Ying Changge and Chen Er never met, but he had to avenge Chen Er.

"Such a lonely fellow who lives with his wife and children, but you actually killed him!"

Walking in the forest, Ying Changge scolded, "Chen Gou, you are really a dog! That's your cousin!"

"You not only stole their food and grass, but also killed Chen Er and occupied his wife!"

"At the moment of disaster, no one can escape this famine, but you have committed such evil deeds."

"I'm going to kill you and behead you to show the public, so that I can punish evil and promote good!" Ying Changge scolded, with a loud voice.

His voice was so rich, it swayed back and forth in the forest, full of murderous intent.

After hearing what Ying Changge said, Chen Gou was even more timid and flustered, not knowing what to do.

The people who accompanied him died, and he was left alone, and Chen Gou couldn't regret it.

Singer Ying Chang held his sword and continued to walk up slowly, looking for the trace of Chen Gou.

"It's not scary for a person to be hungry, what's scary is that he does evil."

"Not only for one's own food, but also for blood on hands, this is the worst!"

Staring at Ying Changge intently, Chen Gou, who was hiding in the corner, shivered angrily, but did not dare to answer.

And Ying Changge walked all the way, the figure did not stop, still avoided these trees.

In the forest, only Chen Gou and Ying Changge were left, so he naturally couldn't escape.

Chen Gou gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, "I will do anything to survive!"

"People don't kill themselves for their own sake." Chen Gou held his kitchen knife, extraordinarily mighty.

"If you can let me live, then I will repay the grace of dripping water, how about it!"

Up to now, Chen Gou has no thoughts of reflection, he still wants 053 to escape.

But Ying Changge was unmoved, "You made a mistake, killed someone, and now you still want to run away?"

"That's your own guilt. Killing people is just right." Ying Changge followed Chen Gou's voice.

Listening to the sound, Ying Changge approached the tree where Chen Gou was hiding before long.

Seeing him approaching quietly, Chen Gou thought he was not exposed, and a happy look appeared on his face.

When Ying Changge was getting closer, he raised his kitchen knife over his head.

It is inevitable, and Ying Changge, who must act for the heavens, must behead the wicked Chen Gou.

His behavior is bad, even if there is a famine, he can't carelessly abuse people's lives and bully other people's wives.

Since he was bumped into by Ying Changge today, he couldn't live, so he immediately took up his sword and walked away.

hum! The blade of the sword quickly struck out, and a mighty and powerful sword pierced through the trees.

Chapter 919 The dagger is directly divided into two!

Chen Gou, who was hiding behind the trunk, was very surprised, but he had no tendency to fight back.

Must get started! So Chen Gou held up his kitchen knife and hit Ying Changge's neck vigorously.

Chen Gou is also just a peasant. He is naturally brave, but he doesn't have much ability.

On the other hand, Ying Changge's swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle. How can ordinary people block Ying Changge's sword?

hum! It was Ying Changge's sword that was quick, and easily broke the tree trunk and stabbed Chen Gou's arm.

The arm was injured and the pain was unbearable, and the kitchen knife in Chen Gou's hand was thrown on the ground at once.

With no weapons in his hand, Chen Gou, who was empty-handed, was very flustered.

With wide eyes, looking at Ying Changge, Chen Gou immediately knelt down in front of him, "I was wrong!"

"Spare my life! I will definitely be conscientious, and I will never dare to commit calamity and mistakes again!"

Kneeling down in front of Ying Changge, Chen Gou cried bitterly, and the whole person was very panicked.

Chen Gou was frightened, but with such a gesture, could he avoid Ying Changge's sword of justice?

He smiled lightly, his expression was calm, and the sword in his hand was placed on Chen Gou's neck, "What do you think!"

"Under the sword, there are all sinners. Your behavior is bad, and you have killed many people."

"A guy like you, I will definitely not show mercy, I will kill you!"

Ying Changge does what he says and keeps his promises.

The murderous Ying Changge is upright, and he doesn't like the ugliness in the world, especially Chen Gou's despicableness.

Burning, killing, looting, and killing people for a bite of food! Keeping Chen Gou will only lead to endless troubles!

Therefore, he must take action and do his best to deal with wicked people like Chen Gou.

"Do you regret it now〃'!" Ying Changge asked, "But how do you regret the person you killed?"

"I was wrong! I don't dare anymore! I'm obsessed with something! Woohoo!" Chen Gou yelled.

He kept crying, always bowing his head, but abruptly not a single tear fell.

Such a situation is really obvious, Chen Gou has already fallen into a downward trend, and maybe he will die.

Therefore, at this time, the most important thing is to raise the sword, maybe there is still a chance to resist.

Kneeling down to the ground, but Chen Gou looked gloomy, and immediately got up, ready to fight back and kill him.

He was empty-handed, but there was still a dagger hidden in his waist. He immediately pulled it out and attacked quickly.

The weapon in his hand stabbed at him with a swipe, such a sword is really mighty and aggressive.

The dagger is a short sword, small and exquisite, but it is very sharp and can break a person's chest.

Fortunately, Ying Changge is smart and comfortable enough, he is calm and calm, and everything is in his own applause.

