With patient confrontation and persistent rampage, Zhao Xingzhi made his knife and axe hand block the door.

The city gate was broken open, and Ying Changge's soldiers poured in one after another and came to Zhao Xingzhi's army.

They started a fierce battle. You come and go, and you fight to your heart's content. They are really brave and powerful.

But even so, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't stop Ying Changge, because his soldiers were all menacing.

The army had a valiant offensive, and Ying Changge also rode a war horse and rushed into the city gate.

The situation is reversed, and everything is changing silently, which is really unexpected.

Seeing Ying Changge's figure, Zhao Xingzhi was ready to run away again, he was very good at it.

From Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi has not escaped once or twice, he is very strong.

Therefore, when he saw that Ying Changge's army continued to come, Zhao Xingzhi knew that he was going to leave.

Otherwise, if he continues to stay here, maybe he himself will be beheaded by Ying Changge, and it is easy to die here.

Seeing that Ying Changge led the army to come in full force, Zhao Xingzhi turned around and fled without hesitation.

With all his confidants by his side, Zhao Xingzhi rushed on, preparing to leave Beiyan Pass.

Ying Changge's army continued to chase and kill behind him, but he was powerless to fight back and had no power to parry.

Knowing the bravery of Ying Changge's army for a long time, Zhao Xingzhi could not wait to kill them all.

It's a pity that Zhao Xingzhi's general talent is really average, and it is impossible to compare with Ying Changge.

When the city gate fell, Zhao Xingzhi knew that his life would be difficult and he could easily die here.

He was still working hard to continue the attack, Zhao Xingzhi forcibly cut a **** path and charged quickly.

I don't know how many soldiers and horses Ying Changge has, but Zhao Xingzhi is still trying to escape.

This was something to be expected, Ying Changge had long known that Zhao Xingzhi would run away again.

The timid and cowardly Zhao Xingzhi has other skills, and Ying Changge admires his work as a deserter.

Leading his own army, united and united, he quickly broke through the defense line of the city gate.

Leading his own elite soldiers, Ying Changge has been rushing in Beiyan Pass, aggressive.


Unable to resist Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi already knew that the limit of his army was here, and he could not fight against the enemy.

Not wanting to be killed by Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi rushed towards the city gate without delay.

He heard the news, and knew that Ying Changge's men and horses came one after another and surrounded Beiyan Pass.

Is it difficult to die here! Zhao Xingzhi will not give up, he wants to flee the battlefield.

Unable to advance and retreat with Zhao Yiming, Zhao Xingzhi just sent soldiers to send a message to Zhao Yiming.


Since Beiyanguan was already unable to hold on, it was necessary to give in once again to avoid the Ying Changge army.

Good to be able to escape.

Taking a step back, Zhao Xingzhi warned himself that he must be patient everywhere in order to survive.

Otherwise, once captured by Ying Changge's army, Zhao Xingzhi would die without a place to be buried.

Continuing to run around in the city, leading his own army are still persistently fleeing.

This matter does not escape, and when will it be! Zhao Xingzhi was a scoundrel and a wicked man by nature.

Therefore, the battle with Ying Changge is destined, or Zhao Xing's death, then Ying Changge's death.

It is already a rebellion, and the era of his own army has begun. Zhao Xingzhi can't wait to kill Ying Changge.

But he doesn't have such strength now, and he has no chance to fight against the enemy Ying Changge.

Everything has its own providence, as long as Zhao Xingzhi concentrates on escaping, he can avoid the enemy army.

Led the army to break into Beiyan Pass, Ying Changge searched for the trace of Zhao Xingzhi in the city.

Chapter 777 All the people are of one mind, work together!

This guy who doesn't know how to live or die actually intends to rebel, it's really ridiculous, short-sighted!

Condensing his army into one group, Ying Changge let them all break into the city gate unimpeded.

Don't do it now, it's time to wait! Ying Changge had to let Zhao Xingzhi know what would happen if he made a reaction.

Smart hands and feet, brave in marching, the soldiers under his hands are still impatient to step into Beiyan Pass.

Zhao Xingzhi could not be hostile with the current strength in his hands, and he had no countermeasures.

Zhao Xingzhi, who was at a loss, was flustered, and he felt that his future was worrying and he was very easy to die.

Meng "Nine One Three" thought that he still had a bright future, so Zhao Xingzhi would not admit defeat, and he would continue to retreat.

He hit the army and charged quickly from the city gate, trampling on the bodies of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

Very frightened, extremely frightened, Zhao Xingzhi was afraid that Ying Changge would catch up and kill him.

Therefore, he led the cavalry and was impatiently retreating so that he could leave this place and escape.

The persistent Ying Changge has seen Zhao Xingzhi's figure, how could he stop!

"Give it to me! Surround the enemy, block Zhao Xingzhi, and prevent them from having any way out!"

Finally, they entered the city gate, so Ying Changge must capture Zhao Xingzhi and kill him.

With Ying Changge's order here, many soldiers were also very fast, and they rushed up.

They swarmed and occupied the city here, and they couldn't wait to fight.

The fire was burning all around, and a series of fires could not stop the offensive of Ying Changge's army.

Climb the city wall to kill these soldiers, Ying Changge won't let them spread the fire.

