I, The Scientist, Start By Cloning Kaido

Chapter 8 The cry of despair: I didn’t poison! !

In the cauldron, Kozuki Oden gritted his teeth.

He raised his arms high and held up the pedal. On top of the pedal were the Nine Heroes of the Red Scabbard.

"You all stay up there and don't move, it will be over soon!"

The nine warriors cried bitterly.

There were commotions among the onlookers, who were shocked by Kozuki Oden's actions.

One of the female ninja clenched her fists and looked sad.

She knows the truth.

Five years ago, after Kozuki Oden returned to the country, he entered the Shogun Castle and made a "naked dance agreement" with the black charcoal snake.

She hid in the ceiling.

In order to protect one hundred hostages, Kozuki Oden compromised.

"Lord Oden..."

Ah Nin was filled with tears and his eyes were red.

The ignorant people around him did not understand the truth and made ridicule from time to time.

This made her extremely angry.

This woman...

Edie noticed the other person in the crowd.

"Remember she is a person with the ability of 'Ripe Fruit'..."

Superhuman Ripe Fruit can instantly ripen any object it comes in contact with, and can also help people ripen.

But only the physical age becomes mature, and the mental age remains unchanged.

This ability is very useful.

Yi Di's current two subordinates, [Chen Long] and [Shen Monkey] from the twelve earthly branches, are just "children", with a biological age of about 10 years old.

Using the other party's abilities might be able to mature the artificial human.

"Can artificial humans grow? Can they become stronger after growing up? There is value in experimenting..."

Edie thought to herself.

He withdrew his gaze and turned to face Kaido and Black Carbon Orochi.

Rather than ripening the fruit, it is better to send the black charcoal snake to death first.

"Mr. Kaido, I have no interest in executions. I came here today because I just have to say one thing."


Kaido stopped drinking and said, "What's the matter?"

"Some time ago, everything in the research institute was stolen."


"It's not important research information, it's just a medicine."

drug? !

Black Carbon Orochi's heart skipped a beat.

He just got NHC10 from Heitan Muchan yesterday, and he is a little sensitive to the word drug.

Regarding this contraband, he tested it on death row prisoners yesterday. It was indeed a ferocious poison.

Edie spoke calmly: "The scientific name of the drug is NHC10. I asked Quinn to buy it through special channels a year ago."

Hearing this, Black Carbon Orochi suddenly became nervous.

Could it be that... Hei Tan Mu Chan's bottle of medicine was stolen from the research institute?

Damn old woman, you didn’t tell me earlier!

Glancing at Kaido, seeing that he didn't speak, Black Carbon Orochi immediately interrupted:

"It's just that some medicine was stolen. There is no need to talk about such a trivial matter. It's execution time now, so don't disturb everyone's fun!"


Edie chuckled lightly and said, "Theft of medicine is indeed a trivial matter, but last night, my men already caught the thief."

There was a thud.

Black Carbon Orochi had a bad feeling.

"The person who stole the medicine is called Hei Tan Mu Chan."

Edie didn't give him a chance to react, and immediately said: "I tortured her in the morning, and I didn't expect to hear some terrible conspiracies from her mouth."

Hearing this, the Black Carbon Snake's expression changed.

Kaido frowned: "That old woman? She's not dead yet."

"Bring the people up."

As soon as Edie finished speaking, a tall man wearing a gray cloak and a ghost mask walked over, holding the "Black Carbon Mu Cicada" in one hand.

"Black Carbon Mu Chan" was covered in blood and breathless. It was obvious that she had been brutally tortured.

Kaido looked unhappy when he saw this person.

"Oh, you managed to survive from the battlefield. You look like this is really ridiculous."

"Kai, Kaido..."

Shen Hou trembled all over, his tone was trembling, and he couldn't hide his fear.

Also fearful is the black charcoal snake.

"Could this damn old woman give her plan to...?!" The black charcoal snake's pupils shrank.

"Tell me, tell me again now, why did you steal the medicine?" Edie put his hands in his pockets and walked up to Shenhou to question.


Shen Hou opened his mouth, glanced at Kaido, then at the Black Carbon Orochi, gritted his teeth and said: "I... didn't steal it, it wasn't me."

damn it!

