Chapter 0241: Han Fei takes the Empress Dowager route?!!!

Yingzi obviously underestimated Lu Yan’s speed.

Less than three minutes.

The sound of taking the key to open the door sounded outside the door.

Han Fei quickly ran over to turn off the light, and then stood in a row with Yingzi Taozi, who was holding a large cake in her hand.

When Lu Yan opened the door, he saw the three figures brushed by Qi, and was startled and turned on the light before he found that it was Yingzi and them.

“surprise!!! Happy birthday!!! ”

Yingzi Hanfei and several people said with a smile in unison.

Until this moment, Lu Yan woke up and realized that he was deceived by Yingzi.

At the same time relieved, it is angry and funny.

He deliberately slammed his face, “Is it fun?” ”

“Do you know how anxious I was when I got a call? Before I could even say hello to the teacher, I ran back. ”

“Because I was worried that something would happen to you, I ran back desperately, and this is the result?”

Seeing that he was angry, Yingzi knew that he had done something bad with good intentions, and lowered his head and blamed himself: “Lu Yan, I’m sorry…”

“I’m disappointed.”

Lu Yan laughed at himself.

This look.

This word.

It was as if I had really been heartbroken.

“Lu Yan, I’m sorry, we really didn’t expect this, Yingzi is not to blame for this, we came up with the idea together.”

Han Fei and Tao Zi couldn’t bear to let Yingzi carry the pot alone, and quickly said.

Lu Yan stopped talking, just stood in place and looked at them.

Not long after, Han Fei and Tao Zi also lowered their heads embarrassedly.

Two or three minutes later.

Yingzi said pitifully to Lu Yan: “Lu Yan, I can’t move.” ”

Seeing her like this, Lu Yan broke his skills at once, and his face, which had been standing upright, couldn’t help but laugh.

“Okay, I’ll tease you.”

Lu Yan walked over and took the cake from her hand.

When the three of Yingzi heard this, they quickly turned worry into joy, and Yingzi happily hugged Lu Yan’s arm, “I knew you wouldn’t get angry so easily!” ”

Han Fei noticed her intimate action and subconsciously jumped his eyelids.


Take the opportunity to eat tofu?

However, thinking that today was Lu Yan’s birthday, Han Fei endured it.

Lu Yan broke his arm out of Yingzi’s arms and pouted, “Who said I’m not angry? Since this is the first time, I forgive you. ”

“If you find this excuse for your own injury next time, I will worry, and I will say that I will not forgive you again.”

“Good, good, we remembered!”

Han Fei said as he pulled him towards the dining table.

“Oh, look, it’s a big meal made by the three of us, how about it, okay?”

Lu Yan took a look.


There are actually six dishes and one soup.

It looks like it’s pretty good.

“Good, good.”

Lu Yan nodded.

Seeing this, Yingzi pulled him to the living room and pointed to the balloon lamp on the wall like a treasure.

“And this, and this, this is also what we laid out.”

“I forgot to buy a pump when I bought a balloon, and blowing balloons made me tired to death.”

Lu Yan was happy in his heart.

It’s both moving and funny.

This silly niko.


Putting the cake on the coffee table, Lu Yan turned around and looked at a few people, and said seriously: “You have worked hard, for my birthday, so bothered.” ”

“So, what’s the reward?”

Eiko squeezed her eyes at him and asked with a smile.


Lu Yan thought for a while, and said tentatively: “Or… Shall I kiss you alone? ”

After that, he pulled out his legs and ran.

If you don’t run, you will definitely be beaten.

“Lu Yan! Your skin is itchy, aren’t you! ”

Yingzi and Han Fei chased after them directly.

Lu Yan ran to the dining table, casually found a seat to sit down, let Yingzi and them hit a few times, and pulled them to sit down.

“Taozi, come and sit, ready to eat.”

Lu Yan turned back to Tao Zi and said.

“Uh-huh, here it is.”

Tao Zi quickly responded with a smile.

When Taozi sat down next to Yingzi, Lu Yan always felt that something was missing.



“At this time, it would be better if you could have some wine.”

“Don’t worry, I thought of it a long time ago.”

Eiko smiled.

Then she got up and walked to the kitchen and took out four RIO cocktails from the shopping bag inside.

“Naw, one bottle per person.”

Lu Yan was stunned: “Is there only such a little?” ”

Eiko said: “Drinking too much is easy to do bad things. ”

She had already suffered a loss at the Eclat Hotel last time, because all three of them were drunk, and Lu Yan put his arms around her and Taozi and slept on the sofa for hours.

If I drink more this time, I don’t know what will happen.

At this time, Han Fei helped on the side: “Yingzi is right, just drink a little.” If you drink too much and go back, if you are found by your parents, you will definitely be disciplined. ”


Yingzi and Taozi nodded one after another.


Lu Yan could only reluctantly agree.

Seeing him compromise, Yingzi quickly took the bottle opener to open a few bottles of cocktails, and divided one bottle by one person.

“Come on.”

“Let’s officially wish Lu Yan a happy birthday.”

Saying that, everyone picked up the cocktail and touched it.

“Happy birthday.”

Han Fei’s three daughters said in unison.

“Thank you.”

Lu Yan was a little moved, his first birthday was celebrated by so many people to help him.

Tilt your head.


He took a few gulps of wine.

“Ah, right!”

Han Fei suddenly thought of something and took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

“Aunt Wen Xian told me in the afternoon that after we finish surprising Lu Yan, remember to give her a video call.”

When Yingzi heard this, she was a little jealous.

It is clear that she is her future daughter-in-law, why is this kind of thing only told Han Fei.

Could it be that Aunt Wen Xian prefers Han Fei?

If Han Fei robbed Lu Yan with himself in the future, wouldn’t he have already lost 3.9 and a half?

Lu Yan noticed that Yingzi’s expression was wrong, and although he didn’t know why she was like this, he still gently held her little hand under the table.

When Yingzi looked at him, Lu Yan gave her a warm smile.

Eiko was encouraged.

After calming down, she realized that she had just walked into a misunderstanding.

What about taking the Queen Mother’s route?

As long as Lu Yan’s heart is always here, he will never lose.

That’s right!

That’s it!


Lu Yan seems to be a little interesting to Han Fei, right?

Another voice appeared in Yingzi’s heart, and he directly poured a basin of cold water on her.

Han Fei’s video call to Liu Wenxian was connected there.


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