
Yukimura serves.

Under the realm of selflessness, the power of the serve has made a qualitative leap.

It's too much more powerful in terms of speed and power.


Tennis landing.

The amazing power made the ground tremble, and then rolled up a thick smoke and dust.


Strike the tennis ball back.

But Yukimura's demeanor made Fuji raise his eyebrows.

The other party actually raised the racket behind him, and the familiar body instantly made Buji think of Sanada.

That's right!

It is Sanada's posture that fights like the wind.

And the next moment.

Yukimura's actions confirmed the conjecture.

It is indeed Sanada's swiftness.

And that power is even faster than Sanada's.


The tennis ball smashed behind him.


"Was that Sanada's swift wind just now?"

"Shhh! I was beaten out by Yukimura!"

All around, countless people exclaimed.


Sanada's eyes flashed slightly.

He didn't care that Yukimura used the selfless mysteries to strike his wind, and even its power was stronger than his fight.

In his opinion, as long as it can be defeated, it is worth it.

"Is it already possible to use the power of selflessness to this point?"

Buji raised his eyebrows.

Although the realm of selflessness can allow the use to hit other people's tricks, Sanada's wind cannot easily hit even if he masters me, let alone exert more powerful power than Sanada.


Yukimura 620 is accomplished in selflessness.

I'm afraid it's only one step away from entering those three doors.

But Yukimura, Fuji also knows.

Even if he is highly accomplished in selflessness, it is difficult to open those three doors.

It's not about talent.

On talent.

During the third period of the country, he crushed countless people in Japan, and until Echizen awakened seamlessly, he was the first person in the country.

Yukimura of this strength, his talent to open the three doors of the deep level of the selfless realm is almost more than enough.

The reason why it cannot be turned on.

It is because Yukimura is too obsessed with victory, and it is also true for himself.

For Yukimura, an unwinnable duel is almost meaningless.

This inner confinement imprisoned Yukimura, dooming him to not go too far on the road of selflessness.

Of course.

It may also have something to do with Yukimura's choice.

In the original work, the reason why Yukimura abandoned the realm of selflessness is because the realm of selflessness consumes too much physical strength.

In other words, Yukimura felt that he could become powerful even if he did not use the realm of selflessness.

This cannot be said that Yukimura chose the wrong one.

After all, Yukimura can become so strong in the original book, perhaps part of the reason is that he gave up selflessness and concentrated on playing his own tennis.

It can only be said that in the later stage, he was gradually surpassed by some people.

For example, it was surpassed by Echizen in the national competition.

After that, he was surpassed by Tezuka.

However, everyone's path is different, because the path taken is different, resulting in different final achievements.

Of course.

This is not to say that you cannot become strong without taking the path of selflessness.

Many strong people in this world do not become strong because they have mastered selflessness.

Like Byodoin, like Polk.

These people are not taking the road of selflessness, but their strength is not all outrageous.

So Noji just said that it is difficult for Yukimura to open those three doors, but Yukimura's achievements in the future will definitely be very high.


As this thought flashed through Fuji's mind, Yukimura served again.


He also once again used Sanada's wind.

The last time Fuji didn't receive it, it was because he didn't expect that Yukimura actually used Sanada's wind through selflessness, and its power was even stronger than Sanada's.

But this time, with a certain psychological preparation, Buji did not lose points as before.

After all, Sanada's wind is not a big threat to Fuji, even if Yukimura is stronger than Sanada, it is only slightly more threatening, and it is impossible to make Fuji unable to parry.


A crisp sound.

Tennis was directly taken by Fuji.

"Is the wind not working?"

Yukimura's eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment.

In his arm, a raging flame like magma burst out.

"If the wind doesn't work, then fire!"


Moment. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Yukimura's figure slammed directly into the air, and with the swing of his racket, a blazing flame wrapped around the tennis ball slammed into Fuji.

"Even Sanada's fire came out!"

All around, exclamations rang out.

However, Buji's eyes did not make too many waves.


The power of fire is very strong, and Yukimura is stronger than Sanada because of his strength, and the fire he strikes is even stronger than Sanada.

But for Noji, the threat is not much (ajcj).


One step out, no two to face the fire that fell out of thin air.


The moment the rackets collide, the rackets tremble for a moment.

The next moment.

It is that calm has been restored.



The tennis ball turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards Yukimura Cave.


Yukimura shot.

This time, he used Sanada's wind.

Not only that, but after that, he even Sanada's Lin came out.

It can be seen that in order to win, Yukimura is open.

He didn't care at all that he was playing Sanada's trick, and like Sanada, in his opinion, as long as he could defeat him, it was worth it.

But can the Wind Forest Volcano defeat it?

This obviously can't!

After all, the current strength is more than one and a half stars stronger than Yukimura.

If Yukimura is on the fifth floor, then Noji is on the seventh floor, or even higher.

This gap is not something that can be bridged by a single trick.



Several times in a row.

Yukimura's attacks were all blocked by Fuji, and no matter how fast Yukimura's attack was, Fuji easily took it.

"Can't this shake the other party?"

Lihai Daizhong.

The faces of people such as Marui changed slightly.

At this moment, they finally understood why Sanada said that they had not fought with Fuji, and they could not experience the strength of Fuji!


The strength of the two is quite amazing.

Where is this kind of strength like what a middle school student can have.


"This kind of strength!"

At this time, Yukimura, who attacked again without success, frowned tightly.

Although the strength shown by Fuji in the elementary school student competition a few months ago was also very strong, how could he maneuver, and even forced out no two or three tricks.

That is, brown bears caught in the net, pneumonia returned to the nest, beluga whales.

But this time the duel, not only a single trick is useless, tightly relying only on the strength of the foundation, he is even difficult to shake the slightest.

Even if he even used the realm of selflessness, he even used the power of selflessness to hit Sanada's wind forest volcano, which could not be shaken.

To say that Yukimura was not hit is false.


At this moment, Yukimura was devastated.

Once again, the situation turned out to be like this.

And Yukimura's change in expression was also seen by Buji.

But he didn't say anything.

Because tennis is cruel in itself.

Since Yukimura chose to challenge him again, he naturally had to accept this outcome.

Therefore, Buji only glanced at it lightly, and then he attacked again.


"Game! No, 1-0!"

Soon, the first inning was over.

Except at the beginning, because he didn't expect Yukimura to play the wind and lose a point, in the subsequent duel, Fuji almost did not lose a point.

"So strong!"

The audience and people from other schools also felt the strength at this moment.

Not a strong word to describe.

It is bottomless and powerful.

They didn't expect that this Yamabuki's first-grade minister Buji Zhou Suke's strength was so strong.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of strength is the first person in the country.

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