The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

During war, every second counts.

An hour after Minato and Jie came out of the Hokage's office, a ninja team of a thousand people had assembled and set off in a mighty manner through the gate of Konoha.

Jie, who was standing with Minato's team, looked at the team behind him. He knew a lot of people, but few of them had names in the original book.

The first one was Shisui, who was only half a year older than him.

Shisui, who had passed his seventh birthday, had opened the bloodline of the Uchiha family, the Sharingan, and directly had double magatama because of his father's death.

The second was Yuhi Shinku and his daughter, Yuhi Kurenai, who would be called the little widow of Konoha in the future.

As for Asuma Sarutobi, who was in the same class as Kurenai Yuhi, he had been arranged by his father Sarutobi Hiruzen to train in the Fire Temple, which guarded the daimyo's mansion.

It was a bit sad, but understandable.

After all, human nature is selfish, of course, except for licking dogs, because licking dogs do not understand human nature. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

The atmosphere of the advancing team was quiet and depressing, and even Obito, who was lively and eccentric, was also silent. After all, no one dared to guarantee that he could come back alive from the battlefield.

"What are you looking at!? I can't give you my Sharingan!"

Obito noticed Zed's sight and immediately hid in the direction of Minato.


Zed looked at Obito in confusion.

When he saw the helpless smile on Minato's face, he instantly realized that it was what he said in the Hokage's office that Obito knew.

"Tsk tsk! Who cares about your eyes when you can't even beat my clone..."

Zhe smacked his lips in disdain, then pointed his mouth in the direction of Shisui and said, "See, I opened my double magatama at the age of seven, and no one wants your Sharingan even if you give it away for free!"

If it was before, he might have some ideas about Obito and Shisui's Sharingan, but now, sorry, the original ones are better!


The front line of Konoha Sand Village.

With the entry of Iwagakure Village, the intensity of Sand Village's attack has also increased, and the number of casualties on both sides has gradually increased.

Konoha Front Command.

Danzo sat in the tent, looking at the sand table map in front of him, with the flame of ambition burning in his eyes.

Because of his cowardice, he lost the position of Hokage, which made Danzo unable to let go for a long time. Now, in the eyes of others, it is a battlefield of blood and flesh, but in his eyes, it is the best ladder to gain fame and ascend to the position of Hokage!

Especially after hearing the news that the frontline defense forces of Konoha were losing ground on the battlefield between Konoha and Iwagakure, Danzo was more determined to fight a quick victory on the battlefield of Sand Village.

Only in this way could he move the battlefield faster and accumulate the highest military exploits and reputation on the battlefield. So soon after Danzo arrived at the front line, Konoha changed its previous defensive position and began to take the initiative to attack!

The frontline battlefield between Konoha and Sand Village fell into a state of decay in the blink of an eye. On the long front line, both sides had to carry away many corpses from various positions every day.

The 69th mountain forest position near the Rain Country.

Uchiha Takashi and two ninjas in the clan who had become familiar with each other were on a branch on a cliff.

With the cover of leaves and the terrain, the enemy's motives can be observed in a hidden situation.

"Hey! Kurasuke, you said there are so many people in the clan, why was I selected?"

Uchiha Takashi sighed with a decadent face and asked towards the bushes beside him.

He didn't like fighting, and since he was about to become a father, he naturally hated participating in such dangerous things.

There were clearly a group of fanatics who were eager to come to the clan meeting, so why did he, an honest man, win the prize! ?

"I hope the war will end sooner and sooner."

Uchiha Kurasuke held the ninja sword, looked at the defense line of Sand Village in the distance, and said indifferently.

Another Uchiha Jonin leaned against the tree boredly, listening to the two people's conversation with his ears erect.

Suddenly, he noticed something strange, and the three-magatama Sharingan suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked at the dense forest under the cliff.

"Something's going on!"

Uchiha Jonin shouted at the two.

Under the powerful dynamic capture of his Sharingan, he clearly saw several puppets quietly climbing up the branches of the dense forest under the cliff!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Uchiha Jonin instantly formed seals with both hands, opened his mouth and spit out a huge fireball at the puppet in the dense forest below.

When he shouted, the puppet's master also knew that he had been discovered, and controlled the puppet to


The puppet opened its strange mouth and shot out dense poison needles towards the people on the cliff.

Unfortunately, after falling into the fireball, it was quickly melted, leaving nothing behind.

"Damn it! Konoha's bloodline ninja is really hard to deal with..."

The Sand Village puppet master with a cloth wrapped around his face cursed inwardly.

"Since the sneak attack failed, the strong attack is the same!"

In front of the Sand Village position, Ye Cang was not upset after seeing that the people he arranged did not succeed in the sneak attack. It was originally an idle move, and it would not be a big problem if it failed.

"Attack, let Konoha see the strength of our Sand Village!"

After Ye Cang said to the Sand Village ninjas around him, he took the lead and rushed towards Konoha's position.

Then, those Sand Village ninjas also followed in large numbers.

"Scorch Release Master Ye Cang! Sand Village is going to use our position as a breakthrough point..."

Uchiha Jonin saw Ye Cang's figure and the majority of the nearly 100 ninjas under the cliff, and his face immediately turned ugly.

Perhaps because of the geographical location of their position, Danzo didn't pay too much attention to it. There was only their team of ninjas responsible for vigilance nearby. Facing the aggressive Sand Village, they were obviously unable to resist!

Once these Sand Village ninjas break through from here and enter the Land of Fire, it is unlikely that they can sneak attack the front-line forces from behind, but the logistics supply of Konoha will most likely be in danger!

"Go! We must pass the information here to the front-line command..."

Uchiha Jonin made a decision after analyzing the situation in front of him.

Uchiha Xiaonao and Uchiha Kurasuke naturally had no objection. After hearing the order, they shot shurikens at the Sand Village ninjas approaching quickly under the cliff, and then turned around and evacuated.

"How could I let you go back to report?!"

Ye Cang looked at the backs of the three people and sneered.

She quickly formed seals with both hands, and while she was still in the air, several orange fireballs appeared around her body and chased after the three people together with her.

Scorch Release: Oversteaming and Killing!

Ye Cang controlled the fireballs and chased after the three people at an extremely fast speed.

Wherever the fireballs passed, the trees on the path were instantly evaporated, leaving only a wisp of shriveled rotten wood.

Some bloodline ninjas can dominate the battlefield to an inhuman level!

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