The enemy was trapped in the middle, and the enemy was in a panic.

The masked ninjas around looked at the two people who were trapped in the middle and trembling helplessly, their eyes full of teasing when looking at prey.

"Deal with them!"

The leading ninja gave the order.

A group of people took out shuriken from the ninja tool bag on their backs and shot them at Tsunade and Shizune like diamonds.

Shizune held the scalpel condensed by Chakara in her nervous hands, and she seemed a little at a loss in the face of so many shuriken attacks.

Just at this moment, a kunai engraved with the Flying Thunder God technique flew rapidly from behind Tsunade and the other person. The next second, Minato appeared on the scene with Kakashi and Obito.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Obito, who had already completed the seal, faced the shuriken in the sky and blew out a huge fireball from his mouth, melting all the shurikens that were shot at him into molten iron drops.

During this time, Kakashi and Minato had already rushed into the enemy camp and fought with the enemy.

"Are you impressed by my heroic figure? Don't worry about the next thing..."

Obito turned around and pointed his thumb at himself, pretending to be cool to Shizune who was standing there in a daze. Suddenly, he glanced behind Shizune and saw Zed picking up Tsunade with excitement and trotting away from the battlefield.

Obito: ? ? ?

Why do I feel like I've eaten shit?

You didn't do anything along the way, and you really dare to take advantage of me!

But, it's really big...

"Asshole! Just sit back and watch the show. I'll show you how powerful the Sharingan is when the mission is over!"

Obito's face turned slightly red. He quickly moved his eyes away from Tsunade and shouted at Jie fiercely, then turned around to join the battle in front.

After Shizune came to his senses, he looked at the fight between Minato and the others, turned around and chased Jie who was holding Tsunade.

Jie was naturally in no mood to pay attention to Obito's shouting at this time. Looking at Tsunade's beautiful appearance and soft touch in his arms, he only felt his heart beating very fast.

From this angle, at least one-third of the proud giant can be seen!

But... my body is too weak, right? !

I thought I could walk fast while holding my beautiful wife who weighed less than 100 pounds, but before I took a few steps, Jie felt a little difficult to breathe.

In desperation, he had to lean Tsunade against a tree.

"Ha ha ha! My wife is so soft and beautiful..."

Jie adjusted his position and leaned on the Tsunade brand sofa, feeling the softness on his head and rubbing it with a happy mood.

This is much more comfortable than the pillow he bought before crossing~

Jie's nose twitched slightly, and he whispered: "It just smells like alcohol."

"Hey! You pervert, stay away from Tsunade!"

Shizune trotted over and was furious when she saw Jie leaning on Tsunade's arms with a happy face. She pointed her finger at Jie's nose and trembled.

"How can I be called a pervert if I'm kissing my wife? Do you want to join? I can give you a pillow..."

Jie squinted his eyes comfortably and said with a smile, and suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He looked up and pressed down the softness behind his head, just in time to see a white chin and an angry face.

"Hello, wife..."

Jie smiled and greeted.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, I'm murdering my husband!..."

"Shut up!"

Tsunade shouted fiercely, looking at Jie who was pinned to the ground by her, and then looked at the battlefield in the distance, and asked Shizune: "What's the situation now, who is this lecherous guy?"

When she was in a hemophobia attack, her mind was completely tied up in fear, and she had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

"Tsunade-sama, just when you were having a hemophobia attack, several Konoha ninjas came, I saw the Sharingan, and this guy came with them."

Shizune briefly recounted the situation just now.

At this time, Lin, who was at the end of Team 7, also came over.

"Hello, Tsunade-sama, I'm Nohara Lin, a medical ninja from Konoha..."

Lin looked at Tsunade with admiration and introduced herself.

Tsunade, who reformed the medical ninja system, is an idol worshipped by all medical ninjas in Konoha.

"Is this bastard also from Konoha?"

Tsunade looked at Lin and asked.


Lin looked at Jie who was pressed to the ground, nodded with a wooden expression, and then suddenly shuddered and shook her head.

"You are nodding and shaking your head, what do you mean?"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, her face a little impatient.

"If my wife wants to know,

, let me answer it. "

Zhe who was pressed to the ground for reward also confirmed that he did not have the talent of 'M'. While speaking, his body turned into a shadow and reshaped on the side, saying with full force: "Rather than saying that I am from Konoha, it is better to say that Konoha is mine!"

"A strange bloodline limit? !"

Tsunade was also shocked when she saw this ability for the first time. Then she glared at Jie with her beautiful eyes and shouted coldly, "Konoha belongs to everyone in the village, not an individual's property, including the Hokage! And..."

"If you dare to talk nonsense in front of me again, your bloodline limit will not let you suffer less!"

As if to confirm what she said, Tsunade used her strange power to raise her leg and stepped hard on the ground. Suddenly, the ground began to crack in large areas, spreading accurately to Jie's feet.

"Hey! Why reward the ground for no reason..."

Zhe sighed, looking at Tsunade's foot with a melancholy face.




Tsunade shuddered all over, and the foot she stepped out silently retracted.

It is better to have less contact with this kind of mentally ill pervert...

Except for the leading ninja who is a jonin, the strength of the rest of the enemies is between chunin and special jonin. Minato and the other two quickly cleared the enemies and walked over.

"Tsunade-sama, the third Hokage was assassinated and is now poisoned and in a coma. You need to go back to the village to take action..."

Minato briefly told Tsunade about the current situation in Konoha.

"Old man..."

Tsunade gritted her teeth in hatred, her eyes full of complexity and entanglement.

Before the Second Ninja World War, she was in the jonin meeting. She proposed that each team should be equipped with a medical ninja to reduce the casualty rate of the team ninjas, but it was rejected by the Third Hokage and the group of high-level officials at the meeting.

Later, her brother and her lover died on the battlefield one after another...

If each team was equipped with a medical ninja, would the two most important people to her not leave her?

Tsunade could not know the answer to this question.

But when she saw her lover for the last time on the battlefield, his body was still warm!

The eyes full of attachment did not begin to fade until he saw her for the last time!

He obviously had a chance to wait for her to come to rescue him!

Those Konoha high-level officials were the executioners behind the scenes!

"You go back, I am a medical ninja with hemophobia and I am no longer useful..."

Tsunade bit her lip, and the complex emotions in her eyes finally turned into a self-deprecating bitter smile.

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