Meng Tian and the food and grass have disappeared, it is obvious that he has been treated unfairly and is in a dangerous situation.

At this moment, Ying Changge is like a **** descending from the earth, and a divine soldier descends from the sky! Invincible.

Several guards were still fighting against the enemy unremittingly, and the swords in their hands were beating loudly.

But even so, such a gesture was useless, and could not stop Ying Changge's impact at all.

A series of guards rushed up aggressively, but were quickly repelled by Ying Changge.

They really couldn't resist such a blow, the swords staggered, and the cold light flashed.

If it is such a fight, the guards will die sooner or later, which is an inevitable trend.

The more stalemate the fierce battle continued, the guards would not be able to win from Ying Changge's hands.

The sword protruding out was really fierce, and the guards all approached with murderous intent.

They waved their swords and always acted in one go, in order to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's swordsmanship turned the tide, and even being surrounded by so few people, there was no timidity.

The sword in his hand continued to attack, and several guards were full of confidence, thinking that they could kill Ying Changge.

But in the end, he still died under the sword of Ying Changge, and he sealed the blood of the guards.

The guards who are beyond their own capabilities always come in a row, but they are defeated by their own offensive.

Yi (Li Hao) moved forward as always, and the swords in the Ying Chang singers were constantly waving, always crashing.

The more ferocious the sword is, the more he is able to control the situation here, Ying Changge is able to defeat ten times with one force.

Several guards were still staggering, and he was full of resentment and panic.

None of the guards could block Ying Changge's swordsmanship, and they panicked and panicked.

If it weren't for the fact that Ying Changge was still going around, the guards would have already escaped.

It was because of the task at hand that the guards refused to retreat, and continued to attack unremittingly.

The sword in his hand is always swung recklessly, and every sword is full of powerful attacks.

Chapter 910 Went to the depths of the courtyard!

The guards in groups were beyond their own power, and they were still besieging Ying Changge with eggs and stones.

"Retreat, spare you both!" Ying Changge's face was calm, and she stood motionless.

On the contrary, a few of them did not listen to Ying Changge's words at all, they really insisted and would rather die than give in.

"Impossible! We have to guard this place!" "Anyone who breaks into this place without authorization will surely die!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge sighed, "I really can't shed tears without seeing the coffin."

The guards guarding Meng Tian were unwilling to give in, and were still persistently coming to encircle Ying Changge.

Since they didn't know whether to live or die, Ying Changge could only defeat them one by one.

Holding the sword in his hand, his figure was dexterous, he walked quickly, and completely blocked several of them.

Blocking the sword edge that the guards stabbed, the guards quickly stepped forward, trying to suppress Ying Changge.

Ying Changge is not three heads and six arms, and it is still slightly lacking in the invariable collisions of several guards.

The figure unconsciously took two steps back. At this time, Ying Changge turned around and gave way to avoid its edge.

Whoosh! The sword edge fell on his side all of a sudden, easily avoiding the sword edge slamming.

If it is such a confrontation, this is not a matter of one sword and one sword! Ying Changge was not in a hurry, the winning ticket was in hand.

The guards rushed up, and it was not easy to repel them.

Because of their large numbers, Ying Changge seems to be caught in an ambush now, with no way out.

Ying Changge didn't need to retreat, he continued to assassinate steadily with his sword in hand.

With the mighty attack of his own sword, under the cold light, Ying Changge took the head of one of the guards.

The blood was sprayed and the head fell to the ground. In order to save Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge cut a **** path.

Several of the guards were not Ying Changge's opponents. They were dripping with blood and hurriedly retired.

When the sword continued to go down, Ying Changge's figure was erratic, dodging as much as he could.

Leaving quickly, walking around quickly, facing the guards' several swords, Ying Changge is so vigorous.

He fled quickly, hurried to avoid, his sword edge stabbed a guard in the back again, beheading him.

When he was always fighting bravely, the rest of the guards really couldn't stop such murderous intentions.

There may be many bodyguards in charge of guarding Meng Tian, ​​but they are not skilled enough to block Ying Changge's sword.

Walking like flying, everything was stable, Ying Changge beat all the guards back, they were very embarrassed.

Holding his sword, his face was ugly, and the guards were already in a weak position, unable to fight back.

The panting guards still refused to back down. They knew the man and continued to approach Ying Changge.

Waving his sword, Ying Changge repulsed the three guards at the same time with a cold glow.

Those who were slightly unprepared would die in a panic and die under the sword of Ying Changge, blood spattering five steps.

There were quite a few guards imprisoning Meng Tian, ​​and everyone was still rushing up aggressively.

Such people are very abundant, and they are all fighting here not to be outdone.

But with Ying Changge's intrusion (affa), several guards were already at a loss and in a hurry.

Ying Changge single-handedly managed to knock them all back and staggered down.

Concentratingly, Ying Changge continued to attack, with the blade in his hand continuing to stab.

Whoosh, the sword edge swept away, Ying Changge beheaded another guard, blood sprayed on the ground, scarlet red.

He has already reached the depths of the courtyard, and at this moment, he is extraordinarily calm and aggressive.

