After the story was told by Uchiha Kage, the bookstore owner felt that Jiraiya's "Intimate Paradise" series was not so perfect, but how could he easily admit defeat in front of a child?

"What do you know, a little kid? Most of the beauty in the world is similar, the only difference is that everyone's thoughts and circumstances are different. This can only show that Jiraiya's works are more in line with life..."

"Yes! That's right, Jiraiya's works are closer to reality!"

The bookstore owner nodded in approval, and had convinced himself in his heart that Jiraiya's works are the best.

"Sometimes reality is not beautiful, this is the work I want to publish..."

Uchiha Ying shook his head, and did not think of convincing the bookstore owner with words alone. He stood on tiptoe and put the manuscript of "School Time Stop" that he had exaggerated on the edge of the counter.

He raised his chin twice, indicating that the owner could look through it himself.


The bookstore owner looked at Uchiha Ying with suspicion.

He did not refuse at the moment, and picked up the manuscript with a bad mood, wanting to see why an undeveloped child dared to look down on the books in his store and dared to come to his store to challenge.

"This, this..."

The bookstore owner had the purpose of scrutiny, and originally planned to just flip through it roughly, and then laugh at Uchiha Ying's childish ideas, but after just flipping through two pages, his expression became focused, and his mind was completely immersed in the plot.

The humiliating plot of the protagonist in the opening perspective did lack some highlights, but after the protagonist accidentally gained the power to pause time, it took the readers completely into the rhythm of the emotional climax!

Those classmates who had bullied the protagonist, the arrogant class monitor, the arrogant teacher...

In the end, all of them fell helplessly at the feet of the protagonist!

The scene of the rise of a useless person who "goes east for thirty years and west for thirty years" is very emotional. The bookstore owner, who was exposed to this kind of plot for the first time, began to breathe rapidly.

I felt that all the depression in my heart disappeared, and the pores all over my body opened up consciously, and I became refreshed and suddenly enlightened.

And the plot where the protagonist boldly controls the whole world after activating the time-stopping ability is even more exciting. The bookstore owner was trembling with excitement.

“Wow! A masterpiece! This is a masterpiece that can create a new era!”

The bookstore owner took a long breath, reluctant to withdraw his emotions from the plot. Looking at Uchiha Kage, who was not even as tall as the counter, he was full of disbelief, “Did you really create this?”

“Yes! I just made a little effort, and I have surpassed the limit of this era!”

Uchiha Kage crossed his arms and nodded proudly.

The bookstore owner took a breath, his hair stood up, and his eyes became like a pilgrim.

So terrifying!

When his peers were still living in the mud, he had already created this kind of amazing masterpiece that was completely beyond the understanding of this age...

Is this the legendary natural Liu Bei holy body? !

“My little master, please publish this masterpiece here, and I will give you a satisfactory buyout price...”

The bookstore owner locked the manuscript on the counter into the box originally used to hold the new work of “Intimate Paradise” at lightning speed.

The 200-jin body weight turned over the counter very flexibly, and changed its attitude 180 degrees from the beginning, and said with a very flattering expression.

This masterpiece that is enough to create a new era in the book industry, even if it only has a little bit of the leaked oil, can replace all the profits of his store!

And in the circle of aristocrats with a hobby of collecting, the value of this masterpiece manuscript may be equal to a house in Konoha!

"Don't play any tricks, see the family emblem behind me, once I find that the money that should have belonged to me is less, you can experience the power of the Sharingan that the ninja world is afraid of..."

Uchiha Kage pushed away the bookstore owner's fat face that was trying to move up with a look of disgust, and uttered threatening words that made people feel cold all over.

"No, I dare not..."

The bookstore owner shuddered when he heard the words, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and the greed in his eyes also dissipated, and he felt that he had just lost his mind.

He is just an ordinary person, how could he dare to provoke the Uchiha clan, which is famous in the ninja circle?

Seeing that the bookstore owner was intimidated, Uchiha Kage also knew the way of dealing with things, and said:

"Don't worry, I'm not unreasonable. As long as you work hard, you won't lose a cent of the money you deserve. If you want the manuscript, it's yours."

After swallowing a sweet date, the bookstore owner regained his body temperature and began to introduce some common sense about publishing to Uchiha Ying with all his heart and responsibility.

In this era of paper books, the composition of royalties is very complicated. New authors who have not been recognized by the market often print their own money. Only after they have gained a certain reputation by selling their works at stalls or giving them away for free will merchants come to invest in printing.

Almost all new authors are bought out at a low price. Those literary masters who can negotiate a share can get a share of up to 30% of the net profit. After all, there are many people who want to eat this meal on the same profit line.

After a fierce bargaining of asking for a sky-high price and paying back the money, Uchiha Ying, who argued with reason, finally got 35% of the net profit share from the bookstore owner. All the problems in the publishing process were solved by the bookstore owner.

Although the plot setting he adapted is a masterpiece that can open up a new era in the literary world, in this circle, once someone takes a new step, the swarm of latecomers will soon form a wave.

If you can't quickly occupy the market and take an absolute position at the beginning, you will only be submerged in it, and at most make a small splash.

Uchiha Ying is very satisfied to get an extra half of the profit from the bookstore owner.

After all, making money is just a byproduct. His main purpose is to broaden the horizons and imagination of those great writers, so that they can create high-quality works that provide emotional value for themselves.

The issue of publishing has come to an end for the time being. Next, you just need to quietly wait for the share of the manuscript fee to be received, and wait for the new works of those great writers to be released.

After leaving the bookstore, Uchiha Ying returned to the clan.

Seeing that it was still early at this time, Uchiha Ying thought about it, took a step with his short legs and turned to the training ground in the clan.

Many skills are better than nothing.

There is no saying that one trick can conquer all in the ninja world. It is absolutely not enough to rely on the golden finger. Comprehensive development is the kingly way.

As a member of the ninja clan, it is really unreasonable not to learn the ninjutsu that is openly circulated within the family when it is time to enter school.

The Uchiha clan members have different personalities. In order to take care of everyone reasonably, the training grounds in the clan are also designed differently.

For example, the training ground in the deep mountains and old forests is suitable for people with eccentric personalities; or the large public training ground that likes lively socializing...

Uchiha Ying went to the large public training ground.

He wants to catch a lucky clan member here to become his teacher, as the first shot to fire his name of Uchiha Shame!

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