I, The Scientist, Start By Cloning Kaido

Chapter 1 Weakness is not the reason for death, stupidity is!

Haiyuan calendar year 1502.

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers, the suburbs.

There are mountains and mountains, and the peaks are undulating.

It was a sunny noon a second ago, but now it was covered with clouds, and a huge green dragon was looming among the clouds.

Under the clouds, in the mountains.

Thousands of elite pirates are ambushing this place.

They are the Beast Pirates!

The opponent they faced was surprisingly the son of the general of Wano Country and the daimyo of the Kuri region, Kozuki Oden!

And, ten retainers under his command.

1000 pirates vs 11 samurai! !

This battle, representing the highest power in Wano, finally broke out at this moment.

Give an order.


Hundreds of pirates armed with AK47 automatic rifles pulled the triggers one after another.

With a firing rate of 10 rounds per second, a magazine can be emptied in just three seconds.

Thousands of bullets rained down on the eleven warriors.

However, in the face of such ferocious firepower, these eleven samurai were able to withstand the hail of bullets and fight back with cold weapon katana swords.

With just a wave of their hands, they can cut through bullets with precision.


The son of the general, the Kuri Daimyo, Kozuki Oden raised his head and glared at the blue dragon in the sky.

The dragon's head poked out from the clouds, and Blue Dragon Kaido sneered.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... hot breath!"

The blazing flame condensed in the dragon's mouth and turned into a scorching ray, which suddenly fell from the sky.

Boom boom boom! !

Amidst the loud noise, a mountain was wiped out in one blow.

Just like an earthquake, the vibrations can even be transmitted to Huadu.

The capital of flowers.

Edie stepped out of his private research institute, and crowds of people were already gathering on the street.

There was an obvious vibration under my feet.

"What happened? An earthquake?!"

"No, it's an explosion!"


People in Huadu looked into the distance.

The flames soared into the sky, and the flames that burned the mountains dyed the sky red.

They don't know what's going on.

But Edie knew, he knew exactly what was happening and what was going to happen.

Kaido Pirates vs Kozuki Oden and others.

As a time traveler, he has a clear understanding of the reasons, process, and results of this war.

10 years ago, Kozuki Oden, the daimyo of Kuri, abandoned his country and chose to go to sea to become a pirate and boarded the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Five years later, he followed another pirate group, the Roger Pirates, to the Final Island, found the legendary secret treasure One Piece, and returned to Wano.

But by this time, the country's supreme power had already been transferred.

His father, the former shogun, Kozuki Sukiyaki, was assassinated, and Kurotan Orochi became the shogun's agent.

After learning about this, Kozuki Oden naturally wanted to take back his position.

The father dies and the son succeeds.

So, Kozuki Oden ran to question Kurotan Orochi.

But instead of returning the Shogun's throne, Kurotan Orochi even made a five-year agreement with Kozuki Oden, using a hundred people as hostages.

For five years, Kozuki Oden would come to the Shogun Castle to do funny naked dances every day.

Rain or shine.

After five years, the country of Wano will be returned to Kozuki Oden.

This is obviously a lie and a stopgap measure.

Behind the Black Carbon Orochi is the Kaido Pirates. At this time, if Kozuki Oden chooses to go to war, the chance of winning is not small.

However, Kozuki Oden chose to be patient.

So, five years later, the promised day arrived and the lie was exposed.

The outbreak of war!


It was doomed long ago.

"Weakness is not the reason for death, stupidity is."

Edie looked away.

He put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and turned towards a noodle shop opposite.

It's noon. After doing experiments all morning, it's time to eat something to fill my stomach.

"Dr. Edie."

The noodle shop owner saw Edie coming in and greeted him warmly.

"As always, a bowl of ramen, Boss Esaki."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Edie found a deserted corner and sat down.

After a while, the ramen was served.

Edie ate and recalled the past.

Two years ago, he traveled to this pirate world and activated a system.

【Scientific Research Simulation System】

After getting this system, Edie formulated a series of plans for himself.

As can be seen from the name of the system, its functions are mainly related to scientific research.

In this pirate world, the development of science appears to be very uneven.

A backward place, very backward.

The advanced place is incredibly advanced.

Such as...

Artificial Devil Fruit.

Mass-produced robot, pacifist.

The authoritative chip is comparable to the stamp of thought.

Humanoid weapon, Seraph.

The island-destroying weapon, the Virgin Flame.

Three ancient weapons, destroying the world.

Etc., etc.

Therefore, Idi decided to create humanoid weapons of the same level or even higher than those of the Seraphs of the World Government, as a force of his own.

