Once shot, countless casualties, Jin Xidong's people have been defeated by Ying Changge's soldiers.

"Leave the head on your neck!" Ying Changge scolded, and he continued to chase the enemy behind him.

Riding on the back of a horse, Ying Changge waving his sword, his figure swayed, standing out among the enemy troops.

Such a mighty gesture is rare in the world. Once it is shot, it must be alive and well.

No one can stop Ying Changge's army, and his troops are surrounded by mountains and plains.

As long as you can find Jin Xidong, you don't need to panic, catch the thief first and catch the king, and it's safe to take him down.

It's just that the soldiers were entangled and fought closely, and they were all fierce and fierce, as strong as ever.

You know, on weekdays, these people can't hurt Jin Xidong at all, and he is very open.

Fighting on the battlefield, defending countless enemies, Kim Hee-dong is the most prominent general in Korea! .

Chapter 996 The battle is so fierce!

However, other people, who are not worth mentioning in Kim Hee-dong's eyes, can easily be injured and die because of this.

They died on the battlefield, all of them were extremely embarrassed, unable to stop Ying Changge's charge at all.

The other men and horses died in embarrassment in the first round of the collision with Ying Changge's army.

The others, however, continued to charge, aggressively attacked, and fought fiercely.

Many people didn't know how to deal with it, especially Jin Xidong's soldiers, many dragged them back.

They died in this battle, spitting blood, and the wounds on their bodies were blurred.

The corpses were scattered all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers. This sneak attack by Jin Xidong was really indescribable.

Thanks to the presence of Kim Hee-dong, their men, accompanied by different tactics, were able to delay it.

Continuing the charge and evacuating quickly, many people avoided Ying Changge's net of heaven and earth~.

As long as he continues to escape smoothly, within a few rounds, he will be killed here, and his reputation will be ruined.

Confused and frightened, Jin Xidong stared at the road ahead as always.

That is the place to go back to Goryeo, as long as you go back, you have to kill it alive with your own men and horses.

Ying Changge's army is not easy to be defeated, especially the soldiers, who are full of high spirits and have the chance to win.

Many people were surrounded in groups, and they formed a large trace of interception.

It is not easy to take him down. Although Jin Xidong is not as powerful as a tiger, he is also like electricity.

Jin Xidong's army marched forward as always, and the soldiers were dark and airtight.

Fleeing under Ying Changge's pursuit, Jin Xidong's army had no chance to fight back.

If he continued to fight against Ying Changge's army aggressively, he would be dead without a place to be buried.

Knowing how powerful it is, Jin Xidong will not stop and continue to charge out.

Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, Jin Xidong must return to his own country.

The borderlands are the safest, especially the Goryeo army, but they have captured a lot of cities.

So many cities are all under the control of the Goryeo army, which is a shame.

If it were Ying Changge, they would be wiped out, leaving none of them, so as to repay their shame.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

The city was lost, many people died under the trampling of Ying Changge's army, and the soldiers were heavily scarred.

The blood stained the armor, Ying Changge's attitude was very tough, that is, to wipe out Jin Xidong's entire army.

Since the two armies were fighting so fiercely, Jin Xidong was already hating Ying Changge.

The two are incompatible, destined formidable enemies, destined to be eradicated together.


Jin Xidong wanted to kill Ying Changge, but the force in his hand was not sufficient at all, and the force was weak.

If he turned back to fight back against Ying Changge's army now, I'm afraid that he would die directly in battle, with his life hanging by a thread.

Such death is natural, Jin Xidong's army is mediocre, and there are few opponents at all.

If Ying Changge's army came in a mighty way, Jin Xidong could only stare blankly.

Carrying a heavy responsibility, Kim Hee-dong came here to stop Ying Changge's army and protect Goryeo's safety.

It's just that I never expected that Jin Xidong's army was completely no match for Ying Changge.

When the two sides fought, only the remnants of the defeated generals were left, lying in a pool of blood, tragic and tragic.

Chapter 997 More and more casualties!

His face was dull and bloodless, he knew that his death was destined to fall into the hands of Ying Changge.

The name of Ying Changge has spread far and wide, and he is invincible in battle, leading the army like a god.

After just fighting with Ying Changge's army for several rounds, Jin Xidong is no longer an opponent.

Especially when he fought with Ying Changge himself, Jin Xidong's martial arts became mediocre.

It was difficult to face Ying Changge's sword "117", and Jin Xidong retreated in a dizzy moment.

When he came back to his senses, he knew that he could not defeat Ying Changge's army, so he had to run away.

Escape from Qin Jun's hands, escape from Ying Changge's hands, such important life events, naturally can't wait.

Barely supporting, avoiding the pursuit of Ying Changge's army, Jin Xidong had already escaped less than a mile.

Moreover, there is a steady stream of cavalry from Ying Changge who are coming quickly.

When all these people were buried in the hands of Ying Changge, Jin Xidong knew that his army could no longer support it.

If the confrontation continues, Kim Hee-dong will be wiped out, and he will never be able to return to Goryeo.

