All the soldiers were injured, and under Meng Tian's sword, they could not get any benefit at all.

Taking the lead, fighting quickly, always coming bravely and fearlessly, Meng Tian's martial arts are as fast as a gust of wind.

Rampage, like a tiger out of its cage, Meng Tian beat all the soldiers in front of him and retreated.

The soldiers were in the granary, facing Meng Tian's offensive, completely powerless.

As the battle continued, the soldiers came one after another, as if overwhelming.

Seeing so many soldiers come to him, he smiled contemptuously.

It's just a bunch of rabble, struggling to the death in front of him, not worth mentioning!

Without any feeling of fear, the sword in Meng Tian's hand did not defend, but continued to attack.

They walked swiftly, and under the sword, the left and right sides of the sword's edge made it difficult for them to support.

Shaking, their bodies fell to the ground, and under such a battle, they were even more unable to fight against the enemy.

Among the crowds, the soldiers were always fighting fast in the granary, chasing them one by one.

These soldiers are not stupid, at least, they didn't rush up and die at Meng Tian's hands.

The only thing he had to do was put out the fire, the soldiers had no other plan to deal with Meng Tian.

Even if it was a treasure that was continued, the torch in Meng Tian's hand did not stop, and even continued to light it.

The surrounding food and grass were all burned, and once the fire collided, it must be very hot.

There was a continuous fire, and the soldiers couldn't raise their heads in this fire, and they were no longer firm.

Especially Meng Tian continued to fight in the granary, waving his sword and his torches incessantly.

Opening the bow from left to right, taking both sides, Meng Tian's posture can be said to be unscrupulous when facing the soldiers.

A quick attack came violently, and this series of sword edges flashed with murderous aura.

Several unwitting soldiers also tried to stop Meng Tian, ​​trying to protect the granary and prevent the food from being damaged.

But unfortunately, it was impossible for the menacing Meng Tian to give up, and he was still fighting back hard.

Even if the enemy is outnumbered, Meng Tian is able to defeat them one by one.

The more you come, the more you kill.

In the granary, the surrounding soldiers all fell one by one, and he could not win the first opportunity in his hands.

Meng Tian couldn't wait to fight, he had to go back and return to Ying Changge! He has a mission.

Sneaking in from the dark passage alone, Meng Tian wanted to seriously inflict heavy damage on Zhao Xingzhi, causing his army to be quickly injured or killed.

If the soldiers can't get enough to eat, they will fight with all their strength! this is a good chance!

Therefore, he will go through the secret passage alone, avoid any crisis, and will not startle the snake.

Putting so many soldiers in his hands on the other side of the dark passage, Meng Tian was alone.

He came quickly and sneaked into the city alone, and what he had to do was very simple.

Destroy everything, let any food and grass burn quickly, the fire is flying, and it is ruthless.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were all slightly damaged, and it was a pity that they could not concentrate on continuing the battle.

Under such a confrontation, the situation is windy (money and money). Meng Tian could not wait to continue fighting the enemy.

The sword edge ran rampant, stabbing at the left and right, wherever Meng Tian went, a **** storm was easily set off.

Because of Ying Changge's order, Meng Tian didn't want his actions to disappoint Ying Changge, and he was bound to soften.

He quickly caught up, stalemate with the numerous soldiers, entangled with the enemy.

The blade of the sword was stained with blood, and Meng Tian killed a lot of soldiers, leaving almost no extra defense in the granary.

Taking this opportunity, he came even more aggressively, always moving quickly, wishing to eradicate them.

A sword dashed forward, and the hurricane attacked, Meng Tian strode a meteor, as fast as a thunderbolt.

Chapter 750 The battle of life and death is crucial!

There were ups and downs in the granary, and the fighting continued, blood spattered on the spot, especially the flames could not be suppressed.

Seven up and down, the soldiers with all their hands and feet were in a hurry, and they were in a hurry, unable to get entangled.

Holding a sword in one hand and a torch in the other, Meng Tian showed his heroic and fearless attitude and was invincible.

The surrounding soldiers were shocked and unstoppable, they were unbelievable, and even had a grim look on their faces.

The menacing siege came up, and the soldiers stepped out of the sea of ​​​​fire quickly, just to defeat it.

It's a pity that this sword is impossible to start. The soldiers approached, but they couldn't get close to Meng Tian.

Although they were surrounded by menacing soldiers, they were far away from Meng Tian and could not be assassinated with a single sword.

They avoided the flames and trampled on the flames, but they still went all out and approached Meng Tian unremittingly.

Without killing Meng Tian, ​​the soldiers would not be able to explain to General Zhao Xingzhi! This is a serious matter.

The granary was destroyed, and these soldiers who were responsible for guarding the granary might also lose their lives!

880 Chattering and concentrating, the many soldiers refused to give in, but they still followed suit and fought directly.

In the fast confrontation with Meng Tian, ​​the soldiers fell one by one, and they were killed and wounded.

Meng Tian's serious appearance will not be frightened by these soldiers at all. He is exactly the same as Ying Changge.

Whether it is a chivalrous body or a swordsmanship, Meng Tian has learned a lot from Ying Changge and has a deep understanding.

After realizing Ying Changge's ability, Meng Tian's martial arts are naturally not bad, and he dares to face it alone.