This plan was named "Twelve Earthly Branches Plan" by him.

As the first clone in the plan, he chose Kaido as his target!

And if you want to create a clone of Kaido, you must get Kaido's blood...

For this reason, he chose to cooperate with Kaido as a scientist 2 years ago.

Kaido's actions in Wano Country were not just about conquering this country and turning it into his own base camp.

After supporting Black Carbon Orochi to become a general, Kaido established weapons factories all over Wano.

Kaido needs weapons.

So, Edi developed and copied an automatic rifle and named it AK47.

Of course, it’s not enough to have design drawings alone, there must be corresponding industry.

To put it simply, there must be a corresponding level of steel smelting.

Edie also helped Kaido solve this problem. He made an indelible and outstanding contribution to the development of smelting in Wano.

It was not until last month that the first AK47 was finally built.

As a condition for cooperation, Edie also obtained relevant information about the [bloodline factor] from Kaido's subordinate, Quinn.

Over the past two years, he has been studying ancestry factors.

"Today is the first actual combat of AK47..."

Edie shook his head and had no hope for the outcome of the actual battle.

But that's not important.

He had been waiting for two years for this day.

Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature in the world and possesses the phantom beast species, fish fruit, and blue dragon mentality, will be chopped by Kozuki Oden!

The war lasted less than an hour and ended with the defeat of Kozuki Oden and others.

The defeated prisoners were escorted to Huadu Prison.

Edie came to General City immediately.

The guards at the city gate immediately saluted:

"Master Yidi, Master Kaido is waiting for you in the banquet hall, please come with me."

"lead the way."

Arriving at the banquet hall, Edie saw Kaido.

Kaido is extremely tall and burly, with black hair shawl, and a pair of long horns like a ceratopsian.

At this time, two nurses were cleaning Kaido's chest injuries.

Opposite him, there is an ugly big-headed man.

General, the black charcoal snake.

"Mr. Kaido, how can someone like you get hurt?" Edie said pretending to be surprised.


Kaido snorted coldly, pushed away the two nurses beside him, picked up the wine gourd and took a swig.

"Oh...Edie, the weapon you developed is quite powerful, I'm very satisfied!"

Although it did not cause any damage to the enemy, it was not a problem with the weapons, but because the eleven warriors were too strong.

Automatic rifles like the AK47 can shine on the battlefield if sold to other countries!

"As long as you're satisfied."

Edie nodded.

Kaido was injured as he expected, and he was satisfied.

The big black charcoal snake monster laughed: "Guhehehe... Dr. Edie, the gun you developed is really a good thing. If it can be equipped by the whole army, you no longer have to worry about the resistance of the warriors!"

After a pause, he laughed wildly and said: "Now the damn Kozuki Oden is already a prisoner, and he will be executed in a few days! I am going to hold a celebration banquet first!"

"I still have experiments to do, and I won't participate in the research on artificial devil fruits."

Edie was not interested in attending any celebration banquet, so she briefly chatted with Kai for a few more words and then left the banquet hall.

Watching him leave, the corners of the Black Carbon Orochi's mouth sank.

This bastard is still the same as before, don't give him face as a general!

"Kaido, this guy..."

Kaido glanced at Black Carbon Orochi coldly, "His research is very important to me. Artificial Devil Fruit is more important than the celebration party!"

Edie did not leave General City, but found the two nurses who had bandaged Kaido before.

"Lord Edie."

"Were you the ones cleaning Kaido's wounds before?"


"Give me the bloody towel."

Edie didn't bother to explain to them why.

Faced with Edie's request, the two nurses naturally did not dare to disobey.

After getting the things, Edie immediately returned to the institute.

After spending several hours, Edie extracted enough samples from the blood-stained towel.

"Finally got it, 2 years, exactly 2 years! It's not easy to get him injured and bleed!"

Looking at the small amount of blood in the glass tube, Edie grinned.

Then, he took out another tube, also filled with blood.

This tube of blood came from another of Kaido's subordinates.

Fire disaster and embers.

A man from the Lunaria tribe!

This is a legendary race that is able to generate fire on its body and survive in various environmental conditions in nature.

Nowadays, this clan is almost extinct, with only Jhin left.

At least, the only one Edie knew was Jhin.

Kaido’s blood factor + Lunaria’s blood factor…

The twelve earthly branches born from the combination of the two had a combat power that Edie simply could not imagine.

"Then, let's get started."

Edie frowned slightly and whispered in her heart:

Simulation scientific research system, start!

Read the latest chapter of I, Scientist, Cloning Kaido at the Beginning. Please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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