With the Qin army here, Jin Xidong knew that he was in danger and had to retreat quickly and get out of here!

If they can't stop Ying Changge's pursuit, how can Jin Xidong's people fight back?

In a panic, when he rode his horse and looked back, Jin Xidong saw a lot of people approaching quickly.

Many people have died here, and their demise is only a matter of time and cannot be stopped at all.

With a lingering fear in his heart and a flustered expression, he and his men quickly escaped.

"Let's go! Run away for me, be sure to leave, we can't leave the shame of our defeat here!"

It's about the national war, Jin Xidong doesn't want his army to be wiped out like this! He is alive!

Raising his horizons, and his army quickly retreated, Jin Xidong was still escaping.

As long as he can avoid Ying Changge, Jin Xidong has to choose a road, and the remote path is naturally safe.

Jin Xidong is naturally familiar with the borderlands, and he and his army are going around in circles.

However, there is no chance to escape at all, but Jin Xidong's army is always surrounded by Ying Changge.

Under the slaughter, it will inevitably be damaged. Jin Xidong's cavalry has formed a city wall, preventing Ying Changge from chasing and killing 0...

When Ying Changge's army came from far and near, they couldn't capture Jin Xidong smoothly.

If it weren't for the obstruction of these cavalry, Ying Changge would have already won Jin Xidong.

The Goryeo army is useless, has no value to Ying Changge, and is not worth mentioning.

At present, Ying Changge wants to arrest only one person, and that is the guy Jin Xidong.

Insidious, cunning and glib, Kim Hee-dong is like a loach who can always escape.

When entangled with Ying Changge's army, Jin Xidong's people avoided the troubled times and escaped.

Their casualties were expected, but Ying Jangge was not just about to defeat the Goryeo army.

What Ying Changge wants to do most is to conquer 5.0 Goryeo and take all his land under his command.

It is a pity that such things are easy to say on the battlefield, but difficult to implement.

Many people died because of this, and their deaths were destined to have an irreversible situation.

Continuing to escape and evacuated quickly, more and more soldiers under Kim Hee-dong died and suffered heavy casualties.

Chapter 998 You must fight bravely!

There was a chilling look, many soldiers on the battlefield were extremely embarrassed, and Jin Xidong was already demoralized.

Many soldiers died under Ying Changge's sword, and Jin Xidong was afraid that his army would be destroyed.

He swore that he would win, but Jin Xidong lost the battle under the winning singer.

I heard that Ying Changge has the talent of a general, but now it seems that he is really extraordinary and worthy of the name.

As a result, Jin Xidong could only flee in embarrassment, and escaped with his own people.

The soldiers were all injured, and their casualties were so heavy that it was really difficult to fight back and kill them.

If it weren't for his careless underestimation of the enemy, Jin Xidong felt that he would not have fallen into such a situation.

Frightened and extremely pale, Jin Xidong quickly rode on his horse and continued to dodge Ying Changge's soldiers.

Like a wave, there are many figures, and in the middle of the night, Ying Changge's army is integrated into the dark night.

When Jin Xidong got closer, he realized that a lot of people had died like this.

Their casualties are destined to be heavy, and many of Jin Xidong's manpower were killed in battle because of this.

The situation is not clear, Jin Xidong escaped from the dead, in order to be able to escape the siege smoothly.

When many soldiers rushed to kill, Jin Xidong only had lingering fears.

He looked panicked and did not dare to fight back. Jin Xidong was just escaping quickly with his own soldiers.

Run away, escape from death, as long as he can avoid the army of Ying Changge, Jin Xidong can live.

He fought for Goryeo, and every attack was full of vigor and vitality.

Unfortunately, even in such a situation, it is impossible for Kim Hee-dong to avoid Ying Changge's pursuit.

"The army of Koryo is arrogant, the frog in the well, Yelang is arrogant!" Ying Changge sneered at the back.

Established prestige, high morale, Ying Changge's army always has a majestic attitude.

If he can defeat Ying Changge's soldiers, Jin Xidong will rush up without hesitation.

After several rounds of battles with Ying Changge, it was already doomed that Jin Xidong would suffer casualties, and it was precarious.

Fortunately, Jin Xidong was very familiar with the borderlands, and he escaped all the way without getting lost.

I can't wait to get rid of everyone behind me, so that Jin Xidong can escape.

Ying Changge leads the troops cautiously, especially under the big army, he must have a mighty attitude, which is really powerful.

The army was like a hunting hound, pinpointing Jin Xidong's position with precision.

No matter where Kim Hee-dong escaped, he would be targeted by Ying Changge's soldiers.

Looking around, all Wuyangyang are Ying Changge's army, and their people are really passionate.

The army was in groups, and many people were still approaching, killing them all.

Many Jin Xidong's soldiers died under the charge of Ying Changge's cavalry, and died in the chaos of swords.

If he could, he would have to get away in a hurry.

Under this chaotic situation, Jin Xidong understood that if his army had a little rest, he would be caught.

However, Ying Changge's army will not do this at all, they will not give Jin Xidong any way to survive.

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