The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Gather all the ninja teams on the front line and go back to the village with me!"

Luo Sha shouted in a low voice.

His face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were filled with dense bloodshot.

He knew that he was finished now, and there was no place for him in the Sand Village, but he was full of unwillingness!

Unless he personally verified the authenticity of the news, he was unwilling to accept it!

Luo Sha's order was quickly implemented, and the Sand Village ninjas on the front line of the battlefield were now thinking about returning to the village as soon as possible to find out.

In less than half an hour, the Sand Village ninja troops were packed up, and the team evacuated towards the Wind Country in a mighty manner.

Since everyone was worried, the Sand Village Ninja Army marched very fast.

Silence all the way, one afternoon three days later.

Luo Sha led a group of Sand Village Ninja Army braved the flying sand and finally arrived at the gate of Sand Village.

Ye Cang and his men naturally paid close attention to the marching position of Luo Sha and the Sand Village Ninja Army. Before they arrived at the gate of Sand Village, they waited there early.

When Luo Sha and his men arrived at the gate of Sand Village, they saw Ye Cang and his men and the Anbu Ninjas guarding the side.

"Ye Cang is really still alive!"

"So that news is also true? The fourth generation Kazekage Luo Sha and those Sand Village high-level people sold Ye Cang to the Mist Village!?"


The Sand Village Ninjas following Luo Sha couldn't help but widen their eyes, their faces were extremely ugly.

While discussing, they also took the initiative to distance themselves from Luo Sha and Ebizo.

The fan-shaped siege cut off the two's retreat, and a pair of sharp eyes shot at them like sharp swords.

Unlike their families who stayed in the village, most of whom were ordinary people, in the eyes of these Sand Village ninjas, they didn't care much whether they were deceived by the village's top leaders.

For the village, some sacrifices are necessary.

What they care more about is that the Kazekage and the top leaders of Sand Village actually betrayed the heroes who died for the village!

Is a village that even betrays its own heroes really worth their efforts and even sacrifices? !

Today, it was Ye Cang who was betrayed by the Fourth Kazekage and the top leaders of Sand Village, but who knows if the same thing will happen to them tomorrow! ?

They can accept dying bravely on the battlefield for the village, but they can never accept this kind of backstab from their own village!

"Ye Cang you..."

Looking at Ye Cang standing in front of him, Luo Sha's last bit of luck in his heart also disappeared, and his eyes completely lost color.

"Humph! Didn't expect that I could come back alive? The desolation of Sand Village is all because of you and those high-ranking members of Sand Village who only think about conspiracy all day long!"

Ye Cang looked at Luo Sha with hatred and contempt in his eyes.

As the wind shadows of Sand Village and the high-ranking members of the village, these people don't think about how to revitalize the village and make it more prosperous. They think about playing power and grabbing profits all day long.

It would be strange if Sand Village could live well with such people occupying high positions in the village!

"You think too naively, Ye Cang!"

"The village is surrounded by yellow sand deserts. All resources must be supplied from the outside. With the current poverty of the village, only by launching wars to plunder enough resources can the development of the village be promoted..."

The eyes of the surrounding Sand Village ninjas made Luo Sha lower his head uncomfortably, clenching his fists and tightening and loosening them, trying to find excuses for his behavior.

"Oh? Then you sold me to Kirigakure for the sake of the village, taking advantage of my trust in the village!"

Ye Cang's mouth curled up slightly with a hint of sarcasm.

For such an enemy who did such a despicable and dirty thing, it is necessary to expose him to the wind and sand of the desert and let him be judged under the gaze of everyone to vent her inner anger!


Luo Sha lowered his head speechlessly, wanting to find a crack in the ground to hide himself completely.

This kind of thing would be despised and despised in any village.

This matter alone is enough to nail him and the high-level Sand Village who made the decision to the pillar of shame of the Sand Village!

At this moment, many Sand Village ninjas who were originally staring at Luo Sha and Ebizo suddenly sensed the movement from far to near in the wind and sand behind them, and could not help but shift their sights.

While everyone was waiting, soon, a camel team passed through the yellow sand and appeared in front of everyone.

's sight, heading towards the Sand Village.

"That's... the envoy team of the Wind Country Daimyo Mansion?!"

The Sand Village ninjas looked at the symbol of the Daimyo Mansion on the camel team in astonishment.

Every year, except when the village frequently urges for financial allocations, the Daimyo Mansion's team will drag on to their Sand Village. Where can you see people from the Daimyo Mansion at other times?

Ye Cang saw the camel team of the Wind Country Daimyo Mansion, and his heart was relieved.

The arc of the corners of his mouth became even more, and even the corners of his eyes could be seen with an obvious smile.

It seems that the plan of the Daimyo Mansion is going smoothly.

With such a strong shot of cardiac stimulant, the Sand Village can lick its wounds with peace of mind and smoothly get through this period of pain.

"Ah~ Make way, make way! The welcoming team doesn't need to be so enthusiastic..."

Official Daoheng, who has been in charge of the relevant issues of Sand Village, looked exhausted. With the help of his servants, he got off the camel with difficulty and came to the gate of Sand Village.

"I won't go into the village. Who among you is Ye Cang?"

Daheng patted the dust on his body and asked everyone in Sand Village.

Upon hearing this, everyone in Sand Village made way and turned to look at Ye Cang.

Daheng also looked over with everyone.

"As expected, he has the demeanor and bearing of a Sand Village hero! Even the Daimyo has heard of it."

"The Daimyo has agreed to let you serve as the fifth Kazekage of Sand Village. This is the financial allocation that has not been paid last year, as well as the financial allocation for this year and next year, which will be delivered to you together..."

"The Daimyo also specifically instructed that Sand Village can contact the Daimyo's Mansion for any needs in the future. The Kingdom of Wind will definitely fully support the development of Sand Village."

Inahiro walked quickly to Ye Cang, handed over a few storage scrolls, bent over and smiled flatteringly.

God knows how shocked he was when he received this task in the Daimyo's Mansion, and his worldview almost collapsed!

Is this still the stingy Daimyo?

If the guards of the Daimyo's Mansion had not shown any abnormality, and he had still drunk plain water at the banquet in the Daimyo's Mansion, he would have thought that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind had secretly changed people!

Only those who have personally experienced the stinginess of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind can understand the shock in his heart.

As for this woman who could make the stingy daimyo become generous as an exception, he could never be too careful in treating her!

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