Disobeying Zhao Yiming and turning a blind eye to him, so at this time, Zhang Zijun's resistance was particularly fierce.

Many soldiers are still fighting at a brisk pace.

Feeling exhausted, Zhang Zijun would not give up easily, he continued to charge.

Quickly fighting, chattering and raising his sword to fight, his figure is exceptionally strong.

Tossing vigorously, the sword edge twisted, and Zhang Zijun beheaded several soldiers in a blink of an eye.

Such a situation was very unclear, Zhang Zijun saw that many soldiers were entangled with him.

It seemed that Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun could not easily escape from this place to the outside of the city after they stunned the snake.

But even so, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will not be discouraged, they will be more brave and fearless.

Many soldiers came one after another, eager to surround Zhang Zijun and kill him.

But Wu Yue is not a good stubble. He has been in the battlefield for a long time, and he is naturally able to deal with soldiers.

With a quick charge and a continuous fight, he beheaded many people together, leaving no one behind.

Zhao Yiming is still recuperating, he doesn't know anything about what happened in the dungeon.

Ying Changge did not rest because he knew that tonight would be a very important time.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are both preparing to escape from prison to meet Ying Changge. If possible, they must be recruited.

Attacking the city is an urgent matter. When necessary, Ying Changge will let the other party join his command.

After attacking again and again, Zhang Zijun saw many soldiers surrounded by him.

In the city, there was a **** storm, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were still fighting side by side!

Several soldiers have been beheaded one by one, they died, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Outside the dungeon, seeing the soldiers approaching in groups, they tirelessly.

A group of people are still approaching one after another, and they are still quickly surrounding the place.

The dungeons were all swallowed up, and among the crowds, so many soldiers continued to fight back.

Why is Zhang Zijun also a lieutenant! There were many soldiers lurking beside him.

"''Give it to me~''!" With a loud shout, Zhang Zijun quickly dispatched all the soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time.

Chapter 810 Top ambitions, big ambitions!

As a result, many of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's soldiers defected, and they immediately began to resist.

Fighting in groups and struggling to resist, the soldiers of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue tried their best to fight.

Among the crowds, so many soldiers were in a fierce confrontation, and there was a mess outside the dungeon.

A large number of them are still fighting with all their might, trying to rush out.

With the cover of their own soldiers, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's situation is very safe, and it will not be dangerous for the time being.

Wielding his weapon vigorously, he knocked down all the enemies to the ground, Zhang Zijun was covered in blood.

How powerful is the first battle in the dungeon, and even has an irresistible stance.

Outside the city, Ying Changge remained calm, he had already prepared his soldiers.

The army is still continuing to prepare, everything is ready and only owed to Dongfeng, Ying Changge is very patient.

With so many troops ready outside the city, Ying Changge was still waiting for Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue.

As long as the two of them have any signal of escape, Ying Changge will lead the army.

Drive in straight 943, attack the city, and cooperate with Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, it will definitely be very easy to capture the city.

In the middle of the night, Ying Changge had trouble falling asleep, so he wore armor, sat in the army, and waited patiently.

I don't know how severe the fighting in the city is, but Ying Changge knows that Zhang Zijun must be very difficult.

Meng Tian was guarding by Ying Changge's side, they were all waiting patiently, they only needed an opportunity.

When the opportunity is not lost, it will not come again. Both Ying Changge and Meng Tian attach great importance to this battle, and they are bound to win against Zhao Yiming.

In the city, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, who were trying to escape from prison, were still fighting hard and fighting bravely.

Even if so many armies confronted him, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue both fought back relentlessly.

Together with their trusted soldiers, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were both fighting against Zhao Yiming's soldiers.

Outside the dungeon, the crowd is surging, and everyone is fighting bloody, even full of murderous intent.

The screams of killing were loud, and the soldiers left in groups, always with packages from all directions.

For a time, Zhang Zijun himself was caught in the struggle, trying his best to fight a **** path.

Otherwise, if there are so many people killing them, I am afraid that he will die.

Perseverance and fighting side by side with his own soldiers, Zhang Zijun has already made a way out.

Continuing along the road, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue waved their weapons one after another.

Blood spattered for five steps, and corpses were scattered everywhere. Zhao Yiming's soldiers suffered heavy losses, and many people died as a result.

Prison escape is the most important thing, Zhang Zijun must meet Ying Changge as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming's soldiers continue to fight against each other, they will not be able to leave here safely.

Opening the road to escape, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are desperate, they are fighting hard.

Soldiers, you came and I fought, and the mourning sounded all around, and many people died because of it.

Abandoning darkness and turning to light, Zhang Zijun is bound to win, and he is still struggling to resist and fight hard.

Looking forward to reuniting with Ying Changge as soon as possible, so that Zhang Zijun can rescue these people (afej).

Otherwise, in Zhao Yiming's hands, these people would just be sacrificed to death one by one.

With a high ambition and great ambition, Zhang Zijun has already stood up to the banner for the sake of the people in the city.

Still impatiently charging, in a short period of time, he took hold of a lot of people.

