture, and also had strong capital.

The army all came with publicity, beheading many of the guys behind Zhao Yiming one by one.

It was precisely because he knew the strength of the opponent that Zhao Yiming wisely chose not to fight him.

The more damage to his own troops, the less Zhao Yiming will be able to fight against Ying Changge, and the entire army will be easily wiped out.

The conspiracy of Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi coincides, but the general trend has not yet begun! Can't end there.

Therefore, his instant attack came aggressively, and he took out the attitude and impact that he should have had.

Meteor striding forward, galloping over, Zhao Yiming, who was riding on a horse, attacked with all his might, and went on a quick fight.

This sword is very fast, almost unexpected, and it is impossible for people to block this blow smoothly.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers were twisted and twisted, and everyone died like this, so they couldn't stand still.

With a single sword, Meng Tian beheaded a lot of enemy troops, leaving no one behind.

This was a hunting and a massacre, Meng Tian was completely on a rampage, charging straight ahead.

The people around were unable to block the blow, and the other guys died as a result, with heavy casualties.

Zhao Yiming didn't dare to fight against him, to avoid his own death in Meng Tian's hands, leaving no hair left.

Panting and galloping fast, he rode on a horse, always charging fast, pulling fast.

He and Meng Tian's army involved an extreme distance, and under the opportunity here, he was unscathed.

Very fortunate, Zhao Yiming didn't dare to turn his head back, sweating profusely, he just retreated as always.

The army was running wildly on the battlefield, and they were all leaving quickly and leaving the place.

Seeing Zhao Yiming's figure and finding the whereabouts of the other party, Meng Tian naturally continued to chase and kill.

Straight and straight, the offensive is brave, Meng Tian and Ying Changge are exactly the same, and their morale is very high.

Quickly attacking the enemy and charging unscrupulously, they quickly charged into the depths of Zhao Yiming's army.

Meng Tian's morale was high, and he walked quickly. A series of offensives were exceptionally sharp, like thorns on the back.

Zhao Yiming, who was caught in an ambush by Meng Tian's soldiers continued to hunt down, suffered heavy losses.

Under such a fierce battle, Zhao Yiming ignored the casualties of his soldiers, it was just a number.

The death of a soldier is not called death, it is just a grand sacrifice! Zhao Yiming simply ignored it.

Even if all the soldiers in his hands were killed, as long as Zhao Yiming was alive, it would be enough.

Under Meng Tian's pursuit, Zhao Yiming quickly retreated, and his buttocks were throbbing and hurting immediately.

Even so, he still did not change his face, always charged quickly, breaking through the encirclement of Meng Tian's army.

Ying Changge sat in the rear, and he kept receiving news on the battlefield, Meng Tian's heroism, Zhao Yiming's escape.

It was originally an ambush in advance, but in order to kill Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge personally asked Meng Tian to lead the team.

But to tell the truth, Ying Changge is not a winner because he doesn't know how powerful Zhao Yiming is.

Rebellion and conspiracy, came north, Zhao Yiming 867 led his army and came to join Zhao Xingzhi.

This is a bold thing, so Ying Changge is witty and smart, and wants to defeat them one by one.

Killing Zhao Yiming first, then injuring Zhao Xingzhi, kills two birds with one stone, kills two birds with one stone, so witty.

But Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi are not cats or dogs, once they attack, they will definitely fight back.

In such a state, Zhao Yiming would not be beheaded easily, Zhao Yiming was still escaping.

Recklessly and persistently, Zhao Yiming surrounded himself with his soldiers and continued to flee.

Even if there is Meng Tian's army behind him, it is impossible to kill Zhao Yiming easily for a while.

Zhao Yiming fled without a fight, perhaps a cowardly approach, but at least he protected his life.

To protect his head, Zhao Yiming continued to charge and would not stop at all.

Non-stop, the army continued to charge, and a series of people quickly scattered around.

Chapter 739 Don't chase after the poor, not worth mentioning!

But under such an offensive, everything is useless, at least not that he can simply deal with.

Even though Meng Tian couldn't wait to kill Zhao Yiming, he still let him escape.

Under Meng Tian's pursuit, Zhao Yiming gave up a lot of soldiers, and the strength of the army became a human wall.

A large group of people in Wuyangyang blocked Meng Tian's face, which slowed down the offensive of his army a lot.

Continue to charge and rush quickly, but Zhao Yiming's army is solid and resists abruptly.

Meng Tian was facing the human wall, it was impossible to break through easily for a while, it was really helpless.

So, dodge as much as you can, quickly retreat, and in a blink of an eye, his figure quickly escapes and disappears.

Zhao Yiming was only left with his own group of soldiers to entangle with Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian was trapped in a sea of ​​people.