Holding the sword, he walked up quickly, Ying Changge was still questioning, "Where is Meng Tian?"

A few guards stood by, holding weapons, still staring at Ying Changge intently.

In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, they all came impatiently, waving their swords in their hands.

If Ying Changge could be killed, the guards would rush up to kill him.

On the contrary, Ying Changge came quickly, and he easily defeated a lot of guards.

Let them all stand here, Ying Changge swept away with a sword, and then shocked several guards back again and again.

With a terrified expression on his face, he didn't dare to confront him, and the guards guarding Meng Tian couldn't continue to approach.

There was no reply from the guards, because they swear to death, they must guard this place and refuse to evade it at all.

Without any pity, the sword in Ying Chang Singer continued to wave, beheading them all one by one.

Everyone fell to the ground, but the guards guarding Meng Tian had nothing to block Ying Changge.

No one can win Changge, especially these mediocre guards.

They are dead! He died under the sword of Ying Changge, and there was no one left in the courtyard.

Ying Changge had already swept the place, leaving no one behind. They were all defeated in battle.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge walked up quickly and immediately entered several rooms.

After sending his own soldiers to search together, Ying Changge soon found Meng Tian in the firewood room.

Meng Tian was **** by the five flowers, and the whole person was very embarrassed, covered in dust and dirty.

Chapter 911 The food and grass are retrieved, and Meng Tian is rescued!

But even so, Meng Tian still had a tough figure, and would not erase the edges and corners at all.

The whole person was very tenacious. After being rescued, Meng Tian immediately thanked Ying Changge and pleaded guilty.

Ying Changge, who didn't care, waved his hand, "All this is not what you expected, it's okay."

So, they got up immediately, then turned around and left the empty courtyard.

The county magistrate was beheaded, Ying Changge is heaven here, who else dares to stop him-! nobody!

After rescuing Meng Tian, ​​they went to fully rescue the looted food and grass - here they come.

Meng Tian was first ambushed by Zhao Yiming's army, and then fell to such a point in Dongcheng County.

After a lot of experiences, Meng Tian's army was incapable of ability and easily captured.

Now, Meng Tian was relieved and very fortunate that he was rescued in the hands of Ying Changge.

Since they were going to defeat Zhao Yiming, they had to **** food and grass on the road.

Standing beside Ying Changge, Meng Tian knew that Zhao Yiming seemed to control every move of his army.

He was like a poisonous scorpion, silent.

The same is true for sending troops to ambush Meng Tian before, which shows that Zhao Yiming is really insidious and cunning!

He couldn't be attacked by Zhao Yiming, so Meng Tian decided to take the initiative to attack Zhao Yiming's army.

Ying Changge wanted to **** grain and grass back to Xianyang, and Meng Tian planned to separate from Ying Changge from here.

In such a line, it is necessary to divide the troops in two ways, and the two will fight their own battles, facing difficulties and obstacles.

With Meng Tian's suggestion, I have to say that this is a good thing, Ying Changge must delay Zhao Yiming's army.

Otherwise, allowing Zhao Yiming's army to always do whatever it wants to grow will cause endless scourges, which is a pity.

Such a battle is full of unexpected insidiousness. Zhao Yiming is best at leading a sneak attack.

If they were not careful, Ying Changge and Meng Tian would be caught off guard by his army.

With a stern look on his face, facing Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge exhorted, "If you are like this, it's a good thing!"

"At the very least, we won't be wiped out by Zhao Yiming's army, and we will have one more way to survive."

Everyone knows that Zhao Yiming is going to rebel, but it is not so simple to take down Zhao Yiming.

So Ying Changge decided to separate from Meng Tian and let Meng Tian go to meet Zhao Yiming's army.

This is a rare opportunity, and they must do so and jointly resist Zhao Yiming.

Meng Tian volunteered, and by delaying Zhao Yiming's army, he could avoid danger and cunning.

After hearing what Meng Tian said, Ying Changge naturally agreed, and he nodded immediately.

"Okay! In that case, we must do our best!" Ying Changge patted Meng Tian's shoulder.

The food and grass were retrieved, and Meng Tian was rescued. In this way, Ying Changge had nothing to worry about.

They dispersed immediately, and their own men fled quickly, splitting their troops into two ways and dividing their forces.

After escorting these many grains and forages, Ying Changge set off on the road, and immediately headed back to Xianyang.

Although Meng Tian wanted to leave separately, he was not in a hurry to leave Dongcheng County.

The people with Ying Changge escorted so much food and grass away, and at this time, they were the target of public criticism.

Everyone can see the figure of this army, but they may not be able to intercept Ying Changge and his party.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

What about Zhao Yiming? Of course he dares! He and his men are all about to move, eyeing him.

Knowing that Ying Changge escorted grain and grass on the road, Zhao Yiming must **** all the grain and grass in Ying Chang's singer.

Walking fast, Ying Changge did not delay along the way, but moved forward quickly and continued on the road.

On the march, they did not stop at all, they were all focused on their journey so that they could leave this place.

However, such a large army will not be able to return to Xianyang overnight. They are numerous and powerful.

The more numerous the troops are, the more difficult it will be to block them, but they will not be able to go into battle easily.

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