In the face of the crowd, Meng Tian was expressionless, he quickly confronted the enemy, and the sword was rampant.

A series of sword moves were densely packed, intercepting the soldiers in front of them and defuse their offensive.

Although Ying Changge wanted to kill them all, Meng Tian couldn't do it.

He was surrounded by so many soldiers, which means that the grain in the granary must be very rich.

Burn the food and grass, and then Meng Tian will be able to completely cut off Zhao Xingzhi's army.

How do soldiers fight without food? It's just a crushing defeat, an easy death.

Meng Tian found a precise and unmistakable offensive, and naturally he wanted to kill it and burn the granary.

The fire continued to burn, and Meng Tian used his torch to burn the surroundings into a mess.

There is not much food and grass left, and under this ruthless fire, the fire is flying and full of destructive power.

The soldiers continued to fight, but Meng Tian had to rub their spirits when fighting them.

Once these guys are dead, there will be no guards in the granary, and the precautions are easy to be neglected.

The battle with them was naturally fierce, and the blade in Meng Tian's hand was stained with a lot of blood.

This is not Meng Tian's own blood, but these soldiers' blood. Meng Tian is invincible here.

After winning a great victory and beheading many soldiers, Meng Tian has become the king of this place.

It is impossible for a group of rabble to kill Meng Tian, ​​which makes his existence very dangerous.

Many soldiers were very frightened, and they wished to carry out the grain and grass in the granary (afej).

It is a pity that they have nowhere to retreat, and in such a fierce battle, they are even more likely to die.

Meng Tian ran rampant with a sword, murderous intent, and suppressed them all in one go.

The fire was flying, and the fire continued to burn, making it impossible for the soldiers to escape from the granary.

The only way to leave now is behind Meng Tian, ​​but he jumped to block it.

Burning food and grass, let the fire spread, and in the scorching fire, Ying Changge stood out from the crowd.

Even in the face of so many troops, Meng Tian had to fulfill Ying Changge's orders without any negligence.

The fire continued to rush down, and the grain and grass were burned and withered, and even became ashes.

Standing on the ground, Meng Tian was not injured at all, and he still raised his hands to show his sword and fire.

No one could fight with him, Meng Tian broke into this place single-handedly and convinced many soldiers.

Without any help, even though Meng Tian was alone, he was still invincible and invincible.

The other soldiers around him were domineering, carrying weapons and wishing to kill Ying Changge in eight pieces.

However, there are a few ordinary soldiers who can kill themselves! What a ridiculous thing!

Meng Tian took the lead, and his weapons were always chattering, shocking Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

The light on the weapon is fierce and murderous, Meng Tian and Hanmang always move quickly.

But wherever Meng Tian passed by, there was a boiling fire, as well as the straight stab of the sword.

His tricks are very simple, going straight and straight, knocking everyone down in front of him.

Several soldiers guarding the granary fell to their knees, dripping with blood and scarred.

The soldiers came in a series of sieges, and they did anything to protect the granary.

Attacking with all their might, the soldiers scrambled for each other, and the battle with Meng Tian was an exciting thing.

The battle of life and death is crucial, either the soldier guarding the granary dies, then Meng Tian dies.

Chapter 751 Turned Out, Mass Kill!

However, Meng Tian was very patient, he felt that all the situation could be under his control.

Ying Changge's order was to destroy the granary, which was a very simple matter for Meng Tian.

Just let Meng Tian enter here, burn the fire, discard the torch, and complete the Ying Changge mission.

Any torches are useless, this fierce fire always spreads quickly~ and burns around.

In front of Meng Tian was all this fire, the wide burning, disappeared for a while - other traces could be found.

This is not an ordinary fire. Burning this food and grass will only make the fire more hot and full of danger.

Anyone who shuttles into this firelight will be burned to death alive, and the situation is difficult!

A group of soldiers watched helplessly as the fire burned, and had no choice but to keep running.

From far to near, the figures were staggered, and the soldiers could no longer pursue and kill Meng Tian, ​​and were isolated from each other.

The distance is not far or near, the enemy is advancing and we are retreating, and the offensive of the soldiers is only approaching one after another.

But so what! For him, what he has to do is very simple.

Burning the grain is enough! Therefore, the torches in his hands were quickly discarded and left not far away.

The fire burned immediately, and with the scorching of the grain and grass, the light of the flames became even more brilliant.

A series of fires continued to prevail, but the light released continued to burn soldiers.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were in a panic, and they were defeated. Under Meng Tian's killing, they gradually lost.

Concentrated and focused, Meng Tian stared at the soldiers in front of him, still fearless.

"Aren't you going to capture it without your hands! In such a battle, your entire army will be wiped out!"

Meng Tian's purpose is very simple, kill them, and then set fire to the granary here.

As long as the granary is burned to the fullest, the grain and grass in it will also be wiped out.

When Zhao Xingzhi's army ran out of food and grass, how could they deal with the enemy, Ying Changge? But it's empty!

Meng Tian had to execute Ying Changge's orders, so he had to break them.

There are not many soldiers in the granary anymore, so few guys can't continue to fight against Meng Tian.

Meng Tian is very strong, and his skills are very superb.

Fire still has such a posture, in the end of everything, the dust has settled and let him control the situation.

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