[Do you want to pay 39093 billion Baileys to receive the research reward? ]


Edie was speechless for a moment.

This is too expensive, close to 4 trillion!

Kaido's current bounty is about 4 billion, which can buy 1,000 Kaido heads.

It takes about 10 billion to make a Chenlong, and 400 can be made!

The annual military expenditure of the navy is about 1 trillion, which can be paid for 4 years!

827  But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be much

A mere 4 trillion...

"I must go to Sky Island again."

Edie got up and left the laboratory, and quickly checked the free rewards.

[Extra Reward]: Energy Level Detection Glasses

[Do you want to receive it? ]


A white light flashed, and a pair of ordinary glasses with nothing special about them appeared in his hands.

"The combat power detector in Dragon Ball? But this is for detecting domineering."

Edie put it on, fumbled around for a while and quickly found how to use it.


He looked at himself, waited for about a second, and a value appeared on the mirror.

\u003c100 million.

"The accuracy is too poor. The domineering aura I exude naturally in my normal state is not even 100 million? Chen Long's full-strength burst is 250 billion."

Edie immediately understood that this broken glasses can only detect energy levels above 100 million.

It's a little useful, but not very useful.

After all, it's free.

Soon, Edie came to the first floor of the institute.

"Father." Shen Hou waited respectfully at the entrance.

Edie glanced at him, accompanied by a dripping sound.

Energy level: 1 billion

"You release your domineering aura with all your strength." Edie ordered.

Shen Hou didn't understand, but he didn't ask the reason, and did as he was told.

In an instant, the numbers on the glasses began to soar.

Energy level: 100...500...800...100 billion!

A hundred times in one breath!

Equivalent to 100 billion P particles, which released their own energy at the same time at this moment.

Boom boom boom!

There seemed to be a roar in his ears, and everyone on the entire Beehive Island felt this domineering power.


Edie nodded, walked to the window, and said to him: "I'm leaving for a while. If Charlotte Lingling wakes up, let her stay here for a while and wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he activated the ability ring, turned into a toothless pterosaur, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 50 The man who jumped down from the sky island!

[Chenlong] was sent to escort 66 and 77 to study medicine. Edie did not wait for him to complete the task and return to the beehive, but chose to go there in person.

Knowledge is calling him!

I don't want to wait for a moment.

Edie currently has three flying abilities.

Ability Ring · Azure Dragon, Ability Ring · Phoenix, Ability Ring · Pterosaur.

Each ring can be opened for 10 hours, which can theoretically support him to fly for 30 hours.

Considering the redundancy in the design, it should actually be longer, enough to support him to fly to the golden country of the sky island.

The Pteranodon flew over the Honeycomb Island, and its speed quickly exceeded the speed of sound, leaving behind the sound of its wings tearing the atmosphere.

After nearly 20 hours of full-speed flight.

The next day.

Sky Island, the Kingdom of God, the Island of God, the ruins of Shandora.

Coming to this golden ruined city again, Edie felt relieved. The gold was still there, and the situation on the scene was no different from the last time he left, indicating that no one had been here.

Activating the Azure Dragon Ring, Edie turned into a Azure Dragon on the spot, spewing flames from his mouth and began to smelt gold.

A few hours later, a huge irregular gold nugget was piled up in the center of the ruins.

This time, nearly 4 trillion Baileys of research funds were needed. According to the minimum of 500 million Baileys per ton of gold, 8,000 tons of gold, or about 414 cubic meters, were needed.

Equivalent to a cubic gold nugget with a side length of 7.45 meters.

"This should be enough..."

Edie looked at the strange-shaped gold nugget in front of him and immediately opened the system and chose to pay.

In an instant, the gold in front of him began to turn into quicksand from the top and dissipated with the wind, leaving only one tenth of its size.

At the same time, a huge amount of knowledge and information poured into his mind.

Countless formulas, symbols, and experimental data flashed one by one. This was the research process he experienced in the simulation.

Because the amount of information was so huge, Edie's mind was in a trance...

He remained motionless and stood there blankly for half an hour.


