The answer was a stammering one.

Tsunade answered hesitantly.

But the result was not as much as what Senju Tobirama observed on the street today.


Senju Tobirama stopped Tsunade's useless answer with some annoyance, and the anger in his eyes when he glanced at Uchiha Kage was almost condensed into substance.

How many years has Tsunade been off track with Konoha?

Has he been imprisoned in this cave all these years?

This damn Uchiha!

"Second Grandpa, your eyes..."

Tsunade's mood also eased, looking at the three magatama Sharingan in Senju Tobirama's eye sockets, he asked hesitantly.

She knew how much Tobirama Senju disliked the Uchiha clan, calling them "Uchiha born evil".

How could there be a pair of Uchiha Sharingan now?


Tobirama Senju was speechless for a moment, his mouth twitching.

He stared at the Uchiha Kage beside him angrily.

With his strong perception, he had already discovered the problem with his eyes, but he never mentioned it and pretended that he didn't know about it.

It was because he couldn't accept that he had become half of a "Uchiha born evil"!

"Tsunade, my wife, this is the gift I use to marry you!"

Uchiha Kage certainly didn't mind letting Tobirama Senju continue to be angry, and immediately stepped forward and hugged Tsunade's waist intimately, looking like a lover in love.


"Let go!"

"Damn Uchiha brat! I won't agree to you and Tsunade being together!"



At the same time.

While Uchiha Kage and Senju Tobirama were getting along very happily, there were always some dark-minded guys in the ninja world that entered a short period of peace.

For example, a certain filial son.

The so-called peace period in the ninja world is only relative.

There is no large-scale and wide-ranging war situation like the conflict between several major ninja villages.

There are always some mountain bandits and robbers in every country.

Those wandering ninjas who hold a few ninjutsu in their hands may be decent characters who accept hired tasks and provide protection to their employers in the last second, and then turn around and start robbing and looting.

The ninja world is never peaceful.

The Akatsuki organization, which holds the ideal of building a peaceful world, has never stopped moving forward.

A poor mountain village on the edge of the mountain forest wasteland of the Bird Country.

In the mountain forest ten miles away from this place where no one used to live.

Recently, a group of wandering ninjas came from nowhere and became bandits and kings of the mountains.

The villagers who were struggling to survive were even more unable to survive after their food was robbed by this group of bandits.

The bandits looted and left, and did not kill all the villagers here. It was obvious that they regarded them as a sustainable source of economy.

There was no need to worry that these poor villagers had the money to hire ninjas to deal with them.

But what these bandits could never have imagined was that.

There were actually a group of idiots in this world who were willing to help these mud-legged people solve their problems without even asking for money!

Early morning.

The breeze was blowing, and the moon retreated into the clouds.

A group of Akatsuki members wearing red cloud and black robes moved swiftly through the weedy forest.

All members were in place.

The leader Yahiko observed the layout of the bandits' mountain stronghold in front, arranged the action plan, and waved his hand and shouted coldly: "Start the action!"

Swish! Swish!

Figures left quickly, sneaked into the mountain village silently, and performed their duties according to the plan arranged in advance.

The chirping of insects in the forest became the best cover for their actions.

When the first sound of fighting was unexpectedly heard in the mountain village, there were only a few responses, and it soon became quiet again.

"Leader, everything is solved."

Kousuke walked out of the mountain village and reported to Yahiko.

"The harvest in the mountain village warehouse..."

"Then notify the nearby villagers who were robbed and ask them to move away."

Yahiko nodded and said.

Although the Akatsuki organization is not rich now, their members who are war orphans understand the poverty and suffering of ordinary people in the ninja world best.

A mouthful of food can really keep you alive!

Members of the Akatsuki organization left the mountain village one after another.

Just as Yahiko was about to take them away, a baby's cry was particularly clear in the chirping of insects in the forest.


"Why is there a baby crying in the village?"


A group of

How could there be a crying baby in the bandit's village?

"Let's go! Go in and take a look."

Yahiko frowned.

He led a group of people into the village and began to search for the crying baby.

In any case, they could not leave a baby alone in the forest full of insects.

The bloody smell left in the village by the previous action began to spread over time. The members of the Akatsuki organization were busy looking for the target baby and did not care about these.

The village was not very big, plus the number of people in the Akatsuki organization.

In a few minutes, the entire village was searched, but unfortunately they still only heard the crying baby but did not see it.

"No! This is a trap!"

"I can't extract my chakra, the air is poisonous!"

After a member of the Akatsuki organization found that his condition was a little wrong, he immediately warned his companions around him.

"It's a mixed toxin! I'm running out of strength..."

"Me too."


The Akatsuki members hurriedly checked their own conditions upon hearing this, and their faces turned ugly.

They couldn't extract chakra, and they couldn't use their strength.

Aren't they now fish that can be slaughtered at will?

But the bandits in the village had obviously been dealt with by them, so who set up the trap to target them?

"Let's go! Get out of here!"

Yahiko's expression changed several times, and he gave the order quickly without thinking carefully.

If they continue to stay here, the poison in them will only get deeper and deeper.

But before they walked out of the village, clusters of torches lit up around them, which were very conspicuous in the still dark sky.


"Don't you think it's too late to leave now?"

A vicissitudes of life old man with a white scarf on his head walked up from the team, looked at Yahiko and others greedily with a pair of triangular eyes, and sneered loudly.

"It's you!"

The pupils of Yahiko and the members of Akatsuki shrank when they saw the old man, and they all looked incredulous.

At the beginning, the other party came to them with a humble and pitiful attitude!

Why is he now looking like a greedy villain?

Look at the people holding torches around, they are also the villagers who were robbed by bandits nearby...

But now, there is madness and greed in their eyes!

"Go! Kill these ninjas!"

"If we take away their ninjutsu heritage, we can have our own power and no longer be bullied and robbed at will..."

The vicissitudes of life old man tried his best to persuade the villagers behind him.

A pair of eyes glowed with light, observing Nagato behind Yahiko.


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