Now that such a famine has broken out in Jinghai County, thanks to Chen Er, there is still a little surplus food in his family.

He is helpless, because no one in Jinghai County can live for a long time.

Not only because of these vacant grains, but more importantly, the people are suffering and going crazy.

Taking precautions and being extra cautious, Chen Er stayed behind closed doors day and night, hiding here.

Otherwise, if the news of food leaks out, Chen Er will be very dangerous.

Even though Chen Er was so cautious, there was still someone knocking on his door today.

Bang bang bang, the door was knocked so fiercely that Chen Erdu was terrified, "Who is it!"

Hearing Chen Er's words, the people outside became even more excited, "It's me, your big brother!"

"I'm the only son, where's the big brother from!" Chen Er beckoned, causing the wife and children behind him to retreat.

After letting them all hide in the house, Chen Er continued to scold, "Brother, you are going the wrong way."

"Wrong? That's right! Are you Chen Er?" The voices outside were still so loud, "I'm Chen Gou!"

"It turns out to be my cousin, I don't know what you are doing!" Chen Er asked, "We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Now there is a famine, we are all starving to death, what are you still doing here!"

The cousin outside shouted, "Let's get out of the city together and go to Xianyang to join our uncle!"

"He's half-official there, it's not a problem to feed us! Do you want to starve your family to death〃'!"

Hearing such a shout from his cousin outside, Chen Er was overjoyed. There is such a good thing?

So he opened the door immediately, but saw a large crowd of people outside the door, it was really crowded.

The leader was Chen Er's cousin Chen Gou, but he didn't come alone, and he was aggressive.

Pushing open the door, he knocked over Chen Er, and the cousin walked in with a grim look on his face, "Humph! The kid who eats alone!"

"Your family stays behind closed doors, but you didn't starve to death. You must be hiding a lot of food!"

"Search for me!" The cousin shouted, and immediately asked the people behind him to search the corner of Chen Er's house.

Seeing that everyone was so brazen and ruthless, Chen Er was angry, "How dare you!"

"This is my home, that's my food!" Chen Er hurriedly stopped them, immediately blocking them.

But in the face of such an offensive, Chen Er's cousin was unhurried, "Go away! Don't force me!"

"Everyone is a brother. Since we can store grain and grass, why don't you give me some!"

With a scolding, Chen Gou immediately pushed Chen Er away, "We are half-brothers!"

"We've all been hungry for more than ten days, and we haven't eaten a single bite of food. Why don't you help us!"

Chen Gou was bound to win, and he and his own people rummaged through Chen Er's house and made a mess.

Chen Er looked at it, and it was painful.

Ying Changge knew that the life of the victims was difficult, so he mobilized a lot of food and grass.

However, it is not possible to directly reach Jinghai County for grain and grass in just a few days, and it took a long journey before.

Before Ying Changge's food and grass arrive, there will be many changes and mistakes.

Especially at this moment, Chen Er, an ordinary villager, was in danger.

My cousin, whom I hadn't seen in a few years, rushed in like this and opened Chen Er's house at once.

It is abominable to lead a group of people to break in abruptly, and fight and kill arrogantly and domineeringly here.

Seeing that none of them could leave from their yard, Chen Er was very flustered.

"What are you doing! You act like this, and you are no different from robbers!"

Naturally, Chen Er's cousin wouldn't. They were engrossed in rummaging through boxes and cabinets here.

A lot of things were thrown away in a mess. At this time, Chen Er's house was raided.

Seeing them walking towards his kitchen, Chen Er quickly stood up to stop them, "`〃Stop!"

"Go away!" Chen Er's cousin, Chen Gou, shoved Chen Er abruptly, "Otherwise I'll kill you!"

"We haven't eaten for a long time! If you're still going to stop, chop off your head!"

"That's the food I've worked so hard to grow myself, why give it to you! Leave my house!"

Furious, his face was flushed, but Chen Er was still persevering in blocking them, trying to take them down.

"Dare to rob my food, I will kill (Li Hao) you guys!" shouting, Chen Er raised his hoe.

Chen Gou had long known that there was food here, so after being blocked, he immediately took out his kitchen knife!

"We didn't eat food for several days, and we were about to starve to death! It's really abominable that you can't help us!"

"Your life or death has nothing to do with me! There is not enough food for my family of three!"

Chen Er waved his **** angrily, "Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll kill you! And you!"

With a contemptuous smile, Chen Gou shouted, "Brothers! Grab the food!" A few people around him rushed into the kitchen.

And Chen Er was stunned and looked resentful, "Shameless!" He waved his **** and rushed up.

Chapter 915 There is a way to deal with it!

But the aggressive Chen Gou took a step forward, and the kitchen knife in his hand slashed at Chen Er's neck.

With blood sprayed, Chen Er cried out in pain and fell to the ground, unable to fight back.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Gou rushed up with gnashing teeth, waving his kitchen knife continuously.

puff! After five steps of blood spatter, Chen Gou slashed Chen Er several times, and then chopped him to death.

