The old man was very angry.

"No, it's not..."

The head of the Kusagakure Village panicked when he heard what Jie said.

As soon as he said the denial, he heard a voice that frightened him.

"You have already chosen your own death!" Jie said coldly.

The shadow under him suddenly pulled out tentacles.

He shot towards the Kusagakure senior elders wearing animal head masks behind him!

Puff! Puff! Puff! ...

The enchanting blood-colored flowers bloomed on their chests, and the nutrients for the growth of these flowers were their worthless lives!


The head of the Kusagakure Village fell to the ground.

His fingers trembled as he pointed at Jie, his lips trembled constantly, and he couldn't say the following words for a long time.

He just asked a simple question!

How can there be a way to die?

Can we still play!

"I don't like them wearing these masks."

Jie looked at the village chief of Kusagakure and explained in a flat voice.

Upon hearing this, the village chief of Kusagakure felt like vomiting blood.

If you don't like it, just say it directly, and I'll ask them to change!

You killed me and left me with nothing. How can I be the village chief! ?

"I don't like you as the village chief either."


Upon hearing this, the village chief of Kusagakure felt uneasy.

But he didn't have time to react.

An equally charming blood flower bloomed on his chest.

The village chief of Kusagakure stared at Jie with wide eyes, and the spirit in his eyes quickly disappeared.

Looking at the pedestrians shouting in fear and fleeing in all directions on the street.

Jie's sight quickly caught the red-haired figure in the crowd, and he moved his body and quickly chased after it.

This is a power bank in battle!

Who doesn't want it?


As soon as Yuying saw blood on the street, she fled with the panicked crowd.

Although her hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably, she finally ran back to the utility room where the mother and daughter lived.


Back to the small home, she closed the door heavily.

Yuying leaned against the door for a while before she dared to breathe deeply.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xianglin in the room saw her mother coming back and immediately went to meet her.

As if she saw her uneasiness, she asked with some concern.

"Xianglin, be good, mom is fine."

Yuying looked at her well-behaved and sensible daughter.

The tense heart calmed down, and she gently rubbed Xianglin's head and spoke.

Xianglin squinted her eyes in comfort when being touched on the head.

At this moment, her eyes suddenly noticed a tentacle that emerged from the shadow under her mother's feet, and her little hand curiously grabbed it.


It's hard, but it feels smooth.

It feels very good.

"Xianglin, drop it!"

Yuying finally found the tentacle in her daughter's hand at this time.

Her heart, which had calmed down, suddenly accelerated again, and she shouted in panic.

Xianglin obediently dropped the things in her hand.

Then she looked up at her mother, but only saw a large... bag?

Just when Xianglin's little head hadn't figured out the matter, a flash of red light flashed in front of her eyes, and her consciousness immediately became silent.


"I love to eat rice with toppings..."

Jie looked at the two sacks, one large and one small, in front of him with a happy mood.

With these two power banks, not to mention that his second brother is invincible, even if he is a hopeless person, he can kill him seven times in Changbanpo!


Although he despises the actions of the Kusagakure Village, Jie is not a murderer after all.

He won't do anything that doesn't benefit him!

After collecting his own spoils from the home of the Kusagakure senior elder, he embarked on his journey home with two sacks in high spirits.



"Come on, both of you, do a good job!"

Jie greeted the Konoha gate gods who had already taken up their posts: Shenyue Izumo and Gang Zitie very enthusiastically.

If nothing unexpected happens, the future of these two people will be spent guarding the gate.

After entering Konoha, the eyes of pedestrians on the street would be cast on Jie from time to time. After all, he hadn't tied spoils to the village for a while!

Jie also missed these eyes a little.

Otherwise, why not just reverse the spiritual transmission and store it in the Longdidong Family Quarters?

It's just like the fisherman who passed by his home three times without entering, it's the same principle.

Show off!

Although there will definitely be some hypocritical people among them

People took the opportunity to ruin their reputation in the ninja world.

But when they turned off the lights and got into bed at night, whoever was envious and shed tears in their hearts knew it in their hearts!

And if someone went too far, he would warn that the soap was out of stock!

This side.

Because it was not time for the ninja school to finish school yet, Uchiha Ying lay leisurely on the rocking chair, admiring Xiaonan who was slightly bent over to water the flowers.

Well, this arc.

It's very big.


At this time, Yukito, who came in from the door, saw this and shouted at Uchiha Ying.

When he looked at Xiaonan, he immediately turned to a gentle voice and said, "Sister Xiaonan, this bad guy is secretly looking at you from behind again..."

"I can't control his sight, you can help me supervise him from the side."

Xiaonan straightened up when she heard it.

She rolled her beautiful eyes at Uchiha Ying, pursed her lips and smiled softly.

While talking and laughing, Jie, carrying two sacks, slipped into the yard.

The two stopped talking immediately after seeing this.

He looked at the two sacks and immediately changed his eyes to look at the beasts with disgust, and his eyes kept lingering on Jie and Uchiha Kage.

Hey! ~

Although I already knew that this bad guy liked to kidnap beautiful girls from outside.

The experience of the two of them coming here was similar.

But that small sack was too...??? ?


The workers had no rest.

After placing the mother and daughter in their own house.

Jie set off to the Hokage Building without stopping, looking for Namikaze Minato, ready to continue the previous plan and set off to the dragon vein.

Unexpectedly, he came up empty-handed, looked around (strolling around casually), and finally found him at Minato's house.

"Brother! I called you big brother..."

"Naruto has already returned home from school. After dinner, it will be dark in a few hours and we should go to bed. Can we go tomorrow?"

Minato Namikaze said helplessly with a bitter smile on his face.

Kushina, who was rolling her eyes at the side, was very considerate and directly added another set of bowls and chopsticks to the table.

Very good, very promising!

Jie, who couldn't get a meal at home, silently praised Kushina in his heart, and turned around to join Naruto's army of eating.

Minato Namikaze looked at the two people who were busy eating, and made eye contact with Kushina crazily.

How could he not understand Jie's thoughts of rushing to eat?

He just didn't want to understand. If he understood, he would have to take care of the meal.

Kushina was very speechless and gave Minato Namikaze a blank look in her heart.

With this guy's thick skin.

Can you chase him away if you want to pretend to be confused?



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