Chapter 814 Be on your own and avoid Ying Changge!

Hit the city gate and break through the city wall, so many people killed Zhao Yiming's soldiers one by one.

Many people died because of this. Zhao Yiming was very surprised when he heard the news immediately.

The turmoil between Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue had already dazzled him, and it was difficult for him to leave.

Now, Zhao Yiming heard the movement of Ying Changge's army attacking the city, which made him quite anxious and very angry.

With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming immediately ordered many people to go to the city wall as soon as possible to support him.

Zhao Yiming knew that Ying Changge would not bear to hurt the innocent, and he had to control the situation as soon as possible.

Let more and more soldiers stand on the city wall, so that they can block Ying Changge.

However, this is just a whimsical plan by Zhao Yiming, he has no chance to break through so many troops.

When the army was approaching aggressively, Ying Changge took the lead and killed many of Zhao Yiming's soldiers.

The soldiers guarding the city came chatteringly, trying to block the invasion of Ying Changge's army.

The defenses of Nancheng Lake were very weak. Zhao Yiming's soldiers were lazy and greedy, and they didn't plan to guard the city gate at all.

Therefore, when Ying Changge's army all attacked, the soldiers guarding the city gate were unable to fight back.

Wu Yue took the lead in charging, and all his soldiers fought bravely and fearlessly out of a **** way, aggressive.

The soldiers guarding the city were caught off guard, unable to stop such an attack.

Ying Changge's army was densely packed, and even attacked under the South Gate one after another.

Knife and axemen came running rampantly, forcibly carved out a path, and quickly entered through the loophole.

charge! The tide of Ying Changge soldiers was surging, and a series of people entered immediately following the city gate.

After successfully passing through the city, Ying Changge entered under the city and successfully broke through this Nanjun City.

Don't look at Zhao Yiming's soldiers who coerced all the people to the city wall, but it was of little use.

Ying Changge was cautious and witty, and easily broke Zhao Yiming's defense formation.

When Zhao Yiming was burning with anxiety, Ying Changge and Wu Yue attacked and entered the depths of the city.

Knowing that the situation is difficult, Zhao Yiming is now not the time to deal with Zhang Zijun, he is sincere and fearful.

With a cold snort, he charged quickly, and he summoned a lot of people in one go.

The South City Gate was breached, and the bad news came directly to Zhao Yiming's ears, and he was shocked.

His face was bloodless, Zhao Yiming trembled, almost fell to the ground, his face was terrified.

Is it possible that Ying Changge's army should directly invade his own city? impossible!

I don't want Ying Changge's army to go straight in. At this moment, Zhao Yiming must intercept the opponent.

Let the troops in his hands deal with Zhang Zijun's soldiers, and he will face Ying Changge himself.

Knowing that Ying Changge is a dragon and a phoenix among people, Zhao Yiming didn't want his soldiers to fall and be defeated.

Many soldiers were still fighting unremittingly. They followed Zhao Yiming and immediately blocked Ying Changge.

After working so hard to come to the South City Gate, Zhao Yiming saw Ying Changge's figure, how numerous.

A large number of people in Wuyangyang were all of Ying Changge's staff, and Zhao Yiming's troops gradually weakened.

He resentfully summoned his own manpower, so that so many people quickly stopped Ying Changge.

"Block me! Let them all retreat under the city gate, and never let them pass through the city gate~".

In a hurry, Ying Changge rushed to Ying Changge with his own weapon, regardless of his life, he was very annoyed.

Not only because of Ying Changge, but also because of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, they are really hateful.

Dispersing so many troops, Zhao Yiming's manpower is completely insufficient.

If it is facing the invasion of Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming may still be able to take care of himself and avoid Ying Changge.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's army turned out to be a combination of the inside and the outside, and the three forces started a counterattack in unison.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's soldiers made trouble in the city, and this allowed Ying Changge's army to enter the city directly.

It is impossible for Ying Changge's army to move forward, because he has no chance.

No matter what, Ying Changge must be killed, otherwise Zhao Yiming knows that he will lose his life.

With a quick charge, Zhao Yiming and his big (Nuo Hao) army fought to the front in a blink of an eye, and started a battle with Ying Changge.

As long as he successfully entered the city, Zhao Yiming believed that he would not have any problems.

The danger is ahead, the situation is very flustered, and Zhao Yiming, who has no skills in his clones, cannot deal with their people at the same time.

Unwilling to give up, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers and horses were all together, fighting fiercely.

So many attacks are useless, the number of soldiers is not dominant at all, very passive.

Under such a fight, they were already in a panic, and they were unable to cope with the invasion of Ying Changge.

Facing the enemy, Zhao Yiming quickly charged many soldiers and broke through their army.

Chapter 815 The charge continues, one after another!

Ying Changge, who was in the lead, looked like hesitant at all, and led the elite light cavalry to fight against Zhao Yiming.

Seeing the mighty enemy army coming to him, Zhao Yiming was very angry, "Damn it!"

"You killed my brother, and now I want you to pay for it!" Zhao Yiming yelled.

He was so mad that he was so angry that he had to cut off the head of Ying Changge to explain it.

This is a very important matter. Zhao Yiming is riding on a horse and is bound to win, "Come on for me!"

