Watching his army die like this, no one in 05 can beat Ying Changge.

This scene naturally made Jin Xidong very anxious, he couldn't let his army die like this.

No one dares to try, and if there is a little delay, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out, and not one will be left.

Ready to go, Jin Xidong personally took the knife, immediately rode on the horse, and quickly rushed to the barracks.

Jin Xidong saw that Ying Changge's troops were already low, and under this fight, he would be easily injured.

The situation cannot be reversed, and he must do his best to kill him, so he will chase down and kill the enemy bravely.

Leading his own team in person, Jin Xidong entered Ying Changge's camp.

His men and horses are very abundant, and there are many people.

Don't be polite to Ying Changge, Jin Xidong and he are both mortal enemies and will not show mercy.

Let his own people be desperate to kill the enemy, and Jin Xidong is looking for the trace of Ying Changge.

He has admired the name for a long time, and knew that Ying Changge's leader was very talented, and Jin Xidong wanted to decide the outcome with him.

Today's battle is very important, either Ying Changge will die, or Jin Xidong will die.

In the borderlands of Goryeo, Kim Hee-dong vowed to protect the city behind him even to the death!

However, Jin Xidong was in the claws of the chaotic army, and he really couldn't find Ying Changge, so he couldn't do anything to him!

"Ying Changge! Could it be that you are as timid as a mouse and dare not fight me at all!" Jin Xidong scolded.

He is here, the tiger is the wind, it can be said that the tiger is out of the cage.

Yelling and shouting here, Jin Xidong shuttled through Ying Changge's camp, but still didn't see him.

"Things that don't know how to live or die! They dare to bark here!" Meng Tian led the army out!

They had quite a few men and horses, all of them following behind Meng Tian, ​​they were aggressive and imposing like a rainbow.

"Someone! Kill them all!" Jin Xidong's goal was only Ying Changge, not Meng Tian.

Therefore, under the impact of Meng Tian's army, Jin Xidong still went to find Ying Changge.

In the face of Meng Tian's scolding, Jin Xidong didn't take it seriously, "A mere little general wants to fight me too!"

Impatiently waving his hand, Jin Xidong let his cavalry go to the enemy Meng Tian and obstruct him.

Meng Tian is also a loyal general. What he wants to do most is to kill Ying Changge and make military exploits.

It's just that Meng Tian's plan is not up to Meng Tian at all, he will definitely protect Ying Changge.

However, Jin Xidong didn't take Meng Tian into his eyes at all, he had already turned around and galloped away.

"Where to go!" With a loud shout, Meng Tian immediately raised his sword to kill him, wanting to eradicate Jin Xidong together.

However, Jin Xidong will not give up at all, he is always withdrawing troops quickly and avoiding Meng Tian.

Chapter 979 It's Always Endless!

When Meng Tian's men came aggressively, they didn't stop Jin Xidong, but let him escape.

Quickly roaming and escaping non-stop, many soldiers were already surrounded by Jin Xidong.

But even so what! This kind of fight is very mediocre, and it is absolutely impossible to stop Jin Xidong.

Especially knowing Ying Changge and knowing that the other party is not a vegetarian, Jin Xidong felt that he was in danger.

Obviously it was a preemptive strike, let alone a sneak attack in the middle of the night, but Jin Xidong always felt that something was wrong.

Even so, Kim Hee-dong went all out to find Ying Changge so that he could kill him.

Having traveled thousands of miles to this place, Ying Changge's army was a threat to Goryeo.

It is impossible for him to sit back and watch, and his own people are quickly gathering together and attacking quickly.

Those who charge into the battle have unexpected power, and his attack has made a **** path.

Even though Meng Tian was chasing behind him, he continued to dodge without any hesitation.

The road to escape is always endless, but Kim Hee-dong is not escaping, but killing the enemy.

Meng Tian and his men came aggressively, but they had no chance to get close to Jin Xidong.

There are already quite a few soldiers fighting together anxiously, and they all look menacing.

Unbridled fighting, standing in the shadows of swords, lights and swords, their people are also very weak.

Such a mighty stance is impossible to stop, especially Meng Tian, ​​who is still chasing him desperately.

In Ying Changge's camp, they were caught in such a fight, which was extremely dangerous.

Cold and severe attack, rapid collision, many soldiers died here in embarrassment.

Seeing the damage of his own soldiers, how could Kim Hee-dong be reconciled! He just wants a quick fight.

Ying Changge hid and disappeared in the camp, especially Meng Tian was still chasing Jin Xidong.

Jin Xidong's goal from beginning to end is Ying Changge, not the lieutenant next to Ying Changge.

So when he saw so many people coming in one go, Kim Hee-dong was especially flustered.

Haste is not enough, marching and fighting should be slow.

The flustered Jin Xidong was very frightened, and he continued to run rampant with his sword and kill him.

Can't wait to raise his sword and slash, Jin Xidong is already striding forward from the siege.

Wherever he went, blood was sprayed, and Jin Xidong killed a lot of soldiers for a while.

Filled with righteous indignation, Jin Xidong, who acts for the heavens, is chasing bravely, and can't wait to raise his sword to shock him.

It's just a pity that the figures of Jin Xidong and Meng Tian are still far apart, and it's not so easy to catch anger.

