The other people were still coming in one after another, rushing around, surrounding Chen Ke.

Chen Ke had no chance to escape, all his soldiers were dead, and not a single one remained.

Seeing Ying Changge carrying the sword and continuing to catch up, Chen Ke's eyes were cold and stern, and he continued to hold on for a fight.

Chapter 823 Push the door and enter, generously!

Recklessly punching, his sword also followed, Chen Ke used both hands and feet together.

In this fierce battle, there was almost no chance to fight back, and Chen Ke was completely defeated.

When Ying Changge attacked aggressively, all he could show was his determination.

Besides, Chen Ke doesn't have any ability to kill the opponent, Ying Changge's ability is invincible.

Such a mighty person was still chattering, hitting Ying Changge in one go.

The unhurried Ying Changge continued to swipe with his sword, cutting off Chen Ke's sword edge at once.

With a click, a crisp sound, Chen Ke quickly grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands.

But the sword was still broken, and Chen Ke only had a broken sword left in his hand, and he had no power to fight back.

Seeing that Ying Changge was still approaching, Chen Ke showed his aggressive determination.

Even with the broken sword in hand, Chen Ke rushed forward without hesitation, in order to kill Ying Changge.

With superb martial arts and outstanding swordsmanship, Ying Changge cannot be merciful in the face of any enemy.

When Chen Ke rushed up with the broken sword in his hand, Ying Changge's sword also fell from his hand without hesitation.

hum! After cutting off Chen Ke's sword and killing him, Ying Changge hurried forward.

Chen Ke was beheaded, and he and his guards all died here, and it was really embarrassing to leave no one behind.

So many Zhao Yiming's army were killed, Ying Changge let his soldiers continue to charge forward.

The army was still rampant, many soldiers were killed, and Zhao Yiming's defense was weak enough.

Can't let Zhao Yiming escape like this, Ying Changge and his cavalry took the lead in charging and continued to chase the enemy.

Inside the city was a solid formation, and taking down Zhao Yiming was a piece of cake.

"The whole army strikes, keep chasing!" Ying Changge gave an order to let them all go together.

Ying Changge's army is very brave and fearless, they are all battle-hardened and courageous soldiers.

Continuing to chase and kill in the city, their troops are still persistently chasing and killing Zhao Yiming.

Many soldiers died because of this, and Zhao Yiming knew that his city would be completely destroyed.

Many soldiers were still fighting in the city, but Zhao Yiming had already fled.

Zhao Yiming, who disappeared, is still running for his life in a serious manner. He wants to stay away from this place and avoid Ying Changge's pursuit.

However, after seeing the people going back and forth in the streets, Zhao Yiming remembered one thing.

"It was Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's men who rebelled in the city, right!" Zhao Yiming gritted his teeth.

"Yes, General!" The soldiers immediately echoed, "It was their men who attacked us!"

"Then what are we waiting for!" Zhao Yiming did not intend to leave the city like this, he stopped at the city gate.

"Execute Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue to the nine clans!" Zhao Yiming knew that they were all in his own city.

Zhao Yiming's family members are all under his nose, Zhao Yiming must let them pay their debts with blood!

"Kill them all and leave none of them!" Zhao Yiming was bound to win this, and he was ruthless.

As a result, Zhao Yiming's soldiers spread out immediately, and their manpower was eagerly searching.

There are quite a few people in Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, and Zhao Yiming will kill them personally, leaving none of them behind.

Riding on the horse, Zhao Yiming soon came to a courtyard, he pushed the door and entered, generously.

The people in the yard were immediately disturbed, and an old man came out, who was Zhang Zijun's father.

"It turns out that General Zhang is here, please come in and have a cup of tea!" The old man immediately invited Zhao Yiming.

And Zhao Yiming smiled indifferently, "Yeah! Long time no see old man! I'll greet you!"

He picked up the knife in his hand and immediately cut off the old man's head, causing his corpse to fall to the ground.

Without even looking at the old man, Zhao Yiming entered the house, and many people were resting.

With a knife, he opened the door abruptly, and Zhao Yiming broke in alone, "Who else!"

The soldiers behind him spread rapidly in 960 and surrounded the large yard.

It was because of the cooperation between Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue that Zhao Yiming's city was breached by Ying Changge's army.

The inside should cooperate with the outside, the enemy invaded, and many people died because of it, Zhao Yiming had nothing.

They all died in battle, this is not an optimistic gesture, Zhao Yiming is narrow-minded about this.

With resentment in his heart and angrily scolding, Zhao Yiming entered Zhang Zijun's hometown.

So many people surrounded the house in one go, and Zhao Yiming broke in single-handedly.

Raising the weapon, Zhao Yiming waved it vigorously, "Get out of here!"

An unknown woman walked out quickly and tremblingly, looking at Zhao Yiming, very surprised.

Before she could speak, the woman was beheaded by Zhao Yiming with one sword, and it was a **** scene again.

The blood was blurred and the woman was beheaded, but Zhao Yiming did not hesitate and continued to walk up.

Chapter 824 The world is getting worse and the situation is changing!

Walking in the house, he couldn't wait to charge, Zhao Yiming personally started, slaughtered them, and cut the grass and roots.

