The huge hatch slowly opened, and Edie walked out naked.

He extended his index finger, and a red light flashed on his fingertips. It seemed to breathe, flickering, dimming, and dazzling.


Edie smiled slightly, walked to the table beside him, picked up the brand new clothes on the table and put them on.

Then, he put on the energy level detection glasses.

The next moment, he released his domineering power with all his strength.


The underground research institute seemed to be shaking slightly. At this moment, the five earthly branches of the institute, as well as Hancock and others, all sensed it.

Edie lowered his eyes and aimed at himself.

The numbers in the mirror expanded at a high speed.

Energy level: 10 billion... 30 billion... 100 billion... 110 billion... 120 billion!

When the numbers completely stagnated, Edie breathed a sigh of relief and was quite satisfied with it.

From the past 3 billion, it went straight to 120 billion!

This is the power of science. As long as you find the right method, everything will go smoothly. In comparison, it takes a long time to practice conventional domineering.

This is also his current limit. Through the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, it was quickly achieved in just a few days.

Of course, the price is not small. This wave almost exhausted the resource reserves of Beehive Island, and the material consumption is about 8 billion.

But anyway, his energy level finally broke through 100 billion! .

Chapter 60 Female Competition! A traitor appeared among us

Breaking through the 100 billion energy level and reaching his own limit, Edie was very satisfied with this.

But there was also a little headache.

How to break through his own limit?

To look at this problem from a scientific perspective, first, second, and finally... Well, he has no clue for the time being.

While thinking about this problem, he left the underground laboratory.


Through a long staircase upwards, Chen Long greeted him at the exit.

Edie ordered: "Contact Du Field and order another 10 billion goods according to the previous material list. Urgently ask him to deliver it within a month."

The materials have been used up by him. In order not to affect the remaining 400 clones, they must be replenished as soon as possible.

"By the way, summon the other earthly branches to come to [Right Eye] to see me.".

After speaking, Edie went straight upstairs.

Soon after, Hive Research Institute, Skull Right Eye.

Edie sat on the comfortable throne with a cup of hot coffee in his hand. After waiting for a while, Chen Long came to the front with the other four people.

The five people knelt on one knee and greeted respectfully:


"I am going to teach you two about domineering moves. They are very difficult to practice and require a certain understanding of ghost particles and souls."

Edie got straight to the point and prepared to teach them the two moves of Tyrant Flash and Red Flash.

If you want to learn, you must understand what P particles are, and if you want to understand this ghost particle...

Sighing, Edie bit the bullet and gave the five people a popular science talk, starting from the most basic material world.

The world is objective and material, and it is divided into the macroscopic world and the microscopic world...

After talking for a few minutes, Hancock suddenly walked in.

Edie stopped talking, and the five earthly branches also came back to their senses from listening to the heavenly book.

"Hancock, what's wrong?" Edie saw Hancock was in a low mood and couldn't help but smile: "Who bullied you?"

"Um... Master Edie."

The little girl ran towards Edie quickly, and Edie had to put the coffee in his hand aside, then opened his arms, and the next moment, the girl threw herself into his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you want me anymore?"

Hancock hugged Edie tightly, tilted his head, his delicate eyes full of grievances, and his expression was pitiful, like a weak little animal about to be abandoned.

Edie rubbed the girl's head, and her silky hair passed through his fingers.

"How could I not want you? Without you, who would cook for me, who would help me wash clothes, how could I live?" He said with a smile.

This is what Hancock said to him when he left Huadu Research Institute more than 2 years ago.

"Yes, I am the one who cares the most about Lord Edie!" Hancock raised his head and eyebrows, high-spirited, but he pursed his lips again: "Lord Edie, I also want to be the mother of heaven..."

What stimulated this girl?

Edie thought about it and probably understood that it was probably stimulated by Tianyueshi.

"You are only 14 years old..."

What female competition, Edie complained in his heart.

Although he has always been casual with women, when he encountered problems before crossing, he would randomly call the number of a female friend in his mobile phone, and then make an appointment to go to the hotel for a game, and even remembered the name wrong afterwards.

But he has some feelings for Hancock, and this little girl takes care of his food and clothing very considerately.

"I'm almost 15 years old, I'm grown up!" Hancock was dissatisfied with this. She didn't want to be treated as a child, so she stared at Edie with a pitiful look: "Isn't it okay for me? Lady Edie~"

She started to act like a spoiled child.

Edie smiled: "Of course. Chenlong, you must show enough respect to Hancock in the future."


