Chapter 70 The commission of Pangu God, the Ancient Secret Xin!!

Feel the call coming from the Pangu Temple.

More and more sure of what Su Che was thinking, Pangu God’s heart awakened.

“I feel that God the Father is calling!”

Di Jiang next to him also said his feelings, and the other ancestral witches nodded one after another, and they also sensed it.

Then they were all excited.

This is the Father’s call.

They are speculating, is it the Father God awakened?

Su Che took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Let’s go, let’s wait to go in!” ”

Whatever is inside, go inside and find out.

Then, Su Che took the twelve ancestral witches, pushed open the door of the Pangu Temple, and walked in.

Inside the Pangu Temple.

It’s not the same as the previous few times I went in.

Inside the temple, there was a supreme rhyme, the spiritual energy was extremely full, the law of the three thousand avenues appeared, and endless blood qi gushed out, and its richness was simply outrageous.

Practice in such an environment.

Whether it is a cultivator or a witch clan, they can go a long way.

As long as mortals stay here for a month, they can become immortals! It can be seen that the spiritual energy of this place is rich.

Sensing the change in the hall, the twelve ancestors and witches all widened their eyes, is this still the hall in their impression?

If it’s always been this environment.

Maybe it was really possible for them to break through the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

The blood gas is too full.

And the quality is surprisingly high, even far above them.

“The call is from over there!”

Su Che looked somewhere in the hall, and after entering, he could clearly sense that this looming call came from that side.

And it is becoming clearer.

The force of the heartbeat is also getting more and more powerful.

“Daoist, has Father God really awakened?”

In the consciousness space, Houtu couldn’t help but ask, looking very expectant.

This is God the Father.

It is the belief of their Wu clan, if it is really revived, it is of great significance to the Wu clan.

“Anything is possible!”

Su Che was not sure, and he was not sure before witnessing it with his own eyes.

It stands to reason that when it reaches the level of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, it can be reborn by dripping blood, and even if only the true spirit exists in the heavens and universes, it can be reborn.

Not to mention such an existence as Pangu Great God.

Even to a degree that ordinary people cannot understand, that is, the law is me, time is me, space is me, dust is me, breeze is me, everything is me!

As long as it exists, it can be born again.

But now, Pangu God even has a complete heart, which should have been reborn and returned.

Not in his place, not thinking!

Su Che didn’t guess too much, Pangu Great God must have his reason for doing this.


Su Che came to the place where he sensed it.

It was the call that came from the front of me, and I saw that the front of me was shrouded in colorful auspicious clouds, the mist of light, and the endless fairy light flickered, covering the scene in front of me.

But, according to the memory of the Houtu.

Behind this is the location of the heart of the Pangu Great God.

The twelve ancestral witches were obviously more excited than before, but for some reason, after coming here, the twelve ancestral witches all sat down.

The practice began.

In this light, there were chaotic auras floating out and merging into the twelve ancestral witches.

Let the momentum on their bodies begin to rise in vain.

But he didn’t feel it.

It should be the possibility that he has broken through to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, or it may be because of something else.

The idea was just born.

Suddenly, I felt that there was darkness in front of my eyes, and when I opened my eyes again, I was already in a chaos, and there were chaotic winds and chaotic storms everywhere.

It’s exactly the same as the chaotic world in the Chaos Bead.

“Endless years, I will finally wait for everyone to control the law of power!”

At this moment, a thunderous voice sounded in the chaos.

Su Che was shocked and turned his head to look.

I saw that in the midst of the chaos, there stood an incomparably huge figure, as if this chaos could not accommodate his huge body.

The light covered his face, his muscles were knotted, and the aura of the demon god lingered all around.

All of them show his identity.

Pangu God!

The huge body in front of him was not comparable to the Pangu Illusory Shadow summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

“Daoist, I feel the power of my bloodline in Ru!”

At this time, Pangu’s voice sounded again.

“So it is, it actually exists in the way of a second personality!”

Su Che suddenly felt a tingling in his scalp, and just in Fang Cai, he seemed to see through everything.

It’s horrible.

Is this the Great God of Pangu?

But fortunately, there is still the cover of the Tunnel Divine Wheel and the Chaos Bead, and the others have not seen through.