With Zhao Yiming's order, they were all going to kill Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's clansmen.

But anyone in the city deserves what they deserve, and must be killed together to eradicate them.

They were so resentful towards Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue that they took on their own stance and fought the enemy with all their might.

If these people cannot be killed, Zhao Yiming will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will not be able to eat and drink spicy food.

This is Zhang Zijun's hometown, a family of eight, but all of them died at the hands of Zhao Yiming.

He waved his sword and charged forward impatiently, killing everyone who was powerless.

When they all died because of this, Zhao Yiming would be extra happy and extraordinarily happy.

No need for other strategies, what Zhao Yiming has to do is very simple, and that is to count them.

In the city, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue both launched a rebellion, allowing Ying Changge's army to successfully enter the place.

The credit for persevering and fighting was ruined, Zhao Yiming wasted his efforts in the bamboo basket.

This is not an interesting thing, it just makes Zhao Yiming blame Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue even more.

Seeing Ying Changge's army approaching the city with his own eyes, Zhao Yiming had no chance other than dodge.

He has no troops, and Zhao Yiming has no protection from the city wall. He is like a lost dog.

Holding a grudge, together with their own army, they quickly shot and killed them all one by one.

Acting to fight side by side, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers began to track down. It was a fierce battle.

With a simple massacre, many people were easily beheaded, leaving none of them behind.

This is Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue's punishment for betraying themselves, Zhao Yiming will not make them look so good.

Disobeying his order and breaking open the city gate, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have already made Zhao Yiming burst into anger.

He was bound to win, so he had to pay the debt with blood, behead any of them, and fill the city with blood.

The clansmen of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were wailing in horror, and they began to struggle, trying to escape.

But Zhao Yiming had too many people. All of them were strong and strong.

They quickly went to this place, broke through the city, beheaded them all together, and splattered blood for five steps.

The corpses fell on the ground one by one, and Zhao Yiming slaughtered them all with cruel methods.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are both traitors.

Zhao Yiming can't be relentless in the face of traitors.

The two mere rebels actually responded with Ying Changge, united together, and breached their own city.

Stopping his footsteps, Zhao Yiming looked at the corpses in the courtyard, and he was very satisfied.

This is the fate of the traitor, not only will the traitor die, but their clan will also be implicated.

After wiping the blood on his face, Zhao Yiming continued on to the next house.

When Zhao Yiming saw the figure of Ying Changge's army spreading out, he knew it was very dangerous.

Fortunately, Zhao Yiming slaughtered all the unarmed ordinary people, and he was very simple to kill.

Facing the resistance of the common people, Zhao Yiming raised his sword and fell, beheading many clansmen.

Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were charged with betrayal, and the rebels must die! This is Zhao Yiming's rule.

He saw a lot of people kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, this is Zhang Zijun's uncle.

And Zhang Zijun's wife and children were among them, Zhao Yiming smiled brightly, very happy.

"Don't cry, don't beg for mercy! Do you know what Zhang Zijun did~"!"

He shouted loudly, and then Zhao Yiming put the sword edge on his neck, "Do you think so!"

Zhao Yiming remembered this guy, he was Zhang Zijun's second brother, and he once invited him to dinner!

It's just that, as the world goes down and the situation changes, Zhao Yiming has become an executioner.

Holding a sharp weapon, Zhao Yiming asked condescendingly, "You criminals have always been like this!"

"Go to hell!" Zhao Yiming waved his arm, and the sword edge easily killed the second brother Zhang Zijun.

As a result, he died and vomited blood, and Zhang Zijun's clansmen had no room to fight back.

They are just ordinary people. If they want to survive, only (King Nuo's) can continue to fight and kill.

Otherwise, if they die in the hands of Zhao Yiming, these people will become lonely ghosts and loneliness.

Zhao Yiming and his party are all elite soldiers, and they can't have any soft-hearted plans.

Especially Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have committed numerous crimes, and Zhao Yiming wants them to pay their debts in blood.

I don't want them to live under his own eyes, Zhao Yiming wants to kill them all in the city.

Originally harassed by Ying Changge's army, without a way out, he could only continue to take revenge.

Killing them one by one, the sword in his hand stabbed quickly, and Zhao Yiming was stained with blood.

Chapter 825 Soldiers and commoners are regarded as abandoned sons!

Like a person slaughtering, Zhao Yiming's face was filled with a bright smile, and he was very happy.

Continuing to go out full of confidence, Zhao Yiming commanded his army, "Continue to the next house!"

There are many people in Zhang Zijun's clan, no matter how many, Zhao Yiming will kill them all.

Ying Changge's soldiers were repelling Zhao Yiming's army, while Zhao Yiming was still busy slaughtering civilians.

This is the difference between Ying Changge and Zhao Yiming. They are vastly different, with a lot of disparity.

Able to lead their own soldiers to march into battle, but who is stronger or weaker is a key question.

Maybe Ying Changge will kill Zhao Yiming, but Zhao Yiming has absolutely no chance to kill Ying Changge.

The army recuperates separately, they are well-trained, and the strength and weakness of the soldiers have unusual endings.

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