After dealing with the high-ranking members of the Sand Village and their trusted guards in the village, Ye Cang easily took over the Sand Village with his previous reputation. Those Anbu ninjas who stayed in the Sand Village also chose to abandon the dark and join the light because of the loss of conscience and morality of the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa. "You should spread the news of the village to the front battlefield as soon as possible." In the Kazekage building, Ye Cang said to several Anbu members in front of him. As long as the Sand Village ninjas on the front battlefield know what happened in the village, they will definitely want to get away from the battlefield and return to the village to find out. Even the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, who planned everything, would panic after hearing the news of what happened in the village and would no longer think about the war in front of him.

In this way, the Sand Ninja troops on the front line would naturally find a way to get out of the chaos.


Several Anbu responded.

They looked at the three unfamiliar figures beside Ye Cang and did not dare to ask more.

After the Anbu ninja left, Ye Cang's amber eyes looked at Jie on the side.

"Be careful when you act, the elite guards around the daimyo are not weaker than the jonin of the five major ninja villages..."

Ye Cang warned.

In the ninja world, there are very few ninjas who target a daimyo of a country. This is easy to be jointly pressured by daimyo of other countries, and become the target of a mission with a bounty from major ninja villages and underground gold exchange offices, and enemies everywhere.

If it were not for the continuous setbacks and pains suffered by the villagers in the past six months, and a strong shot of cardiac stimulant was needed next, it would be difficult for Ye Cang to agree with Jie's idea.

"Don't worry, dear!"

Zhe made an 'ok' gesture.

Holding the map of the Wind Country, he turned into a shadow and left the Wind Shadow Building in a chic manner.

"Take me to see the One-Tailed Jinchuriki of your village. I will need the tailed beast in the future."

'Uchiha Madara' said to Ye Cang.

"Your purpose of approaching me is not just for the tailed beast of Sand Village, right?"

Ye Cang's beautiful eyes were expressive, and he smiled lightly at the corners of his mouth, and said jokingly.

"Hehe, I am a lustful person, and I approach you mainly because of my lust! Let's talk about letting your student be my concubine..."

Another Jie took over the conversation and said with a smile.

"Shut up!"

Ye Cang rolled his eyes with a sullen look, and said unhappily.

Then, Ye Cang took the lead and led the way to the prison where the One-Tailed Jinchuriki Bonfuku was imprisoned in Sand Village.

Ten minutes later, several people came to a temple-like building.

"I heard that the One-Tail Jinchuriki has been imprisoned in this temple since birth, and it has been decades so far..."

"There are rumors that the Jinchuriki of other ninja villages are active in the ninja world... Oh!"

Ye Cang shook his head with emotion.

This kind of life that has been imprisoned in a limited environment since birth for decades is enough to make people tremble. This is another person who was "sacrificed" by the village!

The environment inside the temple is not large. After a while, several people came to the prison where the One-Tail Jinchuriki Fenfuku was imprisoned.

In the prison, an old monk who sat cross-legged and had white eyebrows and beards sensed the arrival of the people, opened his eyes that did not match his age, and looked at Ye Cang and others.

"I'm sorry that I can't entertain the distinguished guests. I hope you will forgive me."

Fenfu clasped his hands together and nodded to Ye Cang and others.

Ye Cang's Sand Village forehead protector obviously made him think that they were all ninjas in the village.

"Let the little guy in your body come out and see me!"

'Uchiha Madara' said.

Without waiting for Fubuku to reply, a magic Sharingan directly made his spirit fall into a deep sleep.

"Fubuku! Wake up..."

Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, shouted in the mental space.

"Shukaku, don't worry, I'm fine."

After Fubuku in the mental space woke up, he responded softly.

Just as Fubuku's eyelids in reality began to twitch and he wanted to open them, the violent tailed beast chakra began to spread rapidly around Fubuku's body, and a large amount of sand flowed and gathered around...

"Shukaku you..."

"Shut up! I won't hide behind an old bone!"

Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, responded loudly.

The sand around gathered quickly, and Fubuku's body underwent huge changes that were visible to the naked eye, from the limbs at the beginning to the thick and ferocious tail...

Soon, a huge raccoon dog with curse marks all over its body broke through the temple's prison and appeared in front of everyone.

"Hurry up and solve it, the village will be in chaos soon.

. "

Ye Cang looked at the one-tailed Shukaku in front of him and said to Jie beside him.

That is, she had seen with her own eyes how Jie easily controlled the three-tailed Isobu of the Hidden Mist Village, otherwise she would never bring Jie here.

The current Sand Village can't stand the destruction of a tailed beast!

"Don't worry!"

Jie nodded to Ye Cang.

Then, while using the Mangekyō Sharingan to control the mind of the one-tailed Shukaku, he also projected his own mental power into it.

"Be quiet for a while. "

After entering Shukaku's spiritual space, the spiritual power directly selected the target, and the spirit of Fubuku who wanted to wake up Shukaku was directly silenced.

Outside, in reality, 'Uchiha Madara' looked at Shukaku who was motionless in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

After summoning a contract scroll, he directly and forcibly signed a summoning contract with him.

After doing all this, Jie also took back the spiritual power that was invested in Shukaku.

Fubuku, who had woken up, was about to wake up Shukaku who was controlled by the illusion, but the palm of 'Uchiha Madara' outside had already activated various chakra cyclones, and he printed a palm on Shukaku's body.

"Four Symbols Seal!"

Suddenly, the huge Shukaku turned into a surging chakra ball again, and disappeared in an instant.

Only Fubuku's body and the newly appeared Four Symbols Seal curse seal were left on the spot.

"Master Fubuku, please forgive me, I will have people repair the damaged temple as soon as possible. "

Ye Cang said to the awakened Fenfu.

Then he turned to look at Jie beside him, and after seeing Jie nod, he said:

"The seal of the tailed beast has been reinforced. Master Fenfu can walk around the village if you are bored..."


On the other side, Jie, who was heading to the daimyo's mansion in the Wind Country, took two and a half days to finally cross the vast desert and enter the largest livable oasis in the Wind Country.


"As expected, rich people can live a life of luxury no matter what era or what kind of harsh environment they live in..."

Jie walked through the bustling streets and came to the daimyo's mansion, which covered a large area and had luxurious buildings, and couldn't help but sigh.

Even the garden-style gardens of the shogunate officials that were lined up nearby were much more luxurious than the mansions built by the main body in Konoha!

You must know that most areas of the Wind Country are vast desert environments!

"Shit! Make money! Still have to make money! The house at home can't even support a hundred wives..."

Jie looked at the Daming Mansion in front of him with envy.

Jealousy made him look completely different!

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