He had long expected that Chen Gou wouldn't beg for mercy so honestly, so he slashed down hard with one sword.

The sword edge collided, and with a ping pong sound, Ying Changge easily cut off Chen Gou's dagger.

Kacha, the dagger in his hand was directly divided into two, and Chen Gou was even more frightened when he saw it.

How could this be? Ying Changge's skills were simply too superb to be able to guard against. Chen Gou was afraid.

Ignoring Chen Gou's terrified appearance, he stepped forward easily and blocked the opponent with a sword.

If there were no such crisis, Chen Gou would have fled long ago, but he saw the coldness of Ying Changge's sword.

For a while, unable to avoid it, he could only kneel on the ground immediately, "I..."

There is no need to listen to Chen Gou's thousands of words, his death is necessary, and Ying Changge wants to eradicate the dangers in the world.

The cunning and sinister Chen Gou is always fighting back, and every attack has unexpected effects.

Shameless person, no need to take it seriously, he raised the knife and immediately slashed at Chen Gou's neck.

The blood sprayed, Chen Gou couldn't even snort in pain, and then fell to the ground and died.

The corpse was separated, his head and neck were separated, and wicked people like Chen Gou were already dead.

Acting for Tian, ​​Ying Changge sent Chen Gou to see Chen Er, and then sent someone to settle Chen Er's wife.

This is an uncontrollable disaster, famine is rampant, and there is not much room for solution.

The food and grass went first, and they had already headed to Jinghai County. Ying Changge noticed that there was such a turmoil, and was even more worried.

Be sure to experience it yourself to see what will happen.

Continue to follow the road. Along the way, Ying Changge passed so many refugees and went straight to Jinghai County.

After a few days of running around, Ying Changge and his party soon arrived in Jinghai County.

Before reaching the city, but just at the border, Ying Changge was ready to rest.

It's just a pity that when Ying Changge hadn't waited to find a good place to rest, there were crowds approaching.

I thought it was just a refugee, but Ying Changge didn't pay much attention to it.

Following behind Ying Changge, their group immediately found a flat place, with a wide field of vision.

Immediately set up camp here, a group of people traveled long distances, and naturally they had to take a good rest.

Chapter 920 Showing a long-lost smile!

So many people are sleeping and sleeping, so the most important thing now is to rest and recuperate.

With his own people still rectifying here, Ying Changge saw that many refugees were in a hurry.

They looked like this, it seemed that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and everyone did not pay attention to Ying Changge.

The refugees Ying Changge met before were all very slow and weak, always walking slowly and leisurely.

Now, looking at these people who just came out of Jinghai County, they are in groups, but they are in a hurry.

Trying to get around from here, they just want to leave, and they have no intention of stopping at all.

After sensing the strangeness of the refugees, Ying Changge knew that this place was a dangerous place.

The more frequent disasters occur, the more extreme and maddening people will become.

For the sake of a bite of food, they will do all kinds of evil, even if they are afraid of killing people.

"Be careful!" Ying Changge urged, the sword in his hand never left his side.

Approaching the place where the famine occurred, and there are no refugees who can escape, there will be more difficulties.

Stop here, Ying Changge is going to sleep here tonight, so that he can recharge and continue on the road.

Just when they stopped, they didn't know that someone on the hillside was already about to move.

A group of refugees in tattered clothes, hiding on the mountain, stared straight at Ying Changge's group.

They are also from Jinghai County, and it is only because they are poor and crazy that they can do everything.

"Those people seem to have a lot of backgrounds!" "Yes, each of them must have a lot of food!"

"We robbed them!" the gang whispered, greedy looks on their faces.

Ying Changge didn't know this, but he didn't know that one day he would become the turtle in the urn!

Lie down and rest with her own people, Ying Changge is going to visit the refugees tomorrow.

There are always so many refugees, and it is not easy to feed them.

Sitting here, Ying Changge concentrates on his mind, closes his eyes and rests, he is still thinking about ways to rescue the refugees.

Worrying about the country and the people, he will not give up, but will think about these strategies and strategies in one go.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish. In order to change the famine, Ying Changge must increase the production of food.

Ying Changge, who was still thinking hard, realized that it was time to eat.

This is a good opportunity for Ying Changge to save the passing refugees with his own rations.

Boiled water to cook porridge, Ying Changge set up here, and then greeted the passing refugees to eat.

Anyone who is willing to stay and drink a mouthful of hot porridge, Ying Changge will give generously to make them full.

Ying Changge, who knows righteousness, is really enthusiastic, and has taken care of many refugees.

They were so grateful, they even knelt in front of Ying Changge (affa) to thank them, and they were very excited.

After having such an opportunity, they feel more at ease, at least they can drink porridge to fill their stomachs.

There are many refugees around Ying Changge, looking like they are gobbling up, they have been hungry for a long time.

After eating a lot of food, they were all very happy, and even showed a long-lost smile.

Ying Changge donated a lot of porridge, and this kind of porridge was enough for the victims to be full for a while.

The ancient and warm-hearted Ying Changge has the world in mind, and treats any refugee in front of him equally.

After sending them all away, Ying Changge had a chance to rest and wipe off his sweat.

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