“Pangu God?”

“Haven’t you fallen?”

After a few moments, Su Che slowly calmed down, and since he was seen through, he did not hide it.

Pangu’s emotionless voice sounded: “Fall is a new life, but also a wear!” ”

“Fall is a new life, wear out?”

Su Che whispered, a little unable to understand what this meant. But it can be known that Pangu God seems to be planning something, and it is not really a complete fall.

But too.

How could this kind of existence fall so simply?

At this time, the voice of the Pangu Great God sounded again: “Daoist, I want to ask Ru for a favor, I will have a heavy thanks!” ”

“Please say!”

Su Che did not directly agree, although Pangu God’s gratitude was very tempting, but he also had to have this ability to take it.

Pangu said: “The world I opened up has been worn out, and it is gradually declining, if even the innate aura does not exist, I will be completely worn out, so I want to ask Daoist friends to help me upgrade the flood famine!” ”

“This is to upgrade the world level?”

Su Che was stunned, from this remark, he could get a lot of useful news.

First of all, the state of Pangu God is related to the current state of flooding.

If the flood famine gradually declines, the Pangu God will slowly wear out over time until it disappears completely.

This is not to say.

The Pangu Great God is using the flood to resurrect himself.

Or maybe he had already thought of this method since the time of opening up the flood waste, but he did not expect that there was a problem with that step of the Heavenly Dao.

As a result, the flood and desolation became more intense each time.

The flood famine is also in this calamity again and again, and it is worse day by day.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be true.

Since the end of the Long Han Tribulation to the current Lich Tribulation, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has thinned a lot, and the blessed land has disappeared a lot.

And when it came to the time of the Feng Shen Measure Tribulation, or the Journey to the West.

There are very few innate auras in heaven and earth, and only some holes and blessed places exist.

to the back.

Even immortals are rarely born.

These are proof that the flood famine is fading.

It’s just that now I don’t know, whether Heaven’s Dao gave birth to self-awareness, or Heaven’s Dao was affected by Hongjun, or both.

This remains to be investigated.

Then there is the resurrection of Pangu God, which needs to increase the level of the flood waste.

Does that mean that he is hiding from the search for some existence with the existence of the flood? If you think about it, there is only the avenue.

But these are not what he considers, these are still a little far away for him.

Now his purpose is to continuously improve the luck of the tunnel, improve his strength, and strive to establish the tunnel as soon as possible, and then transform into shape.

After thinking about it, Su Che still agreed.

For him, upgrading the world level is still very beneficial.

The world level increases, and the luck that the flood can contain, the saints will also be more.

“Well, I look forward to the good news of Daoist friends!”

“This is a fragment of the Creation Jade Butterfly that I have preserved, and I gave it to Daoist friends as a thank-you gift!”

When the words fell, a golden light appeared in front of Su Che, it was the Creation Jade Butterfly Fragment.

Creation of jade butterflies, that is the treasure of chaos.

Even if it is a fragment, it is very powerful, Hongjun can become the first person to become holy, and he is in line with the Heavenly Dao, isn’t it by creating a jade butterfly?

Su Che did not hesitate and put it away.

Creating jade butterfly fragments may play an unexpected role.

[Host triggers hidden missions, upgrades the Flood World, reward: Mixed Element Creation Array! ] 】

At this moment, the system that had been immersed for a long time sprang up again.

And it also brings hidden tasks.

Upgrade the Flood World!

It happened to be the same as Pangu’s commission, and Su Che did not refuse.

And he glanced at the reward.

Mixed Element Creation Array: A medium for the transformation of Reiki, which can transform Chaotic Reiki into innate Reiki…

This reward.

It seems to have been made especially for him.

Isn’t the most important thing to upgrade the Flood Desolation World is the lack of innate aura? After having this formation.

It is possible to transform the Chaos Aura into Innate Aurura.

After the innate aura is sufficient, there will be more and more holes in the Flood Barren Land, and the Flood Barren Earth Vein will also be improved, and the subsequent series will be improved accordingly, just right for him.

Then the picture turned, and he found himself back in the Pangu Temple.

The twelve ancestral witches also continued to practice.


Su Che seemed to have thought of how to arrange the twelve ancestral witches.

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