A sneak attack in the middle of the night, approaching Ying Changge, the refugees are all stubborn and will not stop at all.

Always surrounded unscrupulously, and then facing Ying Changge, the refugees shot incessantly.

The sword in his hand wielded a different kind of light, Ying Changge single-handedly fought against so many refugees.

Even if they wanted to kill Ying Changge, they might not be able to stop him from fighting.

Beneath the sword, there was this menacing murderous intent everywhere, and the refugees were forced to retreat with sincerity and fear.

After all, this group of refugees are just ordinary people, and they are rogue Japanese pirates.

Chapter 923 Retreat despite difficulties and leave as soon as possible!

Intercepting Ying Changge, wanting to kill for money, this kind of momentum is really domineering, sinister and cunning.

He must be killed. At that time, the refugees will have the opportunity to divide so much food and grass.

Refugees are not fools. They can see that Ying Changge is full of food.

Since they can find the other party, they can plunder the other party, and there is not one left.

The hungry refugees were still scrambling to catch up, in order to kill Ying Changge.

Under the famine, everyone is suffering, they simply cannot live in a stalemate, and they are easy to starve to death.

A scene where you die or I live, where refugees are fighting for their hunger.

Ying Changge understands that the situation is very dangerous at this time, but there is no chance to solve it all at once.

Because of the lack of food, it is impossible to save tens of thousands of refugees with so much food!

Tens of thousands of refugees have lost their homes. They have no food and are starving.

Because of this, the refugees wanted to escape, just to be able to leave Jinghai County and have a chance.

But there are also many refugees around Jinghai County, and none of them have any way to survive.

Either starve to death alive, or fall into trouble, the refugees have already made their own choice.

As a result, a swarm of people stepped forward, impatiently walking, just to win Ying Changge.

Robbing for money and food, or even unscrupulous murder, their offensive is really invincible.

The unstoppable group of people are still fighting impatiently, just to cut off Ying Changge's head.

This kind of situation is already impossible to start, at least, it is not something that ordinary people can stop.

One husband is the one who is in charge and ten thousand people are not open. Such an offensive is so powerful, it is always swiftly publicized.

Ying Changge's sword broke through many defenses, and their deaths were already doomed.

If he can kill him, then these refugees will all die under the sword of Ying Changge.

But he didn't, because Ying Changge knew that they were all forced and forced.

In order to make a living, and fighting, killing people and making more money, there is no way to go to such a field.

Knowing that the refugees will continue to counterattack, the sword in his hand is even more precise.

With a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge's sword smashed away the refugees, causing their swords, guns and sticks to fall.

A group of refugees, do they really think they can kill themselves? It's just a mediocre martial arts.

With his own sword edge, Ying Changge follows him like a shadow, full of murderous aura, how flamboyant.

Even if several refugees came to him, Ying Changge would sweep the entire army with one sword.

A few people can't stop Ying Changge, so his offensive is just conceding.

I don't want to kill all these guys, Ying Changge just hurt them more or less.

The skin was damaged and scarred, and several refugees had fallen to the ground, unable to get up.

With such an offensive, the great sword came, full of extraordinary might and collision.

With a click, Ying Changge cut off another refugee's **** and walked up quickly.

Ping pong, after Ying Changge's sword cut it off, it landed on a refugee's neck.

"You leave now, there is still time, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

"Even if you want to leave here, there is no chance to escape here!"

The solemn Ying Changge reprimanded them just to let them retreat in spite of the difficulties and leave as soon as possible.

However, the refugees have been starving for a long time. For their own survival, they take risks and do whatever it takes.

"Impossible! Today we must kill you and take away all the food in your hands!"

The refugees are still scolding, rebutting with all their heart, "We want food! We want food!"

They were all red-faced, hairy hands and feet, very impatient, "If you don't give them food, we will kill you!"

It's just for one bite, why are you forced to such an extent? Ying Changge sighed.

"Okay! I'll give half of the food to you 053, so that you can have a chance!" He compromised.

However, the refugees will not give up, they must take all the food for Ying Changge, "No way!"

"We want it all!" "If you don't give it, we'll grab it! We'll grab everything from you!"

The refugees are obstructive and aggressive, which has already caused Ying Changge a very headache, what a pity!

To be unreasonable, to be so arrogant and domineering, it really deserves to be damned! Ying Changge continued to raise his sword.

Swinging rampant with the sword in his hand, Ying Changge knocked down a few more refugees, causing them to stumble to the ground.

So vulnerable, how can you fight yourself? It was nothing but unremarkable.

Standing with a sword in hand, Ying Changge is full of confidence, and he looks like he is winning. He is really invincible.

"A bunch of rabble, An Gan is so unscrupulous here! You guys still don't step back!"

