Otherwise, it's really not a good thing for Kim Ki-moon to die under the sword of Ying Chang's (good Lee's) song.

Out of breath, he broke out in a cold sweat, and when he looked back, he was always worried and worried.

Sure enough, there is no Ying Changge figure, Kim Ki-moon can only see his army coming and going.

Haha laughed three times, and then Kim Ki-moon quickly escaped and continued to move forward.

Trapped by Kim Ki-moon's troops, Ying Changge really has no way out! of course not! .

1215 Look back!

They are all fighting quickly, always aggressively attacking, and they can't wait to kill Ying Changge.

Ying Changge, who is very skilled in swordsmanship, certainly won't stop there, he is brave.

The sword blade in his hand struck very closely, and then several soldiers were repelled.

He fell staggeringly and retreated helplessly, and what he did was very simple.

Blocked by so many troops, Ying Changge waved one hand vigorously, and then went on a rampage.

Ying Changge riding on a horse looks like any pause, always chattering to fight, to hack and slash.

Horseback riding and slashing, Ying Changge used two things with one heart, without any delay, and was still imposing like a rainbow.

Bumping away many soldiers, the target of Ying 350 Changge was still Kim Ki-moon, and he continued to hunt down.

Even if the enemy is outnumbered, Ying Changge can find Kim Ki-moon accurately and accurately.

"Where to run!" Ying Changge scolded, very majestic, still charging quickly.

Everywhere he went, there were swords, lights, swords and shadows, and every sword Ying Changge made was so solemn.

The powerful sword stunned several people and flew off their horses.

It is impossible for a group of ordinary soldiers to block the shadow of Ying Changge Jianfeng.

Dead dead, wounded and wounded, many soldiers (affa) were defeated and staggered back.

It is precisely because of such a fiasco that Kim Ki-moon found himself being hunted down again soon.

Riding on the bumpy horse, looking back, Kim Ki-moon saw Ying Changge's figure approaching.

Ying Changge's fast-paced and whipped Ying Changge travels from far to near, and his riding skills are even more superb, and he will catch up in a while.

Looking at Ying Changge's figure getting closer and closer, Jin Ki-moon was frightened and trembled, almost falling.

This is a horse, if he jumps off, Kim Ki-moon will fall off the horse and get hurt! Very surprised.

Having no choice but to grasp the reins, Kim Ki-moon reluctantly continued to run on horseback.

Moving forward quickly and continuing to run away, Kim Ki-moon, who did not look back, was afraid of encountering any danger.

Continuing chattering forward, the sword in Jin Ki-moon's hand was guarded behind him in a hurry.

To avoid being attacked by Ying Changge, if he stabs him with a sword, Kim Ki-moon will move his head and be very anxious.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and all changes cannot escape Ying Changge's eyes and ears, of course he understands.

As a general who leads his troops with divine help, Ying Changge is very clear about the situation.

Kim Ki-moon is the most critical person. If he kills him, Ying Changge will be able to keep a hundred thousand troops safe.

Not wanting to fight with the 100,000 army, Ying Changge just wanted to make these soldiers surrender immediately.

So many people were forced to become soldiers helplessly. Of course, such a battle was very embarrassing.

Persistently continue the battle, chattering nonstop, the troops in his hands chattering endlessly.

A lot of people were outflanking the front and back, but they still dared to stop Ying Changge.

Under such a battle, Ying Changge would not stop. He rode on his horse and charged as always.

After breaking the defenses of several people and avoiding the killing of many people, Ying Changge was unharmed.

Moving forward, Ying Changge's sword only stabbed one person, that is Kim Ki-moon.

Goguryeo's general Kim Ki-moon is also very important to Ying Changge and cannot be ignored.

Killing him is still very important.

1216 Wisdom in a hurry!

Without this guy Kim Ki-moon, Ying Changge's road would be unimpeded.

Carrying a sword, riding a horse, constantly running around, constantly wandering, it is really fast.

This kind of speed is unstoppable by most people, and Ying Changge is as fast as a gust of wind and lightning.

Running in a panic, Kim Ki-moon turned his head and saw that many people went to stop Ying Changge.

Many troops can intercept Ying Changge, as long as he is killed, Kim Ki-moon will be safe.

It's just that now, he doesn't plan to fight like this at all, he still needs to fight patiently.

The steady stream of figures are still hitting hard, and every attack is very embarrassing.

The soldiers were turned over by Ying Changge's counterattacks, and many of them fell down and died directly.

When they died in battle, the corpses of soldiers piled up like mountains. The soldiers were not Ying Changge's opponents at all.

After staggering and stumbling against each other for a long time, they all retreated in a swarm, - to get out of the way.

Continue to chase and kill, Ying Changge will not give up on Kim Ki-moon, this is a key point.

Breaking through Kim Ki-moon and stabilizing the situation of the Goguryeo army can make Ying Changge even more powerful.

The King of Goguryeo, who was sitting in the same place, watched this fight with his eyes helplessly, and felt very pity in his heart.

Most of the soldiers couldn't keep up with Ying Changge's footsteps, and they were thrown far, far away.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge was still chattering forward in order to chase Kim Ki-moon.