The five people responded in unison, and then saluted Hancock in Edie's arms: "Lady Mother of Heaven, good morning!"

Rat shouted the loudest. Thanks to Hancock's interruption, he didn't have to listen to the Heavenly Father talking about the Book of Heaven.

Hearing this, Hancock was very satisfied, her eyes smiled into crescents, she buried her head in Edie's arms, blushing and twisting happily.


Edie felt helpless and patted her shoulders, "Get up, don't stay in my arms."

Twisting and twisting is easy to cause physiological reactions. It's broad daylight now, and in front of the earthly branches, which affects his majestic image.

"No, let me hold you for a while, Lord Edie, you smell so good." Hancock was like a nymphomaniac.

"That's the smell of the cloning chamber filling fluid..." Edie was speechless. The little girl became more and more clingy, like raising a daughter, and like a little girlfriend.

The earthly branches below immediately buried their heads in the ground, and then quietly left, leaving [between the right eye] to the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother.

Freed, freed from the Heavenly Book!

After leaving the house, the five people breathed a sigh of relief and gently closed the door.

"Do you understand?"

"I don't understand..."

The rat laughed: "Who can understand? Heavenly Father is too much. He actually thinks I can learn it? Can I learn it? I don't have the ability, right? Let's go, let's go drink!"

The rat chose to play badly on the spot.

Between the right eye.

Edie held Hancock, who was moving like a snake, and felt a headache when she noticed the departure of the earthly branches.

He was not very good at teaching people, and it was even a little confusing. Why didn't he understand? It was just the most basic concept, and even elementary school students could understand it.

Forget it, put it aside for the time being, and Edie concentrated on comforting little Hancock who was in a state of female competition.

At this time, the sound of the Den Den Mushi suddenly sounded.

Pulu Pulu~ Pulu Pulu~

Edie reached out and took out the Den Den Mushi. Hancock stared at the bug with angry eyes. It was unforgivable to disturb her and Edie's good time.

"Get up first."

"Yes~" Hancock got up from her arms obediently, "Master Edie, I'll make you a cup of coffee."

After everyone left, Edie connected the telepathy.

Then, a weak (cicj) voice rang out from the Den Den Mushi, speaking very quickly, as if in a hurry.

"I'm Rob Lucci, Mr. Edie, the World Government is preparing to launch a demon-killing order against your Beehive Island!"

Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in Edie's eyes.

What surprised him was not the demon-killing order, but the person who contacted him, Rob Lucci.

"You didn't let me down, you survived successfully... little monkey."


At the same time.

In the Sea of ​​Paradise, a hospital in a member country of the World Government.

Rob Lucci hid in the toilet of the hospital, listening to the voice from the Den Den Mushi, and suddenly became excited.

It's really a test!

His movements caused the wound to move, and he gritted his teeth in pain. He did not make a sound, but endured it and said:

"The troops dispatched are about 5,000 people, and more than 200 officers of the headquarters!"

"In addition, this operation is led by Admiral Sengoku, and the five vice admirals participating in the operation are..."

"Navy hero, Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Natural system·Frozen fruit ability user, Vice Admiral Aokiji!"

"Natural system·Pink Fruit ability user, Vice Admiral Kizaru!"

"Navy headquarters admiral candidate, Vice Admiral Momotsuki!"

"The same admiral candidate, Vice Admiral Chaton!"

Hearing these names, Edie's heart was not shaken.

Admiral candidates, Momotsuki and Chaton? These two candidates are still candidates 15 years later.

"Your information is very good, little monkey." Edie said with a smile: "What do you want?"

"Mr. Edie, your strength is admirable! I don't want anything, I just want to work for you!"

Rob Lucci's tone is cold, and he is a serious person.

"I understand. You continue to lurk. I look forward to your performance in the future."

Click, the communication was cut off.

Rob Lucci let out a long breath.

He just woke up last night and walked through the gates of hell. After learning about the navy's actions this morning, he immediately told Edie the information.

Edie almost killed him, but he had no hatred at all. On the contrary, he wanted to prove... that he was not a monkey!

On the other side.

Edie wondered if Rob Lucci had given false information... Was it a nail deliberately planted by the World Government, ordering him to be a double agent.

But then he thought, so what?

"Lord Edie, the coffee is ready." Hancock came over with a cup of coffee.

Edie took a sip, then stood up, rubbed her head, and smiled: "Hancock, I'm going to take the earthly branches away for a while. As the mother of heaven, you have to take good care of the institute."

"Yes!" Hancock blinked and asked a little puzzled: "Did anything happen?"

"No, nothing happened, and nothing will happen."

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