With a loud shout, the sword in his hand was already waving like a tiger, showing an unusual afterimage.

The cold light came first, the sword stabbed, and the murderous intention was heavy.

Chapter 924 Bullying the soft and fearing the hard, a fight!

Such a sword edge has already broken the defenses of several refugees, and Ying Changge's martial arts are invincible.

Even though they were protecting themselves with weapons, they were still broken by Ying Changge's sword.

The crowd was crowded, and a large crowd of people in Wuyang was easily knocked down by Ying Changge's sword.

They were very embarrassed and came aggressively, but they had no chance to kill Ying Changge.

On the contrary, a few refugees on the side made plans to escape with all their might.

It is difficult to suppress a war, and they have to flee in embarrassment. Refugees are people who have no backbone.

However, Ying Changge has been bullied to the top of his head, how could he just give up like this!

Before, a group of refugees were moving forward quickly, in order to kill Ying Changge and behead him.

But now they are chattering and shooting, but they can't kill Ying Changge at all, and even fall into a downtrend.

Without an advantage, a stalemate will only result in so many refugees being beheaded.

Therefore, for their own survival, they left quickly so that they could leave Ying Changge and Jianfeng to pursue.

Otherwise, if they were to die under Ying Changge's sword like this, they might as well have been hungry all the time.

They just need a chance to fight for food and their appetite.

But they were still defeated one by one, and fell under the sword of Ying Changge.

Although there were no serious injuries, most of them were injured in their limbs, with sore wounds, making it difficult for them to stand up and fight back.

The death of the refugees was only temporary, but it could not stop Ying Changge's sword-fighting pursuit at all.

The refugees would not choose to die in the hands of Ying Changge, they did their best to fight back.

With a loud shout, he used his sword to confront the enemy. Such a sword had a murderous intent and could be called invincible in the world.

Finally got serious, Ying Changge's sword directly hit them all in a mess.

Dodging in a panic, dodging as much as possible, the refugees are already surrendered and do not intend to continue the fierce battle at all.

However, when a group of refugees bullied him, how could Ying Changge just let it go.

So, holding the sword and continuing to chase, Ying Changge hit several refugees on the ground.

They looked terrified, and the refugees looked uneasy, always staring at Ying Changge.

Now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late. What strength do the refugees have to fight Ying Changge?

A group of refugees who are beyond their own power even dare to block Ying Changge's path and **** his food.

Ying Changge is not hard-hearted, but he is naturally reluctant to be forced.

He was always attacking quickly, wielding the sword in his hand vigorously, mighty and domineering.

Such a sword is really exciting, it can be called a mighty offensive, and the refugees can't wait to escape.

Holding their heads and running wildly, they didn't dare to stay here for a while.

I thought Ying Changge's words were just alarmist, but now the refugees believe it.

With an ever-changing ability, with such an offensive, Ying Changge made himself volatile.

Such a gesture made the refugees extremely frightened, and they could not wait to cut Ying Changge into eight pieces.

But there is still no way to survive such a gesture, and the refugees are also very panic when they escape.

Fleeing desperately and resentfully, the refugees gritted their teeth and looked so difficult.

The embarrassed look is really funny.

Refugees bully the soft and fear the hard, and after a fight, in front of Ying Changge, there is no way to fight back.

As Ying Changge approached aggressively, the sword in his hand showed a fierce murderous intent.

Refugees who came with aggression are now retreating in spite of the difficulties and have disappeared.

Such a posture is really useless, there is no one who can block Ying Changge's sword.

When Ying Changge approached quickly with his sword in hand, they were doomed to die.

A sword could not wait to attack, and came coldly, Ying Changge knocked several refugees to the ground.

They were all so flustered, they raised their hoes and shovels, and they were still fighting hard.

It would be best if he could kill Ying Changge, even if he couldn't kill him, he had to run away.

It's a pity that Ying Changge made ten sessions, and he easily blocked several people.

All the refugees fell down in embarrassment. They fell to their knees, but they still gritted their teeth.

"`〃Have you calmed down?"

"Why did you come to **** my food!" Ying Changge asked, "You don't have anything to eat?"

"It is estimated that the food for disaster relief has already been delivered. At that time, it will definitely be able to provide you with food and clothing."

After hearing Ying Changge's words, several refugees were very frightened, and at the same time they were dissatisfied, "Nonsense!"

"What kind of food for disaster relief! It's just a joke!" "What are we eating! Pigs and dogs are worse than forks!"

A group of refugees are still scolding, and they are all angry and resentful, and they are constantly refuting.

After suppressing the refugees, Ying Changge became clear and understood the ins and outs of Jinghai County.

Chapter 925 No food!

It turned out that it was not only because of the food and grass, but also because the food the refugees ate was not a good thing.

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