"How is it possible!"

On the court, looking at his ball that touched the net, Yukimura's face changed slightly.

His shot failed to cross the net.

Buji smiled at him and said, "Your five sense of extinction is indeed powerful, but if the ball you play can't cross the net, I think even if the five sense of extinction is strong, it won't be able to play any role!" "

That's right!

What he did was his fifth type of return ball hundred-armed giant guard.

The tennis ball is given a double spin by the front and back of the racket, so that the opponent's return ball cannot cross the net.

Although Yukimura's strength is very strong, he was only Kuniichi during this period, not as strong as in the original work, and it was almost the same level as Shiraishi in the Kokuichi III period.

Even if it is stronger than Shiraishi, it is not much stronger.

Naturally, this move of the hundred-armed giant guard can still work against Yukimura.




Count the balls in a row.

Yukimura's return ball hit the net.

As for the scoreline, it also came to 3-0.

"Lie! None of Yukimura's balls could get past the net! "

The people of Lihai looked at this scene, and their eyes showed an unbelievable look of "nine five seven".

Although Sanada's reaction was not as great as the others, he was also surprised by this scene.

Just using the front and back sides of the racket to give the tennis ball a double spin made it impossible for Yukimura's return ball to cross the net.

In such a short period of time, Fuji actually developed such a powerful move.


On the court, the lost sense of touch and hearing returned to his body.

As a human being, the spiritual level of Buji can be said to be unusually powerful, although he was hit by Yukimura's five senses before, which made him lose his sense of touch and hearing.

But after that, Yukimura's shots were almost entirely on the net.

During this time, Er Ye did not continue to bear the impact of the five senses.

Naturally, his lost sense of touch and hearing returned.

"Do you still think you can win?"

Fuji walked towards Yukimura.

"Not necessarily!"

However, Yukimura's answer was slightly surprised, and the other party said lightly: "Your move is indeed very strong, and it can make the ball I play unable to cross the net, but as long as I can crack your move, then the dominance of the game will return to my hands!" "

I have to say that Yukimura is Yukimura.

Even if he was suppressed by Fuji to this point, he had no intention of giving up.

On the contrary, the fighting spirit in his eyes is even stronger.

As for Fuji, he didn't expect Yukimura to be so persistent, and he chuckled, "Then I'll see it!" "



No two serves.

Later, after the tennis ball was shot back by Yukimura, he once again used the hundred-armed giant to guard it.

As for Yukimura, he is fighting with Fuji while trying to crack Fuji's hundred-armed giant guard.

And I have to say that Yukimura this guy is quite powerful, although he is not as strong as the original China III period in this period.

But with each attempt, his return ball is also rising.

Especially at the end of the game, his return ball actually rose to the edge of the net.

Although it still hasn't crossed the net, it can be seen that it is fast.

Next time, I'm afraid Yukimura will be able to overcome this trick.

"It's Yukimura!"

Lihai Dazhong, many people saw this, their faces were happy.

Even Sanada's face could not hide his joy, he clenched his fists, and said excitedly in his heart.

"There is hope!"

On the other side, Yamabuki, Chiseki spoke: "Although so far, Yukimura has not overcome this trick, but with repeated attempts, he has actually raised the position of the ball back to the change of the net!" This guy is also quite powerful! "

"Awesome indeed!"

On this point, Tezuka maintains the same opinion.

Being able to do this in just two rounds, Yukimura's strength is beyond reproach and quite strong.


"It seems that you have already got the hang of it!"

Although Yukimura has not yet conquered his move, he knows that he should be able to overcome it in the next game.

Because in the national competition in the original work, Shiraishi won the trick with repeated attempts.

And Yukimura took less time than Shiraishi, and he did it quickly in just two rounds.

Should I say that it really deserves Yukimura?

Even if he is not much stronger than Shiraishi during this period, his ability to crack the opponent's unique move is still outstanding.

"Since I said this trick to overcome you, it will naturally not disappoint you!"

After Yukimura said this, he turned around and walked to the bottom line, and he walked towards Fuji.

"When I break your trick, my five senses will work again!"

"Let's take it! No two! "

Say it!

Yukimura lifted his racket and swung it down at the tennis ball.


A sharp hit sounded, and the tennis ball turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards Fuji.

The premonition has indeed come true.

After that, his hundred-armed giant guard didn't work.

On the other side, successfully breaking through the 200-armed giant guard, Yukimura said with a warlike look: "Then it's my turn to fight back!" "


Tennis is struck out by Yukimura.


He also once again activated the five senses, intending to deprive the five senses again.

But...... His five senses have not yet officially taken effect. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The counterattack made Yukimura stunned in place.

It's not just Yukimura.

The same was true of the people who stood at the University of the University and the many other schools present.

Looking at the tennis ball that fell from the sky like a pop pillar of light, after landing, it brought a miracle like fireworks.

Their eyes were also round.

"What was that just now!"


On the court, Yukimura slowly turned around and looked at the tennis ball that popped off the court behind him, and his pupils shrank.

"What kind of ball was that?"

On the other side of him, Buji smiled and said, "You're right! After conquering my hundred-armed giant guard, your five senses of destruction can indeed take effect! "

"But I never said that right now is my full strength!"

"In addition... I have more than one move that can make you unable to fight back! "


Hearing this, Yukimura's face immediately changed 0.........

When he turned around, his gaze was also mixed with a hint of disbelief.

The previous battle turned out to be not the full strength of the best.





Yukimura, who hit several balls, was helpless.

As for the score, it also came to 5-0!

No two ahead.

Four sparks, but two directly beat the game to the end of his own game.

"Well... So strong! "

Don't say Yukimura.

Even the people standing on the sidelines and the people from other schools present were shocked by the strength of the match.

Is this really the strength that a middle school student can have?

There are few people in high school who are better than this!

But that's what it is.

The strength of the two is so strong.

And these people present are right, not to mention the middle border now, even if the high school world can be stronger than him in strength, there are only a few.



“game! No two wins, the score is 6-0! "

Three minutes later, another goal fell.

The game is also over.

"It's so strong! It's 6-0 again! "

All around, exclamations rang out.

In the last singles match, Tezuka's strength was enough to shock them.

Sanada, who is also the second-in-command, was directly kept a clean sheet.

But what they didn't expect was that this singles and the duel between the two school ministers turned out to be like this.

Yukimura was also kept a clean sheet.

Yamabuki's singles strength is also too strong!


On the court, Yukimura smiled bitterly. 4.5

I have worked hard to defeat the two so far, but the result is that the duel once again lost even worse than the last time.

"Challenge me next time!"

Fuji did not sympathize with Yukimura.

As he said before, tennis itself is extremely brutal.

Since Yukimura challenged him, it was natural to accept this result.


Putting away the racket, Fuji turned and left the court, leaving Yukimura alone on the court.


Yukimura also turned around and returned to the team.

But at this moment, he seemed to have been drained of strength, and the whole person looked quite weak.

As you can see, this match hit Yukimura hard.


This scene fell into Sanada's eyes, causing his brows to frown.

But he also understands Yukimura.

In addition, Sanada himself is not the same.

With the heart to defeat the best, he was strongly defeated by Tezuka.

"Don't worry! I'm fine! "

Yukimura, who returned from the team, flashed a reluctant smile to Sanada, and then he left alone.

It's just that it looks like it's okay.

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