The ministers fell into thought, and then started a heated discussion, each of which was different.

They all expressed their opinions, some recommended this general, some recommended that general, it was really noisy.

When the King of Goryeo heard this, he was also quite cocky. He didn't say a word, and his expression was gloomy.

"Can't you think of a suitable general! It's so ridiculous!"

In the main hall, many ministers are still discussing intensely, and they have come up with a lot of solutions.

"Let General Kim Jong Kook go! We will be invincible!" "No, General Kim Hee Dong should be sent!"

They insisted on their own words, which were originally different opinions, and the King of Goryeo waited patiently with his eyes closed.

At this moment, the minister next to him finally stood up, "It's more appropriate for General Jin Xidong!"

"He fights on the battlefield, and it can be said that he has overcome thorns and thorns, and is most suitable to face the army of Ying Changge!"

After a series of discussions, the King of Goryeo finally made up his mind, "Okay!"

"In that case, let General Kim Hee-dong come to see me!" The King of Goryeo finally made up his mind.

As a result, the general came in a hurry and knelt down in front of the King of Goryeo.

"You! Go to meet the Qin army, you must kill Ying Changge and wipe out their entire army!"

After the general listened to this, he naturally nodded, "Yes! The last general leads the order!"

"I will definitely go and kill Ying Changge's army, not a single one!" The general was bound to win.

This general, who made a vow, got up immediately and was ready to dispatch his troops to meet the enemy Ying Changge.

After the general left, the King of Goryeo continued, "What do you think the chances of winning this battle are!".

Chapter 969 It will be extraordinarily calm!

The ministers are silent, they don't know what to do! What are the odds!

When so many people were silent, the King of Goryeo knew that his trip would be dangerous.

In particular, to let the general move forward and attack Ying Changge first, he must block the Qin army.

Otherwise, let the Qin army come unscrupulously, I am afraid that even the Korean army will be difficult to be hostile.

"We must kill Ying Changge, otherwise we will be in danger!" King Goryeo said solemnly.

They are all worried, for fear that their country will be trampled by Ying Changge's army.

This kind of thing is full of crisis, everything is easy to change and unpredictable, setting off **** storms.

The war of licking blood is not so easy to stop, Ying Changge's deeds spread.

Everyone knows Ying Changge's mighty power, and his reputation has spread far and wide.

Carrying Ying Zheng's orders, Ying Changge and his army all went to Goryeo, wanting to break through in one fell swoop.

This trip is a long way, and it is even more troublesome, and the army of Ying Changge is bound to win.

Their men and horses were all ready and bound to win, and embarked on the road to the battlefield.

With the order of the King of Goryeo, General Kim Hee-dong, who went on the expedition this time, did not hesitate.

Their men and horses are always surrounded quickly, coming in one rush to block Ying Changge.

As long as it is able to intercept Ying Changge, there will be no danger at that time, and it will be extraordinarily calm.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for Goryeo to protect Ying Changge's army into his own country.

General Kim Hee-dong is a loyal general, and what he does is very simple.

That is to complete the king's life! Where the king wants to fight, then fight where! Kill whoever you say.

This kind of offensive made Ying Changge's army majestic and majestic, and people like him came prepared.

I have long known that Ying Changge's life is outside, and Goryeo has heard about him all over the place.

What's more, General Jin Xidong, who has studied Ying Changge for a long time, already knows a lot of tactics.

Intercepted halfway, and fought directly, then killing Ying Changge would naturally be a no-brainer.

Although the information is not well-informed, Jin Xidong knows that Qin Jun is passing by, and there must be a certain path.

There are very few places to pass by, and Jin Xidong and his army chose an only way.

Whenever Ying Changge and Qin Jun pass by, Jin Xidong will kill them directly, so that they will not be left behind.

One by one the soldiers looked like they were in full swing, but they might not be able to stop themselves.

The Qin army was brave, but it was not because of the attack of the Goryeo army that many cities were lost.

This is good news for Jin Xidong, at least he will be able to intercept Ying Changge's army ratio.

As long as so many armies are intercepted, at that time, they must be able to repel them.

Jin Xidong has no way of knowing Ying Changge's every move, or where he went.

As long as it is known that Ying Changge's army wants to attack Goryeo, then Jin Heedong must take the lead.

Today, Jin Xidong has prepared a lot of generals, and they are going to attack and assassinate Ying Changge.

I have long known that this trip is difficult, and Ying Changge is not likely to underestimate the enemy, but to be cautious.

He and his men were all in groups, impatient to move forward, and the soldiers were all menacing.

Chapter 970 All are very concerned!

It is inevitable to walk, and Ying Changge's army has already walked halfway.

On this half way, there is no danger, but Ying Changge still acts cautiously.

Hurrying all the way, searching continuously, Ying Changge saw many roads.

All roads lead to Goryeo, but Ying Changge's army is naturally going to find the closest road.

Otherwise, if Ying Changge made the army in his hand take a detour, it would just be lost in vain.

Not only is it a waste of manpower, but it will also consume more food and grass, which is really uneconomical.