With Chen Er's body here, Chen Gou hurried away with food and a group of people.

The famine in Jinghai County has become so severe that the people are struggling to survive, and they have nowhere to go.

After Ying Changge heard about the disaster here, he immediately dispatched food and grass to transport.

The relevant officials received Ying Changge's food and grass, and were responsible for dispatching them to this place for disaster relief.

The most important thing is that food can feed people.

As long as the people can be saved, even if Ying Changge is hollowed out, 053 is still willing.

He immediately took action to rescue the catastrophe in Jinghai County, so that they were all safe enough.

Nothing can distract Ying Changge, the most important thing for him is to pay attention to the changes in Jinghai County.

There are tens of thousands of victims, which is a huge number. If there is no disaster relief, tens of thousands of victims will starve to death.

Therefore, under the mobilization of Ying Changge, food comes first, and we must ensure that many people can be saved.

Otherwise, if it is delayed for one day, how many people will starve to death during this one day.

This kind of situation cannot be saved casually. He must ensure the survival of the people.

Now the most important thing is food. Where there is food, there will be living people, and the people will be able to survive.

The way of survival is so humble, and with so little food, there is not much of a way out.

(affa) There is a lot of disaster in Jinghai County, and a lot of food will be plundered, which is easy to cause riots.

Work together with the officials to solve the problem of grain and grass, so that there is no problem.

Without food and grass, there is no way for the people to live, and hundreds of victims may starve to death on the edge of the streets.

Such a thing is really serious, Ying Changge can't let them all starve to death.

There is food and grass for disaster relief first. Now, he will go to Jinghai County to see this predicament in person.

There are so many people in the disaster, so many poor people, Ying Changge will not leave him indifferent.

With his own people still moving forward quickly, Ying Changge packed up and immediately set foot on the itinerary.

They must go to Jinghai County and go to the most impoverished place to have a look.

Otherwise, so many refugees have nowhere to go, wouldn't they be swept up in corpses and no one cares about them?

He tried his best to go to Jinghai County impatiently, Ying Changge was non-stop.

He and his own people are carefully prepared, Ying Changge already has a way to deal with the disaster.

The means of disaster relief are very direct, or, in other words, very simple, that is, money and food.

Now even if you are rich, you may not be able to buy food in Jinghai County, which is very important.

Therefore, as long as there is food and grass, the continuous supply of food and grass can satisfy the hunger of the people.

Every single one of the people is a living life, how could Ying Changge abandon it!

He and his own people were still moving forward quickly, and in a short time, he found a lot of refugees.

Even though he had just left Xianyang, Ying Changge saw the people who were displaced and came here.

They don't have any way to survive, so they flee everywhere, looking for a way to survive.

Refugees were lying on the side of the road, looking yellow and thin, and hadn't eaten for a long time.

Ying Changge, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately distributed the escorted money to them bit by bit.

This place is very close to Xianyang. With money, these victims can buy food and eat a full meal.

Otherwise, if they stand here, wouldn't they starve to death alive? Become a lonely ghost!

He and his own people are doing their best, and every arrangement he makes is appreciated by the people.

They were very grateful and even more excited, they knelt down beside Ying Changge and wept bitterly.

This is a good thing, at least, they still have the strength to cry, which means they can survive.

Ying Changge accompanied him all the way, following the traces of the victims, all the way to Jinghai County unimpeded.

This place where the famine broke out is the center with the most refugees, and it is an important place.

So it's an important thing to have their crisis resolved.

There is no time to delay, and urgent needs need to be solved.

Feeling anxious, Ying Changge is very concerned about the current situation, worrying about the country and the people.

Along the way, he saw a lot of victims, and Ying Changge would definitely lend a helping hand if he could give.

As long as it is the victims that he can see, Ying Changge will immediately come to the rescue without hesitation.

If they can all survive, even if Ying Changge goes bankrupt, what's the harm!

I don't want them all to starve to death. The feeling of starvation and cold is too painful.

Chapter 916 It's already gone!

When the disaster happened, the victims were in great pain. Their life was better than death, but they were still alive.

Otherwise, it would be miserable and desolate if such people starved to death on the roadside.

On the way to Jinghai County, Ying Changge really saw the crowd of victims moving forward.

So many people, even if they use food to relieve disasters, I am afraid it is not a small number! Ying Changge made up his mind.

The victims came chatteringly, and they continued to search aimlessly along the way.

As long as there is a place to stay and a chance to survive, they will seize it.

Now, they have seen another wave of refugees, limping by, Ying Changge and his party gave way.

They didn't have the strength to continue walking, and they all stumbled, as if they could fall down and die at any time.

A small group of refugees moved forward, and among them was a man who was beating and scolding the woman next to him.

Ying Changge frowned slightly, immediately jumped off the horse, and immediately stood in front of the man, "What are you doing!"

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