The mountains are connected more than ten miles away from Konoha.

A team of six Genin from Konoha was in the dense forest. Judging from their vigilant behavior, they had already entered the pre-war state.

"The commission came from a merchant who often traveled to Konoha. The task was to eliminate the bandits who robbed the mountain. Because it involved fighting, the task reward was 100,000 taels. Is everyone okay with it?"

The experienced middle-aged Genin confirmed the task again before the action as usual.

"No problem, I am very satisfied with the reward."

"I have no problem either."

Several members of the team nodded and confirmed, and they were very satisfied with the task this time.

This kind of C-level mission with a reward of 100,000 is very popular in the village! They are also lucky this time.

"Um, I want to ask, is the reward here divided by head or by effort?"


A strange voice sounded beside them, and instantly made the hairs of several members of the Genin team stand up. They all hid in the nearby jungle and looked at the empty space with doubt.

Where are the people?

It can't be that they all heard it? !

While several people were doubtful, the experienced middle-aged Genin hiding in the bushes felt like falling into an ice cave, cold sweat ran down his back, and the wind blew, the chill was piercing.

The sense of peeping that followed him like a shadow stimulated his brain crazily, and the owner of that sentence was close to him at this time!

"Senior...Senior, I am just an ordinary Genin. Tell me what information you want, and I will tell you what I know..."

The middle-aged Genin's teeth were trembling wildly, and he squeezed out the words with great effort.

Although the career of a ninja is always on the edge of life and death, at his age, when he has experienced the harmony of his wife and children, he always has some concerns in his heart.

"How do you usually distribute the rewards for tasks?"

The shadow of the middle-aged Genin fluctuated, and he followed their clones when he left the village and asked.

It is best to discuss important matters such as rewards in advance. He still likes to be reasonable if he can be reasonable. After all, the pit is really stinky...

The middle-aged Genin thought that the clone would ask him some information about Konoha. After hearing the question, he was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

Damn it!

Asking a few irrelevant questions in advance to disturb his mood, he is encountering a professional interrogation ninja! I heard that the methods of this kind of people are very cruel...

"Our strengths are similar, and the rewards for completing the tasks have always been evenly distributed."

The middle-aged Genin replied nervously, his heart beating fast.

"Oh, then for the seven of us... each person will get more than 14,000 taels, and a string of glutinous rice balls will cost 10 taels..."

The clone counted on his fingers, feeling angry at the miserliness of the original body, but also full of hope for his future.

"Well, for seven people, it's more than 12,000, and the village will charge a 10% agency fee..."

The middle-aged Genin said angrily, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his body suddenly rushed forward.

Swish! Swish! ...

Almost at the same time as he rushed out of the bushes, several kunai shot into the bushes fiercely.

"Endo, how are you?"

Several members of the Genin team asked, alert to the situation in the bushes.

"I'm not..."

The middle-aged Genin named Endo had just felt the joy of surviving a disaster, and was about to get up to reply to his teammates, when he fell into the ice cave again.

A figure strangely emerged from his own shadow!

"Everyone is so enthusiastic in greeting. Let me introduce myself. I am the seventh member of the team. You can call me Jie."

The clone appeared in front of several people and introduced himself generously.

The special name Jie was used because today is a very important day.

From the moment he followed this team of Genin out of the village, he had already embarked on the road of trial to become a real ninja.

Ninjas are destined to face the situation of harvesting other people's lives, which is a very common thing in the ninja world that is used to life and death.

But for Uchiha Kage, who lived in a peaceful society before crossing, this is a difficult process to reshape his worldview and truly integrate into this world.

Dozens of clones worked day and night for a week before finally using the corpses of poisonous insects and beasts in the Death Forest to rejuvenate the beast in their hearts and complete the early psychological construction.

And the group of bandits in today's mission is the nourishment for his real rebirth!

"Jie... We didn't agree to your joining. Ninjas will not easily believe strangers


Several members of the Genin team said as they were about to reach for the shuriken in the ninja bag.

But before they could take it out, the clone 'Zhe' had already turned into a shadow and rushed far away.

He came to inform them, but he didn't care whether these people agreed or not!


"The situation has changed. The mission involves ninjas, which is beyond our scope of response. I suggest giving up this mission."


Several members of the Genin team looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and chose to give up the mission that they had finally snatched.

After all, true courage is to protect yourself.

This side.

After separating from the Genin team, the clone 'Zhe' who was alone nearby naturally had no need to continue hiding his Sharingan.

After looking at a few sparrows from a distance, the sparrows flapped their wings and flew high into the sky, searching with a wide field of vision.

"West? "

The clone 'Jie' saw a sparrow circling in the sky, obviously it had discovered something, and without hesitation, it turned into a shadow and quickly shuttled through the dense forest.

Soon, a village built with miscellaneous wood on the top of the mountain came into his sight.

The village was very dilapidated, and the internal layout was also very messy. The big swords and iron bars were randomly placed on the wall. There was not even a sentry outside the village. From this position, you can even see two drunken bandits making an appointment to release water around a small tree...

This is right. After all, this group of bandits can build their nest more than ten miles away from Konoha, and they obviously don't have any brains.

The clone ' 'Jie' turned into a shadow and quietly slipped into the village. He didn't rush to act, but observed the village first.

Well, it can be confirmed.

The village built on the top of the mountain, the ratio of men to women is 22:0, and the brocade cloth in the grocery pile that is completely out of place with the environment...

It's the bandit.

The clone 'Jie' stared at the neck of the drunken bandit sleeping in the corner of the grocery store. He held his breath and remained silent for a while, and then the fist blade on his arm stabbed steadily.


The bandit whose throat was pierced by the sharp weapon suddenly widened his eyes, and under the backflow of blood, he could only make a nearly silent "ho ho" sound from his mouth.

"Is this killing? It seems to be no different from killing a wild beast..."

The clone 'Jie' drew out his fist blade and looked at the bandit's rapidly solidified look of fear, and his mood was unusually calm.

It seems that he was calmer than when he first hunted and killed the hare?

The clone ‘Jie’ chuckled and walked towards other rooms.

Perhaps he was more suitable for this world than he thought, but the most important thing at this moment was…

Go on a killing spree~

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