The black charcoal snake's face was ashen, isn't this because there is no silver in this place? If you get caught, you might as well die!

Kaido also noticed something was wrong, couldn't help but glance at the black charcoal snake, and said in a low tone:

"what happened?"

"Aren't you going to tell me? Then I'll tell you."

Edith loosened the monkey's hair and said loudly: "NHC10 is a contraband of the world government and a poison."

"This old woman stole it for..."

Having said this, he paused, looked at Black Carbon Orochi, and asked in a tempered tone: "Orochi, why did you tamper with Mr. Kaido's wine?"

The loud question made the black charcoal snake tremble all over.

A little of the wine in the glass spilled out.

There was a murderous intention coming from beside him, and he shouted hurriedly:

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't poison you!"

"I was just talking about tampering, and you explained it yourself?" Edie was surprised.

The black charcoal snake turned pale.

Boom! !

A surge of domineering power suddenly broke out.

Kaido narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone: "Orochi."

"No, it's not!"

The black charcoal snake turned pale and stood up suddenly: "Kaido, you have to believe me. I really didn't poison the wine. It's all this kid's slander!"

"You still don't give up at this time? Hei Tan Mu Chan has already told you your plan."

Edie shook his head and stood up to speak the truth without hesitation: "NHC10 is addictive. Small doses will not poison people. You plan to slowly make Mr. Kaido addicted first and make him addicted to alcohol. , wait until the time is right, and then dose him with strong medicine in one breath, poisoning him to death. Isn’t it?”

Damn the black charcoal cicada!

The smelly old woman actually revealed their plan! !

The black charcoal snake was angry with fear, his face turned red from holding back, and he stared at the black charcoal mu cicada.


not bad!

He tested the potency on prisoners yesterday and did not follow Black Tan Mu Chan's instructions and poisoned Kaido on the day of execution.

Therefore, he really did not poison, and he is innocent.

At this point, the blame can only be placed on Hei Tan Mu Chan.

The old woman is going to die soon anyway, so let's use her remaining heat before she dies.

At the critical moment, Black Carbon Orochi's mind was very active and he instantly found a way to survive.

"Kai, Kaido, listen to me!"

"She did steal the medicine. Yesterday she came to me and told me that you were going to kill her just because she interfered in your fight."

"Obviously she was helping you, so she wanted to take revenge on you! She did it alone! I didn't listen to her and poisoned you!"

A great drama on the execution platform instantly attracted the attention of the whole audience.

At this moment, no one paid attention to Oden who was being cooked in hot oil.

Even Kozuki Oden and the others were stunned by the scene that happened in front of them.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh... poison me?"

Kaido looked at the wine glass in his hand and sneered: "Just a little poison?"

Today, he is still in the early stages of starting a business, and the Beast Pirates have just completed their initial capital accumulation.

Unlike twenty years later, he felt that the world was so boring and was seeking death everywhere.

Jumping down from a height of 10,000 meters...seeking death.

But it’s not something that poison can kill.

"Bring me all the poisoned wine!"

Kaido snorted and drank all the wine in his hand.

Extremely chic.

The black charcoal snake was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and said hurriedly:

"Kaido, I really didn't poison you! There's no poison in the wine!"

"It's too ugly, Orochi." Kaido looked grim.

As for the Kuotan Orochi, or rather, why the Kuotan family wanted to poison him, Kaido would understand after a little thought.

Because, he can kill the black charcoal snake at any time.

The world of pirates is full of betrayal.

Don't be surprised.

However, he cannot die, and the poison cannot kill him.

If there was a poison that could kill him, he really wanted to try it.

"Wait, Mr. Kaido."

Edie took a few steps forward and muttered: "Let me say something fair. Since the black charcoal snake said he did not poison it and he refuses to accept it, let someone test it to see if there is NHC10 in the wine."

"Yes, yes! Dr. Edie is right!"

The black charcoal snake nodded like garlic and quickly agreed to the proposal.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was something good about Edie. He stood up and spoke out at this moment, and did not listen to the one-sided words of Hei Tan Mu Chan, a good-for-nothing old woman.

Kaido's face darkened.

