"It has nothing to do with you."

Warring States was silent for a moment and said, "How about we pretend we haven't seen each other?"

"Hahaha... I laughed. I am a wanted criminal. Didn't your navy issue a wanted order for me?"

"Now I am in front of you, and you pretend not to see it. Mr. Sengoku, I didn't expect you to be such a salary thief. The word justice behind your cloak is crying."

Edie's tone was joking and very cheerful.

At first, the reward order was issued with a high profile, but now the wanted criminal is in front of him, and he dare not even say a harsh word.

Of course he knew why.

After all, this is an endless sea, and the terrain would be unfavorable to the navy in a fight.

"You go ahead."

Edie ordered.

Shen Hou behind him heard the sound and moved, leaping down from the dragon's head in one leap.

The navy on deck was shocked and angry.

Even if this bastard mocked him in person, he still wanted to board the ship! ?


Warring States immediately stopped the commotion of his subordinates and prevented the conflict from breaking out.

His eyes locked on Shen Hou on the boat, and his face darkened.

A mask I’ve never seen before…

First of all, it’s not Chenlong. Chenlong is flying in the sky.

Nor is it Zi Shu, who is only as tall as a child.

Shenhou landed on the deck and immediately drew out the two samurai swords at his waist.

"Who are you?"

"Twelve Earthly Branches, Shen Monkey."

It's a new face indeed!

Warring States clenched his fists and tried to keep his tone calm: "What does this mean?"

"Mr. Warring States, are you only allowed to issue a wanted order against me and not allow me to fight back?"

Edie smiled, then suddenly changed her tone and gave the command coldly: "I want to see blood!"


Shenhou stepped hard on the deck with his right foot, leaving a crack mark on it.

In an instant, figures flew by.

Oden Nito Ryu·Taoyuan Shirataki!

The two swords flashed.

"Everyone, stand back!" Warring States' complexion changed drastically and he roared angrily.

While shouting, he crossed his arms in front of him, trying to block the blow.

But the sailors had no time to react, and they didn't even see clearly what happened.

boom! !

The front half of the warship was cut in half horizontally, while the back half... the slash was blocked by Sengoku's hands.

"You bastard... you are actually a domineering person!"

Warring States was filled with shock and anger, and he blocked Shenhou's slashing attack.

Overlord color entanglement!

This new Earthly Branch in front of me actually controls the Overlord Color Coil just like Zi Shu! !

Shen Hou's face was expressionless and his eyes were extremely calm.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, he immediately changed his sword moves.

Warring States took a deep breath, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his whole body. The next moment, his size expanded several times and turned into a golden Buddha.

Animal type·Renren fruit·Phantom beast type·Buddha form!

"Buddha hand slap!"

The golden Buddha's hands joined together, and with a bang, Shen Hou was suppressed between his palms.

The two began to wrestle.

Overlord-colored conflicts swept through the warship. In an instant, countless sailors on the deck fainted, and only a few could maintain consciousness.

"As expected of an admiral," Idi raised his hand and pointed: "Chen Long."

Chen Long twisted his body, raised his tail high, and slapped it down towards the warship.

"You bastard! Stop it!"

Warring States was so stunned that he could only give up suppressing Shen Hou and wanted to prevent Chen Long from sinking the warship.

Shen Hou didn't let go of the opportunity. The Yama in his hand was wrapped around Bawang Se, and he slashed towards Warring States at an extremely tricky angle.


The dragon's tail landed in the center of the warship, making a loud noise, and the large warship was snapped in two.

Warring States simply had no time to stop it.

One on one, he is not afraid of anyone.

But two of the Earthly Branches joined forces, and one suddenly attacked, and the target was a warship. He was tired of dealing with it.

In the chaos, Shen Hou's knife fell on the leg of the golden Buddha, and there was a pop, and blood spurted out.

"Don't underestimate the general!"

Warring States was completely angry and punched Shen Hou.


The terrifying impact was restrained into a fan-shaped state, knocking Shenhou back hundreds of meters with one blow.

After suffering a heavy blow, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Shenhou's mouth, and he rolled continuously at a height of more than ten meters above the sea. When he was about to fall into the sea, Shenhou's wings suddenly spread out and he quickly stabilized his body.

"Sure enough, it's the Lunaria clan again!"

Sengoku's pupils shrank, and he quickly analyzed the situation on the battlefield.

Chenlong can fly.

Shen monkey can also fly.

Today's dilemma, the best way...

Moon step!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A golden Buddha was ejected in the air at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, it had arrived in front of Edi.

Edie just smiled.

Before Warring States could launch an attack, Chenlong opened his bloody mouth and bit into it.

Warring States was bitten by Qinglong, and his hands and feet supported the upper and lower jaws of the dragon's mouth respectively.

Surrounded by enemies...!

Warring States looked ugly and kept thinking about countermeasures.

"Hot breath!"

Chen Long showed no mercy, the scorching flames suddenly spurted out, and the dragon's breath swallowed up the Warring States Period.


A red fire light penetrated three thousand meters in the sky!

Amidst the flames, the golden Buddha fell from the sky.

"Are you dead?" Shen Hou flew behind Idi.

"You can't die. You underestimate the general too much. You are no match for him one on one."

Edie stood up slowly and stood on top of the dragon's head, looking into the distance.

In the fall, the golden Buddha quickly shrank its body and returned to human form in an instant.

"You bastards!"

Zhan Guo landed on a piece of warship debris, looking up at the sky, his expression was very aggrieved.

If he was on land, how could he bear this?

Edie chuckled twice, "Zhan Guo, are you here to redeem people?"

"How do you know!" Zhan Guo's face changed.

"The Beasts Pirates owe me a lot of money, and they have been making money crazily recently." Edie smiled and said, "I am a peace-loving person, so I suggest that they don't kill the navy, and keep it to ask you for ransom. How about it?"


Zhan Guo was so angry that veins popped on his forehead.

"What's there to be angry about? It wasn't my suggestion. All your navy soldiers were buried in the sea."

"Hey, forget about thanking me, but you wanted to attack me just now?"

"It was wrong after all."

Edie said in a teasing tone, waving his hand, "Today I am just giving you a lesson. Withdraw my wanted order as soon as possible. This is not a request, but an order."

After speaking, a trace of regret flashed in Chen Long's eyes. He really wanted to kill Zhan Guo here.

"I'm very busy. Goodbye, Admiral."

The sky echoed with a hint of sarcasm, and the Azure Dragon carried Edie into the air and disappeared among the white clouds.

Zhan Guo's face was uncertain.

He had to re-evaluate the strength of the twelve earthly branches.

If each earthly branch was so strong, it would be even more difficult than the Rocks Pirates back then.

On the other side.

Shen Hou wiped the blood on the Yan Mo Dao and handed the blood-stained cloth to Edie.


"Well done."

Edie praised.

Of course, he was not bored and had to waste time with Zhan Guo.

The blood of a navy admiral is not easy to collect.

Open the system.

[This simulation project]: "Research on biological cloning in the world of pirates: Human (Zhan Guo) bloodline factor cloning technology"

[Necessary conditions for this research]: Bloodline factor theory, Zhan Guo's bloodline factor, Lunaria's bloodline factor



[In the seventh year, you successfully created Zhan Guo No. 2. 】

A flash of white light.

A new compatriot appeared on the dragon head.

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