Desperate for his own life, he quickly broke free from the pursuit of Ying Changge's army, and he was still moving forward bravely.

Ying Changge won't let it go, and he and his army are also rushing to kill.

No matter if Zhao Yiming escaped to the ends of the earth, he must do his best to chase each other's traces.

Without further ado, Ying Changge and his army are still aggressively going to capture Ying Changge.

Unfortunately, the road ahead was completely blocked, and Ying Changge was intercepted by the army.

Even if Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue shared the strangeness, they still couldn't wipe out Zhao Yiming's army in one fell swoop.

A lot of troops were scattered among each other, and they fought one after another to resist Zhao Yiming.

It's a pity that there is still a small team of troops that isolates Ying Changge's army, leaving him nowhere to go.

Staying here, it is inevitable to win, Ying Changge waved his sword, "You will be captured, disarmed and not killed!"

"I am the deputy general of General Zhao Yiming, Chen Ke, today, I will come to meet you Ying Changge!"

Chen Ke rode on the horse and was hot and hot, "I've heard your name Ying Changge for a long time, I want to see if you have a false reputation!"

Chen Ke held his sword and rushed forward with force, and the warhorse couldn't wait to approach Ying Changge.

Under such a siege, Ying Changge was able to meet a stubborn lieutenant, which is really stupid.

With a contemptuous smile, Ying Changge shook his head, "Then you'll know soon enough, I live up to my name!"

The sword was quickly drawn, and the figures of the two were entangled together. You came and went, and the battle was very fierce.

If any of the 960 deputy generals rebelled against him, Ying Changge would sweep them all away and kill them all.

As he approached quickly on his horse, Ying Changge came to Chen Ke and swung his weapon vigorously.

There was an endless stream of swords, waving afterimages one after another, coming to Chen Ke in all directions.

Surrounded by Jian Feng for a while, Chen Ke's face showed a terrified gesture, and he was in a hurry.

Just starting a battle with Ying Changge, Chen Ke was convinced by his sword edge, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Approaching Ying Changge and attacking so close, Chen Ke's every move was extraordinarily sharp and aggressive.

With a sword galloping down, he quickly counterattacked on the horse, Chen Ke blocked Ying Changge's murderous intention.

The sword that looked majestic actually had no lethal power, and he was extraordinarily hasty.

Murderous and fighting with all his might, Chen Ke was still impatiently attacking the opponent.

It can be seen that Ying Changge's swordsmanship is outstanding, but Chen Ke is still fighting unremittingly.

Chapter 819 The road is bumpy, the war is ruthless!

After taking out his skills and fighting with blood, Chen Ke would not give in at all.

He took out all his skills, who in the world wouldn't want to fight Ying Changge and experience swordsmanship!

Now, with Ying Changge right in front of him, Chen Ke is of course fighting in one go, and can't wait to attack.

The swords ran rampant, coming in an endless stream, chattering on Ying Changge's left and right.

This Zhao Yiming's lieutenant was really giving up, and he insisted to this point in order to defend the city.

Chen Ke was still fighting back, riding on his horse, impatiently dealing with Ying Changge, trying to take down the opponent.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's ability is so strong, always accurate and bound to win.

The horses rammed, the swords staggered, and the attacks of you and I were chattering and violent.

Ying Changge's sword edge stabbed Chen Ke in the blink of an eye, rubbing against his armor.

Between the lightning and flint, almost no one can stop Ying Changge's battle, and they retreated from each other.

Many people died because of this, and the places where Ying Changge fought were extremely tragic and turbulent.

With the rapid invasion, the army was marching in an endless stream, and Zhao Yiming's army was soon defeated.

However, Chen Ke led his army and stayed here, just to fight Ying Changge.

Fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, and fighting with Ying Changge is a lot of fun. This is the key battle.

Ying Changge wanted to hunt down Zhao Yiming, but Chen Ke and his soldiers blocked him.

This is a very ridiculous thing, the man's arm is a car, and he is looking for a dead end? Ying Changge is full of confidence.

Carrying the sword and continuing to charge, the figures of the two are intertwined, and it is always the attack of you coming and going.

No matter how fierce the offensive, Chen Ke was still concentrating on the battle, trying to kill Ying Changge.

It is Chen Ke's responsibility to block Ying Changge's army, protect the city, and cover Zhao Yiming.

As a guard in the city, Chen Ke needs to continue to charge and kill Ying Changge together.

If Ying Changge can't be killed, I'm afraid Chen Ke will also be implicated, and the fire at the city gate will bring disaster to Chiyu.

After a patient battle and a focused fight, Chen Ke blocked many of Ying Changge's soldiers.

The offensive disintegrated in an instant, and Ying Changge's army could not continue to chase and kill Zhao Yiming, and it was difficult for him to chase him.

With Chen Ke here, it is not an easy task to continue chasing Zhao Yiming.

The army continued to fight in the city, and they were fierce and brave.

Ying Changge thought it was a little funny to be blocked by a mere lieutenant general, but it was really stupid.

Quickly unleashing the sword, the sword edge ran rampant, and stabbed Chen Ke's armor with ease.

The armor is for protection. Although Chen Ke was not injured, the one who was hit staggered back.

He almost fell to the ground and jumped off his horse, but he pulled the reins and quickly stabilized his figure.

Unable to leave Ying Changge alone, Chen Ke must seriously injure him and stop the approach of Ying Changge's army.

The road was bumpy, the war was ruthless, many soldiers died here, and Chen Ke's troops suffered heavy losses.

