Zhao Yiming was worried and had trouble sleeping and eating, so he came to the city wall, and what he heard was false and what he saw was true.

He must take a careful look at what is happening here, so that he will be at ease!

Seeing that Ying Changge's army didn't show any movement, Zhao Yiming breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the enemy does not show any signs of attacking the city, Zhao Yiming will not let his soldiers out of the city to attack.

There is no need to fight against 927, as long as you stay in your own city, there will be no danger.

Ying Changge's army was a few miles away, and they looked well-armed and murderous.

But even so, Zhao Yiming's army did not come to him, and Ying Changge was still afraid.

Because of the consideration of the people in the city, Ying Changge did not plan to take the initiative to attack at all.

There was no sign of Ying Changge's army moving outside the city, so Zhao Yiming walked down the city wall with satisfaction.

In the dungeon, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were very worried, they were afraid that they would die.

Especially Zhao Yiming, who is still alive and kicking, always destroying the people in the city in every possible way, it is really cruel.

The ruthless and ruthless Zhao Yiming controlled many people and controlled their lives and deaths.

For the sake of defending the city and for his own life, Zhao Yiming held the (afej) people on the city wall.

As long as there are people on the city wall, Ying Changge's army will never invade this place.

The city is solid and solid, easily resisting Ying Changge's various strategies.

But Zhao Yiming knew that his lieutenants had already disagreed, and they were no longer so obedient.

In the dungeon where Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were, it was dark and damp, especially so dead.

Soon, a soldier sneaked in, and he immediately handed out a few dry rations.

"General, eat quickly! I brought it in secretly, no one knows!" The soldier immediately offered it.

After eating Haisai, he devoured it. After eating some, Zhang Zijun began to ask, "How's it going outside!"

"There are not many troops, there are weak defenses everywhere, and it is easy to break through!"

Hearing the soldier's words, Zhang Zijun was relieved, he nodded immediately, "Okay!"

"Zhao Yiming is ruthless and ruthless, it is impossible for me to continue working with him!"

Wu Yue also echoed Zhang Zijun's words, "Yes, I wish I could directly kill Zhao Yiming!"

"It's impossible for us to kill Zhao Yiming now, because he has so many troops."

"There are so many obstacles, Zhao Yiming must have raised his vigilance, and it is no longer possible to easily attack."

Zhang Zijun nodded in agreement, "That's right, so what should we do now!"

"If we are not with Zhao Yiming, should we continue to guard the city unremittingly!"

Both of them resented Zhao Yiming even more and would not continue to serve as Zhao Yiming's lieutenant.

"Outside is the army of Ying Changge, why don't we defect to Ying Changge immediately! That way we can live!"

Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun are discussing carefully, so there is a way out.

The Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit, they are already Zhao Yiming's enemies, so it is better to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

They racked their brains and had to contact Ying Changge first, so they had to plan ahead.

Even in the dungeon, they have their own skills, and immediately wrote a letter together.

The soldier who delivered the vegetables was ordered to take them out secretly, and Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue went to contact Ying Changge.

So far, I don't know the changes in Zhao Yiming's city, but soon, he heard the news.

It turned out to be a messenger who delivered the letter secretly, as if it was a soldier of Zhao Yiming!

What is this? Ying Changge wondered, could it be that Zhao Yiming in the city was planning to surrender?

Ying Changge immediately asked Meng Tian to meet him and led the messenger in front of him. Ying Changge kept his eyes on her.

Looking up and down the messenger, Ying Changge asked, "Who sent you to deliver the letter!"

"Is it Zhao Yiming?" Ying Changge thought it was impossible, because Zhao Yiming was a timid guy.

"No, it's General Zhang Zijun! He's the lieutenant next to Zhao Yiming, this is a letter!"

The messenger trembled and hurriedly handed the letter to Ying Changge, while Meng Tian on the side took it.

Then Meng Tian handed the envelope to Ying Changge, and he opened it calmly.

Taking a careful look at the letter, Meng Tian read it out, Ying Changge smiled, but handed it over to Meng Tian.

Meng Tian lowered his head, looked at ten lines at a glance, and finished reading so much content in one fell swoop.

Chapter 806 In the dungeon, the guards are strict!

"This is a trap!" Meng Tian was full of confidence, "The cunning Zhao Yiming wants to lead us into the city!"

"I don't think so." Ying Changge was very indifferent, "Zhao Yiming doesn't have such a strategy."

"He's not smart enough to think of such a countermeasure." Ying Changge scorned Zhao Yiming very much.

Meng Tian was puzzled, "So this surrender is true? Zhao Yiming's two lieutenants are about to surrender?"

The letter said that Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were imprisoned in the dungeon because they angered Zhao Yiming.

The war was ahead and people's hearts were complicated. Meng Tian didn't think what Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun said was true.

If there is any fraud, it would be easy to disperse Ying Changge and Meng Tian's forces, which is really inappropriate.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Ying Changge was absent-minded, "How is Zhao Yiming?"

The messenger timidly glanced at Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​"The city walls are full of people who are being held hostage."

"They are all innocent people, but they participated in this war. Zhao Yiming has no mercy."

