The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Slug, please use the reverse summoning technique to summon the main body."

Jie turned his head to look at the slug that was following closely beside him, nodded, and spoke.

As the food chain of the toad, it is really difficult for the slug to come to Myoboku Mountain to treat the toad.

But this is all for free hot pot ingredients!

┐(゚~゚)┌No way!

With a burst of light smoke, the figure of Uchiha Kage appeared in Myoboku Mountain.

"These toads really occupy a good place!"

Uchiha Kage looked around.

After looking at the environment of Myoboku Mountain, he couldn't help but sigh.

He decided to move the "family compound" from Ryuchi Cave to Myoboku Mountain.

Look at this lush forest, bright flowers, sunshine, mountains and rivers...

It's a waste of natural resources for a toad to live in such an environment!



It's all my fault!

Uchiha Ying led a group of robbers and soon came to the temple in the deepest part of Myoboku Mountain.


"This young man... who are you?"

The big toad sage half-squinted his yellow pupils, staring at the group of people entering the temple below, and said in a dazed voice.

Uchiha Ying narrowed his eyes slightly.

Through the perception of the pupil technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, he knew that the big toad sage in front of him was pretending to be stupid, not really suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Moreover, it was just using the crystal ball on its hat to observe what was happening outside!

"I saw it in my dream..."


The Great Toad Sage said in a daze.

A Jie appeared behind the Great Toad Sage without any martial ethics, and kicked him hard.

'Bang'! With a sound.

This powerful kick was like kicking a giant peak, and the Great Toad Sage remained motionless.


Jie's figure flashed away, and he also took away the crystal ball on the Great Toad Sage's hat.

"Memory Stone?"

Uchiha Ying took the crystal ball, released chakra from his palm, and looked at it with some doubts.

According to the principle of the telescope technique, the previous observation of the Great Toad Sage could not escape Jie's eyes, and the problem appeared in this special crystal ball.

With the injection of chakra, the picture soon appeared on the crystal ball.

Uchiha Ying was also shocked when he saw this.

The picture above is actually the past experience of Kaguya's wife!

"This crystal ball can record what happened in the past and now..."

The Great Toad Sage leaned on the backrest and spoke, his voice still so... confused.

"Just the past and the present?"

Uchiha Ying stared at the Great Toad Sage, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

This old toad could predict a thousand years ago that a thousand years later, a blue-eyed young man would call the names of the nine tailed beasts and play with them. Is this ability really what a toad in the ninja world should have?

With such a supernatural ability, it is still willing to shrink in this corner of Myoboku Mountain for thousands of years?

Moreover, the pictures of Kaguya's past recorded above are too complete!

Even the pictures of Kaguya sneaking up on Otsutsuki Isshiki and eating the chakra fruit of the sacred tree are recorded. Uchiha Ying doesn't believe that this toad could record these pictures under Kaguya's nose a thousand years ago!


"Dust Release·Rasenshuriken!"xN

With a wave of Uchiha Kage's hand, a group of Jies all attacked at the same time!

Rasengan with a star-shaped halo flew out of his hand and was thrown towards the big toad sage who was sitting high!

"Ninjutsu·Iron Cannonball!"

The big toad sage was no longer pretending to be confused when he saw this, and immediately spit out a stream of water filled with fairy chakra from his mouth.

Although the quality of the fairy chakra was very high, under the separation of dust release, it only lasted a little longer than ordinary water release.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

A series of halos filled with dazzling white light exploded on the high seat of the big toad sage.

After the explosion, there was no dust stirred up at the scene, leaving only a mottled pit in the original place!

This is not over yet, the shadows spread out under the feet of Uchiha Kage and Jie suddenly spread out, and tentacles shot towards the back of a pillar!


A stream of magical water that was like a cannon broke off several shadow tentacles, and the big toad fairy behind was pierced by the remaining shadow tentacles.

Big Toad

The immortal turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a shrunken toad skin and fell to the ground.

An escape ability similar to Orochimaru's snake shed!


"Wood Release: Thorn Killing Technique!"

Uchiha Kage formed a seal and stood.

He summoned several vine-like woods, which flew out in the blink of an eye and entangled and bound the candle on the candlestick.

A cloud of light mist exploded, and the candle turned into the figure of the big toad immortal.

"Your strength is not good enough!"

Uchiha Kage sneered.

He slightly signaled to Jie beside him.

Jie immediately stepped forward, pressed one hand on the big toad immortal, and performed the spiritual secret technique of the Yamanaka clan.

It was not until Uchiha Kage drank the three drops of Shadow Tears that had just gathered in the black box.

Jie found the fragments about this memory stone from the complicated and boring memories that were as smelly and long as the old lady's foot wraps.


On the Memory Stone that Jie was studying, the scene of the Great Toad Sage accidentally picking up the Memory Stone appeared.


Uchiha Kage:...

"Go to hell! Old Toad!"

"Give me a hard time looking for it..."

Jie kicked the Great Toad Sage away while cursing.

Not to mention, this feeling similar to a soccer shot is really relaxing, and the small toad seems to be somewhat useful...

Uchiha Kage put the black box aside and let it absorb the surrounding natural energy on its own, and took the Memory Stone to study it.

As the chakra injection was adjusted continuously, the picture on the Memory Stone also flickered quickly, becoming complicated and messy.

Most of them were some of the observations and records of the Great Toad Sage over the past thousand years.

The picture flickered for an unknown period of time.

Finally, a picture about the "future" appeared in it!

Kaguya's wife broke out of the seal on the moon; she killed a monk in white feathers; and... got married!!!


Uchiha Kage wiped the Memory Stone.

He licked the beautiful wives wearing wedding makeup on it sincerely.

Of course, Uchiha Kage is not a pervert.

He licked the Memory Stone, not the precious wives wearing wedding makeup...

The Memory Stone with this magical power is most likely a treasure from the Otsutsuki clan.

And the things that need the Memory Stone are most likely non-combustibles that sank into the deep sea of ​​the Ninja Realm for some unknown reason and were later salvaged.

A treasure that can travel through time and space: the plow!



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