Persistently riding on the horse, Chen Ke is always fighting perseveringly, wishing to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's skills are high and strong, his swordsmanship is excellent, and he easily blocks every sword of Chen Ke.

Even Chen Ke couldn't wait to kill himself, but he couldn't get close to Ying Changge, and there was a gap.

Staying three steps away, Ying Changge leaped from the horse and jumped onto Chen Ke's horse.

He quickly raised his arm, the sword slashed across, and the sword slashed on Chen Ke's head.

Although Chen Ke has armor protection, there is nothing on Chen Ke's head, just an ugly face.

Chen Keqi's unassuming appearance, sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, looks like a sinister and cunning villain.

Walking in a serious manner, Ying Changge kept approaching Chen Ke, doing his best to swing a sword.

He quickly stepped back and evaded quickly. Fortunately, Chen Ke had already avoided Ying Changge's straight stab.

Passing by, protecting himself, Chen Ke stood here steadily, and immediately broke free from Ying Changge.

He wanted to throw Ying Changge off the horse, but he was even and steady, and his legs were so good that he wouldn't fall off at all.

Sitting firmly on the horse's back, Ying Changge grabbed Chen Ke's throat.

Tossing him vigorously, Ying Changge's horse (King Nuo's) was about to throw Chen Ke under him and let him dismount.

This is the dismounting power on the battlefield, Chen Ke can't wait to throw Ying Changge off the horse and let him be trampled to death.

The horses are strong and the hooves fall, and they can naturally step on Ying Changge's bones. Chen Ke is bound to win.

With red-faced resistance, Chen Ke gritted his teeth and wanted to hit him on the ground.

It is a pity that Chen Ke and Ying Changge's abilities are still quite different, and it is not so easy to resist.

With a quick counterattack, the sword edge stabbed, and easily broke Chen Ke's armor, and Ying Changge succeeded.

There was a hole in the armor, and Chen Ke's skin was injured and bleeding. He was very angry.

Chapter 820 One after another, fist waving!

Taking this opportunity, Chen Ke twisted his body vigorously and threw off Ying Changge behind him.

Tossing in the air, turning around quickly, the sword in his hand stabbed in the air.

Taking a leap in the air, and sitting here firmly, Ying Changge landed on the ground without any damage.

And Chen Ke, who was riding on horseback, was unable to stabilize his figure, and he staggered.

Unbalanced and unable to protect himself, Chen Ke staggered and fell off the horse.

Spread it on the ground, then stood up hard, a carp kicked up, and Chen Ke stood in front of Ying Changge.

When Chen Ke stood firm on his own figure, Ying Changge immediately stabbed the sword edge from far to near.

The straight sword is very brave, and it can't wait to move, surrounded by flashes of sword light.

The majestic sword is really fierce, and Chen Ke hastily raised his hand to avoid it.

The sword edge stabbed Chen Ke in the chest in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, he is a flexible guy.

Quickly jumping back, Chen Xingxing hurriedly avoided Ying Changge's sword in 960, and his sword missed.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Ke roared loudly, walked like a fly, and hit Ying Changge directly.

Ying Changge couldn't fight back, so he fell to the ground.

Such as the fights of the market gangsters, Chen Ke has no inscrutable swordsmanship, just brute force.

The two fought close to each other, punching the believers, and each punch was so swift and masculine.

A series of fists hit Ying Changge's body, and Chen Ke was very thoughtful about each punch.

One after another, fists were swung, punched to the flesh, and hit him in one go.

However, Chen Ke's ability is only the same, Ying Changge will not be killed so easily.

He was always rushing out quickly, Chen Ke's fist was powerless, just fast.

One hand calmly protected himself, and at the same time, Ying Changge raised his foot and started to fight back.

A knee firmly bumped against Chen Ke's chest, making him farther away from him.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge held his sword, and the sharp blade stabbed them in their chests without hesitation.

With such a ferocious sword, Chen Ke couldn't resist, because everything was too fast, and he couldn't fight back at all.

In a twinkling of an eye, the sword is close at hand.

hum! The sword pierced through Chen Ke's armor, causing his body to ache even more. Chen Ke looked resentful.

Quickly covering his wound, Chen Ke got up quickly and finally left Ying Changge.

Watching Ying Changge's sword cut in, Chen Ke flicked his arm and blocked him with the sword.

The sword's edge collided with a ping-pong sound, and quickly intercepted Ying Changge's sword, Chen Ke smiled brightly.

Proud, cactus, Chen Ke got up quickly and tried to capture Ying Changge again.

The two fought fiercely and vowed not to give up. Chen Ke could not have been killed so easily.

He let his sword edge continue to walk steadily, avoiding their edge.

The soldiers next to Chen Ke were entangled with Ying Changge's army, and they set off a **** storm.

The offensive was so intense that Ying Changge's army (afej) drove straight in, destroying the potholes in the city.

The army was extremely embarrassed, and without Ying Changge's command, his soldiers achieved a different effect.

Imposingly like a rainbow, he was quickly surrounded, and Chen Ke was surrounded by Ying Changge's soldiers.

Who made him overwhelmed and wanted to fight Ying Changge! This is the fate of underestimating Ying Changge.

With this fierce struggle, no one could stop the charge of Ying Changge's army.

Especially Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's men were still rioting in the city, leaving Zhao Yiming's soldiers with nowhere to go.

Away from the fighting of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming was very embarrassed at the moment, and he was burning with anger.

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