He doesn't like to use his brain very much, but his power is too strong.

But when necessary, you will also make your own judgment.


As soon as he finished speaking, a chubby figure jumped from a distance onto the execution platform.

"Lord Kaido, do you need me to get tested?"

Quinn grinned. He was having a great time watching the show, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity to participate.

Really interesting.

As the poster boy of the Beast Pirates and the senior cadre of the Four Emperors, he is very aware of Kaido's power, and a mere bit of NHC10 will not kill him.

"Go ahead."


Quinn took the wine glass from Kaido's hand, turned to Edie and said, "I'll lend you your laboratory."

"Please." Edie nodded.

Immediately, Quinn left.

Black Carbon Orochi breathed a sigh of relief, this crisis was finally over.

Although it was Edie who caused the trouble, he did not blame him. After all, it was entirely caused by the dead mother-in-law.

Fortunately, he didn't poison him today.

Instead, he had to thank Edie for speaking out.

Well... when the execution is over, treat him to a drink and resolve the previous grudges.

Thinking of this, Heitan Orochi looked at Heitan Muchan coldly.

Just go and die yourself, dragging him into the water.

Shenhou didn't dare to look at him and lowered his head like an ostrich.

Edie smiled at Black Carbon Orochi and said, "Mr. Kaido is still very reasonable. You will not be wronged for anything you didn't do."

"Doctor, thank you." Black Carbon Orochi rarely showed a good attitude.

"No, you haven't proven your innocence yet."

Edie waved his hand and turned to chat with Kaido: "Mr. Kaido, you are indeed a hero on this sea. You dare to drink the wine even though you know it may be poisonous. I admire you."

"You did a good job this time, Edie. Although poison is useless to me, I don't like being plotted against." Kaido grinned.

"If you die, no one will fund my research, and I will have a headache."

"I won't die!"

About five minutes later, Quinn returned.

He immediately reported the test results in a rather strange tone:

"Lord Kaido, the residual component of NHC10 was indeed detected in the wine glass."


The black charcoal snake widened its eyes in disbelief and roared: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Quinn!! You want to frame me!?"

"Ah?" Quinn looked disdainful: "What are you?"

"Impossible! Impossible! I didn't poison! Who is it?!"

The black charcoal snake's face instantly turned as pale as paper.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

At this moment, he felt like a clown on the stage.

Even Edie, who had spoken fairly before, now looked unhappy.

Kaido looked calm:


A black shadow fell from the sky and flashed quickly.

Jhin was holding a huge samurai sword. The moment he arrived, he slashed at the head of the black charcoal serpent with one sword.

"Help...!" The black charcoal snake only had time to scream.


The guard hiding in the dark, Heitan Chanmaru activated his ability immediately.

A transparent wall like glass emerged.


Jhin's sword landed on the barrier and failed to break its defense.


The black charcoal snake was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

too fast.

Everything happened in a flash.

He almost had his head chopped off with a knife!

"Chen Long."

Edie gave the order calmly.

The next moment.

Chen Long behind him disappeared. He came to the back of the black charcoal snake and penetrated its chest with one blow.


The black charcoal snake spit out blood.

He looked behind him with wide eyes. Behind him... there was only a man wearing a ghost face mask.

There is no barrier.

The barrier stood in front of him, blocking Jhin's blow.

But he didn't expect that the man in the mask with a grimace who was ignored by everyone would suddenly take action.

Heitan Chanwan, who was hiding behind the screen, was stunned.

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Kaido glanced at Chenlong in surprise.

Edie stepped towards the black charcoal snake, his tone full of regret:

"Thankfully, I thought you really didn't poison him...throw him into the oil pan."

Without saying a word, Chen Long took out his right palm that penetrated the black charcoal snake's chest, grabbed the opponent's head and shook it.


The black charcoal snake fell into the oil pan.

However, the incredible thing is...

It was clearly shot through the heart.

But the black charcoal snake that fell into the oil pan suddenly screamed.

"Ahhhhh! So hot! So hot! So hot!!!"

He came back from the dead and cried out in despair:

"I really didn't do any poison!!"


PS: This chapter has more than 4,000 words, please give me flowers and collect it~~ The new book needs data, please, please!

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