"No one would like such a general, and neither do I!" The messenger said from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing the messenger's words, Ying Changge nodded calmly, "Okay! That's very good."

"Our soldiers can't enter the city, and Zhao Yiming has made this place impregnable."

After resting and resting, Ying Changge spoke very powerfully and loudly, "Let them escape by themselves!"

"As long as they can escape from the city, my men and horses will go to meet them and let them all join my command."

With the permission of Ying Changge, the messenger felt very at ease, he immediately retreated and left the place.

Riding the horse and galloping, he immediately returned to the city.

Knowing that Ying Changge was a man of his own accord, the messenger immediately informed Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue of the matter.

When Ying Changge actually agreed to their request, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were very happy.

They are ready to make a move, and then they will break through the siege, leave this dungeon, and abandon the darkness to the light.

This is a rare opportunity, and Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue discussed it carefully.

To avoid any problems, they must kill a path, they are all afraid that Zhao Yiming will discover the conspiracy.

Leaving to go, Zhao Yiming and the soldiers agreed an opportunity to start the escape tonight and leave this place.

It is not possible to leave in a swarm, but to divide the troops in two ways to prevent them from being wiped out.

They are already very resentful to Zhao Yiming, and at this moment, they don't need to care about their feelings.

In the city, what Zhao Yiming did was really delayed by using the common people to fight against Ying Changge's army.

Not giving in to Zhao Yiming's lewd power, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue began to prepare for tonight's departure plan.

Leaving the city and heading to Ying Changge's subordinates, then Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will be able to soar.

Otherwise, if they continue to stay by Zhao Yiming's side, they will not be able to develop their top ambitions.

There was an impulse in their hearts, Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun wanted to do something to save the people of the city.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. Such a situation must be balanced and the deadlock will be broken.

In the dead of night, the soldiers of the dungeon guards were rotated, and they were no longer Zhang Zijun's subordinates.

But even so, they are not in a hurry, because they have secretly hidden the short knife.

With daggers and short knives, there is nothing to fear. Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue secretly opened the prison door.


After passing through the fence, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue acted separately, so that they could leave without scrambling.

In order to leave the city to meet Ying Changge, Zhang Zijun must give up the darkness and turn to the light.

He tiptoed through the door of the cell, and soon, Zhang Zijun saw soldiers on patrol approaching.

Without hesitation, Zhang Zijun knew that he had no turning back, so he rushed up quickly.

With a sword rampage and a quick counter-attack, Zhang Zijun cut the soldier's throat.

Seeing the blood seal his throat, the soldier's eyes widened, and then he staggered down in front of him.


Without hesitation, continuing to move forward, Zhang Zijun continued to move forward with the blood dripping sword.

In the dungeon, the guards are strict, and Zhang Zijun, who is fighting alone, will encounter many people.

These are not Zhang Zijun's subordinates, but Zhao Yiming's soldiers. He doesn't need to be merciful.

Tiptoe, shuttled through this quiet city, and soon Zhang Zijun bypassed many soldiers.

He attacked quickly, and he swung the sword in his hand whenever he saw a stream of people.

With one continuous blow, Zhang Zijun has already dealt with several soldiers silently.

Taking advantage of the dead of night, the defense at this moment is the weakest, and it is easy to escape.

Persevering and continuing, Zhang Zijun cut the necks of several soldiers secretly.

Even if he was detained here, Zhang Zijun still had thousands of ways to get out of this place.

He walked quickly, trying to leave the place on tiptoe without disturbing any of the guards.

But unfortunately, it backfired, Zhang Zijun met a soldier face to face at the corner.

The two were not far from each other, and they stared at each other with big eyes.

Chapter 807 Sword, light, sword and shadow, everyone fights fiercely!

Zhang Zijun immediately raised his hand, trying to block the soldier quickly.

But the soldier is also a vigilant, he immediately shouted, "Alert! Someone escaped! Someone escaped!"

When the soldiers started yelling, it was too late for Zhang Zijun to stop him.

When Zhang Zijun raised his sword to attack, he cut off the soldier's head at once.

Let his corpse be separated, and Zhang Zijun, who was forced to helpless, ran away, walking like flying, trying to leave this place.

Once more soldiers are experienced, I am afraid that Zhang Zijun will have no chance to escape from here.

The soldier's shouting "Nine Four Three" before will definitely attract a lot of attention, and he can only make a quick decision.

Panting and escaping quickly, he was escaping quickly, following the exit.

Sure enough, Zhang Zijun saw that many soldiers were awakened, and they were approaching quickly.

One by one the guys came aggressively, and the soldiers were Zhao Yiming's subordinates, trying to guard them.

As long as they can catch Zhang Zijun, they will be able to get a reward from Zhao Yiming, which will lead to promotion and fortune.

Otherwise, if Zhang Zijun is allowed to escape, the guarding soldier will only be blamed and easy to be blamed.

Zhang Zijun carried his weapon and danced quickly, beheading these several people, leaving them dead on the spot.

The sword in his hand was very fast, waving with light, showing its sharp edge and looking murderous.

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