After dealing with the Iwagakure jonin, Jie turned around and joined the battle again. After snatching a few heads from the Konoha support troops that arrived one after another, the position was completely pacified.

"Is that the Byakugan of the Hyuga family?!"

"The other one I haven't seen looks like the Sharingan of the Uchiha family..."

As soon as the battle stopped, the surrounding Konoha ninjas began to whisper about Jie's eyes that were revealed in front of them for the first time, with hatred suppressed in their eyes that was difficult to conceal.

The theft of Konoha's seal book and the secret techniques of the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Chou had already made all Konoha ninjas dissatisfied with him.

Fortunately, when Jie fought with the Konoha ninja, he was very measured and no casualties occurred. In the absence of any way to deal with him, they had no choice but to bury their dissatisfaction deep in their hearts.

But now Konoha's organic bloodline boundaries have begun to be stolen and robbed by Jie. There must be casualties among the villagers behind this, but they have no means to deal with Jie!

"Jie, your eyes..."

Minato also looked at Jie in the field solemnly.

Just wanted to ask, but then he thought, with the importance of the Hyuga clan to the Byakugan, if their Byakugan was stolen, they would have made a fuss long ago, and the Uchiha clan's Sharingan had never seen such a thing.

Think about the mission to find Tsunade back to the village. Everyone pretended to be mediocre on the way, but he wanted to make it very distinctive...

"Is it an illusion?"

Minato breathed a sigh of relief and asked aloud.

They have been getting along very well for more than a year. He often invites Jie to his home. If Jie endangers his fellow villagers for the bloodline, he really doesn't know how to deal with it. Jie smiled noncommittally. "Is it a genjutsu?" Yuhi Shinku in the crowd murmured and nodded. He did feel the special chakra flow from Jie's eyes. "Fortunately, fortunately..." "It turned out to be just a genjutsu!" The surrounding Konoha ninjas were relieved when they heard it. After all, if Jie would be ruthless to the people in the village, they might not be able to stand here in peace. They should worry about the safety of their families left in Konoha! After a small episode. After Minato and several Konoha jonin learned the latest intelligence from the front line from Meimura Yejuan, they began to assign tasks to the support troops separately, striving to take back the front-line positions taken by Iwagakure and drive the Iwagakure ninjas out of the territory of the Land of Fire. The Konoha support troops who received the order were divided into small teams and launched operations along the front line towards the border of the Land of Grass.

With the new powerful army joining the battlefield, the war between Iwagakure and Konoha became more intense, and new battles occurred almost every moment.

With the addition of Minato, Konoha had an advantage on the front battlefield, but the Iwagakure side quickly changed its strategy and completely gave up the front battlefield.

Combine powerful jonin and special jonin together, and use the form of a sharp knife to break a hole in Konoha's defense line from time to time, blocking Konoha's counterattack and waiting for the arrival of follow-up troops.

Konoha Iwagakure front-line command tent.

Nara Shikaku, who was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen to assist Minato, sat at the table, looking at the map in his hand and thinking for a long time, and suddenly his eyes shone with a nearly tangible brilliance.

"Yes! The supply route of Iwagakure Village must pass through here!"

Nara Shikaku picked up a pen and circled a place on the map.

"Kannabi Bridge!"

"Minato, we need a team to break through the defense line of Iwagakure, penetrate deep into the enemy's belly, destroy the enemy's support base, and cut off the supply route..."

Nara Shikaku looked at Minato and said solemnly.

Needless to say, the danger of such a mission that can almost turn the tide of the war is naturally dangerous. The team that carries out the mission cannot be weak, and it also needs to have strong mobility.

And in Konoha, no one can match Minato in terms of speed!

Minato is undoubtedly the best executor of this mission, but he happens to be the commander of Konoha's front-line troops...

"Shikaku, you are more suitable for the position of front-line command than me. I feel relieved to have you here."

Minato smiled at Nara Shikaku, and then said with a serious face: "I request to hand over this mission to our team."


"No buts! Shikaku, now Konoha is fighting on two fronts, and Kirigakure has just ended the civil strife, so there is no need to worry too much, but the Hidden Cloud Village is always a threat."

Minato looked into Nara Shikaku's eyes and said.

Anyone who knows something about the Hidden Cloud Village would not believe that the Hidden Cloud Village would behave as it does now.

So quiet.

Their Daimyo and Raikage, and even the entire ninja village, have a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards war.

As long as they see the benefits, they will intervene. They can be said to be the existence of the ninja world.

Only by quickly solving the problem of Konoha's current two-front war can Konoha face the next ninja world in a better state.

"I know."

Nara Shikaku looked at Minato's serious eyes, nodded, and said: "From the beginning of your action, I will let the front-line troops increase their offensive and try to divert the enemy's attention..."

While the mist in the early morning was still spreading, Konoha's front-line troops suddenly increased their offensive, leaving Iwagakure completely confused.

In a place where no one noticed, several members of Minato's team bypassed the Iwagakure defense line, hid in the dense forest, and began to move towards the target location 'Kannabi Bridge'.

As for Jie, he would naturally not miss this battle that triggered the Fourth Ninja World War in the original work, but this time his shadow was replaced by the key protection object, Lin.

Along the way, the group was cautious and tried their best to hide their tracks, but this place was in the hinterland controlled by the enemy after all.

Near noon, they ran into a group of six Iwagakure team.

"Quick fight, quick decision!"

Minato made a prompt decision and fired a kunai to take a life.

When he cut the neck of the second enemy, the other enemies were also killed by Jie and Kakashi respectively.

"The situation here can't be concealed for long, we have to speed up next!"

After simply hiding the enemy's body, Minato said calmly.

Then, the group gave up hiding and sped up their pace.

Things were just as Minato expected. Less than half an hour after the group moved forward, they noticed something unusual behind them.


While running, Minato and Obito exchanged glances, and Obito instantly understood and left the team with Minato.

When a large number of kunai were shot out from the dense forest behind, Obito suddenly raised his head and spit out a large fireball that had been waiting for a long time!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

When the kunai was melted into molten iron by the high temperature flames and fell to the ground, Minato had already dealt with the enemy chasing from the tree.

"A mere Iwagakure, it's no match for me!"

Obito and Minato caught up with the team, holding their glasses with a smug look on their faces, boasting about themselves.

A tentacle instantly spread and slapped him on the back of his head.

"A mere Obito, it's no match for me!"

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