The Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked frivolous and lewd, concentrating on the eye-catching scroll on the crystal ball in his hand.

Steam rose, and the clouds were misty.

It was like a fairyland in the sky and a beautiful scenery on earth.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's nostrils trembled slightly, and two hot streams flowed out slowly. Just when he was excited, the harmonious and beautiful picture in the crystal ball was broken by a sudden accident!

I saw a figure suddenly fall into the water from a high altitude, causing a large splash of water, and then it seemed to trigger a chain reaction. The picture exploded with a group of white mist inexplicably, completely blocking the view.

"How dare someone peek into the women's bathhouse in broad daylight? Humph! The security team can't even maintain the security of the village. They are really derelict in their duty!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was in high spirits, was immediately angry. Although the crystal ball could not transmit sound, it did not prevent him from guessing what was happening over there!

Even peeping could lead to such a low-level accident. How stupid!

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and cursed the stupid guy who disturbed his interest.

Hmm? Another picture?

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly adjusted his mood when he saw the crystal ball restore the picture, intending to continue to cultivate his sentiments.

But when he looked over again, his ruddy face turned pale in an instant, and then it was purple for a while, and then it was dark blue for a while...

The picture in the crystal ball was still the same environment as before, but the beautiful scenery inside was completely destroyed:

All I saw were dark-skinned, muscular and hideous men soaking in the pool. Where was the beauty?

Combined with the white mist that inexplicably blocked the screen before, Sarutobi Hiruzen instantly came to a conclusion in his mind: He was spying on this group of rough guys who used the transformation technique to take a bath!

Ah ah ah!

Eyes! My eyes, give me a pair of eyes that I haven't seen before...

"The insidious and cunning Kumogakure ninja! They actually hid in such a shameless and vulgar way..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the picture in the crystal ball, his face gloomy and black.

Such obvious characteristics, there is no one else except the Kumogakure!

And after experiencing such a thing, how much psychological damage must it cause to this old man in his fifties!

"This is..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed that the picture in the crystal ball had changed again, and he looked over quickly.


Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the face of the person who was caught and pressed to the ground by the rough man of the Kumogakure Village in the picture, and he panicked and couldn't sit still anymore!

These Kumogakure beasts actually played castration in Konoha!

"Notify the Anbu, surround the public bathhouse in the commercial street, and make sure to eliminate the Kumogakure ninjas hiding inside!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes were red, and he shouted out of the window with bloodshot eyes, holding the crystal ball with trembling hands.

In just a short moment, the group of Kumogakure beasts had completed the castration with a knife, and began to study the philosophy that made people's anus tighten...

He no longer expected to rescue Asuma.

Suffering such humiliation, living is more painful than dying!


On the other side.

The dark alley at the corner of the public bathhouse.

The shadow clone used his three-magatama blood-red eyes to help construct a more realistic illusion picture.

He stopped until he saw the figure of the Anbu appear nearby, and then dissipated the clone without hesitation, leaving only the quiet alley as always...


The next day.

Uchiha Kage slept until the sun was high in the sky before getting up draggingly.

He didn't pay much attention to the follow-up of yesterday's public bathhouse, but he still heard some gossip from his neighbors.

For example, the Anbu forcibly searched the women's bathhouse on the orders of the Hokage, the family members surrounded the Hokage building to ask for an explanation, and the bathhouse owner demanded compensation for reputation...

In short, it was very lively. I hope Sarutobi Hiruzen can remember this lesson!

For today's schedule, Uchiha Kage has no special plan. He still continues to satisfy his consumption desire as a nouveau riche. The target: the barbecue restaurant run by the Akimichi clan!

If Ichiraku Ramen is a common delicacy that ordinary people can consume on a daily basis at the level of "Shaxian snacks", then the barbecue restaurant run by the Akimichi clan should be a little more high-end, at least it should be at the level of "Haidilao"!

Uchiha Kage, who loves sweets, of course chose the secret barbecue with honey flavor.

During the baking process, the sweet honey will melt and penetrate into the meat as the temperature rises, making it sweet and delicious. At the same time, because of the presence of honey, the surface of the barbecue will present an attractive golden color.

“Sure enough, expensive is expensive.


Uchiha Ying imitated the nobles' behavior on TV, clumsily but elegantly cut a piece of roast meat with a knife and fork and put it into his mouth, chewing it beautifully.

Nouveau riche is too rustic, but elegance never goes out of style!

"Haha! Minato, look at that kid, it's so interesting..."


Hearing someone talking about him, Uchiha Ying stopped his knife and fork and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw Minato, a red-haired woman, and a white messy hedgehog-headed uncle sitting in a seat separated from him by two rows of hollow screens.

With such obvious features, Uchiha Ying naturally recognized their identities at a glance. Judging from the food on the table, the three should have come earlier than him.

"Sorry, Kushina has no ill intentions. I see you are alone. Do you want to come and share the table with us? "

Seeing Uchiha Kage looking over, Minato also made an invitation in a familiar manner.

Uchiha Kage accepted it and brought his own secret honey barbecue over.

"My name is Namikaze Minato, this is my lover Kushina, and this is..."

Minato smiled and introduced Uchiha Kage, but when it came to Jiraiya, he was interrupted by Jiraiya.

"Yes, I am one of the legendary three invincible ninjas, the white-haired boy of Myoboku Mountain, the toad sage Jiraiya-sama!"

After a series of awkward dances, Jiraiya said proudly.

"I know you, the author of Intimate Paradise."

Uchiha Kage sat down without being affected at all, and said calmly.


"Jiraiya-sama, look at what you have done! Such young children know your indecent work..."

Kushina's face turned red instantly, and she turned into a 'blood-red pepper' and grabbed Jiraiya's collar and pulled it back and forth. Minato on the side could only smile awkwardly.

Teacher Jiraiya is indeed too indecent, and has begun to poison the children in the village...

Kushina's temper comes and goes quickly.

"Ahaha~ I didn't expect to meet such a young fan in the village..."

Jiraiya laughed and scratched his head awkwardly.

He didn't expect that the children in the village didn't know him through the legend of the three ninjas , but through the intimate paradise.

How can I describe this feeling... It feels like a glorious image has been shattered in one day.

Damn bookstore owner, how can you sell books to children!

"My name is Uchiha Kage, I am not a fan of Jiraiya-sama, the plot of your book is too lousy, the plot of the recent popular book is cool..."

Uchiha Kage swallowed a piece of barbecue, looked at Jiraiya who was embarrassed and grabbed his hair, and continued to stimulate:

"If Jiraiya-sama doesn't work hard to create better works, he will be completely outdated in the book industry~"

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