The old man was very sad.

"For this position, have you done this far..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked out the window and murmured sadly.

He really didn't want to believe that this heir of the will of fire, who was tough and protected Konoha at all costs, would do such a thing for the position of Hokage.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's sorrow finally turned into a long sigh, and his body, which had not yet recovered, looked even older.

He didn't want to see this old partner continue to degenerate, and he couldn't bear to do it to him.


The Kingdom of Wind.

In the boundless desert, the yellow sand followed the trajectory of the wind and kept circling in the sky, ruthlessly robbing away every trace of moisture.

Even in such a harsh environment with scarce resources and even breathing will choke on the yellow sand, the Sand Village is deeply rooted here.

On the highest bedrock, they dug a valley with manpower and built the village they depend on for survival.

Two figures stood on the endless yellow sand.

"Hey, the price of sand iron purchased by the Craftsman Country has dropped again recently, but the price of gold sand has been stable. I can only trouble you to do more, Luo Sha."

The third generation wind shadow shook his head tiredly, with a lot of sand iron just mined from the desert at his feet. He reached out and patted Luo Sha, his elite guard and student.

With the full support of the daimyo of the wind country, the village was selected and established with strategic significance and the harsh environment of wind and sand. But he never expected that the person who inherited the daimyo would be such a stingy miser!

Located in a vast desert, almost all the survival materials in the village have to be purchased from the outside world. Without the financial allocation from the daimyo, it is impossible to rely on task commissions to support the village's financial expenditure!

The Wind Country is sparsely populated, so the number of task commissions is naturally small. The neighboring countries outside are also adjacent to the Earth Country and the Fire Country, and the competitive pressure is huge.

Seeing the increasing deficit of the village's finances, he, the third generation Kazekage, was so worried that he took his guards and students to mine in person, but he couldn't subsidize much financial income.

So he still had to go to the daimyo of the Wind Country to find a solution...

"Luo Sha, I have to go back to the village to arrange the itinerary for the next few days and meet with the daimyo to urge this year's financial allocation. If you are tired, come back to the village together..."

"Lord Kazekage, I will be fine after a rest."

After the third generation Kazekage put the iron sand into the storage scroll, he said hello to Luo Sha. Seeing that he refused, he carried the scroll and left alone.

They were in the heart of the desert of the Wind Country, so they didn't have to worry about encountering danger.

The third generation Fengying was walking against the yellow sand, but suddenly saw a familiar figure in the wind and sand. As the distance got closer, he finally saw the person clearly.


The third generation Fengying was slightly stunned, walked up to him, and asked, "Did Elder Chiyo ask you to come to me?"

He has watched this grandson of Elder Chiyo grow up since he was a child.

Xie lowered his head and remained silent without answering.

The third generation Fengying didn't care, after all, Xie had always been this dull and taciturn character since he was a child.

"Come back with me, you have been out for too long, Elder Chiyo should be worried."

The third generation Fengying took Xie's hand and was about to go back to the village.

But his hand sank, and Xie's feet did not move at all. As soon as he turned his head in confusion, he felt a needle-like pain in his hand.


The third generation Kazekage frowned and pulled his hand out reflexively.

He looked at the stinging area and found nothing unusual, so he didn't think much about it.

"Scorpion, let's go, don't be in a daze."

The third generation Kazekage patted Scorpion on the shoulder and pulled him back to the village. This time Scorpion followed him.

But after a few steps, the third generation Kazekage had double images in front of him. When he realized that something was wrong, his body was paralyzed by the poison.

"Scorpion, you! Why..."

The third generation Kazekage knelt on one knee to support his paralyzed body, looking at Scorpion in front of him with disbelief.

Why would this taciturn new generation genius boy, who is hailed as the future of the village, poison him?

"You ask why..."

"The failure of the village in the Second Ninja World War was because of your incompetence as the third generation Kazekage! The people who died in that war... including my parents, were killed by your incompetence!"

Scorpion looked at the third generation Kazekage with hatred, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

“The strongest wind shadow?

“Before you become my art, let me show you my ultimate technique!”

“Red Secret Technique: Hundred Machines!”

As he spoke, Scorpion opened a storage scroll and instantly summoned hundreds of puppets.

The moment they appeared, the chakra lines that were almost invisible to the naked eye were connected to them, controlling the puppets to move.

“Scorpion, you still have time to turn back now!”

The Third Kazekage was stunned when he heard the reason why Scorpion hated him, and he couldn’t help but shout when he saw that Scorpion was going to make mistakes.

At the same time, he extracted chakra and was alert to Scorpion’s next move, but Scorpion’s poison was very strong. Not only was his body paralyzed, but even the extraction of chakra was strongly blocked.

“Turn back? I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, just be my art. "

Scorpion said calmly, and used chakra lines to control hundreds of puppets to deploy in front of him.

Then the puppet's chin opened, and countless fine poison needles formed a rain curtain, completely covering the third generation of Kazekage within the attack range!

The third generation of Kazekage controlled the sand iron to form a semicircular shield in front of him.

It was just that due to the blockage of chakra operation, this shield would have some holes from time to time.

The poison needles in the sky shot into the body of the third generation of Kazekage through the holes.

When this rain curtain of poison needles completely settled, the third generation of Kazekage had fallen lifeless on the yellow sand.

Scorpion walked over expressionlessly.

Looking at the third generation of Kazekage who had lost his life, he did not feel like avenging his great hatred.

When Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, he had already lost the real goal of revenge.

After putting the body of the third generation of Kazekage and the puppets into the sealing scroll, Scorpion was lonely. The back figure slowly disappeared into the yellow sand.

After Tsunade had been away from home for several years, she did not rush to leave after returning to the village.

Without the gambling money, Tsunade began to wander aimlessly on the street, observing the changes that had taken place in the village over the years.

When it was getting dark, she pulled the dog-skin plaster "sucker" to buy a lot of food and sake.

At night, the Senju clan.

After the decision of the clan leader Senju Hashirama to integrate into Konoha, this once prosperous ninja clan has completely disappeared after decades of changes.

Even Tsunade, the last person to inherit the Senju surname, only has a family mansion left.

Tsunade was not a diligent housekeeper. After simply cleaning up a room in the dusty house, she moved in a table and put food and wine on it.

"Shizune, don't bother, we'll leave after staying overnight. "

Tsunade stopped the busy Shizune, sat down and pulled off a chicken leg, and ate it with a mouthful of wine and a mouthful of meat.

She found that being stuck by the shameless dog-skin plaster was not a bad thing, at least she didn't have to worry about losing all her money and having no money to eat.

Shizune has suffered a lot these years. Her favorite food is cheap and filling brown rice.

"Come drink with me, it's your money anyway..."

Tsunade was bored drinking alone, so she opened a bottle and handed it to Jie.

"Wife, I'm still young like Shizune, I can't drink, I'll use milkshake instead."

Jie pushed the bottle back, holding a glass of milkshake and clinking glasses with Tsunade.

"Speaking of which, you are an old cow eating young grass, or someone like me who is willing to spend money on my wife, you really make a profit..."

Tsunade Shizune:???

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