Therefore, Ying Changge must choose the nearest road to his heart's content and enter the territory of Goryeo.

The war is ahead, and the war is about to break out. Such a situation is full of such difficulties and dangers.

Seeing exotic customs, seeing the north and south of the river, Ying Changge continued to go on the road all the way.

What preparations were made to take the kingdom of Goryeo! It was called an invincible battle.

Many people came in mighty ways, and the army under the leadership of Ying Changge could be said to be a tiger.

The army is all menacing, especially when the victory is in hand, it always runs rampantly and floods the road.

Goryeo already knew the whereabouts of General Jin Xidong, and knew that he was the winner.

Among the government and the opposition, they are very concerned about this war, and they are for their own country.

The ambitious Gaoli wanted to annex this place, and defeated all the Qin troops one by one, leaving no one behind.

Whenever there is such a mighty offensive, Goryeo will be able to replace it sooner or later and make a grand plan.

Knowing that Goryeo wants to attack its own country, the borderlands are very dangerous, and it is easy to lose the city.

Excellent generals can defeat the external enemy, directly capture the Goryeo, and annihilate the entire army without leaving one.

Hurrying on the road, Ying Changge's soldiers are all vigorous and ready to go.

As long as there is any trouble, Jin Xidong must eradicate Ying Changge's people together.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous to let Ying Changge's army continue to move forward.

(affa) Kim Hee-dong understood that if Ying Changge continued to march, it would seriously threaten the situation in Goryeo.

It is not easy to neglect important affairs of the country. Kim Hee-dong is for the country and the people, just to fulfill the king's order.

What's more, under the big army, Ying Changge didn't have time to disperse the soldiers, and it was impossible to choose to split the troops into two groups.

It is better to wait and see the changes instead of stunned by the grass. Many of the Yingchang singers have extraordinary appearances.

Well-trained soldiers can easily break the Goryeo army, but it is not easy to send troops.

Once the troops are launched, there is no way back, and the arrow has to be launched.

It is precisely because of this difficult situation that Ying Changge will not allow himself to succeed for a while.

Invading Goryeo and conquering the Quartet, Ying Changge's method is very simple, that is, an eye for an eye for a tooth for a tooth.

Didn't Goryeo lead troops to invade himself! Then Ying Changge also has to fight back to beat the enemy generals.

Ying Changge's offensive has always been gradual, and he will not attack it recklessly at all.

In particular, Ying Changge came from a long distance and with great fanfare, it must have attracted the attention of Gaoli.

If it hadn't been able to successfully break Goryeo, I'm afraid it would have been directly buried here, with blood flowing into rivers.

Indecision is not Ying Changge's character, he and his army are taking one step at a time.

Chapter 971 A good place for both offense and defense!

Taking every step of the way is really alert, and it can be said to be prepared for a rainy day, and Ying Changge's army has no flaws.

After walking for a few days, Ying Changge still didn't hear any movement, but he was very puzzled.

Because he was about to enter the territory of Goryeo, but the Goryeo army still did not move.

what is this! Are you afraid of yourself? impossible! But why didn't the Goryeo army move out~?

If you are afraid of yourself, you should surround yourself with the entire Goryeo army and kill them one by one.

But after walking a few miles, Ying Changge still found nothing and found nothing.

This is really strange! But Ying Changge wasn't worried, he just walked step by step with his soldiers.

In the barren mountains and mountains, Ying Changge and his army set up camp so that they could rest for a while.

After all, after a long journey, even if Ying Changge is not tired, the soldiers under him are also tired.

One by one, their heads were repaired here, and they spent a few days in the tent.

There are water sources and rocks around, it is a good place to be both offensive and defensive, and you will not be afraid of being attacked.

Just after dusk, Ying Changge had enough to eat and drink, and immediately let a cavalry under his command go out first.

The cavalry is mighty, it is easy to attract people's eyes and ears, it really stands out from the crowd, and it should not be.

Therefore, a small group of soldiers should be dispatched first, and it is also excellent to explore the road ahead.

Being cautious and doing what he could, Ying Changge immediately selected a cavalry with a dozen people.

There are not many soldiers, and the mountains are not high. Ying Changge wanted to let the cavalry go first to find out what was going on in Goryeo.

Ying Changge understands that the sooner he gets involved in Goryeo, the more dangerous and turbulent it will be.

Therefore, Ying Changge must have an ear and an eye, and be the first to bury his personal connections.

Within the situation, many soldiers were able to protect the frontier, and they must have come to guard against the Ying Changge army.

With a grim face and a cold face, Ying Changge was in the camp here, protecting his army.

There cannot be any flaws in the army, and Ying Changge doesn't want his army to be attacked because of this.

Marching and fighting is the most important thing. Ying Changge must conquer Goryeo and occupy the country.

In the borderlands, many cities were taken away by the Goryeo army, which was a shame for Ying Changge.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Therefore, he acted resentfully and could not wait to take action, wanting to fight here and repel the Goryeo army.

The name of Ying Changge is really prestigious, and if you say it, it can shock Jin Xidong's army.

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