For the safety of Ying Changge, Meng Tian couldn't stop, and was always chasing and killing quickly.

You come and go, you chase after me, the army has already shown a lot of gestures in this chaos.

The more mighty and domineering he marched, the more fiercely there was a fight, blood sprayed, and blood flowed all over the place.

Many people died of injuries like this, and their deaths only made the Ying Changge camp more chaotic.

In just a short time, Jin Xidong had already reached the deepest part of the camp, and he was invincible.

Continue to chase and kill, can't wait to come, Jin Xidong's trace has disappeared.

Unable to know the whereabouts of Jin Xidong and his party, Meng Tian has been surrounded by many enemy troops.

Chapter 980 Killing Qi is released!

Falling into the charge of the soldiers, Meng Tian was helpless and had no way to protect Ying Changge.

He can only continue to fight, Meng Tian will not leave behind Jin Xidong's army.

With vigilance in his heart and cold eyes, Jin Xidong was looking for Ying Changge.

Soon, Jin Xidong saw a figure, standing quietly and calmly.

Who is that! Jin Xidong took a closer look and saw the armor on Ying Changge's body.

The posture is unusual, the aura is high, these characters are probably the legendary Ying Changge!

After making up his mind, Jin Xidong snorted coldly, and immediately rammed up on his horse.

Quickly fighting back, carrying his own sword, Jin Xidong already ran to Ying Changge.

Holding his sword and swinging it vigorously, Jin Xidong tried to cut off Ying Changge's head with one sword.

They fought bravely and fought hard. Many people were defeated like this and died under the sword of Ying Changge.

Today, Kim Hee-dong, who doesn't know how to live or die and is overly self-sufficient, even ran to Ying Changge's face.

Finally seeing the leader of the Goryeo army, Ying Changge shot without hesitation.

He was just a sword, although he just drew the sword out of the scabbard mediocrely, but he was full of killing energy.

Seeing the sword drawn by Ying Changge, Jin Xidong's expression changed, and he naturally felt abnormal.

Ying Changge stood on the ground, and Jin Xidong rode on the horse, which was originally condescending and superior.

When approaching Ying Changge, Jin Xidong's sword hit him hard.

With a ping-pong sound, the swords are intertwined, such a cold and severe color is really unexpectedly powerful.

The murderous intention revealed that Jin Xidong was staggered and staggered by the impact of Ying Changge's sword.

Reluctantly riding on the horse, Jin Xidong pulled the reins tightly, so that he did not fall off the horse.

This is a very important thing, so Jin Xidong stabilized his figure and stood tall.

Riding on the horse, Jin Xidong (affa) stared at Ying Changge condescendingly, already murderous, "Who are you!"

"You're Ying Changge, right!" Jin Xidong snorted coldly, "It looks really ordinary!"

"You don't seem to have any skills. In that case, you should capture it as soon as possible, and disarm and not kill!"

"If I kill you directly, I'm afraid that your head will fall to the ground and the corpse will be separated!"

Jin Xidong's words are really arrogant and have unexpected pride.

What a self-righteous general! Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, "You're half right!"

"I'm Ying Changge, but I'm also your invincible general, Jin Xidong, and I'm invincible!"

"If you fight to the death with me, I'm afraid you will die completely within a few rounds."

"Nonsense!" Jin Xidong snorted coldly, his army was already fighting in every possible way.

Came unscrupulously, shuttled around the camp as always, Jin Xidong is to eradicate Ying Changge.

Today, Ying Changge's army is still chattering on and on, and a net has been laid.

When Jin Xidong's troops are still impatient to come, they may not be able to break free from the shackles of Ying Changge's army.

Hearing Ying Changge's rebuttal, Jin Xidong scoffed, "It's really ridiculous!".

Chapter 981 As a self-defense weapon!

"It's just by virtue of your troops! Your people are already surrounded by my army!"

"In the paws of your camp, my soldiers have the courage to continue to fight and eradicate them together!"

"It doesn't take long before you all will be left alone and become lonely ghosts in the Abandoned Corpse Wilderness."

Kim Hee-dong felt that he had the chance to win, so he continued to attack with great might~.

Riding on a horse and fighting with all his strength, every sword of Kim Hee-dong is extraordinarily hard-.

A sword stabbed, and Jin Xidong hit Ying Changge's throat directly, trying to seal his throat with blood.

However, Jin Xidong was not afraid, he still stabbed out hastily, quite revealing his murderous intention.

The motionless Ying Changge stood there, holding his sword, pinging and ping-ping against the enemy.

After blocking Jin Xidong's sword, Ying Changge still stood in the same place.

Jin Xidong, who is riding on a horse, has the advantage, and he can play his sword more lightly and dexterously.

As soon as the sword strikes, the tiger and the tiger make the wind, and Jin Xidong and Ying Changge begin to entangle and confront each other closely.

Such a staggered sword, it looks majestic, but in fact it is nothing more than that.

Whenever there is such a momentum to attack him, he can block it with a sword, Ying Changge's ability is fearless.

Even if Jin Xidong stabbed fiercely, it might not be able to seriously injure Ying Changge!

Ying Changge is so indifferent and calm, he always uses his own sword to fight the enemy with the victory in his hands.

Knock, beat, swords collided, Jin Xidong's eyes continued to stare at Ying Changge without blinking.

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