Let them all fall down to their heart's content, Zhang Zijun will never be merciful in the face of the enemy, but as always.

Many soldiers died in battle, and together with his cronies, Zhang Zijun escaped from the dungeon.

The soldiers in the dungeon were all beheaded, and there were very few who blocked Zhang Zijun's escape.

Wu Yue was not to be outdone. He gathered many of his soldiers who were first-class swordsmen and axemen.

Continuing to fight in the city, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue turned the place upside down.

It caused a **** storm, and even damaged Zhao Yiming's army with many casualties.

Many soldiers died, but Zhao Yiming was sleeping on his back, wondering what was going on outside.

In the dead of night, it was a good time to start a war, and several other people could not fight at all.

He couldn't wait to leave, fighting in an endless stream, and he beheaded many people in front of him.

The ferocious charge, and his own soldiers are constantly moving forward, it is really majestic.

The war was raging, and the city in the middle of the night was stained with a large amount of blood, which was horrible to see.

Unwilling to retreat, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are bound to win, and they must rush out to join Ying Changge.

This is their task, to rescue the people of the city and the fire and water, this is enough to be comfortable.

When Zhang Zijun and his soldiers charged, Wu Yue led a team to continue the fight.

Wu Yue was going to go out to the city gate, and then open the city gate directly and let the army of Ying Changge rush in directly.

The inside and the outside are combined, and there is no flaw, so they are all attacking quickly, and everything must be resolved quickly.

Ying Changge soon heard the soldier's information, fire burned in the city, and black smoke rose.

Chapter 811 The people are damaged, and the stalemate cannot be stopped!

That was Zhang Zijun's signal to Ying Changge, indicating that they had successfully escaped from prison and even started fighting.

Without hesitation, Ying Changge immediately dispatched soldiers to approach the city secretly, ready to receive them.

Whether it is Zhang Zijun or Wu Yue, as long as they are full of sincerity, Ying Changge will allow it.

Otherwise, if they are to be alienated from Zhao Yiming but have no support, then ~ they will die miserably.

A small team of light cavalry rushed forward, and in a blink of an eye, they approached the bottom of the city, ready to go.

The war is about to break out, the place is very chaotic, the appearance is in a mess, it is really indescribable.

Strengthening his own troops and advancing and retreating together, Zhang Zijun beheaded many soldiers.

Wu Yue's people were also extraordinarily quick and aggressive, and went to the bottom of the city with concentration.

This is an unquenchable war. At least Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are determined and determined.

The army of Ying Changge must be led into it, so that the people in the city can be rescued.

If they all die at the hands of Zhao Yiming, where will the people seek justice? Aren't they wronged!

Ying Changge attaches great importance to the changes in the city and does not want any mistakes.

Every move is involved, and if there is any inconvenience, Ying Changge will make the situation even worse.

Therefore, they all have to defect to themselves. Although they have not joined their subordinates, they are united.

Ready, Ying Changge's army is waiting patiently here, waiting for their arrival.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were divided into two groups. They struck while the iron was hot, and they would not stop at all, but were fighting quickly.

A group of people rushed out of the dungeon, and the other group went outside the city, so that they could contact Ying Changge as soon as possible.

As long as he meets Ying Changge, Wu Yue believes that he can easily take down Zhao Yiming's army.

Continuing to fight unremittingly, Wu Yue had already approached the city abruptly, and he walked quickly.

After beheading many enemies at their feet, they continued to charge and approached the city.

Divided and occupied, shrouded the force, Zhang Zijun and Ying Changge could not wait to kill Zhao Yiming.

But they knew that with these shrimp soldiers and crabs, it would be impossible for them to break through Zhao Yiming's elite soldiers.

They still have to follow their own plan and let Wu Yue join up with Ying Changge's army and fight the enemy inside and out.

As long as the city gate can be breached, there will be no danger at that time, and Ying Changge will drive straight in.

However, now Ying Changge's army is trapped, but they will not let the people suffer and remain deadlocked.

Wu Yue will personally open a passage for Ying Changge to let them all enter smoothly.

So, taking advantage of the high moon black and wind, so many people quietly sneaked under the city.

The city wall looks very tall, even indestructible, and cannot be easily broken.

But in the city, Wu Yue naturally knew where there was a difference, and he was familiar with it.

Even if you close your eyes, you can find out any imperfections in the city, and it is very suitable for Wu Yue to lead Ying Changge.

Sneaking in and taking advantage of the emptiness, Wu Yue quickly passed through the city gate and continued to fight.

There are naturally many Zhao Yiming troops guarding the city gate, protecting the city gate and prohibiting entry and exit.

But Wu Yue made up his mind, they were very brave, and they couldn't wait to shoot and kill the enemy.


Even if so many enemies are surrounded, it is impossible to easily break out of the siege.

Quickly confronting the enemy and fighting in one go, the sword in Wu Yue's hand was stained with blood.

Bloodstained all over, Wu Yue charged aggressively, wishing to strangle them all together.

But under the city gate, so many soldiers still fought in groups to resist Wu Yue.

Wu Yue's soldiers were not many, but they were strong enough to last for several rounds.

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