Helpless, unable to rush out of the siege, Zhao Yiming quickly fled under Meng Tian's outflanking.

Fortunately, he didn't go deep behind the enemy, otherwise Zhao Yiming would be surrounded and would not have any chance to escape.

After the catastrophe, Zhao Yiming was very happy, and immediately led his army to leave this place.

After breaking free from Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming was very happy and ordered the soldiers behind him to follow him immediately.

A series of troops quickly considered forward, heading to Zhao Yiming's side, ready to go.

Under such a situation, it is very good that Zhao Yiming can maintain so many troops.

With a happy smile, Zhao Yiming immediately ordered the soldiers to rest and recharge.

At the same time, Zhao Yiming immediately notified Zhao Xingzhi and got in touch with his brother.

After reporting everything in this place, Zhao Yiming can only seek Zhao Xingzhi's help now.

After Zhao Xingzhi heard what happened to Zhao Yiming, he was very disappointed, because he had been looking forward to it.

It's just that he never expected that his conspiracy would fall like this, and he could not kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge was still alive and kicking, and even Meng Tian ambush Zhao Yiming, causing a lot of damage to his troops.

Under such circumstances, everything was helpless, and Zhao Yiming did his best after all.

So, Zhao Xingzhi wrote back to Zhao Yiming, asking him to get close to the city on his side immediately.

Occupying Beitan City, Zhao Xingzhi became the hegemon in the mountain, and made his troops a foolproof posture.

Beitan City is impregnable, as long as Zhao Yiming comes, they will be able to combine their swords and become even more powerful.

Ying Changge was as expected, and he immediately knew the movements of Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

Ying Changge had long expected that there would be many involvements and activities between Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

How could he bear it! Absolutely impossible! Ying Changge had to capture Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingyi.

A few guys were so aggressive and came with a large army, it seems that there is a husband who is in charge and ten thousand people are not open.

But Ying Changge didn't move, just let Meng Tian ambush, just to kill Zhao Yiming's spirit.

Didn't Zhao Yiming want to attack him! But he himself was caught off guard by Meng Tian's killing.

Helpless to retreat, the whole person almost fell down, and died because of this, and it was impossible to prevent.

This is not a good thing! Zhao Yiming was defeated and told Zhao Xingzhi the news.

Zhao Xingzhi was not afraid, he immediately asked Zhao Yiming to lead the army to his side.

All the great people came aggressively, trying to defeat Zhao Yiming and let Ying Changge die.

However, before Zhao Yiming could see Ying Changge, his army was almost beheaded by Meng Tian.

This is a very embarrassing thing, so he led his soldiers and retreated backwards.

A group of people left quickly, and in a blink of an eye, there was no trace, disappeared, disappeared without a trace.

On the contrary, it was Meng Tian, ​​who did not rush up in a hurry, and the poor pirates did not chase after him, which was not worth mentioning.

So Meng Tian quickly tipped off and reported the situation of the battle to Ying Changge in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yiming's escape was only temporary, and Ying Changge had long expected that he would disappear here without a trace.

At this moment, what he wanted to do most was to watch Zhao Xingzhi's every move.

After losing the battle with Meng Tian, ​​what does Zhao Yiming want to do most? Of course escape!

Meeting with Zhao Xingzhi is very important (Qian Wang Zhao), Zhao Yiming is definitely going to get close to Beitan City now.

So, taking this opportunity, Ying Changge immediately mobilized the troops in his hands quickly.

A series of people went to Beitan City one after another, and Zhao Yiming was not allowed to join Zhao Xingzhi.

In control of the situation, Ying Changge was condescending, seeing all the movements clearly, and clearly understood the white toilet.

When Zhao Yiming's entire army retreated, he really came to join Zhao Xingzhi. He was afraid that he would be chased and killed by Meng Tian.

Therefore, a group of people came quickly, and they approached Beitan City non-stop.

But so many soldiers of Ying Changge gathered here, so that Zhao Yiming had no way out.

Chapter 740 It's getting farther and farther, for a while!

There is no way to enter the city, these people can only wander outside Beitan City to make themselves safer.

Otherwise, if you really want Ying Changge's soldiers to catch up and kill him, there's nothing you can do.

Very calm and composed, Zhao Yiming's eyes stared straight into the distance and saw the army of Ying Changge.

This large group of soldiers in Wuyangyang did not hide it at all, and they guarded Beitan City like this, so they could not give in.

Once so many guys came aggressively, Bi Ran would be able to make Zhao Yiming a complete defeat.

Impossible to die! It is impossible to enter it so recklessly, so Zhao Yiming stayed for the time being.

Let the army stagnate in his own hands, Zhao Yiming is trying hard to find a way, how to enter the city!

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