I, The Scientist, Start By Cloning Kaido

Chapter 18 The third earthly branch, [Rat] Roger


Caesar was sweating profusely and his voice was shrill.

Edie stood on the head of Qinglong with a calm expression: "He is not Kaido."

He made no secret of his future tool man.

"He is my subordinate, Chenlong, one of the twelve earthly branches."

"Could it be that……"

Caesar's expression suddenly changed and he couldn't believe it.

"That's right, it's what you think." Edie smiled and said, "What's so strange about clones?"

"It is possible to master the human cloning technology if you know the blood factor theory and do in-depth research!" Caesar was sweating coldly.

For ordinary people, it may just feel magical and powerful.

But the more I know and understand, the more incredible it becomes.

"You copied Kaido's phantom beast fruit?!" Caesar screamed again.


Edie shook his head and raised the corners of his mouth: "I directly cultivated a clone of Kaido that was born with the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit!"



Caesar swallowed.

Isn't this even more outrageous than copying a fantasy beast fruit?

A natural person with abilities!

He first created a clone of Kaido, and then fed him the artificial Blue Dragon Fruit...

The two are completely different technical routes!

Caesar couldn't understand how this could be done.

It's so incredible.

"how did you do it?"

At this moment, Caesar looked at Edie as if he were looking at a god.

Infinite admiration welled up in my heart.

"You are more powerful than Vegapunk!" Caesar said seriously.

There is one more person that I want to surpass...

"You want to know?"

Edie couldn't help but laugh.

Only your peers will understand how awesome you are.

To tell others is to flatter a blind man.

Caesar gritted his teeth.

He wanted to know very much, and he was itching to know.

"You'll tell me?"

"No. This is top secret. But if you do a good job, I can consider giving you some relevant research information."

There is no such thing as research data.

Just to whet Caesar's appetite.

"First of all, your future mission is to develop artificial devil fruits."

"Of course, let's set the goal a little lower at the beginning and create an artificial animal-type devil fruit."

"I'll give you a brief explanation of my ideas, which you can use as a reference..."

Next, Edie began to talk endlessly.

Caesar listened carefully. The man in front of him was further ahead than Vegapunk in terms of blood factor theory.

He didn't dare to miss a word, and he was as well-behaved as if he was listening to the teacher when he was a child.

"...That's about it."

"Extract the bloodline factors of certain animals and make a special culture fluid."

"Use this culture solution to cultivate fruit trees."

What Edie is talking about is the method that Caesar himself developed in the original work.

The name of this special culture medium is SAD.

The fruit produced by the fruit tree is called SMILE.

Smile fruit.

Caesar was very happy to hear it. Edie said it in too much detail.

"Follow the path you told me. Give me a year, no, half a year, and I can make it!" Caesar said confidently.

"Half a year? No, just a year."

Edie waved his hand and said: "You succeeded in half a year, how can I cheat Kaido for funds?"


"You have to learn how to squeeze out toothpaste. Do you know how to squeeze out toothpaste?"

Edie had to teach by words and deeds: "First of all, you need one year to create the first-generation fruit. Try to achieve a success rate of more than 5%, but not too high. Then, Kaido will definitely be dissatisfied. At this time, isn't it? Can we ask for more funds?”

When he said this, he suddenly thought of a certain "toothpaste factory" before time travel.

"With a good start, subsequent cooperation will be simple."

"We launch a new model of artificial animal-type Devil Fruit every year, increasing the success rate by a few percentage points each time."

"This food can last for 20 years. Do you understand?"

Edie patted Caesar's shoulder earnestly.

"I understand...I understand."

Caesar fell to his knees, shocked by this grand plan to defraud funds.

Can you still do this?

Opened the door to a new world!

Compared with studying artificial animal devil fruits, controlling its success rate may be more technically difficult.

"In fact..."

Edie shook his head helplessly: "The essence of this garbage artificial fruit is to fuse the blood factor of an animal with the blood factor of a human."


You just said rubbish, right? !

Caesar's mouth twitched.

He believed that Edie must have a better way.

After all, the other party directly created clones who were born with phantom beast abilities.

The technical difficulty involved is nowhere higher than this garbage artificial fruit...