Until a certain moment, Edie came back to his senses and let out a long breath of turbid air in his heart.

"So that's it, I understand it completely!"

The door of truth opened to him again.

Why can the domineering color domineering stun people with weak wills?

Because the energy released in an instant exceeds the upper limit of the target soul.

Why can the sight color detect the breath of others?

Because the P particles released from the soul will carry the information of the object back after hitting the soul of others.

Why can the armed color domineering turn into invisible armor and greatly enhance its own defense and attack power?

Because the particles are tightly bound together, an extremely powerful energy field is formed.


All the mysteries of dominance are stripped naked to him.

At this moment, Edie has entered a new dimension!

If it were a fantasy world, then at this moment, he understood the "Heavenly Dao".

"It's really interesting. Others are just unconsciously manipulating P particles to use Haki... To be precise, they are just using a type of fire called 'Haki'."

"But I'm different. I completely understand it and inherit my experience of particle manipulation in the simulation. I know the 'ignition point', making fire, extinguishing fire, understanding fire, and controlling fire!"

"Even...can do such a thing easily!"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Edie opened his arms to the sky, and a magical scene happened.

His body slowly floated up, breaking away from the shackles of gravity.

He [consciously] manipulated the ghost particles in his soul, accurately releasing energy to fight against the planet's gravity.

"Is this true freedom? So comfortable."

Edie lay in the air, enjoying the sun.

He closed his eyes, and countless particles were released from his soul, spreading outward at the speed of light. Almost instantly, the particles that touched the other's soul returned, carrying information that told him a lot.

His domineering power of knowledge, at this moment, covered the entire sky island!

"The number of people on the empty island is 10,245..."

"Among them are men...women...children...the elderly..."

"The energy level emitted by their souls..."

Edie slowly opened her eyes and gradually changed from lying on her back to standing.

It's like walking down the stairs, walking in the air, and finally setting foot on the earth.

Suddenly he remembered that in the plot, Kaido once jumped from the sky island in an attempt to "commit suicide", and he also wanted to experience this feeling of flying.

Soon after.

The kingdom of Sky Island God, 7,000 meters above sea level, at the end of the White Sea.

This is the exit of the sea of ​​clouds, the end of the sea of ​​clouds. There is a gate-like building at the end with "CLOUD·END" written on the door.

A pirate ship was preparing to leave the port. When they passed through the gate, they suddenly found a young man standing not far away.

"Captain, do you think there is someone there?" the navigator said suddenly.

The pirate captain looked shocked: "It's true. What does that guy want to do? Is he a pirate who comes to Sky Island just like us?"

As a passerby on Sky Island, the captain immediately shouted: "Hey, be careful, you may fall... This is the White Sea seven thousand meters above the sea! If you fall, you will die!"

Hearing the shout, Edie turned his head slightly and smiled at the kind captain.

He nodded as a greeting.

He opened his arms and shifted his body weight forward.

The next moment, he fell.

Seeing this scene, all the pirates on the ship rushed to the bow with shock on their faces.

"Is this guy crazy!? He jumped down on his own initiative!"

"Dead! He's dead!"

"Ah, suicide? I understand. His companions must have died when they came up, so he doesn't want to live alone!"

"Are you a fool? When the sea surges up into the sky, either everyone lives or everyone dies. How can one person survive alone?"

"Don't try to understand the mind of a madman...it's a madman!!"

The pirates were frightened.

But a string of joyful laughter came from below.


Edie dived headlong towards Qinghai, with the wind rushing past her ears and white clouds constantly being left behind.

He felt extremely refreshed and happy physically and mentally. No wonder many people like bungee jumping and skydiving.

"Is this what Kaido feels like when he jumps to Sky Island? Pleasurable, so pleasant! Hahahaha!"

On the endless sea, a warship flying the flag of the World Government was sailing slowly.

There is a dining table on the deck. At the table, a 13-year-old boy is cutting steak alone and eating his lunch slowly.

He wears suits and ties, has an elegant manner, and is serious about his speech.

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