The leader Ying Changge took the lead and rushed out quickly, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi.

The two armies are in a stalemate, they are constantly confronting, murderous shots, and the fire spreads.

Rushing out from the firelight, Ying Changge came to Zhao Xingzhi's back.

Different from the battle situation on Ying Changge's side, Meng Tian's battle was not so easy and full of hardships.

Because Zhao Yiming made preparations in advance and made the city gate he guarded impregnable.

So many soldiers were chattering, and many enemy troops were defeated and fell to the ground.

But there are still many soldiers sticking to this place, making Meng Tian not so easy to attack.

Meng Tian persisted, he was still leading his army to continue to go, and he couldn't wait to attack the city.

Zhao Yiming will not compromise, he is doing his best to prepare, so that he can suppress the city here.

Everything is very mysterious, sometimes advantages and sometimes disadvantages, the method of siege is like this.

Seeing that his army was so embarrassed, Zhao Yiming was in no hurry and was always fighting relentlessly.

Arranging his army under the city gate, so many people formed a solid front.

Naturally, Meng Tian would not give up. He was bravely continuing to attack to make the army unite.

More and more soldiers died in battle, Zhao Yiming refused to give up, and continued to hold on to the city gate.

He had already anticipated the situation on Zhao Xingzhi's side, but he had no ability to clone himself.

Trapped in a battle with Meng Tian, ​​the only thing Zhao Yiming has to do is to defeat Meng Tian!

Beiyanguan is already in a mess, but they can't hold on to it, the city gate is already broken...

Filed in and shuttled through the city gates, they all continued to attack, especially Ying Changge.

Led his own troops and horses, riding lightly by Ying Changge's side, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi.

Seeing that Zhao Xingzhi was about to escape, he refused to let Zhao Xingzhi escape from his scene again.

Not afraid of danger, Ying Changge's soldiers and horses are always so strong, united and united.

It is reasonable to train your own soldiers, and Ying Changge has made them all powerful warriors.

In the quick battle in Beiyan Pass, they had an irresistible force, and Zhao Xingzhi became weaker and weaker.

Riding on the horse, he couldn't wait to escape, Zhao Xingzhi always involved a certain distance with Ying Changge.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi will flee from Ying Changge's army, otherwise, he will die.

Surrounded by Ying Changge's large army, Zhao Xingzhi knew that he was in danger, and he refused to continue.

Let the surrounding soldiers use it to delay Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did not dare to waste his strength and strength.

4.9 Even if Ying Changge was chasing after him, he would always dodge quickly.

The army was so strong that many soldiers died in front of him, gradually forming a large area of ​​Wang Yang.

The corpses piled up like mountains, and the bloodstains seemed to continue to spread like a large area of ​​Wang Yang. It was unavoidable.

Trampling over the corpses of his own soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi continued to escape without stopping.

In order to avoid Ying Changge's pursuit behind him, he walked non-stop, trying to break free from Ying Changge.

Concentrating on the confrontation, Ying Changge killed many enemy troops with one sword.

Chapter 778 The momentum is like a rainbow, killing the enemy generals!

There was blood on the blade of the sword in his hand, and he walked endlessly, riding on a horse, chasing and killing quickly.

From far to near, Zhao Xingzhi continued to shuttle, and he soon saw another city gate.

The city gate here has not been missed, and it is an unexpected good place for him.

As long as the city gate is opened, then Zhao Xingzhi will be able to leave this place with his elite soldiers.

He wanted to leave quickly, otherwise there would be no chance for Zhao Xingzhi to escape due to Ying Changge's pursuit.

This is the only chance! Zhao Xingzhi was still stabbing quickly so that he could leave this place.

Quickly and quickly, it is inevitable that Zhao Xingzhi and his elite soldiers have come to the city gate.

"Open the city gate!" As long as he can escape, then no matter what, 05 can't stop Zhao Xingzhi.

Zhao Xingzhi's heart to escape is very hot, and nothing can stop his whereabouts.

Quickly walked away and rode on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi was still yelling loudly, "Open the city gate! What are you doing!"

Zhao Xingzhi's army has been so defeated, many people died because of this, and died under the sword of Ying Changge.

If they continue to charge, I am afraid that they will be completely defeated and have no chance at all.

But under Zhao Xingzhi's roar, nothing responded, "It's too quiet!"

Annoyed, Zhao Xingzhi raised his sword and scolded hoarsely, "Open the city gate for me!"

I can't imagine the consequences of Ying Changge chasing him, it will be very tragic and full of crisis.

Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't wait, he wanted to escape the crisis completely from Beiyan Pass.

At this time, Zhao Xingzhi had already seen Ying Changge's army coming behind him.

With so many troops surrounding him, Zhao Xingzhi had no way out, and he was helpless.

Standing with his cavalry and riding on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi said expressionlessly, "Come on!"

"Let me see you, He De He Neng, who can kill me!" Zhao Xingzhi raised his sword.

Jian Feng pointed at Ying Changge from afar, he had no choice but to fight against Ying Changge.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, full of confidence, he held the reins in his hands and asked indifferently, "Beyond your own ability?"

"You have been surrounded by my army! If you are caught now, you can still die!"

Calmly slapping the edge of his own sword, Ying Changge continued, "Otherwise you will be put to death!"

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