Um? Why did I start talking rubbish?

A discussion with Caesar brought Edie unexpected gains.

[Your scientific research reputation increases...]

The previous value was 11%, and it is rising rapidly now.

As if the sky is not the end!

In a blink of an eye.


[Scientific research reputation reaches 100%, and one scientific research simulation will be rewarded. 】

Edie looked at Caesar with surprise.

Sure enough, only your peers can understand how awesome you are...!

One person actually filled up the progress bar.

"What's wrong, Dr. Edie? What's on my face?"

Caesar, who was shocked by Edie, has changed his name to Doctor.

"You are truly my lucky star."

Edie sighed.

It seems that in the future, we will have to pretend to be more in front of Caesar... communicate and discuss.

Soon after, Edie returned to Wano.

During his absence, it was business as usual at the institute.

Not giving Caesar, the tool man, much leisure time, Edie immediately took him to see Kaido.

After Kaido learned that a test object could be produced in as little as one year, he happily set aside a piece of land in the Flower Capital.

This land is used to build a new artificial devil fruit laboratory.

In addition, another 2 billion research funding was given.

There was only one request. A year later, he didn't want to see any research reports, he just wanted to see an artificial animal devil fruit.

In this regard, Edi said, "We are sincere for sincerity, and we must satisfy you this time!"

Return to the institute.

Edi called Shenhou, "You follow Caesar and be responsible for protecting him."

Protect? Surveillance?

Shenhou said he understood.

After sending away one of his capable subordinates, Edie thought of the new number of simulations he had gained on the way back.

"Used to clone Roger?"

Edith was apprehensive for a moment and then decided to do this.

His subordinates were still too few.

Although he has mastered the corresponding technology, it will take a long time to build a cloning laboratory from scratch.

It is better to use systematic simulation to save this time.

[This simulation project]: "Research on Biological Cloning in the Pirate World: Human (Gol D. Roger) Bloodline Factor Cloning Technology"

【environmental test……】

[Necessary conditions for this simulation]: blood factor theory, Gol D. Roger’s finger bones, Lunaria clan’s blood factor

[Necessary conditions have been met]

【Simulation begins! 】

[In the first year, you have mastered human cloning technology, all you need is a cloning laboratory.

Through some means, you exchanged the gold you brought back into 45 billion beli. 】

[In the third year, your cloning laboratory was completed and Roger's blood factor was successfully extracted from a finger bone. 】

[In the fifth year, you successfully cloned Roger 1.

You ordered Roger 1 to commit suicide.

He committed suicide. 】

[In the seventh year, Roger 2 was born. 】

[End of simulation]

So fast!

Sure enough, once you have mastered the corresponding knowledge, it will be different if you simulate it again.

The only pity is that this simulation did not produce any new key knowledge, it was just for quickly obtaining clones.

Ignoring the simulated rewards, Edie jumped directly to the last item.

[Additional reward]: Roger 2.

【Do you want to receive it? 】


There was a flash of white light.

A little boy of about ten years old appeared in front of him.

Little Roger seemed to be very curious about everything in front of him and looked around in the laboratory.

"What? Where is this?" Roger, the young lady, popped his nose and saw Edie in front of him.

The next moment, it seemed like an impulse came from the depths of the soul.

He suddenly knelt down on one knee and blurted out:

"Lord Heavenly Father! Huh?"

After shouting, he was stunned for a moment.

Edie looked at the little boy playfully.

The previous biological age of Chenlong and Shenhou were also around 10 years old when they left the factory.

But their 10-year-old looks no different from adults and is taller than Edie.

Until I saw Roger's clone...

This is what a 10-year-old human should look like!

He is about one and a half meters tall.

Except for height, there is no difference in other places.

Brown skin, small black wings, and golden star eyes.

It is worth mentioning that the Golden Star Eyes have no special abilities.

What it means is that this clone was created by Edie, so it has a personal mark.

"Welcome, new compatriot."

Edie couldn't help but smile and reached out to touch the little boy's head.

"The prototype of your machine is the pirate king who once dominated this great sea route."

"Look at how small you are now..."

"Just call me [Zi Shu]!"


PS: It’s the new month, please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes~~ I wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance

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