"And their 'father' Idi!!"

Everyone took a breath, clenched their fists, and felt powerless.

Even if they could beat Rat, what would happen?

Next, would they have to face Chen Long? Or Wu Ma?

Even worse, if the opponent cheated, everyone would attack together, and their Whitebeard Pirates would be wiped out here!

At most, Marco might escape...

In the despair of the Whitebeard Pirates, time quietly passed.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes...

Half an hour... One hour...

Rat, immersed in the joy of fighting, finally had the opportunity to release, and every attack was aimed at killing Whitebeard.

But at the same time, deep in his heart, he didn't want to kill the prey too quickly, so he would show mercy when necessary.

Just like this, they fought for an hour with high intensity.

"Enough, Rat, time is up."

Idi, who was tired of watching, reminded.

Rat slashed at Whitebeard with a knife, but the moment he heard this, he stopped the samurai sword abruptly.

Whitebeard panted violently, and when he saw the knife stopped in front of him, he grinned.

"It seems that I won! You are indeed very strong, but I don't know why you are restraining yourself..."

As he said this, Whitebeard raised Kurogiri, and the handle of the knife hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

"Ah, is it over?" Zishu sighed, the flames around him extinguished, and he cast his eyes on the Father.

"I am willing to accept the loss, Zishu." Edie said indifferently: "You are too naughty."

"I know, Father."

Zishu folded his wings and landed not far in front of Whitebeard, "Since you insist so much and want to see my face so much, then I will show it to you."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the mask and slowly took it off.

At this moment, countless people were watching the result.

Whitebeard did the same, staring intently.


When the mask was taken off, it was not a shocking answer.

It was an ordinary face.

Brown, slightly darker skin color, normal facial features, even a little underdeveloped.

The only thing that is intriguing is the pair of golden starry eyes.

"Are you satisfied?" Rat tilted his head, his eyes playful.

"Little... little kid?!"

Whitebeard was a little dazed.

The man who fought with him for an hour and suppressed him in a head-on fight turned out to be a little kid's face under the mask!

He couldn't be more than ten years old!

Whitebeard was a little dazed, and felt that his worldview was shattered.

How could a child be so strong?

This is not some magical ability obtained by eating a magical devil fruit, but the most basic swordsmanship, domineering, and strength!

Even if you practice from the womb, you can't reach this level!

"Old man Whitebeard, looking at your expression, it seems hard to accept?" Rat smiled.

"Although I had a premonition before, I did feel something hard to accept when you took off the mask."

Whitebeard took a deep breath and calmed down.

Rat was only 1.5 meters tall. Before taking off the mask, he thought it was just a short stature.

It turned out to be a child.

It was too outrageous.

At this time, Qinglong Idi slowly lowered his dragon head, and the dragon's mouth opened and closed:

"Do you want to continue? You can continue. If you beat the rat, I will help you kill Kaido!"

"That's enough. You won, Dr. Idi."

Whitebeard looked up at Qinglong and said in a deep voice: "What's the price? I will bear everything alone, and it has nothing to do with others!"

"I admire you, Whitebeard, for your courage, courage, and strength. You don't have to worry..."

Qinglong Idi said slowly, with no joy or sadness:

"Kaido and I have a good cooperative relationship. He sponsors my research institute 20 billion every year. In return, I help him study artificial animal-type devil fruits and help him build his own animal-type ability army!"

When Kaido heard this, veins appeared on his forehead.

This bastard, he obviously forced him to owe 200 billion!

As for the return...

I did see it.

Just yesterday, Caesar took out an artificial fruit with a success rate of only 10%!

Only 10%!

Whitebeard listened silently.

Edie continued:

"Your price is very simple."

"I also want to establish a good and friendly cooperative relationship with your Whitebeard Pirates."

"Let's not talk about money first, tell me, what do you want me to help you research?"

Forced cooperative relationship!

Whitebeard's eyes twitched fiercely.

There was silence for about a minute.

He suddenly said: "Is it anything? Can you do everything?"

No, I'm not a god, of course I can't do everything.

Edie naturally couldn't say that, but no matter whether it can be done or not, he would first trick people into boarding the ship and give him money.

"No matter what."

"Okay, I understand."

Whitebeard's eyes flashed, and in the current situation, he immediately thought of a countermeasure that would be beneficial to him.

"My hometown is very poor, many people don't have enough food, and I often send money to my hometown."

"I want you to help research a kind of food that can make people full!"

After a pause, he said:

"This is one of my dreams.".

Chapter 42 Edie: Old White, you are all my good brothers!

Whitebeard proposed a research project...

Somewhat unexpected, but reasonable.

Probably stems from childhood experiences.

Whitebeard was born in a village on an island in the New World. He could not join the World Government because he was too poor to pay the [Sky Gold].

As a non-member country, it was not protected by the World Government and eventually became a "lawless island" where pirates and human traffickers were rampant.

After the country was destroyed, more and more children became unfortunate orphans, and Whitebeard was one of them.

Therefore, he went out to sea as a pirate when he was young.

When he had power, he would send the [dirty money] and [supplies] he obtained back to his hometown anonymously, and he never stopped.

"A kind of food that can make people full..."

Blue Dragon Edie slowly descended and finally turned back into human form.

Slowly walked to Whitebeard.

"Is it not possible?" When saying this, Whitebeard wanted to hear a yes answer.

If he could really do it, he would be happy to sponsor Edie's research institute.

"Let people eat as much as they want... Whitebeard, sometimes people don't have enough food, not necessarily because there is not enough food."

Edie had to remind him.

"You want to talk about the problem of the people in power? About the problem of distribution?" Whitebeard naturally understood, "But what I want now is only this. If you agree, I will find a way to sponsor your research funds every year."


Edie nodded, "Since you insist, there is no problem. It's just to increase food production. It's not a very difficult research project."

Take rice as an example, better grain varieties can be obtained through hybridization and other methods.

He doesn't understand the rice in this world, and he didn't go to the Agricultural College before crossing, but this is just a small problem.

Bloodline factors exist in the bodies of all life in the pirate world.

Rice naturally also has bloodline factors, and he... is the scientist who understands bloodline factors best in the world today!

At the same time, doing so will also be of great benefit to him.

Food is a necessary thing for everyone living in this material world.

Once the research is successful, his scientific research reputation will skyrocket!

Maybe the progress bar can be filled several times...

"Then, let's talk about the research funding."

Hearing this, Whitebeard said straightforwardly: "I can provide 10 billion every year, and I hope to see your research succeed before I die."

10 billion is his limit.

The Whitebeard Pirates rarely rob merchant ships. Most of their income comes from the protection fees provided by the islands protected by his name.

Or, robbing other pirate groups.

"100 billion in 10 years?" Edie was surprised.

"No, until I die!"

Hearing this, Edie had to admire Whitebeard, who was very courageous and decisive.

He was embarrassed...

Am I a little too bullying?

No, no, no, just use the funds reasonably. Anyway, if you don't give him the money, he will spend it somewhere else.

Why not let him spend it!

"Old White, what are you talking about? If the research is successful, do I have to ask you to continue to pay?"

Edie changed to a friendly tone, "How about this, in 20 years, just like Kaido, collect 200 billion, I guarantee that your dream can be achieved!"


Whitebeard was stunned for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "You are really interesting. If I get to know you in a different way, maybe we can become good friends and have a drink together."

"We are good brothers now. Anyone who is willing to sponsor my research funds is my good brother."

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