You chase after me, the enemy advances and I retreat, Kim Ki-moon runs out of breath, but there is not much chance.

Because in the blink of an eye, Ying Changge chased behind him, and a sword stabbed out fiercely, killing intent awe-inspiring.

hum! Another wound was staggered on his back, causing Kim Ki-moon to grit his teeth in pain and roar.

Helplessly bowing his head, Kim Ki-moon pulled the reins and tried to avoid their pursuit first.

As long as the pace of Ying Changge is broken, there will be no danger! Kim Ki-moon is in a hurry.

Shoot people first shoot horses! Kim Ki-moon turned around, took his bow and arrow, and aimed at the horse under Ying Changge's crotch.

Is this trying to shoot his own horse? Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, really wishful thinking! He won't dodge?

So, he continued to ride the horse and galloped, and then he stabbed it with a quick sword. Prestigious.

This sword, most people can't guard against it, let alone Kim Ki-moon? He was startled himself.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Quickly turning his head to dodge, he barely avoided Ying Changge's sword, and staggered by himself.

Passing by Ying Changge's sword, Jin Ki-moon clenched his bow and arrow hard and shot out.

Whoosh! The arrow was fast and accurate, and then it stabbed continuously on his body.

He was about to be stabbed by Kim Ki-moon's arrows, but Ying Changge didn't move, without any fear.


He directly raised the sword, quickly counterattacked, and then directly blocked the arrow, dividing it into two.

The arrow shot was unsuccessful, Kim Ki-moon was not discouraged, and kept his head down and continued to prepare to shoot.

Every arrow is very important, it is about his own life and death, he will not sit idly by.

The arms were pulled, opened and closed, and another arrow quickly stabbed Ying Changge's body.

Waving his own sword, every sword is blocked with precision and danger is isolated.

Ying Changge's superb swordsmanship deserves to be a rare rival.

The furious Kim Ki-moon fired many arrows, but none of them could seriously injure Ying Changge.

Forced to be helpless, he gave up this plan and did not continue to shoot Ying Changge's Ma Ji.

1217 Face lost!

Kim Ki-moon wanted to lead his army to fight to the end in order to kill Ying Changge.

Otherwise, they couldn't kill Ying Changge, they would just be surrounded by more troops and be in a dilemma.

Such a battle is very painful, and Kim Ki-moon knows that his strength has been damaged a lot.

A sword ran rampant and stabbed quickly, and every sword in his hand had a menacing attitude.

But even so, "Three Six Seven" Ying Changge has made up his mind, that is, he must stop the Goryeo army.

So many armies were formed by common people, and their lives were very innocent and should be alive.

But the entangled Kim Ki-moon continued to fight, and the sword-wielding was even more intense and full of momentum.

In the unbridled battle, 100,000 soldiers and horses were forced to come one after another, wanting to greatly create the strength of Ying Changge.

There was no room for retreat, and Kim Ki-moon was still attacking with gnashing teeth.

Ying Changge raised his sword quickly and stepped back again and again, who was seriously injured, and stepped back staggeringly.

Coughing more and more, Jin Ki-moon's eyes were particularly cold and severe, and he was really at a loss.

If possible, he will continue to attack and directly kill Ying Changge.

Otherwise, if so many soldiers lingered here, the war would not end so quickly.

Confused and swearing to the death, Kim Ki-moon was still trying to lift his sword and straighten his spine.

He still wanted to keep fighting back, but Kim Ki-moon didn't have such a chance, so Ying Changge took the lead.

Quickly following up, Ying Changge's sword was placed on Jin Jiwen's neck, "This is it!"

"You are already my defeat. Now, liberate these soldiers! Surrender with me!"

Ying Changge's request was very simple. What he most wanted to do was to conquer these 100,000 soldiers.

However, Kim Ki-moon would not beg for mercy just like that, his eyes were very cold, "Impossible!"

"I'm not convinced by you, no matter what, I'm going to kill you." Kim Ki-moon won't surrender!

Now that his face has been lost, if Kim Ki-moon continues to fight, he will be able to show his toughness.

He still wanted to stand up and continue to fight back, but Ying Changge would not let him succeed.

Kim Ki-moon, who was seriously injured, quickly raised his sword, wanting to stab Ying Changge to death.  …

Only Ying Changge's sword edge took a step forward and then stabbed Kim Ki-moon in the neck.

With fresh blood flowing, Jin Ki-moon was startled by pain, and even trembled.

After being frightened, Kim Ki-moon no longer resisted, did he lose his masculinity! He shouted!

With a mad face, he held his sword and attacked quickly.

The sword's edge was exceptionally fast, wishing to pierce Ying Changge's chest and let him die under his own sword.

Ying Changge, who had anticipated it in advance, blocked his murderous intention by hitting hard with his own sword.

With a ping pong sound, the swords of the two staggered, and Ying Chang's singing was extremely powerful, and he took a step forward quickly.

Pushing hard, the sword edge slid across quickly, and 5.0 Ying Changge killed him easily.

Let the heads of Kim Ki-moon fall off the top of his neck, and the blood sprays, and the Korean general is already dead.

After killing Kim Ki-moon, Ying Changge felt very relieved and felt that he had no obstacle.

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