Under the stalemate between you and me, Ying Changge was still approaching continuously, eager to break through him.

Zhao Yiming mobilized all his soldiers in front of him so that he could avoid the invasion of Ying Changge's army.

However, under the invasion of so many armies, Ying Changge was already victorious, without any risk.

He still led his soldiers to ram through 943 and approached Zhao Yiming directly.

Carrying weapons and charging quickly, Ying Changge came to Zhao Yiming on his horse.

Quickly drawing out the sword, the sword edge directly stabbed Zhao Yiming's throat, wishing to eradicate him.

As long as Zhao Yiming can be killed, Ying Changge can invade the city and make this place completely safe.

Otherwise, how long will Zhao Yiming occupy this place! He will be arrogant and ignorant!

I don't know how powerful Ying Changge is, or the bravery of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming doesn't know anything.

Since it is to provoke a war, enough sacrifices must be made in order to win.

In this place, many people were forced to mount the city wall and used as human shields.

Zhao Yiming originally thought this was a foolproof thing, but he still made a mistake and was attacked. (afej)

Inside the city were the army of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, and the soldiers of Ying Changge outside the city were also pouring in.

They cooperated from the inside and the outside, and they made the riots in the city a mess, and they were powerless to fight back.

Even Zhao Yiming wanted to eradicate them all, but he didn't have much chance.

The troops in his hands are emerging one after another, and he can't wait to wipe out the army of Ying Changge.

It is a pity that many soldiers have died, and now Zhao Yiming's troops are completely insufficient.

The army of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue was more than enough, but there was no other chance.

When Ying Changge charged, Zhao Yiming could only dispatch all his troops to Ying Changge.

Zhang Zijun rebelled in the city, and his soldiers were running around and killing everywhere, which was simply too much.

Ying Changge must be blocked, otherwise in the city, Zhao Yiming will be unable to cope with such an attack.

Not to be outdone, Ying Changge's army came in a mighty manner, with momentum like a rainbow, and the army like a dragon.

The South City Gate fell, breaking the defense, and Zhao Yiming didn't have enough opportunities to make up for it.

He could only run rampant with his own troops and come to attack Ying Changge's army.

Kill as many as you want, Zhao Yiming will kill them all together, leaving none of them behind.

"Give it to me! Kill them all for me! Let them come in alive and the dead out!"

Angrily reprimanded, Zhao Yiming was still commanding his own army, fighting hard against Ying Changge's soldiers.

As long as he can kill the opponent, Zhao Yiming will protect his city.

Once the city is lost, won't Zhao Yiming have to withdraw again? This is the most regrettable thing.

Zhao Yiming had had enough of hiding, so he had to kill Ying Changge.

Watching Ying Changge's army attacking aggressively, he must be eradicated!

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yiming made his soldiers surround Ying Changge.

There were Ying Changge's army in all directions, Zhao Yiming was even more frightened when he saw this scene.

Can't die! He had to catch them all in one go, leaving none of them behind! He was still charging fast.

Holding his own weapon in his hand, Zhao Yiming was so mighty that he always approached them one after another.

When he saw all the guys come to his side, Ying Changge raised his sword and killed them.

Many enemy troops were killed, and they were all injured to their heart's content. The casualties were heavy, and the situation was irreversible.

Ying Changge's army invaded here, Zhao Yiming saw that his soldiers were retreating, and they were not opponents at all.

They were killed in this way, the soldiers fell to the ground, and many people were injured or killed. They were bloodied and severely injured.

Hearing the news and knowing that Ying Changge's army had invaded, Zhang Zijun was also very happy and satisfied.

He charged quickly and couldn't wait to come, trying to join the army of Ying Changge and hit Zhao Yiming hard.

There was smoke of gunpowder in the city, and they all retreated and died, and a lot of people died.

In the tragic battle, Zhao Yiming was attacked by the enemy, and the situation he showed was chaotic.

Not good at leading troops to fight, but Zhao Yiming still persevered, just to resist Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's army invaded this place, and they couldn't wait to come, and they took out a powerful attack.

Chapter 816 Fight bravely and fight back!

Such a gesture is very brave, and Ying Changge's army is menacing and can be called an invincible existence.

Many people attacked to their heart's content. They came quickly and blocked the south gate, making it impossible to close it.

Taking advantage of the fact that the gate was still able to enter unimpeded, Ying Changge let his soldiers pass through together.

The army is still chattering, and the continuous figures are charging bravely.

There are so many people, a large group of people in Wuyangyang fought **** battles, and they showed their mighty attitude.

The army ran rampant, and more and more people came to the center of the city, trying their best to fight.

Continuing to persecute Zhao Yiming, causing his army to retreat quickly, Ying Changge took the lead.

After finally breaking through the city, Ying Changge had Zhao Yiming's handle and attacked his weakness.

The attack was close at hand, and a series of large armies came in a mighty manner to surround Zhao Yiming.

Obviously he wanted to attack Ying Changge, but Zhao Yiming's own army was blocked - stopped here.

Many people were unable to stop Ying Changge's offensive. They were numerous and could not wait to come.

When Ying Changge led the menacing soldiers forward, they only had to suffer.

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